What to do to make money flow - Feng Shui for happiness and wealth

The Chinese science of Feng Shui was founded to create human harmony in all areas of activity. If you follow the recommendations correctly and observe the measures, you can achieve incredible wealth. However, it is worth remembering that for representatives of this trend, wealth means not only money, but also the spiritual, cultural and mental development of a person. But in this article we will still try to find out what can help for financial profit.

The first and most important thing to remember is that money itself cannot come if a person is not ready for it and does not take certain actions. To attract the energy responsible for financial well-being, you need to know some rules.

Free space

Before you let new energy into your life, you need to get rid of the material embodiment of negativity that interferes with development.
All things that you have not used for more than a year must be mercilessly thrown away. If they are still in good condition and can be of use to someone, give them to those who need them. It is especially important not to store trash in the hallway and corridor.

It is through these rooms that Qi energy should enter your room. The same applies to the mezzanines, which for the majority of our compatriots are filled with useless things. Let there be things that you definitely won’t use in the near future: New Year’s decorations, spare tires, out-of-season shoes.

Correct hallway arrangement

The organization of the hallway is also important. In no case should it be dark, uncomfortable, or make you want to leave this room as soon as possible, because the money coming into your home will receive exactly the same energy. Receiving such energy, money may soon forget its way into your home. It is necessary to clear the way for them, freeing the hallway from unnecessary things. Cabinets should be placed there to store outdoor shoes and clothes. Good lighting also plays a very important role; the hallway should always be light. Do not forget about the indispensable cleanliness. You can put three coins of five rubles each under the rug, the eagle should be at the top.

Use coins in the hallway

Under no circumstances should a mirror hang opposite the front door. Positive energy will be reflected in it and leave your home without having time to penetrate into any of the other rooms. In a specialized store you can purchase a mirror with symbolic trigrams and hieroglyphs. They are needed to destroy negative energy. If used incorrectly, such mirrors can cause you great harm.

If you want to attract wealth and well-being to your home, symbols of abundance should be placed opposite the front door or close to it. These can be figurines, images, etc. The images may contain money itself, fish, fruits, a beautiful house, jewelry. But there is one important point: the symbols you use must correspond to your culture and fit organically into the space. If you use symbols from other cultures without proper meaning, it can harm you.

Cleanliness in the house

If the house is cleaned sporadically, the surfaces are covered with dust, and the plumbing fixtures are coated, the energy of wealth will not want to stay in such a place. The appearance of the front door is no less important.

If it is dirty and has traces or holes from previous locks, wealth will flow out of the house and will no longer want to return. You should not hoard and store things “for special occasions” in closets.

Porcelain, which is taken out every few years for your birthday, and beautiful linen, which turns yellow while you wear out the old ones - the typical condition of a person who will never become wealthy.

Let beautiful things surround you constantly, then positive energy will attract itself.

Proper cleaning to attract funds

Feng Shui of attracting money to the house involves regular cleaning of the room, and it should be done correctly (detailed guide to cleaning an apartment according to Feng Shui). No symbols or talismans will help you gain wealth if the energy flow has nowhere to circulate. Old things, unnecessary items, dust in the corners of the room - all this can nullify the effect of special items designed to activate cash flow. He will simply have nowhere to go, since the garbage will block positive energy.

At the same time, it is not enough to remove excess only from the southeastern sector. The entire apartment, from the hallway to the closets, must be cleared of things with stagnant energy.

The corridor should be spacious, there should be a lot of air in it. Unneeded electrical appliances should be removed from the kitchen. The stove - the hearth of the house - should always be kept clean. In the bedroom and living room it is necessary to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, because... relaxing in these rooms gives you energy for the whole day.

The balcony, which acts as a closet, will not allow new energy to penetrate into the house if there are objects accumulated on it that have lost their functionality, but are not thrown away out of pity.

If it is difficult for a person to part with familiar but unnecessary things, this should be done gradually.

The apartment must be kept in order daily. Even a small accumulation of dust should not be allowed. Every thing should have its place.

Wealth zone in the home

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any room can be divided into zones responsible for a certain area of ​​life. The wealth zone is in the southeast of the room. You can determine it using a compass or Bagua grid. It is from this zone that it is worth removing all unnecessary things and arranging it so that it works like a magnet that attracts monetary energy.

After you make sure that there is nothing superfluous in this part of the room, you can choose a talisman to your liking, which, according to Feng Shui, helps attract money.

The most popular talismans and symbols:

  1. Money Tree . If we consider the money tree to be the money tree thanks to its coin-shaped leaves, experts recommend paying attention to the dollar tree (zamioculcas). It looks similar to the Crassula, but has stronger energy. To enhance its influence, you need to tie dollar bills folded in the shape of a triangle to the branches. Instead, you can take gold-colored coins. You can also place a few pennies under the pot or bury them in the ground. Another trick is to water the plant with water infused with coins. This water charges the plant to grow and increase the number of leaves;
  2. violets. The shape of violet leaves vaguely resembles coins, and the purple hue of the flowers is one of the symbols of wealth;
  3. citrus fruits In Asia, citrus fruits are considered a plant that brings wealth to the home. Their orange and yellow round fruits symbolize gold coins. In our climate, it is quite difficult to grow a citrus fruit that will bear fruit. Therefore, you can limit yourself to a vase with lemons, oranges, tangerines or other fruits that look appropriate both at work and at home;
  4. aromatherapy . The aromas of invigorating essential oils have a positive effect on the energy in the room. It is worth giving preference to Asian-style aroma lamps, made in the form of carved wooden bowls in the shape of fruits or animals. The smell of citrus fruits will not only create the right atmosphere in the house, but will also pleasantly invigorate you or help if you suffer from chronic headaches;

  5. color scheme of the room . The colors of money according to Feng Shui are red, green and purple. It is worth creating a composition of objects of these colors in the south-eastern part of the room. If you are into crafts, make your own Tree of Happiness from wire and beads or semi-precious stones of matching colors. The pebbles symbolize the leaves of the plant, and the more there are, the more money will come into your life;

  6. amethyst amulets . Amethyst is considered a stone that attracts positive changes in life. If you like the appearance of this mineral, purchase a ring, bracelet, earrings or a whole set with inserts made from it. If you don’t like him, you shouldn’t do it just for the money. Energy will not come to the one who oversteps himself for material goals;
  7. magnets . According to Feng Shui, to attract money you need to place a magnet under the rug next to the front door and in the wealth zone. It will hold Qi energy in the house. Be careful when cleaning! If a magnet falls into the garbage and is thrown out of the house with it, wealth will understand this to mean that it is no longer needed in this house;
  8. piggy banks It is especially good if they are made in the form of a toad, because, according to Asian legends, it once did so much harm to people that fate, as a punishment, forced it to change and since then bring only good things into the house. The piggy bank should never be empty. Throw in a few coins every day. Try to keep them golden in color. The main thing in this matter is patience and regularity. When the piggy bank is full, the money from it should be invested in something for others. For example, donate them to charity or buy food for homeless animals.

Arrangement of the workplace

Attracting money according to Feng Shui should be accompanied by proper arrangement of the workplace.

When organizing your workspace, you should follow these tips:

  1. You should leave as much space as possible between the back of the table and the wall. This distance will symbolize the prospects for the owner of the workplace.
  2. The table cannot be placed under ceiling supports. A place will be considered unfavorable if it is located on the same level as a door or window, since ideas and profits will flow into the openings.
  3. Do not place the table in such a way that a person sits with his back to the door or corner. A good option is to place it behind a cabinet or a smooth wall.
  4. For lighting it is better to use a table lamp.
  5. The table must not be positioned so that there is a mirror in sight.

It is better to purchase a work chair with armrests.


When designing a space at work, special attention should be paid to plants. The boss’s office should be decorated with a pot of Crassula arborescens. Ever-flowering begonia is suitable for these purposes. A tub with a young tree with rounded leaves will bring financial well-being to employees. Cacti should be avoided.

It’s worth giving up not only cactus! Find out the details in this article: Auspicious indoor plants according to Feng Shui.

Crescent asparagus, Montezuma pine, dracaena, pachira or bamboo - these plants bring prosperity to both the home and the office.


Feng Shui money talismans not only activate cash flows, but also decorate the room. The strongest symbol of wealth is the image of Hotei. This is a figurine of a fat little Chinese man who carries a bag of money over his shoulders and holds coins and peaches in his hands.

Another image that can be used to decorate, for example, a table is Daikoku - the god who guards monetary wealth. You can enhance the energy of the god with the help of the Tai fish.

3 Chinese coins with the image of hieroglyphs will bring material wealth to the one who puts them under the rug, hangs them on the southwest wall, or simply puts them in their wallet. If you tie the talisman with a red thread or a yellow ribbon, its effectiveness will increase. However, adding coins is not recommended, since each number in the teachings of Feng Shui is symbolic. So, for example, 4 brings death. And if you add even 1 coin, you can lose your existing savings.

You can place an owl near the money tree, which symbolizes stability. According to Chinese beliefs, this bird will help avoid losses.

In the depths of the house you can place a three-legged toad with coins in its mouth. The frog can be any size, but should always be placed away from door or window openings.

Rat or fish figurines placed in the wealth sector also bring good luck in financial matters.

You can attract quick, easy money into your life using images of citrus fruits or their dummies.

To store money, you can use a money envelope decorated with a Chinese character meaning prosperity.

An important talisman in attracting money is the vase of wealth according to Feng Shui. A small wooden or porcelain pot with a lid should be filled with soil and money and hidden away from prying eyes. The power of energy that a person gave by choosing this item and filling it will attract cash flow.

Money napkins and mats activate the energy of wealth.

Money mat

A special rug, placed on the desktop or attached to the wall in the form of a panel, attracts cash flow. It will be better if the color of the talisman is red, brown or yellow. It should depict a hieroglyph with the meaning of wealth. You can put 3 coins worth 5 rubles under the mat, and they should be placed with the heads facing up.

This item should only be used as a symbol. You should not treat the money mat with disdain, place dishes on it, or throw it in different places. It is better to place it in the same southeastern sector, and only talismans that activate financial well-being are allowed to be placed on top.

If you get into the habit of counting your savings on a money mat, this will add positive energy to the money mat.

Interior elements

Experts who study the teachings of Feng Shui recommend decorating a room with the help of paintings.

The paintings can depict the main symbols of wealth and the endless flow of energy:

  • waterfalls, rivers, streams and other water bodies with flow;
  • citrus fruits (oranges and lemons are especially good);
  • grapes, considered a symbol of abundance due to the large number of berries on one bunch;
  • images of branchy trees and bushes (the more branches and leaves on them, the better).

You can put a picture that attracts the energy of wealth on your computer desktop and smartphone screensaver.

Money talismans

Various figurines, images of animals and other paraphernalia will help strengthen the Wealth zone. These items will activate the wealth zone:

  1. A money frog holding a coin in its mouth.
  2. Hotei is the god of fun and happiness. A laughing figurine promises joy and monetary abundance to the owner.
  3. Turtle - its shell symbolizes protection.
  4. The owl protects the owner from impulsive decisions in business that can lead to bad results.
  5. Pictures depicting what you want: a beautiful house, a car.
  6. A coin or bill placed under a plant.

Water as a symbol of the endless movement of energy

In Asia they believe that water is the material embodiment of energy. In order to simulate the flow of energy in a room, you can install small decorative fountains in which the water makes a full revolution. It's better to keep them on 24/7.

In addition, the murmur of water makes it much easier to fall asleep after a hard day. You can also sometimes scoop up a few drops of water from the fountain with your fingers and splash it on your wallet or interior objects that symbolize wealth according to Feng Shui.

In addition to fountains, you can place an aquarium with goldfish in the southeastern part of the room, which have gained fame as attractors of wealth due to their color, reminiscent of precious metal. In addition, Pushkin’s well-known fairy tale about the Golden Fish did not appear out of nowhere.

In Ancient China, these fish were considered real wish-fulfillers, because those who were lucky enough to catch one of them had all areas of their life improved at the same time. Ideally there should be nine of them. You can add one black woman to them, who will be responsible for removing negativity from family members.

But at the same time, you should carefully monitor the well-being of the inhabitants of the aquarium. If the fish suddenly begin to die one after another, this is not a good sign, indicating that you will soon have to part with all the accumulated capital.

Hold symbols

Material wealth must not only be attracted, but also kept in the house. Symbols of preserving wealth will help you do this, especially the figurine of a three-legged golden toad holding a coin in its mouth. The amphibian's head should look deep into the home (office), but not at the front door. To activate the symbol figurine, it must be lowered into a container of water. It is useful to place the toad itself near an aquarium with live fish.

A money owl is an acquisition that allows you to avoid irrational expenses. It is recommended to place the figurine near the money tree. In Feng Shui, not only the owl, but also the rat is considered a symbol of wealth.

A person who dreams of becoming rich must also actively work to improve his financial situation: look for sources of additional income, plan expenses, invest savings in profitable financial instruments.

The presence of old and broken things, associated with poverty and stinginess, can harm material well-being.

The right attitude towards money

How to treat money correctly:

  1. If you are now a very stingy and frugal person, you should reconsider your habits. Money never comes to those who live at a minimum for a long period and deny themselves everything, because this is how a person shows that he does not need it;
  2. don't skimp on yourself. Invest in self-education, good books and good times. The material things you worship now will not be important decades later, but the knowledge gained and pleasant memories will remain forever;
  3. give up the habit of saving for a rainy day. Money hidden under a pillow only depreciates in value. At the same time, they give you a false sense of security that if something happens (you lose your job, get sick, etc.) you will be able to live as tolerably for a while as is happening now. As a result, you remain in an equally bad position throughout your life, and the deceptive feeling of having a “safety cushion” prevents your brain from coming up with new ways to earn money.

What is Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese practice of symbolically organizing space in residential and non-residential premises. This practice is based on the doctrine of energy flows that surround a person in space and time and their influence on different areas of his life.

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It is important to note that Feng Shui is a practice, not a religion. He does not support any of the existing religious teachings, but does not contradict them either. This practice can be described as a combination of philosophy, ecology, design, ecology and astrology.

According to Feng Shui, the correct location of a building and the organization of its interior spaces allow these energy flows to be used in the best possible way. This means that the inhabitants of this house achieve harmony and well-being, and their success in all endeavors.

How to save money according to Feng Shui?

Representatives of this doctrine believe that money should not lie idle.
You need to be able to part with them and put them into circulation for the sake of future profit. But if you just can’t decide on this, you should keep the money in a specially designated envelope, box, red, green or purple box.

Money doesn’t like prying eyes, so hide it as far as possible . It’s good if even the family doesn’t know where they are.

The best place for this is a hiding place located in the wealth zone. Before you add new bills to your accumulated funds, visualize how they multiply before your eyes. Make sure there are no envious or evil thoughts in your head.

You can tie the bills with a red ribbon, cord or thread.

Feng Shui in an apartment to attract money

The scheme by which you can attract money to your apartment consists of the following steps:

  • Find an area that will be the center of financial activity in the apartment. This should be the southeast or north side, it can be found using a compass.
  • Do some general cleaning and you can install a money attribute in this side.
  • If there is a toilet near the wealth zones, then it is necessary to place a large stone in it that would cover the house from negative energy.


According to Feng Shui, you should treat money with respect, but not with adoration. Don’t idolize these pieces of paper, because they are just a means of realizing your goals and desires. To store money, choose a high-quality leather wallet (preferably red) in which it will not bend.
Apart from money and cards, there should not be any trinkets, photographs, or even keys.

In addition to deforming the skin, photographs of family members negatively affect monetary energy. Feng Shui does not tolerate mixing different types of energy. You can put one of the Chinese amulets in your wallet that attracts money.

For example, three Chinese coins with holes in the middle, tied together with a red ribbon. In addition, you can create a so-called “irredeemable bill,” preferably a new one. Let it always be in your wallet so that it is never empty.

If you have a lot of bags in your wardrobe, don’t let them sit empty. Scatter golden coins over them. The energy of wealth does not tolerate emptiness.

Feng Shui for money: basic tips

Not long ago I spoke in detail about zones in Chinese teaching, which help improve our lives in one area or another. Feng Shui specialists are in great demand today, their work is highly paid, and all because it is not just fashionable - it works, and is effective. Of course, the feng shui of money is especially relevant.

  • How to attract cash flows into your life?
  • How to make the energy of wealth work for yourself?
  • How to become financially prosperous?

Every person asks himself all these questions. There are many answers: work tirelessly, invest, play on the stock exchange, resell goods, open bank accounts... and one of the answers is to study and use Feng Shui for money in your life.

Skeptics may chuckle: well, it would be so simple! Everyone should have gotten rich long ago! I cannot convince a person who is opposed to this practice, I can only offer to try: is it worth just making small changes in your life? Think for yourself, if Feng Shui for attracting money did not work, it would not become more and more popular year after year!

So, if you decide to change your life and become richer, I advise you to start with the following measures:

Change your attitude towards money

Many of us were taught from childhood that money is something bad, dirty, that wealth cannot be earned by honest work, that most crimes are committed because of money... familiar attitudes? Having already become adults, people continue to live according to these guidelines and at the same time wonder why they cannot get out of poverty. It's simple: love money, and it will love you! Treat money with respect, do not put it at the forefront, but do not despise it, do not allow a condescending attitude towards it.

  • Clear your mind of harmful stereotypes like “you can’t earn all the money”, “you can’t buy everything with money” and the like. Allow yourself sometimes a little unplanned luxury (a good face cream, beautiful underwear, new dishes) to pamper yourself and gradually get a taste for a rich life;
  • Handle money carefully - do not stuff it into your pockets haphazardly, but carefully straighten it and carefully put it in your wallet. By the way, it is also advisable to purchase a wallet, not just any kind, but according to Feng Shui, I will dwell on this in more detail;
  • Always know exactly how much money you have. As they say, even if you have a lot of money, but you don’t know exactly how much, you don’t have that money. It would be nice to keep track of expenses and income, especially since now there are a lot of programs for home accounting.

Strengthen the energy of money in your home with symbols

According to Chinese teaching, the following symbols are “responsible” for cash flows, as well as for any energy flow:

  • fish (especially goldfish)
  • water (all kinds of home fountains, aquariums, images of waterfalls, picturesque ponds, etc.)
  • the money itself (Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in groups of three or a scattering of ordinary change)
  • figurine of a toad (this is perhaps the most famous Feng Shui talisman for attracting money, it can be purchased at any souvenir shop)
  • "money" tree (house plant with round leaves resembling coins)
  • crystals (crystal or amethyst)

These talismans should be used to decorate the south-eastern part of the home - the Wealth zone. If for some reason there is no Wealth Zone in your apartment or there is a bathroom, toilet, utility room in it, it doesn’t matter - activate the Career Zone, the effect will be equivalent.

Buy a Feng Shui wallet

A wallet for attracting money and wealth according to Feng Shui
A wallet is a permanent “residence” of money, and you should make sure that it is pleasant for it to be there. Feng Shui wallet should be:

  • from quality material.

Preferably leather, suede or fabric is possible, as long as it is not polyethylene or leatherette (these “dead” materials work the other way around, like a screen-reflector of money, and not a magnet for it).

  • made to last

No protruding threads, beveled corners or scuffs, broken fasteners or awkward zippers. It’s better to spend a little more than the planned amount and please yourself with a good wallet than to buy a cheap “something” made in the basement on the market.

  • correct color and size

Unfavorable colors for a wallet: blue, light blue, purple. Favorable: gold, red, brown, green. A rectangular shape of the wallet is preferable, in which the money does not have to be folded several times, but can be put in a straightened form; inside it should be quite spacious and accommodating (so that a lot of money can go in there!). A compartment for small change is a must, but the presence of compartments for cards is just unimportant, because putting plastic cards in a wallet is not recommended (like any other items other than money: travel cards, photographs of relatives and friends, tickets, pieces of paper with numbers and codes, etc.) other). It’s better to get a business card holder for cards, and keep cash strictly in your wallet. You should not interfere with the flow of monetary energy and put obstacles in their way.

  • supplemented with feng shui symbols

Read more about choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Strengthen the energy of your wallet with simple things: a bunch of three Chinese coins connected with a string, a mint leaf, a bean pod, a photograph of an object for which you dream of saving money (or a place where you want to travel). A bunch of coins is a real magnet for money, the mint aroma also attracts finances, and beans help to refrain from unnecessary spending.

“Bad” feng shui of a wallet is old and tattered bills inside, bills with bent corners or tears, and garbage inside the wallet. Try to avoid such clutter.

What to do if you already have a wallet and there is no way to change it yet?

Don't be discouraged if you just bought a new wallet and it doesn't exactly match the descriptions of a proper wallet. Use an alternative option: store the bulk of your savings not in a wallet, but in a money box or casket at home, and let this box fully correspond to the signs of a money feng shui storage: color, shape, content. It can be made of cardboard, wood (the main thing is that the material must be natural, not plastic), and covered with fabric of a suitable color. Place this box in the south-eastern part of the apartment.

And the last, most important piece of advice – don’t forget to work!

Of course, there is some humor in this, because it is clear that surrounding yourself with symbols to attract money, buying the right wallet and sitting on the sofa waiting for a miracle is stupid.

Feng Shui will not change your life without your participation, it can only help in your aspirations, give strength, show new opportunities, bring the right people into your life... but all this may not happen if you are passive.

I hope these tips will help you improve your financial situation and bring new sources of income into your life!

Attributes of wealth according to feng shui

Attributes of wealth according to Feng Shui, which can be bought in the store:

  1. one of the monetary attributes that brings wealth to the house can be purchased in any Chinese store - this is the hieroglyph that means the word “wealth”;
  2. the figure of a three-legged toad, which, according to legend, brings happiness to the house if depicted with the right limb extended, and wealth if depicted with the left;
  3. Hotey is a small figurine of a smiling man with a big belly. The material from which the figurine is made is stone or clay. To activate the enrichment mechanism, you need to stroke the figurine on the stomach every day.

Money symbols

Using symbols that attract wealth in interior decor will help improve the financial situation of the family in a short time. Hotei is considered a powerful representation of money. Many people know him as the figure of a smiling plump Chinese man holding a money bag behind his back and several coins in his hands (alternatively peaches). The figurine of the deity Daikoku is also suitable for decorating the area responsible for wealth. The energy of the symbol will increase if you place the Tai fish next to it.

One of the ancient effective symbols of Feng Shui is considered to be three Chinese coins, which are recommended to be tied with gold or red braid. The talisman is carried in a wallet or stored near the workplace.

A beautiful and useful symbol for attracting wealth that should be in every home is the money tree. The plant is bought in a specialized store or made with your own hands at home. The last option is optimal, since when creating a money tree, a person conveys his mood for wealth to the craft. A plant consisting of 100 or more coins has powerful energy. The height of the tree does not matter, but it is located in the zone responsible for material well-being.

Fear is the most powerful tool to rid you of fear. It’s just that not everyone understands this right away.

What is money really? It is just a tool, a revered and especially respected tool, that helps you achieve your goals and desires! And no more! This is constantly flowing energy! Money is energy!

Have you decided what money means to you? Do you really understand why you need this? How to do it?

Sit back and start asking yourself the same question: Why do I need money? Repeat this question consciously, answering it in detail each time. Repeat it 10 times and it is important that each answer does not coincide with the previous one. And once you understand what you really need money for, start reading the next part of this article.

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