Feng Shui family zone: location and activation of the sector

Let's talk about what is family? The question seems naive, doesn't it? It’s already clear to everyone what a family is, you say. However, it is something different for each person.


If we take a “dry” definition, then this is a group of people united by marriage or blood ties, living together. Of course, all this is true, but apart from this, mutual understanding and respect should reign in the family, at a minimum (at least, I think so).

Here are some answers from various people on the Internet to this question.

Someone says: “For me, Family is both joy and worries... And school and resort... And emotions and tranquility... This is a small world of understanding.... mutual understanding...”.

Another says: “This is such a detail of my picture, without which the overall meaning would change.”

What do you think? What is family to you? Share your opinion in the comments.

Well, this is a digression from the topic.

The purpose of this article is to explain how the teachings of Feng Shui can help improve relationships between family members or maintain existing strong family ties. To do this, of course, you need to correctly set up the family zone in the house according to Feng Shui.

What is this zone responsible for?

The family sector can have a significant impact on strengthening family ties between children and parents, as well as previous and future generations. Family relationships can be improved and even the preconditions for the birth of a new person can be created by stimulating the Qi energy in this sector. Activation of this zone increases the financial well-being of the home owners, since, according to Feng Shui, the eastern part of the room is a reserve center of wealth, capable of feeding the home with this energy.

When books teach one thing, and life teaches another, a person becomes diversified!

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