Vision board: how does it work and how to make it? Feng Shui wishing board collage. How to activate the vision board, where to store it, how to make the board work?

Today I want to tell you about a wish card, or rather, how to make a wish card correctly so that it fulfills all your dreams. I studied this topic for several years, researched many books, reviews, examples, and forums. Many maps were made. Over the past 2 years, I have experimented a lot and studied various topics related to energies, and completely changed my approach to drawing up a wish map.

It took me a long time to come up with the perfect formula, the perfect recipe that will work 100%, and now, finally, I can share with you my knowledge and the perfect recipe for a wish card. She will 1000% fulfill all your wishes.

For several years now, my article about the wish map has been funny on the site, many of you wrote reviews and talked about their amazing results. But I am growing, my knowledge is growing and my views are changing.

First, I’ll tell you what results my new wish card and my friends gave.

Reviews about the wish card

  1. My health has improved by 100 percent, many chronic diseases have gone away, and, in general, I feel great.
  2. I look much younger than my age, I got the figure I wanted, gorgeous hair, no wrinkles.
  3. My book has become a bestseller and is sold in major bookstores across the country.
  4. Attracted the desired income (at the time of creating the wish card it was 20 times lower).
  5. I bought the car I wanted.
  6. Moved to my dream place.
  7. I live in the apartment I dreamed of.
  8. The trips I dreamed of.
  9. I made many new friends and met interesting people.
  10. I received jewelry, clothes, laptop, phone, iPad and much more that was attached to the card.
  11. I received over 5,000 reviews of my work and book.
  12. Improved family relationships.

What my friends received:

  1. Desired income
  2. Apartment in the city center
  3. Trips
  4. Happy relationship
  5. Automobile
  6. Victory in a competition, participation in a show
  7. Decorations
  8. Career advancement
  9. Education abroad
  10. Four of my friends became happy mothers of healthy babies
  11. 8 people started their own business
  12. Improved health and appearance

There are a lot of dreams that have come true, and I can list them endlessly.

The wish card fulfills all your dreams for 3 years , but in addition to the card itself, you also need to work on yourself, your beliefs and blocks, raise your energy level, then your wishes will come true very quickly.
It is important to understand that with the help of a card, a lot of opportunities come into our lives to realize our desires, and whether we take advantage or not depends on us. For example, I really wanted to get on the cover of one of the magazines with my article, but when I was offered an interview, I refused, because at that time the priority was something else. Those. I received the opportunity and practically the fulfillment of my desire, but did not take advantage of it.

Important points

A vision board is a powerful energetic tool, the action of which is aimed at the productive fulfillment of innermost fantasies. To create it, you can use a classic A4 sheet, which can easily fit into a frame. But the optimal choice would be Whatman paper, which allows you to visualize numerous desires, as well as opening up limitless scope for experimentation.

Important! The selected sheet should not contain lines, cells or other graphic images. The sample card should be absolutely blank, symbolizing a new page in life that you will fill out yourself, representing secret dreams.

Parapsychologists focused on two main points that influence the effectiveness of the created map:

  • Before you start creating, you need to relax as much as possible and clearly formulate the goals you want to achieve and make a wish for them. To do this, you can use instrumental music, a candle flame or water, which allows you to concentrate and bring brain activity to a state of rest.
  • Select photographs and pictures that are as close as possible to real images. They can be cut out from glamorous magazines, brochures or taken from the vastness of the World Wide Web.

If there is no drawing in a suitable format, use creativity. You can draw your dream house, car or other goal that you want to achieve. A textual interpretation is also allowed - an inscription expressing fantasies in verbal form.

Correct wish card number one. You are the artist of your life

We will need:

  • A sheet of whatman paper or a cork board (I choose the second option).
  • Brushes, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Beads
  • Beads

The first thing we do is divide the map into nine identical squares, each of which we paint over so that no white spots are visible. Paints can be replaced with colored paper. South and North, according to Feng Shui, change places. South is at the top and north is at the bottom, you will have east on your left and west on your right.

We frame each sector with beads of the corresponding color (as if we were making a frame of beads for each square). Beads adhere well to PVA glue.

When everything is ready, we move on to filling out the card. Each sector must be filled in separately; we fill the sectors from left to right. In the article I will give the order of filling out the sectors to make it convenient for you. It is important that each sector has approximately the same number of desires so that everything is harmonious.

Before filling out the card, be sure to write a list of your wishes, they should concern only you! You can't wish for others! Desires for parents, children, husband, sister cannot be placed on the map! We wish it only for ourselves! Only your wishes!

Remember, each sector has approximately the same number of desires! Plus, minus 1 wish.

All sectors must be filled! There should be no empty spaces or sectors!

I personally use a cork board instead of whatman paper; it’s practical, convenient and easy.

If the desire is no longer relevant, you just unpin it and that’s it, you don’t need to completely redo the entire card, as is the case with whatman paper.

On the board I use crayons or paints to color the sectors.

In the central sector, in the health sector, we either paste up our photograph (preferably a new one, this year and in full height) or draw ourselves and sign the drawing (full name).

I attached the photo to the cork board.

The first sector is wealth.

We begin to fill out the map from the wealth sector (southeast).

Now I always draw my map by hand. I’ll be honest, I’m not an artist and my drawings are far from ideal, but a hand-drawn map works for me many times faster and better than just pictures. Wishes come true 2 or even 3 times faster.

It doesn’t matter at all how you draw, the most important thing is the energy you put into your drawings and that you look at your card and it makes you happy, joyful and believe in success.

Draw yourself with large bills, a suitcase with money, cars, yachts, jewelry, things and luxury items. For example, you want a thousand dollars - picture yourself holding this exact amount in your hands (insert 10 pictures of a 100 dollar bill). Here you can picture yourself in your villa with a swimming pool.

Gluing or attaching a real money bill and a signature underneath it works great: my wallet is always full of money. I also recommend attaching Chinese coins to this sector, gluing or attaching beads or beautiful rhinestones.

Stages of creation

After preparing whatman paper or a white sheet of paper, as well as cutting out suitable pictures from the album, you need to begin the process of creating a Vision Board. The first stage is divided into two procedures:

  1. Graphic layout layout, carried out in accordance with the unique Bagua grid. On the sheet you need to draw a square, which will be divided into nine equal zones. Each “inner” square corresponds to a specific area of ​​life, color and cardinal direction.
  2. Coloring the sectors in specific colors, symbolizing the main aspects of each person’s life. To do this, you should look at an example of a finished collage.

Each “inner” square in the Wish Map is assigned a specific shade. The order of colors should not be disturbed, because this may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the energy tool in achieving its intended goals. The colors of the sectors are as follows:

  • yellow – central sector;
  • red – upper square (south);
  • blue – lower (north);
  • white - right (west);
  • green - left (east);
  • light green - upper left (southeast);
  • brown - upper right (southwest);
  • light brown or sandy - lower left (northeast);
  • gray - lower right (northwest).

If it is not possible to paint the layout of the Goal Visualization Map in the required colors, it can be done in one shade. It will be called a monochrome board. This will not affect the efficiency of the magic tool, but a violation of the order of colors in the sectors can cause a malfunction of the energy flow wheel.

Important! On a color map layout, the southern sector is at the top, the northern sector is at the bottom, the eastern sector is on the left, and the western sector is at the bottom.

How to sign your wishes correctly

We write the inscription above or below the drawing (picture), but in no case on them.

We write everything in the present tense, without a particle.

We write our wishes as specifically as possible. For example, “I have a monthly income of more than 100 thousand rubles,” “I am the owner of a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow,” “I live in my cottage by the sea,” “I drive my own BMW X5 car.”

It is imperative to sign every wish, every drawing and every picture. You cannot simply leave an inscription without a drawing (picture), and vice versa, a drawing without a signature.

We sign all our desires in the wealth sector and move on to another sector.

Sector number 2. Vocation and glory

Here we picture ourselves on the red carpet, with cups and awards in our hands, we picture ourselves on the covers of magazines or on stage - you are congratulated, awarded a diploma or medal, perhaps you speak at a seminar, or arrange your own exhibition, you are interviewed or shown on TV, you are surrounded by a crowd of fans, in general, everything that symbolizes your success and fame.

We sign all our wishes.

Next sector 3. Love and relationships

Draw a big heart and inside depict yourself in the arms of your loved one. My drawing showed a guy holding me in his arms. My husband takes very good care of me and carries me in his arms. If you are married, then paste or attach your happiest photo with your husband, or draw yourself happy in each other's arms.

Why I love cork boards is because it is convenient to mount not only drawings, but also various objects. So I attached 2 rings and my husband suggested that I have another wedding.

Sign your wishes. For example, “I love and am loved,” “I have a happy relationship with my beloved,” “I am marrying the man I love and am happy in my marriage,” “my husband is the most caring and best husband in the world.” You can write the desired qualities of your man. This sector is also responsible for friendship; you can draw a picture where you are among friends.

You can write I am love, my world is full of love and happiness.

Please do not indicate specific people. You cannot write I am marrying Petya, etc., if you have not received a marriage proposal from Petya.

You can’t attract specific people in this way; it can turn out negative for you. Don't take risks!

Sector 4. Home, family

In this sector we draw our desired house, apartment. Yourself or your happy family in this house.

Let's sign. For example, “we live in our beautiful two-story house (apartment)”, “we are a happy family”, “my family members are happy and healthy”.

If you have a bad relationship with your parents, draw a picture of you holding hands. Sign - “Our family has good and kind relationships, we respect and understand each other.”

Sector 5. Health

There is already a photo or drawing of us here where we are happy.

You can draw yourself with the desired figure.

If you wish, you can also write your dream in the sector, but only the one that corresponds to it. For example - “I am slim and beautiful” or “I am happy”, “I am the standard of beauty and health”, “I have thick, shiny hair”, etc.

If you want a child, then in this sector you can draw yourself in a position and sign: “My pregnancy is going well and easily,” and next to it in the “children and creativity” sector you can draw yourself with a baby in your arms and sign: “I am a happy mother of a healthy baby.”

If you have back pain and problems in the spine, draw a healthy spine (the Internet is full of drawings) and label my spine is absolutely healthy! It helped me 100%.

Sector 6. Children, creativity, sex

If you want to become a mother, draw yourself with a child in your arms.

We also place symbols of our creativity here. If you want to write a book, then feel free to draw a volume of the book with your name on the cover. Do you want to dance? Add a picture of yourself dancing.

I drew a magic book. I wanted to write something unusual and magical, but I didn’t know what it would be. I signed “I create magical texts for happiness.” Less than a year had passed since I began writing fairy tales, and then I began preparing a new book, “Fairy Tales for Happiness,” for publication.

I also wrote that my courses make people happier, and this year we received a thousand letters with amazing reviews and results, which is really very cool.

In the same sector you can place a picture depicting passion and sex, which will help improve relationships if feelings in your family have cooled, passion has disappeared, or if you have blocks of sexual energy. You can caption this picture as follows: “I have a passionate relationship with my beloved,” “I am filled with passion and sexual energy,” “I have amazing passionate sex with my beloved.”

Sector 7. Knowledge and wisdom

Here you can draw a driver's license, a college diploma. Perhaps you want to learn a new language or take a course abroad.

You can draw yourself with your favorite coach, from whom you dream of learning, or stick (attach) his photo. We draw diplomas and certificates with our last name.

We sign the pictures and move on to the next sector.

Sector 8. Work and career

Here, depict yourself in the office of the desired company, yourself at your favorite job, add drawings depicting career growth, your business, and your desired income. If you haven’t found your purpose yet, you can draw yourself happy with wads of money in your hands and write: “I do what I love and get a lot of income.”

Sector 9. Travel and assistants

Images of countries or places you dream of visiting are suitable here. You can picture yourself walking around Paris or sunbathing in Goa. Also in this sector we post photos of patrons and higher powers, angels, saints, gods, whatever you believe in.

We sign on the back of the card: “May my wishes come true in the best way for me and for the benefit of everyone. Let it be so! Thank you I love!"

Correct wish card number two.

If drawings don’t inspire you in any way and you don’t like drawing at all, then this method will suit you. Although, according to my observations, it is less effective, or longer.

When I started not just pasting pictures with desires, but rather drawing, the card began to work much more actively. Desires that had not been fulfilled for a long time began to come true, she worked especially well with wishes for health, and they are the most difficult.

So, if drawings are not your thing at all, then we select pictures for the wish card and paste them on.

We do exactly the same as with the drawings, only we glue the pictures, or attach them if you have a cork board.

Be sure to sign each picture.

The main purpose of a vision board

The materiality of thought is expressed by embodiment into reality. The same thing happens with a cherished desire; if you know how to control this process, you can plan and manage events. How to do it? By visualizing what the subconscious should be directed towards.

Correctly selected graphic pictures placed on the board create the right images in the subcortex of the brain. They constantly attract attention and program for success. Visual motivation penetrates consciousness, becoming an “obsessive” idea that is realized in life. Technology works with tangible and intangible assets.

How to choose the right pictures for a wish card?

1. Your pictures should be as similar as possible to your desires; they should simply give you goosebumps with delight!

2. They must be colored. Black and white won't do.

3. There should be no strangers on them, except for patrons and desired assistants, mentors, this was indicated in the career and travel sector.

4. You can add yourself in Photoshop to the desired house, next to the desired car, to the desired office and on the carpet.

If you want a slim figure, stick a sticker of yourself when you were thin, or draw a picture of yourself being thin. Through experimentation, I realized that this is more effective than gluing your head into the desired body. Although I used to think differently.

In the children sector, if you want children, it is better to draw yourself with a child in your arms, so the desire will work faster. You can, of course, just paste a picture with a child, it will also work, but it will take longer to complete.

In the love and relationships sector, we glue a couple in love from behind, who are more or less similar to you and your type of man.

Correct wish card number three.

This option is convenient for those who are afraid to place the map at home and are embarrassed that they will see it.

This is a version of the card in the form of a notepad or book.

Buy the most beautiful wish book or notebook.

It should evoke joy and a feeling of magic!

Open the notebook and paste your photo on the first sheet, maybe a portrait. The most beautiful and happiest.


I (full name) am the happiest and here all my wishes are fulfilled in the best possible way for me and for the benefit of everyone! Let it be so!

And in order, starting with the wealth sector (the order is maintained as in the first card), we fill in our desires.

There is 1 wish on one page. Be sure to paint the background, matching the color of the sectors.

You can also draw wishes, you can simply paste pictures. Everything must be signed! Everything is the same as in the first card, only in the notebook.

My friends tried this particular option, and within a year 90% of their wishes came true.

They partly drew, partly glued pictures.

Why does the technique work?

Visualization and self-programming are regarded by specialists in the field of psychology as two of the most powerful tools for self-correction of consciousness. They allow for comprehensive internal cleaning, including:

Technique of wish fulfillment

  • systematize thoughts: remove the unnecessary, bring the important to the fore, part with the past and move into the future with clearly defined goals;
  • prioritize your own desires, identifying the most significant and secondary ones;
  • set yourself up for success and confidently (albeit gradually) move towards achieving what you want.

No matter how old you are, there will probably be many unrealized but desired things in your life, as well as reasons why you have not yet been able to do, receive or realize them. You simply may not have enough time or money for your dream. Or maybe you put other people's interests above your own, giving all your strength and energy to your family and friends or investing in your work.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what exactly is stopping you from moving forward and being happy. The “Wishing Board” will not allow you to remain on the shore of life’s blessings and joys, since it is a tool for correcting your subconscious and a wind that will direct the sails in the right direction.

Activation of the wish card

Once your wish card is ready, you need to activate it.

To do this, in the center in the health sector, we draw (glue) desires that we can fulfill ourselves in the near future.

For example, tangerine, delicious chocolate. Look carefully at all the sectors to see if you have the opportunity to place such desires in any other sector. For example, in the creativity zone I drew a sheet and how an article is written, and the next day I wrote an article. In the wealth zone, I drew the desired dress that I had wanted for so long and bought it for myself. In the love zone, I wrote about a romantic evening with my loved one and arranged a romantic dinner for my husband. We need all these little wishes to activate the card, so that the fulfilled wishes will pull the rest with them and the magic process will go faster.

What to do if the wishes on the map are no longer relevant?

If you can’t carefully peel them off and stick new ones on, then just redo the card. That's why I love cork boards.

Step-by-step compilation

There are 3 ways to work:

  • manually;
  • using a ready-made set;
  • using an online constructor.

It is recommended to use the first method. This is due to the fact that during the manufacturing process a person is more focused on his activities, can think about his goals, and engage in their visualization.

You must act according to the following algorithm:

  • first write down all your goals that come to mind, and then remove from the list what is of least importance;
  • select images. You can use both your own photos and those from the global network;
  • select a style. The board can be neat and strict, or it can be creative and imaginative. The main thing when choosing is to be guided by your own feelings and preferences;
  • set up your workspace. Remove everything unnecessary and distracting. Turn on some nice music. Lay out everything you need on the table;
  • start creating a poster. Remember: at this moment you need to completely immerse yourself in the process and listen only to yourself and your emotions.

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