The key to a strong marriage: which side of the bed should the wife sleep on?

The ancient Slavs believed that a man, as the head of a family, should lie to the left of his woman in order to protect himself from betrayal and deceit. The right hand is a symbol of truth, faith, strength, therefore the closest person should be placed on the right side.

By the way, the expression “to be the right hand” is also connected with this belief. It is customary to greet a person with the same hand and take an oath, placing your hand on the Bible, icon, or heart. It would seem that everything is simple and clear, but it was not so. Psychologists, historians and followers of Feng Shui differ in their “testimonies”.


However, some bioenergy therapists and zealots of piety believe that spouses should sleep separately, each in their own bed. Especially after sex. In this way, male and female energies are preserved in an uncomplicated form, replenished during sleep.

Psychologists object - tactile contact during sleep is extremely important and serves to establish a more trusting relationship between husband and wife. A man should sleep on the edge, this is due to his instincts as a protector. Time managers believe that in this case it is necessary to adhere to a pragmatic point of view: whoever gets up for work earlier is at the end. There is an opinion that the wife should sleep on the edge so that she can get up early and prepare breakfast without waking her husband.

But what if the bed has two edges, that is, one side of it is not pushed against the wall?

How a woman's or a man's choice of side of the bed reveals to Mossad agents their true relationship

One of the techniques that the Israeli secret service Mossad uses in its work is careful observation of a couple of interest to them. It is important on which side of the woman the man sits, and even more so, lies down. Such observations give them food for reasoning about what the true relationship is in a couple.

Psychologists explain this technique by the long centuries of human evolution, during which the sides of the body have long been formed on a subconscious level. One side of a person is defensive, and the other is confidential.

According to secret agents, whether a person sympathizes with his opponent or is being defensive manifests itself on a subconscious level, and this can be seen by which side he turns to him.

According to the behests of our ancestors

Some peoples still have a division into the right and left sides as positive and negative. The right is considered the correct side; it is to the right of the important person that his closest, trusted person is located. Based on these considerations, in Rus' it was believed that a wife should sleep to the right of her husband. In addition, this arrangement was intended to protect the husband from the lies and deceit of his wife, who was on the right side.

This arrangement also reflected the social position of men and women in Rus': the first is the leader, the head, the second is the subordinate, companion, executor of her husband’s will. This function of the wife was reinforced, for example, by Domostroy, a book dedicated to proper family relationships and rational housekeeping.

According to science and feng shui

Currently, there is a special science - somnology, which studies the physiological and mental processes associated with sleep. And, paradoxically, scientists find confirmation of folk customs associated with the sleep process. Including from the point of view of the relative position of the spouses. In particular, the National Somnological Society of Russia has such data.

The Sleep Research Center at Loughborough University, UK, confirmed the correctness of the situation when the husband is to the left of his wife. This is correct from all points of view of the body’s activity and its mental component.

However, behaviorists (a branch of psychology that studies human behavior), such as John Bradus Watson, Karen Pryor, Frederick Skinner, are confident that if a man is to the left of his wife, she subconsciously perceives him as a child who needs care and protection: historically women rocked the cradle with their left hand. The man, in turn, perceives his wife on the right as a competitor and rival, and not a soul mate.

But what about the fact that among many peoples of the Earth, even those living thousands of kilometers from each other, the husband is considered canonical - to the left of the wife?

For example, in Feng Shui this is viewed from the point of view of the interpenetration and interaction of yin and yang, two opposing energies. Being to the left of his wife, a man maintains his own masculinity without suppressing her femininity and harmonizing relationships in the family.

Which side of the bed should you sleep on?

concerning the organization of housing or workplace. But what does feng shui say?

about which side of the bed is best to go to sleep on?

There is an ancient Chinese proverb: "Men are on the left, women

on right". Many Chinese, both adherents of the Feng Shui system and those who do not

those who observe it remain faithful to this wisdom. If you look at

traditional Chinese family photographs, then make sure that

the same rule is followed here - men are on the left side

photo, and the women are on the right. The validity of this position in bed is confirmed by history itself.

humanity. Our ancestors slept in caves, and the main defender of this

there was always a man in the home. So that some animal or other person

could penetrate the cave, he needed to first deal with the head

families. That's why the man went to bed closest to the exit, that is

which, as a rule, was located in the very depths of the room, that is,

on right. So, after many centuries, this rule has reached our days. And although in Feng Shui there are no strict rules about which side of the bed

should sleep, most supporters of this teaching still follow

old Chinese proverb

husband suffers from alcoholism, the reason for this is that the woman in the past

life was exactly the same. A woman gets a husband according to her

she can do it quite easily. She must practice asceticism,

to get the power to do it. First, it must have power, second,

fulfill your duties, that is, become chaste. She must

observe all four principles of chastity, treat business with respect

husband, no matter what he is: a drunkard, not a drunkard - it doesn’t matter. How

only she fulfills her duties to him, then automatically he

the strength to go against it is lost.

cope with a relative? How can a man gain strength? He must

fulfill your obligations to your wife. She will begin to respect him. Exactly

in the same way, a husband begins to appreciate his wife if she behaves correctly.

Soft speech, respect for him, his relatives, his work, humble

behavior is the strength of a woman. A woman achieves success without effort, without

external efforts, without rude speech, without the use of violence. A woman can

achieve everything simply by calm behavior.

to do this means you need to engage in asceticism and get a woman’s

strength. How to get feminine power? We must behave like a woman. Personality

is born a woman, and in a past life she, for example, was a man.

When a person is born a woman, she does not have time to understand that she is in a woman’s body.

In the same way, another person, being born a man, does not understand that he is

male body. Therefore, a man behaves like a woman, and a woman behaves like

man. Everyone really doesn't like it. To succeed you need

understand what body you are in. It is necessary to know how to behave in

female body to achieve success.

hammers, plates, words, but there will be no success. If a woman

begins to behave correctly, in accordance with his conditioning,

she easily wins success in society, including her

husband. You don't need to work hard for this. If the wife behaves

right, then with her strength she will be able to raise this husband.

behaving correctly is very difficult, especially if the husband is already

degraded, but, nevertheless, everything is in your hands. This is not unfounded

statements. During the seminar in Omsk this year, to me

a woman came up and said: “I have always achieved my goal in life. But my

the husband was a drunkard. I decided to change everything." She studied lectures on family

relationships that we published. I began to wish my husband happiness and behave

as it should be. And after a few months my husband stopped drinking, now it’s

very good family.

one of the books on psychology. One man, a psychologist, got into

concentration camp. The guards mocked him, although he was deserved

person. He endured terrible suffering and one day he realized that he simply

He deserved all this by his fate, so there is no one to blame. As soon as he

realized that he does not need to blame those people who harm him

suffering, he stopped taking this suffering seriously. The pain has become

not so significant for him. Pain comes from selfishness when a person

takes offense at being hurt. He is used to pain, others

respectful attitude towards people who caused him suffering.

After that, he quickly exhausted the supply of their hatred towards him.

When someone bullies you, you start to hate him

a person, and the more you hate him, the more he is above you

mocks. But even these monsters have run out of hatred, things have changed

attitude towards him, they simply could not mock him, make him

something bad. They started asking him for advice. He treated them

problems very seriously and gave practical recommendations. He became

one of the few who survived this concentration camp.

emerge victorious from any situation. The most important thing is to know how

act. Why doesn't everyone come out a winner? When one dog barks

on the other, she also begins to bark in response. This is how the false ego works -

the mind is in ignorance. Being under the influence of reason in ignorance, we do not

We will be able to resolve the situation. “When my husband drinks, I

feels love towards himself. There are two ways to receive love.

You can get love naturally. Of course, if the person

does not receive, then he himself is to blame for this: if you do not treat him with love

people, then no one will give him love. Second way to get

the energy of love is a girlfriend with a neck. I drank and my heart became sad

warm. Hatred creates a desire to drink more, the more you hate -

the more you drink. The more you drink, the more you hate it. As soon as

a person begins to receive enough love, he stops drinking.

A woman never takes off her T-shirt, holding it on her back.

Women don't scratch their heads. Firstly, they don’t like to show their confusion, and secondly, it ruins their hairstyle.

often wraps strands of hair, even short ones, around a finger or tickles

brush your hair onto your cheek. Men rarely do this.

will never truly understand why the football players, lining up in

wall, make such a funny slide with your palms. That's why she doesn't flinch

when in a movie the hero gets hit in the crotch with a boot.

a bath, a woman - it doesn’t matter if she has long hair, a short haircut or has been ill

typhus - he definitely wraps an amateur likeness around his head

turbans from a towel, at least for one minute. The reasons for this

Eastern rituals are unknown.

The woman is practically not irritated,

when underwear gets stuck between the buttocks. Lovely sex with pleasure

wears all these torture devices called "bikinis". Except

Moreover, usually a woman does not try to unnoticedly adjust her underwear from behind by standing up

by the hand, the woman barely shakes it. Poet about a woman's handshake

Voloshin said that it was like “throwing up a dead baby.”

When called, a woman usually turns only her head. Man

The body also turns around, since it has a much less flexible neck.

Most women believe that washing with soap and water is harmful (than

They are the ones who wash their faces - look in the bathroom).

offer to show hands; men honestly extend open palms.

Women stretch out their hands, palms down, apparently in order to

show off your impeccable manicure and the size of your diamonds.

which a woman pronounces after hitting her finger with a hammer, you can without

skip censorship on air? Good night, kids. What it says in

In such cases, a man cannot be broadcast.

They don’t like it when their hands are free. That's why they always carry with them

handbag - to pull it by the strap, hold it by the edge and

delve into it endlessly. In the absence of a handbag, anything will do

– fan, gloves, book, flower.

spread your legs wider.

to their genitals in women is quite indifferent, detached

attitude, they are almost strangers to each other. Women don't talk to

them, do not give them funny nicknames, do not take offense at them.

women squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore in

On public transport it is preferable to have a lady neighbor.

the compromise inherent in the female sex is reflected in the way they

They tell dirty jokes. They may decide to speak publicly

even the silliest joke. But the key word will be muttered so indistinctly,

that no one will understand anything. Even more often they try to convey indecent

zest with facial expressions, gestures and desperate facial expressions.

a woman's fly unzipped on the street, she looked rather indifferent

will react to this circumstance and calmly button up his trousers.

a man, from the point of view of women, has moved very little in the process of development from

monkeys, then we, for our part, can also note some

atavisms inherited by our ladies from four-armed ancestors.

For example, spend hours searching for insects in the fur of your male. In absence

small arthropods, women are satisfied with acne and pimples.

women sit, they have a habit of tucking their legs under them and

press your heel into the crotch. Men don't allow themselves to do this.

Should everyone reveal their soul?

One day, a young and very beautiful girl came to the gray-haired sage, all in tears.

-What should I do? – she complained through tears. - I always try

treat people kindly, don’t offend anyone, help as much as I can. AND

although I am friendly and affectionate with everyone, but often instead of gratitude and

I accept insults and bitter ridicule with respect. Or they openly quarrel

with me. I am not to blame for anything, and this is so unfair and offensive

tears. Please advise what I should do.

The sage looked at the beauty and said with a smile:

- Strip naked and walk around the city like that.

- You're crazy! – the beauty was indignant. “In this form, everyone will dishonor me, and God knows what else will do to me.”

Then the sage opened the door and put a mirror on the table.

“You see,” he answered, “to appear in public, exposing your beautiful body,

you are afraid. So why do you walk around the world with your soul naked? You have it

open like this door. All and sundry come into your life. AND

if they see in your virtues, as in a mirror, the reflection of ugliness

their vices, then they try to slander, humiliate, and offend you. Not at

Everyone has the courage to admit that someone is better than him. Not wanting to change

a wicked man is at enmity with a righteous man.

- So what should I do? – the girl asked

“Come on, I’ll show you my garden,” the elder suggested.

Leading the girl around the garden, the sage said:

-For many years I have been watering these beautiful flowers and caring for them. But I've never

I noticed how a flower bud blooms, although then I enjoy

the beauty and aroma of each of them. So you too be like a flower:

open your heart to people slowly, discreetly. Look who

He who waters a flower with water is worthy to be your friend and does good to you,

and whoever tears off the petals and tramples them underfoot. Do not give holy things to dogs and do not

cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot

and, having turned, did not tear you to pieces” in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7,

That is, "don't waste words with people who don't

can understand them, but do not want to appreciate their meaning.” Throw beads in front

pigs - talk about higher matters with people to whom they are inaccessible

or uninteresting; try to introduce spiritual values ​​to those whose soul and

minds are undeveloped, are not ready to accept the truth, or those who consciously

“The old lady has three sons:

The eldest was a smart kid,

Middle son and this way and that,

The younger one was a complete fool.”

There is one nuance here that is often overlooked. What is the opposite word for smart?

For example, there is a smart student, and then there is. That's right, stupid student.

The opposite of smart is stupid, not a fool.

But a fool is from a different plane, it is the opposite of a wise person. There is knowledge, and there are skills.

Depending on what a person possesses, we get:

1. Little knowledge and few skills - stupid.

2. Lots of knowledge and few skills - smart.

3. Little knowledge and many skills - a fool.

4. A lot of knowledge and a lot of skills - wise.

There is knowledge, and there are skills.

It is clear that everyone wants to achieve wisdom. How to get there? Even in fairy tales, we were shown three ways. Which of the three brothers achieves everything in life?

In all fairy tales this is the younger brother. He gets love, money, respect,

position in society. The eldest and middle with all their intrigues

are left with nothing.

The elder brother follows the Path of the Mind. He knows a lot, understands a lot and

tries to figure out how to avoid unnecessary work while still getting

The younger brother follows the Path of the Fool.

Say two words out loud: “stupidity” and “stupidity.” Listen to how their sound differs, where there is more energy.

“Stupidity” is emptiness and inaction. “Stupidity” is energy, an overcharged battery or accumulator.

In relation to what do they say “stupidity”? – In relation to active actions that seem obviously losing.

So what is the Fool's Path? – This is the path of action.

All your energy goes into action. And when you start acting without

load of knowledge, and you lack information, an intuitive

A fool is not burdened with the burden of unnecessary knowledge, he is easy-going, he has a lot

free energy and the intuitive channel is open. They call him a fool

because his actions are incomprehensible and illogical for those around him. Due to

open intuitive channel, he has knowledge of a different kind, but

can't explain it. When will he learn to explain what he feels?

intuitively - he will become wise.

act. What for? After all, you can twist everything so that it works

other. With a large amount of unrealized knowledge and lack of

free energy, the intuitive channel does not open.

And if from active stupidity to wisdom there is only one simple step, then from

mind to wisdom is the hardest path on which a person needs to completely

The middle brother is “this way and that.” He doesn't have a consistent path, he

takes a piece here, a piece there, doesn’t do anything thoroughly and

doesn't get anything special. He lives in the shadow of authority. Since the retinue is on

The Path of Foolishness is not needed, but on the Path of Mind it is a mandatory attribute, average

the brother follows the elder, being his retinue.

How do Smart and Fool solve problems?

2. Problem analysis

3. Search for solutions

4. Analysis of solution options

A smart person first analyzes everything and finds the best solution.

(and there are a huge number of them) and only then acts for sure. Very

logical scheme. But it leads to information overload, a decrease

number of actions and, as a result, a small number of skills. After all

experience and skills are gained during actions.

A fool, having received a task, immediately acts (gains experience and skills),

then sees what comes of it, then acts again,

correcting mistakes (gains experience and skills), then enjoys. Experience and

he gained twice as much skill as Smart. And when Smart only

starts Action, the Fool is already enjoying the results of his

Action. How are the Path of the Mind and the Path of the Fool implemented in family life?

Surely you have all met the “right” families. They have everything built like this

as it should be. A man does masculine duties, a woman does

female, they raise children correctly, according to science, they have the right

home, profitable business (or career). They have everything you need for

happy life. It’s just that there’s some kind of dissatisfaction inside,

something is missing.

And there are families in which the husband washes the dishes, the woman hammers nails, the children

they are not educated at all, and there is not even a stable income - money

Sometimes a bunch of them arrive, sometimes they’re sitting on nothing. And they are happy at the same time. U

they are full of joy and pleasure, life is in full swing, and not a single day is the same

on the other. But this is stupidity! Why should a woman hammer nails in

presence of a man in the house?! Yes, it's just for fun. Just wanted

knock with a hammer and it brought a lot of impressions. Didn't sit and

I was thinking about whether this is a man’s responsibility or a woman’s. She took

hammer intuitively, she just wanted it, and she got a new one from it

experience and a lot of energy. And if I didn’t like it, I would call my husband and

said: “Come on, before I destroy this whole wall.”

There is free energy - there is development. No free energy - that's it

strength goes into preserving at least what already exists. And the energy

we are given things to do that we like and those that are a challenge for us

(I can - I can’t).

While I was writing this chapter, I “suddenly” discovered that I had followed the Path in business

Uma. And over the past year I have become so bogged down in a pile of knowledge that I can’t even move

does not work. It was high time to launch trainings, arrange courses on

basic issues of family life. Thank God, I have enough experience. IN

in relationships it all works, all that remains is to introduce experience in business

***How ​​are you dealing with information overload? How many unfinished books

how many trainings have not been implemented? Life in your family is hectic

or does it go in a disgustingly measured way?

Maybe it's time to throw off all this information load and start Living?

Make your family life the brightest adventure. If this is not the case

If you do, adventure will find you on its own, but on the side. It's for you

Source: Which side of the bed should you sleep on regarding the organization of your home or workplace. But what does Feng Shui say about which side of the bed is best to go to sleep on? There is an ancient Chinese proverb: “Men are on the left,

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