Why you shouldn’t take out the trash in the evening - folk superstitions will tell you

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  1. Reasons for the occurrence of signs
  2. The meaning of the sign
  3. What is the best time to take out the trash?
  4. What should not be thrown away
  5. Why can't you let someone else take out the trash bag?
  6. How to avoid the negative consequences of omens
  7. Other common signs associated with garbage

Various superstitions and signs go back to the distant past. Some of them have lost relevance for modern society, but people still believe in most of them, adapting them to new living conditions and adding new meaning. Some signs are negative and promise trouble, so superstitious people are especially eager to observe them. In order to avoid troubles, if you still need to get rid of garbage in the evening, knowledgeable people advise saying special words. There are many reasons to refrain from going to the trash container, from the mystical to the completely ordinary.

Signs associated with garbage

There are many folk superstitions associated with trash accumulated in the house. It is believed that it contains a piece of the energy of the family living in this apartment, and therefore can serve as the basis for inducing damage, a curse or the evil eye.

The most common signs about garbage:

  1. You cannot sweep dirty linen over the threshold, otherwise positive energy will leak out of the house, and dark forces will penetrate the room.
  2. Do not throw technical waste and food waste into the same bucket - this will lead to ruin and a series of failures.
  3. Leaving trash on the floor while cleaning means the girl will marry a pockmarked man.
  4. Taking a bag of waste out of the house and accidentally scattering it predicts quarrels, scandals, and conflicts out of the blue.
  5. crumbs and cereals spilled on the floor to wild birds so that there is always plenty in the house.
  6. Sprinkling salt means a quarrel. Its remains must be collected with a wet cloth and washed down the drain.
  7. Rubbish thrown out the window will attract troubles and conflicts to the family.
  8. After a feast or tea party with guests, crumbs and other things from the table should be carefully collected with a cloth towards you, away from other people. The rules of good manners also speak about this, so as not to accidentally stain the guest.

What does Feng Shui say?

Eastern teachings do not describe any prohibitions. At the same time, according to Feng Shui, you need to get rid of garbage regularly. According to the Taoist practice of space exploration, trash takes away energy. And in order for your apartment or house, and with it your life, to be filled with harmony, you need to get rid of old unnecessary things and garbage.

The time of day is not specified, but according to Feng Shui, it is believed that if you get rid of garbage after the sun disappears below the horizon, you will lose financial success. Luck and happiness will go away at the same time. It will be difficult to acquire all this again.

Why you shouldn't take out the trash at night

Modern explanations of signs have nothing to do with mystical entities. In some areas, going out in the evening is dangerous due to possible attacks from marginalized individuals. Also, a woman may be afraid that a man will meet friends and, instead of spending time with his family, will choose to walk around the city at night. Another reason is the likelihood of an accident, which increases with darkness.

Why, according to old folk wisdom, you can’t take out the trash in the evening and at night:

  1. Vigilant neighbors will think that careless owners have something to hide; such speculation will subsequently provoke gossip and slander.
  2. If you didn’t have time to clean it during the day, people would say that lazy people live in the apartment.
  3. Taking out the trash after sunset means throwing away good luck and financial well-being.
  4. Another interpretation is that good spirits will be offended and leave.
  5. At night, discarded items can be used by sorcerers to cause damage and the evil eye.
  6. Another interpretation concerns the brownie. If you take out the trash in the evening, he will get offended and leave or start harming his owners.

Where did this superstition even come from?

Our ancestors believed that people's lives were controlled by good and evil forces. It was believed that destinies were decided in advance. There was an opinion that magicians and sorcerers become active in the dark. After sunset they performed ceremonies and rituals. Often, witches took the victim’s personal belongings to inflict damage. Therefore, getting rid of unnecessary things at night caused trouble.

Discarded garbage preserves the energy of the owner. It is easier for a sorcerer to carry out a ritual of negative influence.

According to another version, the brownie eats from the trash can at night. You can't deprive him of food. Otherwise, he will be offended, harm the owners, or leave the house.

Is it possible to throw it away before traveling?

Before a long journey, it is necessary to remove from the house everything that can rot, become rotten, or become moldy during this time. This is especially true for food waste. Otherwise, upon returning, there will be nothing to breathe in the apartment.

Particularly superstitious people recommend leaving all the rest of the garbage. This is often explained by the fact that good spirits like to settle in various things, and the energy of those living in the house accumulates.

Many people do not believe in such signs and do what is convenient for them. It’s much more pleasant to return to a clean apartment and relax peacefully after a trip instead of cleaning and sorting out debris.

How and when to properly get rid of garbage, junk and other things

The best option is to remove unnecessary items from the house in the morning or afternoon. To reduce risks, you need to consider what activities are planned and other circumstances.

Tips for days of the week and time of day

It is advisable to get rid of unnecessary things in the morning or afternoon. Then no trouble will happen. Throwing away trash in the dark means all sorts of troubles and illnesses.

Day of the weekWhat does the sign say?
MondayLose your wealth
TuesdayQuarrel with a friend
WednesdayDanger on a long journey
ThursdayIncreased likelihood of an accident
FridayA close relative will deceive
SaturdaySoul feelings
SundayCommit a sin because work is prohibited on this day

Is it possible to throw something away before traveling?

When going on a long journey, you need to get rid of everything perishable. It is especially dangerous to leave food waste at home. They quickly begin to rot, become moldy, and emit an unpleasant odor.

It is not advisable to remove other trash from the house before the trip if the person is too suspicious and superstitious. Often old things store positive energy. According to some signs, good spirits live in them.

Not everyone follows the rules. Some people prefer to remove everything unnecessary in advance so that after the trip they return to a clean apartment, without wasting time and effort on cleaning it up.

Why you shouldn’t give trash from your home to another person

Nowadays it is considered indecent to ask a guest to remove trash from the apartment. In ancient times they also tried not to do this. Food waste and old things are filled with the energy of their owners. When thrown away, this connection ends. If an outsider throws out trash, the owners will lose protection. They will transfer the energy of the home. It is unknown how the guest will dispose of it.

Should you throw trash out of someone else's house?

There is no need to respond to the owner’s request and take out the trash for him. It is unknown what exactly is in the trash bag. A person can easily attract other people's troubles. After this, quarrels, scandals will begin, losses and damages are possible.

How to part with good but old things correctly

Don't waste your trash. Items that have become unusable must be disposed of. Sometimes the house undergoes a deep cleaning or decluttering. Then before throwing it away, you need to carefully review all things. Old papers and documents require special attention. To prevent important information from falling into the wrong hands, you need to carefully shred them.

The child's outgrown clothes and toys can be donated to charity or to a shelter. Items that belonged to the deceased should be burned. It is also better to get rid of personal belongings.

Please note that it is important to properly give away your old things to strangers

What is strictly forbidden to throw out of the house?

You should not throw old photos of family members into trash cans. Such images contain the energy of people. If desired, esotericists and sorcerers can use it to cause damage, the evil eye and other troubles. For the same reasons, it is prohibited to throw nail and hair clippings into the trash. It is better to burn them or flush them down the drain.

Best time to take out the trash

According to popular superstitions, the most inopportune moment for such an “operation” is evening and night. Accordingly, the best option is to throw out garbage after sunrise. The best time for this is in the morning, on the way to work. This will eliminate the need to leave the house again.

There is another belief - if you wash dirty linen out of the apartment on the way to an important meeting or other important event, there will be continuous problems and difficulties.

The sign has not received scientific proof, so it is recommended to act in accordance with your habits and convenience in a particular situation. A friendly attitude and positive thoughts will protect you from any superstitions.

Where did the folk sign come from?

This sign has mystical roots. In Rus' there was a belief that there are two worlds, the physical and the otherworldly, and they are closely connected with each other. Evil and good spirits from the other world invariably accompany a person throughout his entire life’s journey. According to ancient legends, it is they who become the guides of the soul to the other world. Therefore, under no circumstances should the human race offend the inhabitants of another world.

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It has long been believed that in every house there lives a domestic spirit under the stove - the brownie. And the remains of food that were in the garbage were his prey. If you take all this out at night, the spirit will become very angry. People believed that the anger of a brownie could harm a person’s energy, and then illnesses and troubles would fall on the unfortunate person’s head.

On a note!

So that the brownie would not be offended, people tried to appease him. For example, they left a mug of milk under the stove or put a coin under the threshold of the house. Thanks to such offerings, the spirit could forgive the careless owners and stop sending troubles to them.

Rules for throwing away old things

We do not live in this world alone, we are surrounded by other people, who sometimes find themselves in cramped life circumstances, as well as animals and birds. It is advisable to remember this and try to ensure that your own actions do not cause harm to anyone else.

How to properly dispose of garbage:

  1. Piercing and cutting objects, fragments must be pre-packed so that they do not harm anyone. It is recommended to wrap them in thick cloth and put them in a box.
  2. It is advisable to take trash out of the house in special bags so as not to bring the bin back.
  3. Some clothes and shoes may be suitable for people in difficult life situations. It is recommended to hang them next to the tanks or leave them folded in a clean bag.
  4. It is advisable to first separate technical and food waste into different bags.
  5. Crumbs and grains can be given to wild birds.
  6. It is unacceptable to throw garbage out the window.
  7. One of the people living in the apartment must take out the waste. It is not customary to ask a stranger for help.

Do not take it out before an important event

This sign can be attributed to more modern ones. And her explanation is quite rational. When preparing for an important event, a person is in a state of excitement and nervous. In this state, you can easily mistakenly send the desired item or document to the trash bin. If the trash is taken out of the house, it will be difficult to return what was lost.

Signs associated with garbage have been developing among people for centuries. They are based on extensive experience, deep beliefs of the people and observation of life and nature. There is no point in saying that signs always work. Whether to follow them or not is a personal matter for each person.

What is prohibited from throwing away

It is recommended to pay special attention to documents and their copies. Such papers contain important information, so when disposing of them, it is advisable to tear them into small pieces, burn them or soak them in water so that all personal data is destroyed and cannot be restored.

Superstitious people advise not to throw away photographs. They can be damaged and cursed. On the other hand, in the age of modern technology and social networks, it is easy to find a photo of any person without digging through trash cans.

Don't throw it away on Sunday

There was a special ban on the removal of household waste on Sunday.

It has long been customary to do all household chores during the week, and devote Sunday to prayers, spiritual cleansing, and communication with God.

According to popular belief, owners who allowed themselves to do ordinary things instead were deprived of the protection of higher spiritual powers. Anyone who threw away rubbish on Sunday could earn a bad reputation.

How to avoid negative changes

The rhythm of life in modern society is such that it is not always possible to follow the recommendations of our ancestors. If you can only take out the trash from your apartment after sunset, it’s enough to whisper to yourself: “I take the trash out of the house, I save myself and my loved ones, I increase my well-being.” You can come up with words yourself, it is important to convey the meaning and believe in what is said.

Personal items and mirrors are capable of accumulating the energy of the owner. If there is a fear that this could be used by another person to harm the household, it is recommended to carry out a special cleansing ritual. Clothes and shoes can be soaked in salt water for several hours, then dried and placed in a separate bag. If no one will wear them anymore, just cut them into several pieces.

Mirrors are first covered with Thursday salt or the reflective surface is filled with holy water for a day. Next, you need to wrap the item in a dark cloth and carefully place it next to the trash can.

The negative impact of the traditional method of disposal has not been proven, so preparation is required only for superstitious people to pacify their own fears.
The main belief about garbage is that it is not taken out after sunset. In many nations, this is considered a bad omen, foreshadowing a streak of bad luck, financial losses, and sometimes illness and scandals in the family. It has no scientific basis, but if a person believes too much in negative consequences, it is recommended to neutralize them with special whispers or rituals.

Why can't you let someone else take out the trash bag?

It would not occur to a modern owner to ask a stranger to take out the trash, even if it is a close friend. This is considered indecent. But if this does happen, you should prepare for trouble. Household garbage absorbs the energy of the home and family; by throwing away garbage, a person gets rid of part of his energy. But if it is not he himself who does this, but a stranger, this breaks a huge hole in well-being and causes financial losses and conflicts in the family. Therefore, you should not trust anyone with this intimate act.

Is it possible to assign other people to throw out trash?

In ancient times, such a request would have horrified a person. Because people believed that the waste of any family could not be trusted to a stranger. Each housewife had to independently throw out the garbage, which was filled with the energy of her family. All the leftovers that filled the bucket or bag created a bond between loved ones, and the family member had to break it independently, without outside help.

People also believed that if they asked another (non-family) person to throw away waste, they would lose their protection as a result. The garbage was a kind of energy shield that could easily explode in the hands of a stranger. As a result, negative currents rushed into the house through invisible holes, showing the way for evil spirits. If you give garbage into the hands of a stranger, you will disrupt the energy of your home.

How to neutralize a bad belief?

Sometimes a person has to go against popular wisdom. And to avoid trouble, experts have developed a ritual that protects against negative consequences:

  • When you go to the trash can after sunset, you need to leave through the threshold of the house with your left foot.
  • Say the words: “I throw away the unnecessary, I leave the good.” I protect luck, love and happiness. Amen".
  • You should throw garbage with both hands.
  • When you return, do not turn around under any circumstances and do not greet anyone.

Whether to believe in this belief or not is up to each person. Some signs are forgotten over the centuries, while others remain. Usually, only proven beliefs are passed on from generation to generation.

History of origin

The sign about garbage arose several centuries ago. Previously, people believed that the night opens the doors to Earth for black entities. It is in the dark that they activate and become strong, so a weak person has no chance to resist the evil spirits. People believed that if someone throws out garbage in the evening, it will immediately become the desired prey for the demon.

The exact origin of this belief is unknown, but a large number of people still follow this attitude.

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