Rules for arranging a bedroom according to Feng Shui: from the location of the bed to the selection of a color palette

A person spends about a third of his entire life sleeping, which is why it is so important to properly organize the space and interior of the bedroom. Feng Shui comes to the rescue - a teaching according to which the proper arrangement of the environment directs positive flows to a person’s life.

In the bedroom, everyone seeks not only peace, comfort and privacy, but also intimate relaxation. Therefore, the strength of family relationships and a person’s well-being depend on the organization of this room.

The influence of color on human life

The color scheme of any room is important for each of us. If we take into account the science of Feng Shui, we can come to the conclusion that different shades can attract different energies into a person’s life. Therefore, having certain knowledge, you can choose the most necessary ones. Arranging a bedroom, if all the rules are followed, will help to have a positive effect on your health, as well as bring the desired changes to your life. It does not matter at all whether a couple in love or a bachelor lives in the apartment. Correctly chosen Feng Shui colors will have a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

When decorating your own home, you shouldn’t just use a ready-made design solution from a magazine, even if you liked it at first glance. Not every color is capable of attracting positive energy. Therefore, it is useful to spend time studying the interesting science of Feng Shui in order to do everything right.

What colors can be used in the bedroom depends not only on individual preferences. It matters where and how this room is located in an apartment or private house. It is also useful to ask how to place a bed in the bedroom and other furniture according to Feng Shui. This science teaches us holistic, complex solutions in which everything needs to be thought through to the smallest detail. She provides fairly clear recommendations, so it won’t be difficult to figure everything out on your own. The energy in the bedroom should be harmonious, so it makes sense to delve into the science. In addition, this is not only useful, but also very exciting, since you will be able to check that what you did earlier was the reason for some negative things in life.

How to arrange a bed according to Feng Shui

The most common prohibitions on placing a bed in a room include placing it opposite the door, where the legs “look” at the doorway. And also opposite the mirror, which during sleep will cause a loss of energy and strength.

A headboard near a window is also an undesirable option. The exception is those cases where thick curtains are used that will not let in light.

If you want to place the bed against the wall, it is important that there is no restroom across the wall. In this case, the second side of the bed should be free.

In a family case, the adjoining of the bed to the wall is, in principle, unacceptable, and the bed should be in free space on the sides.

When placing the bed, you must be guided by the cardinal directions. Every single area of ​​life can be improved by choosing the right direction.

Where the head of the bed “looks” to the north-west, a stable relationship between spouses will develop.

A bedroom where the bed is located on the east side is ideal for newlyweds. A joint holiday will contribute to better knowledge of each other and good mutual understanding.

For older people who pay special attention to their health, experts recommend placing the bed in the northern part.

The south side will perfectly support the energy of passionate and loving people.

It is better not to consider the northeast and southwest as an option for those who are worried about their sound sleep and emotional state.

Adhering to the rules, it is necessary to ensure that the bed is not located in a draft, since the energy should not be sharp.

Sleeping on the floor has become especially popular lately. But according to ancient teachings, this is not a good option, nor is sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed.

Bagua bedroom layout and color choice

The choice of colors with which the bedroom will be decorated depends on the bagua zone. Each specific positioning of space implies the need for a specific energy need. The location is determined in accordance with the parts of the world. It is better to use a compass to determine all four main location zones, as well as the four intermediate ones.

The teachings of Feng Shui give us the knowledge that everything in the existing world consists of energy, everything is interconnected, since it is able to circulate and flow. Changing the colors of decoration has a serious impact on the lives of apartment and house owners. It is recommended to use certain shades for each zone to attract the necessary energy.

Decorating a children's bedroom

In a children's bedroom, the interior should be brighter and more lively, full of drawings and colors, but compliance with the measure is also necessary so that children do not get too excited before bed. Some recommendations for the interior of a children's bedroom:

  • A favorable place for a desk would be the corner of the room on the northeast side.
  • You can place a small crystal near the window that will reflect light and stimulate the energy of success.
  • If there is a globe or world map in the room, you need to place it in the northeastern sector.
  • The child needs to be provided with enough free space where he can store things and toys, and taught to maintain cleanliness and neatness.

The location of the bedroom in a house or apartment

If in a city apartment with the existing layout the choice of rooms is limited, then the situation in a private house is completely different. Here you can arrange everything inside at your own discretion. It is important not only to correctly give preference to certain colors, but also to correctly arrange the furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. This teaching gives advice for absolutely all occasions, so coping with this task will also not be difficult.

Science, which is several centuries old, tells us the following:

  • The northern region is conducive to sound, restful sleep. For married couples and people who have a significant other, this arrangement of bedrooms is as favorable as possible. It is not suitable for people who experience loneliness. There is no sun on this side, and this can only aggravate the sensations. It is also not suitable for active young people, as it can lead to a slowdown in the circulation of positive energy.
  • The northeast location of the bedrooms is unfavorable. Everything here is influenced by Qi energy, which promotes motivation and activity, so you won’t be able to fully relax. It is also not recommended to make a nursery here.
  • The northwest side of the world is an excellent choice for the bedrooms of middle-aged adults who have already established themselves in life and are independent.
  • The eastern direction is an excellent choice for the bedrooms of active young people; it helps them find their place in life.
  • The south-east location of the bedrooms is suitable for business people doing business. It promotes development and career building.
  • The southern direction will be an excellent choice for arranging bedrooms, the owners of which are passionate young people and are interested in the versatility of intimate life. It is important to understand that in such conditions, sleep will not be sound and complete.
  • The western location of the bedrooms will create the best conditions for romantic relationships, but it will become an obstacle to achieving success in building a career and developing a business.
  • Unbalanced energies reign in the southwestern part of real estate; they can cause self-doubt and anxiety. Therefore, it is undesirable to arrange bedrooms for children and teenagers. If it so happens that it is not possible to create conditions for sleeping in another place, you will need to pay attention to choosing the right place in order to best place the bed in order to neutralize the negative impacts.

Arrangement of utensils

Interior items in the bedroom are of particular importance. A restful sleep and harmony between spouses also depend on their location in the room.

The aquarium makes it difficult to sleep at night. Its inhabitants create noise, and the element of water should not be present in a room intended for night rest. The same rule applies to fountains and paintings with waterfalls.

For those who want to add a sea element to the bedroom, you can put on the shelves paired fish that attract love, or mandarin ducks.

In Chinese culture, it is commonly believed that a fan also attracts warm feelings and romance. Experts recommend choosing a canvas with images of peonies, phoenixes or dragons. However, it should be remembered that the fan should not be located above the bed. It must be moved from it to a distance of at least one meter. You should also not place a fan above the front door or above the table.

On the southwest side of the bedroom, it is advisable to organize a love corner, which should be strengthened. It is necessary to place romantic symbols in it, such as:

  • crystals;
  • figurines of birds: phoenixes and peacocks;
  • paintings depicting the moon and lunar path;
  • sea ​​shells.

If you have elegant candlesticks, then you can put pink and red candles. Incense sticks and photographs of loved ones are also placed in this area.

Feng Shui recommends using pink candles to create coziness and romance

A mirror in the bedroom, according to Eastern teachings, reflects favorably on its atmosphere. An important rule is that it should not be hung opposite the bed. If this piece of furniture is wide, it should be installed in the corner of the room. Its shape is also important, which cannot have sharp transitions or corners. Smooth lines calm the diffuse energy in the room. The best option is to place the mirror on the floor or near the dressing table. At night, it is recommended to hang it up or turn it towards the wall so that the Qi energy does not escape.

There are certain rules for the position of paintings in the bedroom. They should not hang above the headboard. The ideal option would be to place the artwork in front of the bed.

When choosing curtains for the bedroom, it is better to give preference to green and blue colors. They bring harmony and calm. For active circulation of energy, yellow shades are chosen. You cannot hang white curtains, as this option will have an overwhelming effect on the owner of the room.

Bed placement in the bedroom

Arranging furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, first of all, involves finding the right place to favorably position the bed. The rules say the following:

  • You cannot place the bed opposite the front door;
  • If it is important to see the front door, the bed can be installed diagonally in the room. In this case, you need to install a bedside table or other rectangular piece of furniture at the feet;
  • The head of the bed should not be positioned towards the window;
  • Do not install the sleeping place too close to the door or directly behind it;
  • You should not place the bed against the wall that borders the toilet.

If the bed will be used by two people, it is necessary to provide enough space on three sides.

The shape of the back of the furniture is of considerable importance, since the science of Feng Shui studies each geometric figure, giving it a certain meaning. Oval or round backrests will bring good luck to businessmen, as well as officials who want to build a successful career.

Square ones belong to the element “Earth” and are suitable for people in working professions. Wavy ones will be the best choice for creative individuals, as they relate to the element “Water”. Triangular-shaped furniture backs are appropriate for active individuals who strive to do absolutely everything every day and do not sleep for a long time.

Science tells how to arrange furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui in order to maintain harmony in the room and not interfere with the favorable circulation of energy. Such a room should have a closet, unless a separate dressing room is provided. The presence of bedside tables will increase the level of comfort in the bedroom. You will need to follow simple recommendations when arranging furniture. Therefore, this process will not take much time. Use high-quality furniture to furnish your property, and Eastern teachings will tell you how to place it correctly.

Feng Shui in the bedroom gives precise recommendations regarding the use of mirrors. The main rule is to prevent reflections of the bed, and even more so of sleeping people. It is also undesirable to place this item opposite the front door. As you can see, arranging a bedroom according to Feng Shui is not at all difficult. Therefore, everyone can easily cope with this task.

Feng Shui interior

It is important to remember the basic rules of room design according to Feng Shui:

  • you should refuse to place an aquarium in the room, water will reduce the well-being of the owner;
  • According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to have a mirror in the bedroom, as it reflects negativity. But it’s hard to do without it, so you shouldn’t place it opposite the bed;
  • You cannot put photographs of dead people;
  • A wonderful addition to the interior will be paired figurines: Fu dogs or mandarin ducks.

One of the main elements of the bedroom is butterflies, which can attract happiness and success. The image can be depicted on walls, in textiles or stored in dried form.

If you want to make photo wallpaper in the bedroom, it is better to choose an image of mountains and abandon the image of water. You should avoid artificial materials: rubber and plastic. It is better to choose natural ones: wood, cotton, linen, stone. The filling of the mattress can be reed or bamboo.

Selection of colors for the interior

The selection of flowers is also described by the teachings of Feng Shui. Shades can have a wide variety of effects on us, which can be both positive and negative. Among all colors, red is the symbol of vital energy. Its shades can exacerbate reactions and even cause aggression. Therefore, it is not the best choice for decorating surfaces in the bedroom.

Yellow symbolizes the Sun, the source of life, wealth and abundance. Its bright shades can cause overstimulation, which will not allow you to fully relax. Therefore, it is better to use them as additional ones in bedroom decor.

Deep blue stands out among other colors for its anxiety. It is unlikely that it will be appropriate in bedrooms. If we talk about softer shades and their combinations with others, then it is quite possible to create a cozy atmosphere and make the bedroom comfortable.

Orange is a combination of red and yellow, so it has the properties of both. Shades of pastel colors look good in bedrooms and create a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. If you follow all the rules of Eastern teachings, you will be able to choose not only the most pleasant, but also the most beneficial colors to decorate your bedroom.

Design depending on the direction of the world

According to Feng Shui, the zone of family well-being and health is the eastern zone. It is best to use any shades of green, brown, blue in bedrooms, i.e. colors related to the elements of Earth, Water, Wood. According to the teaching rules, combinations of shades of Earth and Water, as well as Earth and Wood, are suitable for the southeastern location. Then the bedroom will be comfortable and harmonious.

For bedrooms located in the southern or southwestern zones, all shades of red, yellow, and purple are suitable. It will be good to add shades of Wood, as it feeds Fire. Green ones are also suitable.

The western zone of the bedrooms allows the use of white and gray. You should not use flashy shades or mixing colors here. Since Metal is a symbol of the zone, the choice of shades is therefore appropriate. Earth is important for metal, so its shades are a good choice.

Lighting organization

Artificial and natural light affect the perception of the color of the walls in the room. Bright shades look muted under incandescent lamps, deep shades look gloomy, and cool light shades look pale. The magnolia hue takes on a yellow or pink tint, depending on the light source.

Sconces and lamps in colored shades also activate different areas of the bedroom. A red lantern or candles are lit in the sector of love and family hearth. Metal lamps are placed in the northwestern zone to attract useful people into life. A lamp with a green shade in the east of the room will improve health and open up cash flow in the southeast.

How not to make a mistake in choosing

By studying ancient teachings, you will be able to decorate each bedroom in the best possible way. You just need to systematize the data and select everything you need in accordance with the location of the room. After choosing the decor and completing the renovation, it’s time to choose the furniture. Modern manufacturers produce a large assortment, so choosing everything you need in a certain color scheme will not be difficult.

Each of us creates comfort in real estate with furniture. Therefore, it is important to consider not only design, but also functionality. The teaching will help you arrange furniture correctly so that it allows free circulation of energy.


According to Feng Shui, it is better not to choose living plants for the bedroom, but to improve the design of the room, you can choose a flower that has certain properties:

  • peonies can increase sexual energy;
  • roses are a symbol of amulet, but you should not place them alone;
  • geranium, chlorophytum, begonia are plants that produce large amounts of oxygen.

The number of plants in a room should not be more than three. You should avoid climbing flowers with sharp leaves and thorns; they are often the cause of quarrels.

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