Orchid according to Feng Shui - meaning and placement rules

Flowers are given quite a lot of importance in the teachings of Feng Shui. They have strong energy, some positive and some not so much. But, as a rule, flowers generously share their energy with the surrounding space. Today we will talk about the orchid - it is a very ancient and beautiful flower. According to Feng Shui, an orchid is a symbol of purity, purity, perfection, beauty and harmony.

In ancient times, only select people – talented or outstanding people – were supposed to have orchids. Men presented an orchid flower to their lovers, thereby expressing their sincere sympathy and showing that their thoughts regarding this girl were serious.

Rules for placing an orchid in the house

Since an orchid, according to Feng Shui, is a flower that affects the energy of space, you need to be careful when placing it in the house. Certain rules must be followed:

The first thing you need to pay attention to is that the orchid is a fragile and delicate flower. And in order to avoid disruptions in the spread of its positive energy, you should not place the orchid near large furniture, or opposite the entrance to the room.

Avoid pointing sharp angles (secret arrows) directly at the orchid.

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of the room in which you plan to place the orchid.

The delicate flower does not tolerate poorly lit places, however, it does not feel comfortable when exposed to direct rays. They'll just burn it.

The location where the orchid is placed should have diffused light and warmth. There should be no drafts, air conditioning or fan in the room.

You need to find such a convenient place for an orchid as soon as it appears in your home. So as not to subsequently move it from place to place. Otherwise, the flower may begin to hurt.

If it happens that your epiphyte has withered, then it is better to simply throw it out and put a new healthy flower in its place.

Location by cardinal directions:

South-West - will ensure harmony between household members and will return passion to the relationship between spouses. It is better if it is a red orchid.

Southeast - will ensure financial success for the owner, and will also bring good luck to business representatives. This option is well suited for placing an orchid in the office.

In the east - it will improve the general well-being of household members, and also protect the owner and his relatives from various diseases, and improve health. White orchids or light-colored orchids work well here.

A plant in the northwest will allow a person to establish relationships with loved ones.

The epiphyte, located in the north, is responsible for the owner’s advancement up the career ladder. Place it in the northern part of your office, and all your endeavors will be successful.

Orchids according to feng shui

What do these flowers mean?

Remarkable representatives of the plant world, according to Feng Shui, are also the following symbols:

  • luxury. With their beautiful appearance, orchids can decorate any interior and will become an indicator of the material wealth and good taste of the owners;
  • elegance and beauty. It is not for nothing that this exquisite flower is considered feminine. His strong energy has a greater influence on the fair half of humanity. A charming representative of the flora will give a lady of any age a feeling of confidence in her beauty;
  • wealth _ The plant can attract the energy of money. People who are often in a room with epiphytes have an improved financial situation.

The plant spreads a positive aura around itself. A person near an orchid feels cozy and comfortable.

Selecting a location

In order for the epiphyte to be comfortable and to fully develop its enchanting properties, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • a delicate flower should be placed so that there is no bulky furniture next to it , which would disrupt the spread of positive energy throughout the room;
  • Also You can’t place a plant in front of the entrance. Positive radiation from the flower will flow out of the room;

    According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place orchids opposite the exit.

  • This sophisticated representative of the flora hates moving . The permanent habitat of an orchid should be determined before purchasing it. Once the plant is placed on a horizontal surface, it should not be touched at all;
  • Beautiful flowers love good lighting and begin to feel uncomfortable in a dark place. At the same time, orchids do not tolerate direct sunlight. In this case, the buds and leaves quickly become covered with burns;
  • epiphytes love warmth, and drafts are contraindicated for them. It is strictly forbidden to place an orchid near a running air conditioner. Cold air will cause the plant to lose its visual appeal.

Location by cardinal directions

If you place an exquisite flower in different places in the room, it will influence people differently:

  • placement on the southeast side will bring financial wealth and good luck in business matters. This solution is most relevant for offices;
  • In an apartment it is better to place an orchid in the southwest. Then there will be harmony between all family members. And spouses will be able to return their former passion, even if the marriage has been going on for many years;
  • if you identify an epiphyte in the east , the health and mental well-being of all inhabitants of the room may improve;
  • the northwestern side will allow the plant to contribute to establishing trusting relationships with family and friends;
  • at the northern border , the orchid will take responsibility for building the career ladder of business people.

Location by zone

Followers of Feng Shui believe that an amazing representative of the plant world has the ability to suck vital energy from a person during sleep. This property increases at night. Therefore, you should not put the plant in the bedroom . A painting with orchids in the bedroom will be absolutely safe and look very stylish.

The sophisticated flower favors the fair half of humanity. And in representatives of the stronger sex it can evoke unmasculine character traits. Therefore, the orchid should not be placed close to those places where the male part of the family most often visits.

The best location for the flower is in the living room. After all, an amazing plant can drive away ill-wishers and enemies. Such people begin to experience headaches and malaise when they are near an orchid.

Keeping orchids in the living room is considered the most successful.

It’s great if the epiphyte is located in the hallway, winter garden, or glazed loggia . If the bathroom is spacious and has natural light streaming from the window, then you can place the flower on the countertop by the sink.

Plant energy

The powerful energy of the plant has a beneficial effect on the environment in the living room. An orchid is able to absorb all the negativity in an apartment . But this gift must be activated with the help of special attributes that are placed next to the epiphyte:

  • aquarium . The tandem of such a strong talisman and an exquisite flower will create remarkable magical power. The aquarium can be replaced with a decorative fountain. The main thing is that both objects are made of glass or stone;
  • glass figurine in the shape of an elephant or lotus flower . Such things, enhanced by the power of the orchid, can attract happiness and prosperity. The plant is placed in a glass container that does not have any damage. And above the composition you need to hang an image of orchids on a red background.

ADVICE! Surrounded by such activators, the epiphyte will acquire and then strengthen its protective properties.

In the interior

Followers of Feng Shui claim that living orchids can harmoniously fit into any interior in a home or office space.

In the office

The office is the most ideal place to display beautiful flowers. Corridors, reception areas, and even offices are suitable for them. Choosing a place for an orchid in an office space follows the same principles as in an apartment.

In the work area

Exquisite plants will feel great both in the center of the room and near the windows . Epiphytes can not only decorate the work area, but also increase a person’s performance and give him confidence in his abilities. And in a crowded and noisy office, orchids will absorb the negative emotions of the crowd.

Orchids in the office capture and neutralize negative emotions.

Color meanings

According to Feng Shui, the colors of flowers affect people differently:

  • white flowers are simply ideal for representatives of human society seeking to find inner harmony. And women and girls prone to melancholy and depression simply need to periodically look at snow-white flowers;
  • Red colors are good for those who are unable to change their life. Fire orchids will give strength to indecisive individuals;
  • colorful specimens are worth having for lazy and apathetic people. Plants will help you gain determination and not put things off until later;
  • yellow epiphytes are needed by workaholics who have the goal of constantly climbing the career ladder.

ATTENTION! Do not forget that a beautiful flower gives its favor only when the people around it treat it with care.

Harm to orchids or the right rooms for placement

An orchid can take away a person’s energy at night. That is why the flower is not recommended to be placed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. This is fraught with fatigue, drowsiness, and apathy. In a word, the sleeping person feels unwell. This also applies to the presence of paintings with orchids in the bedroom.

The same rule applies to children's rooms if the child sleeps there. Due to the constant loss of energy during sleep, the child may become capricious, whiny and susceptible to various diseases.

The best rooms for an orchid are the living room or hallway. It’s good if they, moreover, are large and light. By the way, a picture with orchids according to Feng Shui would look very appropriate here. This will bring harmony and prosperity.

Another favorable room for an orchid may be a room intended only for indoor plants. Such a room could be a loggia.

When placing an orchid in your home according to Feng Shui, you need to remember that this is a flower that brings luck to women. It should not be kept in places where men are most likely to be. For example, in my husband’s office.

How a plant can harm apartment owners

The choice of indoor plants should be treated with caution, since the mood and health of all family members depends on it. According to Feng Shui, if placed incorrectly, orchids can cause harm to apartment owners:

  1. Due to the ability of the flower to absorb energy at night, you should not leave the orchid in the bedroom. The plant can negatively affect a sleeping person, who, upon awakening, will be tired, irritable and apathetic. Perhaps this statement is associated with a specific aroma and the active release of carbon dioxide, so it is better to place the orchid in a well-ventilated place to avoid insomnia or headaches.
  2. It is also not recommended to place a flower in a children's room to avoid whims, frequent illnesses and overwork of the child.
  3. The plant affects the health of men and boys, suppressing their masculinity and destroying their aura. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave flowers in a room where a man spends a lot of time.

It is important to remember that the quality of the emitted energy depends on the condition of the indoor plants. Untidy or diseased flowers will not give positive emotions to the owners and will cause significant harm, absorbing the vital energy Qi from the space.

Flower activation

You can “awaken” the energy of a plant using special activators. It is best to place the plant a short distance from the aquarium, which itself has powerful energy. Another option is to use a decorative fountain made of stone or glass.

Place a glass figurine of any size next to the orchid. It is important that it symbolizes good luck, for example, it has the shape of a lotus. The plant itself should be placed in a glass vase with a surface without cracks. You can hang any picture above the vase, preferably in pink and red tones. An alternative is embroidery on a red background.

A little history

Phalaenopsis is a very ancient representative of the flora. Our ancestors considered the orchid a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The knight who presented this inflorescence as a gift to the girl thus expressed his sympathy.

A mysterious plant, often used by healers and witches to make potions. To this day, it is believed that it endows its owner with strength and beauty, and is also a symbol of love.

The legend about the orchid says that one day, the loving goddess of love Venus, hiding from heavy rain, retired with her chosen one Adonis in a cave. In a fit of love, they began to take off each other’s clothes, and the shoe that fell from the goddess’s foot turned into a beautiful flower. By the way, many florists today call it Lady’s slipper.

An orchid is a female plant that benefits only the fair sex, enhancing femininity, attractiveness and other inherent qualities

Color meaning

Dark red, light burgundy flowers are suitable for those people who are afraid to change their lives. They will give the owner such traits as confidence and determination, thanks to which the person will be one step closer to change.

White - will help you find inner harmony. It is recommended to choose this color for girls and women who are characterized by frequent depression. A white plant will give you a feeling of peace, tranquility, and will also increase the chances of meeting your soulmate.

Bright orchid flowers are recommended for apathy and laziness. They will help a person learn not to put off important things until later, and also gain determination.

Yellow flowers are for those who want to advance their career.

If a young man wants to win the heart of his beloved, then it is better to give a pink or lilac orchid.

Symbol of perfection and harmony

The beautiful flower is considered a symbol of harmony and perfection . It’s not for nothing that its name is translated from Latin as “supreme perfection.” The appearance of the orchid is striking in its simplicity and elegance. After all, nature did not give the plant any elaborate bright colors or original details. But the flower looks simply amazing.

Orchids are rightfully considered a symbol of sophistication and perfection.

Any orchid can be admired endlessly. The external perfection of the epiphyte evokes in the soul of the beholder a feeling of harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. A person begins to realize that everything that happens to him is for the better.

Peace and tranquility that reigns in the soul can provide a person with enormous inner strength . This power, in turn, will enable both men and women to achieve everything - personal happiness, success and material well-being.

IMPORTANT! Contemplation of the perfect appearance of a plant leads to harmony in the soul of an individual, regardless of his gender and age.

Cut orchids

© pilotL39 / Getty Images

The bouquet of orchids is beautiful. But, unfortunately, flowers do not live long, and not every type of plant is suitable for cutting. Let's figure out which orchids are suitable for bouquets, and what we can do to extend the life of such a bouquet.

Orchids suitable for standing in a vase and maintaining freshness for a long time are Cymbidiums, Phalaenopsis and Paphioopedilum. These orchids will last for several weeks and sometimes even a month. Cut orchids of other species will not last even one hour, withering right before our eyes.

If you purchase cut orchids, pay attention first to the sepals and petals. They should be very hard and shiny, as if they were covered with wax. This flower will last a long time.

Popular beliefs

For women

Representatives of the fair sex are recommended to keep orchids in the house as a talisman that preserves health, gives inspiration, charm, beauty, charm and other qualities.

The benefits for the skin are obvious:
wrinkles and inflammation disappear as if by magic .
The flower will definitely give feminine strength and beauty. There is a belief that this flower drives men away from women. Therefore, if there is an orchid in the house, then the fair sex will be left alone. But some experts believe that this is not entirely true: with frequent contact with a flower, a man can become tender, sensitive and that’s all. The flower will not harm the owner.

Why does it bloom?

If an orchid has bloomed, you definitely need to pay attention to the color of the plant, because petals of different colors predict different events :

  1. You can find harmony and tranquility when a white or soft pink orchid . Depression will go away and it will be easy to be positive.
  2. An orange flower will increase the productivity and activity of the owner. It will give a creative person inspiration and reveal his potential. If you need to replenish your supply of vital energy, then this flower will definitely help. During its flowering, all ideas will be realized.
  3. Anyone who has decided to get rich or increase their wealth should stop at the yellow orchid When this flower blooms, it will attract money.
  4. A talisman that helps protect against idleness - red and dark purple orchids . They will help you take decisive action. These plants need to be purchased by women who are planning to fight with themselves for a healthy lifestyle, who are trying to improve their figure or give up bad habits. These flowers will help strengthen your strong-willed qualities and certainly achieve results without putting off until tomorrow what you were going to do today.
  5. Pink flowers are friends of attractive and charming women. If you need to protect yourself from negativity, develop your creativity and highlight your beauty, then you should definitely buy orchids of this color.
  6. The plant is a rare color - blue - unique, so it is suitable for expressing serious, deep feelings.
  7. Motley - denotes an offer of intimacy and passion. Give to your beloved woman, with whom a future together is possible.

If given

A man who gives a bouquet of orchids will be considered unapproachable and cold by the people, because the flower symbolizes incomprehensible beauty. However, people admit that they are always overcome by envy of both the giver and the recipient of this gift, because the splendor of the flower simply amazes the imagination.

Orchids are given as a gift to girls if a man is confident in his feelings. If given:

  • for a woman - they want novelty in a relationship;
  • mother - as a sign of deep respect.

Orchids are also given as gifts for weddings. This expensive flower emphasizes respect for the recipients of the gift, highlighting their status and talents and as a wish for a long, happy family life.

It must be remembered that the plant must be purchased, and not taken from home , otherwise it will take revenge for betrayal.

If there's a baby

When an orchid has a shoot on its stem or a baby, it is a great success. This is an exotic plant, so it is very difficult for it to reproduce in our conditions. The appearance of a baby means happiness , fulfillment of desires, finding harmony and peace. It can also mean an addition to the family.

Other observations of our ancestors

  1. If an orchid was brought from someone else’s house, then it experiences stress and begins to spoil the atmosphere in the house. Conflicts escalate, quarrels develop, peace and tranquility leave the family.
  2. If you are constantly overcome by fatigue while working, then you need to put a red orchid on the windowsill and it will become easier to deal with difficulties.
  3. When your boss is very strict, you should give him this elegant flower. Subordinates will immediately feel the loyalty, sympathy and calmness of the boss.
  4. Did you give an orchid to a girl? This means there are serious intentions towards her, if the spouses should expect a surge of passion and love.

Orchid - superstitions and signs associated with the plant

An orchid is a truly beautiful flower. With its appearance it creates a feeling of spiritual saturation and hormonal satisfaction. Its delicate flower really surprises with its combination of splendor and lightness, and the smell makes you forget everything that is happening around you. You literally get drunk and are hypnotized. It seems that the orchid has combined the most beautiful qualities of flowers and enhanced them several times.

It would seem that such a flower cannot have a single flaw, but signs and superstitions completely disagree with this. To know exactly the meaning of an orchid, we have written this material for you! We hope it will be useful for everyone. Ready to learn the signs about the orchid? Then let's begin!

What are the signs associated with the orchid based on?

The orchid has a unique energy. Of course, such power cannot be subject to everything. Therefore, at some points it creates negative energy, which is very difficult to destroy. This is explained by the balance of positive and negative forces in nature. You will have to come to terms with this and use it only according to the rules outlined in this material.

The orchid is a very feminine flower. Therefore, it creates only feminine energy. This is not bad, but only in certain cases. It is important to learn how to use this force correctly, because otherwise you will upset the balance that we talked about above. Be careful! It's time to talk about the signs associated with the orchid.

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