Features of the Chinese calendar: the beginning of the year and months

The Feng Shui calendar advises us how to properly plan our day and our life. Nature has endowed us with the ability to live and enjoy life, and we must use this time correctly and effectively. When people are born, their future life and character traits are immediately determined. And those people who have the same year of birth and even the same day are a little similar to each other. But their fate will be different, since the time of birth is different for everyone.

The Feng Shui calendar helps you determine the pros and cons of a particular event, as well as your actions for each day. The horoscope suggests finding out its own characteristics for each zodiac sign. Each conjunction of this horoscope consists of several hieroglyphs. Therefore, each person has their own combination of the five popular elements, which are combined in the correct ratio. The interaction of these combinations makes people different from each other and determines the life of each person.

All time periods can be indicated in the form of eight hieroglyphs. Due to the fact that all the elements are tightly connected with each other, they can become stronger or weaken altogether, and can also be incompatible. The elements live well in complete harmony and peace, so each period of time can act differently on a person’s destiny.

Let's give a small example. If you have a Dog sign, you need to use the directions of the year of the Tiger, since these two signs are friends with each other. But the zodiac sign Monkey, on the contrary, will push you into trouble. And as a result, people who were born this year can worsen the situation if they plan to spend important issues in a year or month under the sign of the Tiger. This method is simple enough to explain to a person all the important points of this calendar. Despite the fact that this method is easy, it is enough to warn a person how to behave today, tomorrow and every day.

The Chinese calendar will help everyone find a wonderful future. It is also possible to predict events for each period of time.


According to Feng Shui, in the Year of the Yellow Dog, economic activity will decrease, but intellectual and cultural achievements are expected to increase. Rapid development awaits types of businesses that are directly related to the Internet. Any activity related to the element of Wood has excellent prospects. This applies to the paper industry, the production of wooden furniture, tailoring, printing, education and the media.

According to Master Raymond's forecast, this year favorable conditions will develop for the financial and entertainment sectors, and the energy industry. In addition, the Yellow Dog favors agricultural activities, ecology, growing flowers and trees.

There will be intense competition in the real estate and insurance industries. The automotive, transport and banking businesses are at risk of suffering losses due to a lack of financial injections.

Flying stars

Studying the numbers

All Flying Stars that settle in the sectors of the house have different energies. They begin on February 4. Every day they make sure to spend as little time as possible in difficult sectors and as much time as possible in favorable ones. In addition, the negative energy that some Flying Stars bring can be corrected with special Feng Shui remedies.


The White Unit will settle here, a star that will make the north-west a favorable sector. First of all, this concerns study, creativity, and intellectual achievements. The influence of the star will have the strongest effect on people with Gua number 6. The Prince of the Year (representative of the Trisha energy), who does not like loud noise, repairs and disorder, will be located in the same sector.


This sector will be occupied by the Black Two, which will bring with it the danger of diseases (especially colds, allergies, skin, dental). It is advisable to spend as little time as possible in the west at home, and if this cannot be avoided, carefully monitor your health. To reduce the influence of the star, you need to place health talismans or any metal objects in the west.


The Three of Jade will be located here - a tricky star that causes quarrels, conflicts and scandals. It is better not to discuss anything in the northwestern part of the house and not to have discussions. Here you should place a red object - a symbol of fire. In addition, a representative of the Trisha energy will arrive in the northeastern sector - you should not disturb him with noise, repairs and other activity.


The favorable energy of the star Four Green will settle in this part of the house or apartment. It will create conditions for creativity, study, proper communication, romance and love. To enhance the love aspect of the star, paired symbols (ducks, doves, etc.) are placed in this sector, and to attract creative luck, a pagoda or Dragon Gate talisman is placed.


This sector contains the Yellow Five, whose energy brings unfavorable changes. You should visit this part of the apartment or house as little as possible. The northern sector is not suitable for sleeping, eating, or any long-term activities. You can weaken the influence of the star using metal objects or a bell. Also, the Trisha energy associated with robberies will settle here; it should not be awakened by noisy actions.


This sector of the house or apartment will be occupied by the White Six - a star whose energy enhances power and authority. It is especially useful for managers to visit the southwestern sector. A star is able to help everyone in their career and win professional recognition. It does not directly affect wealth and money, but indirectly it can help increase income.


Seven Red, which is considered an unfavorable star, lives here. Its influence is associated with injuries in the physical and psychological sense, as well as theft, material and energetic. Talismans of the element of Water and any blue objects will help to weaken the influence of negative energy.


A star with favorable energy, the White Eight, will settle in this sector, as well as one of the assistants, the Noble Dragon. Everyone who comes under their influence is guaranteed good health, wealth and prosperity. You can enhance the impact with the color gold, money talismans (figurines of a three-toed toad, fish, dragon, god Hottei, etc.) and active objects like a pendulum. You cannot make noise or rebuild anything in this sector, so as not to anger the Destroyer of the Year who lives here.


In a certain abstract center of the house there is Nine Violet - a favorable star that helps those who wish to achieve fame. Her energy promotes holidays, fun, joyful events, and financial well-being. She helps creative and active people who make efforts to achieve success.

Main trends

Earth energy brings with it stability, a stable position and unbreakable principles. When it intensifies, it translates into excessive conservatism, inertia of thinking and stubbornness.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be deprived of the intensity of emotions and diversity that previous years gave. Life will flow calmly and measuredly; there will be no desire for violent changes.

On the one hand, this will satisfy the need for rest and restoration, on the other, the feeling of stagnation will provoke periods of gloom and violent irritability.

According to the eastern calendar, the dog is closely connected with spiritual life. This year, people will intensify their desire for spiritual quest and development, and their interest in religions, esotericism, and occult traditions will increase. According to Grand Master Raymond Law, in Eastern culture the Dog is considered the repository of Fire or the “grave of Fire.” In this regard, there will be interest in the topic of death and what can happen after death.

There is a risk of disasters related to earth and fire (fires, earthquakes, road accidents, subway accidents, etc.), as well as clashes based on religion.

Cash spending forecast

Starting February 4, you should be especially careful about spending money. In 2021, it is better to earn money than to spend what you have saved. Feng Shui advises to listen to the advice of the horoscope when making purchases:

  • You should not buy furniture on Monday, as you may soon stop liking it. On this day you can buy a small piece of furniture or festive clothes.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, Tuesday is a good day to choose gifts for men. However, this is not a good day for significant spending - it is better to stop at the essentials than to buy a bag of unnecessary things.
  • Wednesday is a great day to buy souvenirs, talismans, books, and small gifts for loved ones. On this day you can go shopping for pleasure, but you should not buy equipment.
  • Thursday is open wallet day. If you need to buy a lot of things, you can go shopping on Thursday.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, on Friday you need to choose gifts for women and girls. All spending on beauty will be successful: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, and also on manicures, haircuts, massages, etc.
  • On Saturday you should not spend money on luxury items. You should purchase what is necessary and practical: household appliances, furniture, necessary clothing, etc.
  • Sunday is a good day for expensive purchases. Even with an average income, you can buy something luxurious that day - the money spent will be worth it.

What are we going to throw away?

In the hallway, get rid of old shoes, jackets, jars of shoe polish and all unnecessary trash.

In the children's room, dried felt-tip pens, broken pencils and toys, torn things and drawings that are of no value to you are mercilessly disposed of.

Clear the kitchen of chipped plates and mugs. All equipment that is collecting dust on your shelves is also included in the liquidation category. Sell, give away or exchange for what is needed. Aprons, towels, potholders, etc. - buy new ones.

Organize things in closets. We advise you not to regret it, but to throw away everything that you haven’t worn for more than a year. All washed items or sweaters with pills must also be destroyed.

Check out your makeup bag too.

These tips don't apply to things that bring back fond memories. Naturally, do not confuse antiques with regular old junk. Throw away the trash; valuable old things can be sold and the money given to charity.

Health and relationships

Grand Master Raymond's forecasts advise to be wary of diseases associated with malignant tumors, the cardiovascular system, and blood circulation. The digestive organs, especially the stomach, will be at risk. There is a risk of gaining excess weight, in some cases, obesity and diabetes. It is recommended to reconsider your diet and consume more foods containing antioxidants to combat cancer. In addition, special care is required when staying in the mountains and on roads to avoid accidents.

Natalya Pravdina advises meeting an Earth Dog with hopes of happiness in love. If you find a couple this year, the relationship will be based on loyalty and mutual understanding. The energy of the Earth will help resolve conflicts and restore peace in existing relationships (the only caution is not to be too harsh in defending what is right). If this year the couple decides to seal the relationship with marriage, the union will be long and happy.

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