Bed placement according to Feng Shui: what to do if this is impossible

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to furnish an apartment in accordance with Feng Shui methods. This technique came to us from China. About a thousand years ago, attentive Chinese noticed that depending on the location of objects (trees, rivers, mountains) in nature, a place has different energy. Thus, a person feels more comfortable in some conditions, but completely uncomfortable in others. Then they began to choose a place to live, using certain techniques to ensure a prosperous life. I think you yourself have noticed that different places have different atmospheres. But have you ever asked yourself the question: “What does this depend on?” The Chinese would answer this: The basis of all life on Earth is Qi energy. This is a cosmic force and everything in our world is its manifestation. The more of this energy is attracted, the happier a person becomes.”

Choosing a bed according to Feng Shui is quite a responsible matter.

When buying a bed, it is better to choose furniture that is less bright and does not scream luxury.

In addition, the time of birth of a person can help with the choice of direction: those born in winter are better off sleeping with their heads to the south, in summer - to the north, in spring - to the west and in autumn - to the east.

Now Feng Shui is a popular trend when arranging an apartment. If this technique has not bypassed you, then in this article you will find information on how to place a bed according to Feng Shui. After all, we sleep in the bedroom, and our well-being depends on the quality of sleep. It is important to organize proper rest, especially in these times of bustle and worries.

It would be a good idea to take into account the recommendations of specialists in selecting furniture for different age groups, married couples, newlyweds, and children.

To have a good rest and sleep, you just need to position the bed correctly.

Feng Shui sleep

The bedroom is considered one of the main rooms, as this is where you can relax or unwind. And a person devotes one third of his life to sleep. Experts of this technology are sure that the quality of sleep depends entirely on the arrangement of a person’s sleeping place.

In order for there to always be peace and harmony in the family, the bed should be chosen with one mattress; there should be no divisions on it, since they always mean future discord in the relationship.

One of the most important rules is that you should never place your bed in front of a mirror, otherwise health problems may arise.

To properly arrange the bed, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists. In this article we will reveal the secret of which actions will be wrong.

  1. It is absolutely forbidden for the bedroom and bathroom doors to face each other. This can ruin your relationship with your significant other.
  2. It is not recommended to paint walls in dark colors. Such shades will absorb vital energy, and this can negatively affect health.
  3. Place less furniture - do not clutter the space. Also make sure that the sharp corners of chests of drawers or bedside tables do not point towards the bed. You may have bad dreams.
  4. It is not recommended to install mirrors - a sleeping person should not be reflected. This rejects the Qi energy.
  5. Also avoid metal objects. They produce electromagnetic radiation.
  6. The abundance of plants is considered unfavorable. Limit yourself to one or two. Do not install fireplaces or aquariums.
  7. Do not clutter the space under the bed - it should be free.
  8. According to Feng Shui, you cannot lie with your feet facing the exit.

In addition, the bed should be chosen in the correct shape and size so that the couple can sleep comfortably.

Many experts argue that the head of the bed should be directed in a direction favorable to the individual.

The practical side of the issue

In practice, it is better to sleep with your head on the side opposite the window. There are several reasons for this. They are all quite objective:

  • drafts and street noise penetrate through the window opening;
  • a good night's rest can be disrupted by lightning, moonlight and sun rays;
  • when choosing such a position, a feeling of insecurity and serious danger appears on a subconscious level;
  • If unforeseen situations arise, there is a risk that the glass in the window opening will break, and this will negatively affect health.

Based on this, it becomes clear why you should not sleep with your head towards the window.

Tips and tricks

We have discussed a number of factors that are contraindicated. Now it’s time to look at the list of tips. The location of the bed according to Feng Shui should follow the recommendations presented below.

  1. It is better to paint the walls in various colors of the pastel spectrum. However, a few red details can help maintain passion between husband and wife.
  2. The space above your head should be free - do not sleep under shelves or curtain rods.
  3. Furniture items must be made of natural wood;
  4. Place the bed with its back to the wall - this will give you a feeling of support and protection. Don't place it in the middle of the room.
  5. The size of the bed should be commensurate with the bedroom.

She should dominate in the bedroom.

If the house is undergoing redevelopment, then the bed in the bedroom should not be located next to the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Following these simple rules will ensure you a restful and healthy sleep.

Briefly about Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a traditional practice of organizing space, primarily for China, but also for other countries in this region. It is based on the belief that everything around us is permeated with flows of energy.

Using these threads incorrectly can lead to failures, illnesses and similar problems. If you take into account their location and organize your space correctly, you can achieve improvements in finances, health, personal life and other areas.

Favorable directions

The question of where to sleep with your head is more complex. An individual approach is important here. Different directions cause different effects. To figure out which bed arrangement is right for you, check out the following list.

  • North. Choose this direction of your head if there is a lack of calm and tranquility in your life. It is also recommended if a person is sick. The northern direction promotes recovery.
  • Northeast. Suitable for indecisive people. If you find it difficult to make decisions, then place the bed so that the head of the bed faces northeast.
  • East. We recommend it to those who feel a loss of strength.
  • Southeast. Suitable for modest and uptight people. If you suffer from various complexes, then sleeping in this direction will help you become more self-confident.
  • South. But the south promises material wealth. However, you will have to sleep alone at night.
  • Southwest. This direction will help you become more practical.
  • West. Attracts interesting events into life. Relevant for those who are tired of daily variety. Additionally, the West can help married couples increase their attraction to each other.
  • Northwest. This direction awakens leadership qualities.

Naturally, natural wood is considered the best material for making a bed frame.

As a rule, children are much more susceptible to the influences of the outside world, so the choice of a crib must be more careful.

Sleep with your feet towards the window

There are no special wishes about the position of your legs relative to the window. It seems that sleeping like this is not forbidden. But according to ancient legends, as you know, at night there is devilry going on outside the window; evil spirits can look through the window and, at best, take away your sleep, giving insomnia in return.

A window opening, like a door, is a portal to another world, another dimension. In order not to activate other worlds, it is better to move your feet away from the window.

There are also jokes about this: if you sleep with your feet towards the window, you can simply catch a cold, because there is often draft and blowing from the window.

Four animal method

In the ideology of Feng Shui, there are 4 cardinal directions. Chinese philosophers noticed that all forms of landscape can be classified into 4 types. These 4 species are named after animals that are sacred in China:

  • East - green dragon;
  • West is a white tiger;
  • South – red phoenix;
  • North – Black turtle.

Waterbeds in the bedroom are absolutely unacceptable, because they embody the confrontation between two elements - fire (electricity) and water.

The closer to the ceiling, the greater the excess of qi energy and, moreover, there are a lot of harmful gases under the ceiling.

To make your dreams peaceful, surround your bed with images of these animals. We install a figurine of a dragon on the left, and a figurine of a tiger on the right. To protect your peace of mind, hang a red bird image in front. And accordingly, in the back there is a picture with a turtle.

Round and hydromassage beds are not recommended. The shape of the bed must be correct, as well as the shape of the room.

This is why the installation of bunk beds should be avoided.

Eastern approach: the opinion of yogis

Eastern philosophy has several requirements for how to sleep. Particular attention is paid to cosmic energy, which passes through the body during night rest. Yogis are of the opinion that you should not place your bed opposite the door. In this case, the energy of the sleepers disappears along with the air flow.

It is worth noting that philosophical teaching did not prohibit sleeping with any specific part of the body towards the window.

Much more attention is paid to the side of the world, and not to the window opening. It is believed that the head should be placed towards the north and the lower limbs towards the south.

Bed shape

Choosing a bed for a favorable sleep is an important matter. The size of the sleeping bed can be: 220x150 cm, 220x190 cm, 220x220 cm, 220x240 cm. The height of the bed should be low.

A high headboard instills a sense of security and symbolizes one of the protective spirits - the Turtle; it should always be higher than the footboard.

The bedroom is the most important room in the house, since it is during sleep that a person is most susceptible to the influence of negative Sha energy.

It will be more difficult to choose the right headboard. To choose it, analyze your social status. You can also be guided by your element. For example, if you work as an official, choose a backrest with a rounded headboard. For workers, square backs are considered more favorable. A bed with a wavy headboard is well suited for creative people.

There are several more options for backrests: curved in the middle, double curved (allowed only for a married couple), a backrest called “Dragon and Phoenix”.

You should also not buy a bed where there is a desk for studying at the bottom and a place to sleep at the top.

Shells and various smooth curves are also considered good shapes. The higher the headboard, the better.

An old-fashioned four-poster bed is considered auspicious in Feng Shui.

That is why, to create reliable protection, you need to know not only how to properly decorate the interior of the bedroom, but also in which direction to place the bed.

There are many rules for arranging a bed according to Feng Shui. But remember that your well-being may depend on compliance with these standards. The higher the quality of rest, the better you will feel. And how much strength will be added! Use the rules of Feng Shui for your bedroom and sleep peacefully!

A bed on wheels is not recommended because it symbolizes restless sleep and also reminds you of a hospital.

Perhaps this is the most important rule in decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui.

Influence of cardinal directions

There is another method for arranging a bed in Feng Shui. All cardinal directions have different effects on a person’s physical and emotional state, his thinking and energy level. If a person wants to improve something specific in his own life, then the bed is placed on the side most suitable for this.

If you turn the head of the bed to the north, then the person will develop intuition and paranormal abilities. People who constantly make mistakes, succumb to emotional impulses and do rash acts are advised to sleep on the north side.

Those individuals who consider the material side of life very important do not sleep on the north side. When the bed is placed on the northeast side, one develops intellectual abilities and receives a good education. It is advisable to sleep with your head on this side for pupils, students and those individuals who are engaged in science, but have problems understanding information. Those people who constantly work with their heads should not sleep on this side; they need proper rest at night. If a person does not fall asleep from thoughts and ideas, then he should also give up the northeast. The eastern side is suitable for almost every person, especially if he has reached old age

People in the east sleep peacefully and well, fall asleep quickly and feel rested in the morning. However, newlyweds should not relax on this side: their sex life will decline, their relationships will deteriorate, people will rapidly move away from each other. The southeastern side is suitable for those individuals who are unable to achieve a certain result for a long time. This side develops determination, perseverance and willpower. It is advisable to place a bed in the southeast for those who want to climb the career ladder, entrepreneurs and losers. The south side allows you to establish communication with others, contacts, will help you make new and very useful acquaintances, communicate with relatives and friends. If it is difficult to find an approach to people, then place the bed with the head of the bed facing south. It is recommended to rest on the southwestern side for people who have problems in their personal lives and relationships with their chosen one. If a person has long dreamed of meeting his soulmate, then it’s time to go to bed on this side. It opens love chakras and activates energy flows. Married couples will also be able to mend long-discorded relationships. The west side is great for people who are concerned about health problems. Soon you will be able to achieve the long-awaited recovery and forget about many troubles. If a person often suffers from loneliness, is in a state of depression, or feels depressed, then they choose the northwestern side for sleep and rest. If you go to bed this way, you are guaranteed a great mood in the morning.

If you follow the rules of the great Chinese sages and the teachings of Feng Shui, then you take care not only of the correct location of the bed, but also of other factors in the room. It is valuable to choose the right color scheme for the room, correctly arrange other furniture in the bedroom, purchase special talismans and, first of all, enjoy life in any situation!

How not to post

When considering the question of how to place a bed correctly, do not forget how it should not be placed. Let's list the main "don'ts".

The bed should not:

  1. Stand directly next to the window and on the “draft line” between the window and door openings.
  2. Reflect in the mirror.
  3. Stand with your feet towards the door.
  4. Be located close to outlets, TV, and large household appliances.
  5. Be under an open beam, a huge chandelier, or other large interior elements.
  6. You should not place shelves and massive paintings above the sleeping area. If you really want to hang something, it’s better to limit yourself to a small photo in a frame.

The rules of Feng Shui will only be beneficial if a person is tuned in to perceive positive energy. No amount of advice will help someone who constantly grumbles. Change yourself, try to perceive everything that happens around you more positively. And then Feng Shui will definitely make your life better.

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