How to fold a dollar to attract money? Tips from Reiki master Natalia Vesna

Today's life motivates, giving the possibility of existence to the great ambitions and huge boundless desires of people. That's why people today want to get rich more than ever. Of course, you can get rich in the usual way: start your own business, get a well-paid job, get married successfully. But it is not a fact that the luck that comes to you will last forever. Wealth and success should not be based solely on luck.

There are a number of commandments related to money that most of us try to strictly adhere to: we should not steal, we should not default on debts, we should not waste money, etc. Of course, money never rains like gold from the sky, except in fairy tales. They come into our hands from well-marked roads. But if we help them find their way, there will be more of them, and we will be happier.

Such a helper is magic . Magic spells, rituals, amulets. Dream interpreters have always talked about people's desire to become richer.

For the rituals to work, you really need a burning desire.

But don't become a slave to money!

It is very dangerous. When thinking about money, do not dream about having it in large quantities. It is better to dream of a decent life, to acquire all the necessary and valuable things.

  1. The magic of one dollar
  2. The magical power of the American dollar
  3. Mysteries and secrets of the American dollar
  4. The meaning of Masonic signs
  5. Main secret

Lucky banknote

Most esotericists are inclined to one opinion: money brings money. That is, to become rich, you need to find a lucky bill.

Which banknote is lucky?

Take a close look at the banknotes you have. Namely, the letters and numbers on them. The happiest ones are those that have letters with your initials or the first letters of your name.

If you find such a banknote, then you should put it in your wallet and not spend it again. It is believed to attract wealth.

The happiest bills are those that have letters with your initials or the first letters of your name.

Lucky numbers on banknotes

As for numbers, the most favorable numbers are considered to be 8 and 7 . If you find a bill with the number 8, then put it in a secluded place and do not spend it. But with 7 it’s a little more difficult. It is believed that to attract money there must be at least three of them on a bill.

The combination - 128 also carries strong energy .
These numbers must be located one after another. This is the only way they will help improve your financial condition.

The meaning of Masonic signs

Historians have different conclusions and assessments regarding Masonic dollar signs.

For example, an unfinished pyramid consisting of 13 steps - the number of American states at that time. The fact that the pyramid is truncated, that is, as if not completed, means that the world order has not yet arrived, it is still being built. At the bottom of the pyramid is the expression “Novus Ordo Seklorum”, translated as “New World Order”. The All-Seeing Eye of the Great Architect of the Universe is watching over the construction of this new order. The inscription at the top: "ANNUT COEPTIS", interpreted as "He (God) blesses our actions." As you can see, dollar signs have a universal meaning.

On the one hand, according to Masonic concepts, the pyramid is a symbol of the world order; Masons very often used such a symbol in their documents. Historians claim that the symbol of the unfinished pyramid is not a Masonic invention. This symbol has been found in the history of many ancient peoples that predate Freemasonry. The all-seeing eye was also found in many ancient cultures. The eye is a symbol of the ancient Egyptian God Ra, who signified the very creation of life and power.

Masonic dollar symbols

On the right side of the American note is an eagle with a shield with 13 stripes (13 states) with an acacia branch - this is a sacred masonry tree that symbolizes the strength of Masonic tradition and organization (some historians believe it is an olive branch) with 13 leaves and 13 buds of blooming flowers .

The eagle symbol also does not belong specifically to the Masons. Even in ancient Egypt, the eagle symbolized victorious power and was depicted with an olive branch of glory, an impenetrable shield and many arrows. These are all attributes of state power.

The eagle holds 13 arrows in its left paw, which represents the strength and will to pacify all those who threaten the nation, and this threat is directed not only at external enemies, but also at internal ones who undermine the stability of the 13 states. In its beak the eagle holds a ribbon on which is written the Latin inscription “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, consisting of 13 letters. This inscription can be interpreted as "Unity in Diversity" or "One of Many". It is believed that the first interpretation of the inscription speaks more about modesty, and the second - about pride. Americans prefer the second interpretation.

How to fold a dollar to attract money

The dollar is a lucky banknote. To make a very powerful money attraction, you need to fold it correctly into a triangle.


  1. Take the bill and fold it in half lengthwise. This line will be your main guide for the next steps.
  2. Place the dollar so that Washington's portrait is facing you.
  3. Then you need to fold the top left corner so that its corner is exactly on the main line.
  4. Then take the lower left corner and bend it so that its corner is aligned with the top of the bill.
  5. Now you need to bend the right side of the bill diagonally so that there is a pyramid on top.
  6. Wrap the remaining piece and stick it inside.

Video instruction: how to fold money into a triangle

Echoes of antiquity

The version about dollar symbols borrowed from Ancient Rome sounds very convincing. Its clear relationship can be traced with the designation of the ancient sestertius (a silver coin worth two and a half pounds of copper). The second name of the sestertius “Libra-Libra-Semis” (“Pound-Pound-Half”) was a prerequisite for the appearance of “LLS” or “IIS”. As a result, the duplicated letter began to cover the subsequent one, provoking the appearance of the final dollar symbol. The theory is quite worthy of attention, especially considering the particular popularity of ancient Roman themes during the Enlightenment. Take, for example, such realities of American political reality as the Capitol or the Senate.

Money code

To increase the strength of the dollar in your wallet to attract money, you need to write your money code on it. Take a pen and paper and start counting.


  1. The number of your birthday, if it is one digit, we leave it as is, if we reduce it from two to one, for example, 23 = 2+3=5
  2. We do the same with the month of birth (if from two, add it to one, if from one, leave it like that)
  3. We reduce the year of birth to one number, for example, 1995= 1+9+9+5= 24=2+4=6
  4. We add up all three numbers that we received from previous calculations and reduce the resulting result to one.
  5. 1-day, 2-month, 3-digit of your year, 4 is the result of all the numbers added to one.


Let's take the date 12/09/1986

  • Birthday – 9 (leave as is)
  • Birth month 12=1+2= 3
  • Year of birth 1986=1+9+8+6=24=6
  • The result of all added numbers is 9+3+6=18=1+8=9
  • FinCode= 9369

Read about what a person’s personal financial code is in the article “How to calculate a financial code by date of birth?”

Fincode activation

You have calculated your money code, what next? What to do with him? How to activate and update it?

You have your own personal Money Code, which can be used in different ways to attract money into your life, but first, an explanation. You can activate and update your money code on the New Moon, as well as during the Waxing Moon. But it’s better on the day of the New Moon to feel an increase in the influx of monetary wealth. Usually the results are felt about a month after activation. Next, you will need to update it. To renew means to charge it with energy. Those. The money code does not change every time, it stays with you for life.

In addition to writing the dollar code, you can also use other methods.

Activation and update options:⠀

  • You can use your money code in passwords for social networks, bank cards, phone PIN codes, etc. Most importantly, remember about safety, for example, combine your code with letters. Or, if you change the password on the card, then do it only for literally a day or two on the New Moon, this will be enough, because... PIN codes are four-digit, and, accordingly, it will be dangerous to use it permanently.⠀
  • You can write your money code on your wish card - in the Wealth sector on the New Moon or on the Waxing Moon. Thus, you will attract monetary abundance to yourself.⠀
  • You can write out your Money Code on a piece of paper and put it neatly in your wallet. Keep it in it constantly and charge it every New Moon along with your wallet.

Description and symbolism

The $2 bill was issued in honor of the 200th anniversary of the United States of America (1976). It was released in various states between 1996 and 2006. There is an image on it that symbolizes the victorious Confederation over the Northern Union. The front features Thomas Jefferson, who was the third President of the United States and created the country's Declaration of Independence. The reverse side contains an image of Jefferson's Monticello estate and a portrait of him. In 1976, in addition to the portrait, the “wrong side” included a reproduction of the painting “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence” by the artist Trumbull.

The two dollar bill is not considered a rare or high value bill because it was printed in sufficient quantity.

Mysticism about the buck

It would not be amiss to mention the inexplicable rationale for the buck symbol. Followers of the idea consider “$” as a Masonic symbol of King Solomon, as well as his 2 pillars. This is far from being an exceptional sign printed on a dollar bill, correlating with the symbolism characteristic of Masonic teachings. In addition, the connection of some of the founding fathers of the United States with the activities of lodges is truly famous. In fact, this icon is used not only to designate the overseas dollar. It is used in transactions with Mexican, Argentine, Chilean, Cuban, Dominican, as well as Uruguayan pesos, Brazilian real, Nicaraguan cordoba, etc. Video on the topic

Money comes into life from various sources. In order to increase your finances, you can carry out special rituals to attract abundance. It is permissible to perform them all together, it is permissible to perform them separately. A significant condition for the fulfillment of the plan is hope in what has been done.


1. The money bag is collected within 30 days. This ritual can increase the well-being of the family for many years; it must be performed very carefully, without missing a single day. Within a month you need to make a pyramid of money. It is worth putting only coins greater than 1 ruble in it. On the 1st day you need to put the first coin, on the 2nd - 2 coins, on the 3rd - three. The number will increase throughout the day. It is important to make the pyramid and not miss a single day. On the 31st day, when the pyramid is already assembled, you need to put all the coins in a canvas bag and hide it in the eastern part of the house. Choose any closet and put coins under things so that no one else can see them. The first increase should be expected during the process of collecting this money, and after the end of the ritual, income will begin to increase monthly. It’s better not to tell people who are not members of your family about what’s happening; keep your actions secret from haters. 2. There is a very effective methodology proposed by the authors of “Simoron”; they propose to do something strange in order to acquire a certain amount. First you need to figure out what exactly you need and how you plan to spend this money, and then you need to start getting weird. For money, it is very comfortable to wash your feet in the toilet; if you do it 3 times, they will appear instantly. You are allowed to walk around the house with red panties on your head; traditionally, even wearing them for 2-3 evenings is enough. You can dress up as a homeless person and go begging, but you only need to get 1 ruble, and it will invariably attract millions into your life. The point of these rituals is to lift your spirits and get rid of your complexes; once you leave your comfort zone, well-being will not be expected. 3. A collage of desires allows you to attract not only money, but also all sorts of physical objects. To create, you will need a wish list and pictures that represent your plans. It is necessary to make a picture from these images on a large poster or whatman paper. Place your photo in the center, and around it what you dream about. When assembling a collage, think that you are already the owner of each item, thank the world for the fact that you already have it. Then the collage needs to be hung in a prominent place and often looked at. Every time your gaze falls on this picture, say words of gratitude. In a few days, the first wishes will begin to come true, but the most courageous ones may take a little more than a year to come true. You can replace some images with others, you can complement everything with new desires. In order for money to come through a collage, you need to not simply place pictures with money, but write the exact amount you dream of. Video on the topic Useful advice You can attract money into your home using other methods: take care of the money tree, place coins in the corners of the room, place the broom with the handle down, and you won’t have to wait long for income.

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Do not leave wrinkled

Money requires a special attitude, without which it will slip through your fingers like sand. Try to keep them in perfect condition. Banknotes must be intact and even.

If you get wrinkled ones in your hands, it is important to carefully straighten them before putting them in your wallet.

Do not store dirty coins, because despite their small denomination, they remain money.

Money loves counting and respect. And the vast majority of money signs and rules for attracting financial success are based on these simple truths. This means that catching the flow of material energy is much easier than it seems at first glance.

What benefits does this talisman provide?

Since ancient times, the Masonic amulet contained an all-seeing eye in the pyramid. When the secret knowledge was transferred to the dollar, masons-magicians make amulets from a one-dollar bill bearing the knowledge of the great matter. This amulet, containing the knowledge of great matter, contains a program to attract positive and monetary flows from space.

Thus, the owner of the amulet receives new energy cash flows that previously passed by. You find yourself in the right place at the right time, or you are offered profitable joint projects. There may also be offers for highly paid work. If they borrowed money from you, the debts will soon be returned, and career growth begins to smoothly go uphill. Luck and financial well-being become your friends. If there is a business that has not developed for a long time, it suddenly begins to make a profit. It is in this aspect that the amulet works; for outsiders who do not understand this, it will seem that luck has simply smiled on you. Don’t be surprised if crowds of buyers trample into your store or your dream of a good car begins to come true, but you never know what other wonderful events can happen under good circumstances.

Using a talisman is quite simple, you need to carry it in your wallet, but the main thing is that other people’s hands and eyes do not touch your talisman. It is much more difficult to create this talisman yourself, because the most important thing is to set the correct magical energy for profit and this work is best left to professionals. Although you can make the “Dollar” talisman yourself, for this you will need 1 dollar, which you then need to correctly fold into a triangle, while reading the spell words, then set the talisman for profit, and after saying a certain spell, put the talisman in your wallet .

Or you can simply buy a “Dollar” talisman made by professional magicians with a spell specific to you. By putting such a talisman in your wallet, you will very quickly notice how your financial situation will improve. If you have any questions related to the mascot, write to our email.

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