Which zones to activate according to Feng Shui to get pregnant?

Some married couples are faced with the impossibility of having a baby, although medical examinations do not find any abnormalities in the health of the spouses.

The principles of Feng Shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child will help you overcome this serious problem - that’s what we’ll talk to you about today. You won’t need anything complicated, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of Eastern sages who know a lot about the energy of procreation.

How Feng Shui can help

It would seem that the problem with conception is not esoteric, but more of a medical one. But Feng Shui supporters do not agree with this opinion. They argue that many factors can interfere with pregnancy, for example, the energy of sadness from despair from failed attempts, incorrect location of the marital bed, coincidence of circumstances.

But all this can be changed with the help of the correct direction of energy flows, which will help strengthen the couple’s relationship, destroy interfering factors and attract the right people into life who can heal both body and soul.

What is genetic incompatibility of partners?

Genetic infertility in women and men accounts for about 10% of all types of impaired fertility. The main reason lies in a change in the quality or quantity of genes that are stored on chromosomes. As a result, when the nuclei of eggs and sperm divide, cells with an incorrect chromosome complement can be formed.

The following factors increase the risk of genetic incompatibility:

  • excessive doses of radiation;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • marriages between blood relatives;
  • hereditary diseases.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on age. The older the partners, the higher the proportion of chromosomal mutations, and this applies to a greater extent to women. On average, after 35 years, the number of eggs that have genetic disorders increases. These changes become especially noticeable in the category of women 40+ (the proportion of mutant oocytes can reach 80%).

In case of severe genetic damage, the mechanism of natural selection is triggered. Embryos with the wrong chromosome set sooner or later stop in their development, which leads to miscarriage or missed abortion. Therefore, if there are repeated pregnancy losses, a genetic consultation is required for the couple.

As part of genetic counseling, a couple may undergo various types of tests:

  • karyotyping;
  • expert sperm analysis;
  • analysis of mutations in specific genes that are most often associated with infertility or recurrent miscarriage;
  • FISH study of sperm, eggs, etc.


Before directly implementing Feng Shui recommendations, you first need to go through the preparatory stage.

  • First, carry out a complete cleaning of the apartment, getting rid of all old and unnecessary things that have not been used for a long time, as well as cracked dishes and artificial or dried flowers.
  • And secondly, inspect the bedroom for “poisonous arrows.”

This is the name given to the sharp corners of the furniture, which are directed towards the matrimonial bed and towards the center of the room opposite it. If you find such corners, they must be neutralized, as they will interfere with conception: you can simply stick tape or decorative paper on them, or cover them with a beautiful napkin, placing any living plant in a pot on top.

You can also get rid of the negative energy of such “arrows” with the help of a canopy, screen, picture or any other object that resembles a screen. You definitely need to put a new mattress on the bed, and this is especially important if the old one consisted of two halves - for successful conception it must be one.

After preparing the bed, you need to cut the length of your hair to the so-called “imperial size”.

Translated into a language that everyone understands, Feng Shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child is from 16.2 to 17.5 centimeters; it is this value that is responsible for the joy that children fill our lives with. If your hair is already short, you can use a value from 2.7 to 4 cm, which brings good luck in all areas of life.

Personal Gua number and its characteristics

In the practice of Feng Shui, Gua numbers are of great importance, which are calculated individually for each person, and each number - from 1 to 9 - corresponds to a direction in space. To get pregnant according to Feng Shui, you need to make calculations for a man and a woman.

Then, before conception, the bed is turned with the head in the direction corresponding to the man's Gua number. After pregnancy occurs, the bed is turned again, but this time in the direction corresponding to the woman’s gua number.

West - Children

In Feng Shui, the western sector of the home is considered the most important for the birth of a child, since it is associated with children and procreation. It is best to decorate it in light colors - white, silver and gray, and, if possible, avoid red and its shades, since they neutralize the energy necessary for conception.

In this part of the apartment you can and should place items related to children and fertility. A good solution would be:

  • Frames with your children's photographs and your family's babies;
  • Paintings depicting children;
  • Any living, fast-growing plant in a pot, such as ficus;
  • Books and magazines for children and parents;
  • A figurine of the god Hotei, surrounded by children;
  • An image of either a stork or a crane carrying a peach;
  • Crystal egg framed in marble, metal or malachite;
  • A figurine of an elephant or a composition of them, but always with trunks tucked down (you can also place two elephants on both sides of the entrance door to the bedroom, if it is not in this sector);
  • Images of pomegranate or peas;
  • An amulet or a picture with two fish (they can also be left not in the “children’s” sector, but simply placed under the mattress on the marital bed).

Wearing special stones around the neck that help to conceive and bear a child will also help to activate the positive energy of this zone. Such stones include amber, carnelian, garnet, emerald, diamond, malachite, topaz, rock crystal, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

If you are not used to this kind of decoration, just leave such a magical pebble in the “children’s” sector - the western part of the apartment.

Preparatory stage

To get pregnant using Feng Shui, you need to prepare the space at home by doing a thorough cleaning and getting rid of all the old unnecessary things.

If there are dried or artificial flowers in the house, you will have to say goodbye to them, as they accumulate the energy of stagnation and do not miss new events.

You can get rid of the influence of “arrows” by neutralizing them or moving the furniture. To neutralize it, you need to cover the corners with decorative napkins, hang red threads on them, or simply seal them with tape. The most effective option, from an energy point of view, is a hand-made elongated napkin, and on it a living flower in a decorative pot of white or blue.

Also at this stage it is necessary to replace the mattress if it consists of 2 parts. You can buy a new large one or purchase a special thin orthopedic pad that will combine the two parts of the old one.

South – Love

This area of ​​the home is responsible for feelings. Eastern sages believe that a child should be born only between people who sincerely love each other, so this sector of the apartment also needs to be activated for successful conception.

It would be appropriate to decorate it in the color of passion – red and any of its shades. If your sleeping area is in the south, be sure to cover it with a red, orange, yellow or earthy blanket. The first two colors activate the energy of love, and the last two colors activate the energy of fertility.

In the zone of marital relations there must be your wedding photograph, as well as any other symbols of love: paired figurines of people, animals or mythical creatures, a sign of double luck, rose quartz or tangerine ducks.

Favorable days

There are days that are absolutely unfavorable for the process of conception. We are talking about lunar days or lunar days. Also, days of lunar and solar eclipses, days of the full moon, personal days of an unfavorable orientation are considered unfavorable, in accordance with the data of the Ba-Tzu map.

This chart is compiled based on the date and time of your birth, for which you can use a special calculator. As for lunar days, not all of them are unfavorable. But this topic requires more detailed study on your part.

Your children will be indicated by the Hour Pillar in the Ba-Tzu chart. An analysis of this area of ​​life, based on the study of the map, can only be carried out by a professional Ba-Tzu specialist. You can use the obtained dates to exclude unfavorable time periods that are not recommended for planning and conceiving a child.

Pay attention to which Animal is comparable to a particular Hour Pillar. The day or year of the Animals that collide with the Animal of the Hour Pillar is considered unfavorable for conception. By the way, all of the above applies not only to natural, but also to artificial insemination. For example, if the Animal of your Hour Pillar is the Rooster, then looking at 2011 (Rabbit), we see that this year is not favorable for conception. Well, in general, it will be necessary to exclude those days that correspond to both the Rabbit and the Rooster, regardless of whether insemination is natural or artificial. The compatibility and collision of certain Animals can be checked in a special table. Conflicting signs in such tables are usually designated "antagonists."

Here's another piece of advice that has nothing to do with Feng Shui. You need to dream about a child, want him as sincerely as possible, ask the Higher Powers for such a gift, and do this often.

Your child must be truly desired, and you, of course, must be prepared for the fact that he will appear in your life. A child should not be a means to achieve certain goals. Your only goal is to make both yourself and your spouse happy. Then the children will be happy and healthy.

Source: domisad.org

North West – Patrons

This sector of the apartment is responsible for the patrons, so in Feng Shui for the conception and birth of a child we will also use it to ask them for help. You can place here a picture with a guardian angel, an icon with the Mother of God or St. Petersburg Blessed Xenia.

If you do not consider yourself a deeply religious person, simply hang in this area some bells with a subtle sound or an object associated with the person from whom you want to ask for help, for example, a great-grandmother or another relative who had many children or whom you feel very strongly about. love.

East – Family

This direction is responsible for family relationships. There should not be an overabundance of symbols in this area, so it is better to limit yourself to minimalism, for example, place here bamboo or some product made of natural wood and a painting or photograph depicting water. Just let it be a beautiful lake or a dawn over a calm sea, and not a swamp, a storm in the ocean or a stormy waterfall.

And most importantly, remember that feng shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child will definitely work only if you sincerely believe in its power. Get rid of negative thinking, believe that everything will work out for you and then everything in your life will definitely fall into place.


The concept of “quality of life” also includes the aspect of conceiving a child. And in order to be able to analyze the influence of the feng shui of your home on the possibility of conceiving and having a child, you need to have a detailed house plan in your hands, which will indicate all the compass directions. It is necessary to make sure that the western sector of the house is favorable. According to BaGua's theory of 8 life aspirations, it is the Western sector that is directly responsible for the construction and implementation of all our projects and plans.

It is the western sector that is responsible for the possibility of having a child, as well as for its favorable development and future success. The Chinese even associate the Western sector with the youngest daughter (under 15 years old). But a sector like the Northeast is responsible for younger sons.

If these sectors are absent in your home, and, on top of that, the Ba-Tzu card indicates possible problems with conception (regardless of the presence of health problems), then the cause of all your evils is clear as day. By the way, in addition to the absence of the sector, its suffering is unfavorable.

If the sector you need is cluttered, there are Sha-objects outside, or the sector requires immediate repair, it is considered damaged and requires immediate correction or restoration of order.

If the required sector is missing, you can conditionally supplement it with the help of mirrors or paintings.

If the sector is present and not suffering, you can activate it with the help of appropriate accessories and talismans that symbolize motherhood and children. These could be children's or family photographs, metal bells, mobile phones, striking clocks, a music center, icons (symbols of motherhood), a figurine of a deity with children.

If the presence of a sector and the presence of the necessary accessories in it did not help you, you should check the theory of Flying Stars, which can also spoil the overall picture. Flying Stars can form an unfavorable combination, especially in your bedroom. This occurs over a certain period of time, which is calculated by an analytical method. Alternatively, the cause of problems with conception may be the lack of a private sector in your home.

If for some reason you cannot contact a professional in the field of Ba-Tzu and Feng Shui, or cannot draw up a natal chart at home with your own hands, or cannot interpret star combinations, then we recommend that you temporarily change the “matrimonial” room.

There is every chance to increase the favorable moment of conception in a new room, in which there is no influence of unfavorable stars. If Flying Star analysis is available to you, you need to carefully track the monthly and annual stars.

Star 9, which has a special energy, is considered the most favorable for the process of conception. If the marital bed is located in the room where the yearly nine is currently located, the possibility of conception reaches its maximum. For example, in 2011, the nine was located in the western sector.

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