If you want stability in your home, place indoor flowers according to Feng Shui

Gardening a room (the right choice of plant and its installation in the right place) plays an important role in charging the space with positive energy.

For example, by choosing the right flowers for your office according to Feng Shui, you can attract new clients to your business or improve relationships with old ones, as well as create a more harmonious working atmosphere.

But our green friends also require special attention to themselves so that they can be healthy, so the negative energy of the room can negatively affect their health.

General rules for landscaping your home

When choosing plants for your home according to Feng Shui, you should follow some rules. We list them below.

  • It is not advisable to keep artificial flowers in the house.
  • It is also not advisable to keep wilted (dried flowers) longer than necessary. They become “vacuum cleaners” of good Qi in your home and can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that can affect both humans and other indoor plants.
  • Place potted plants near family recreation areas with caution. It is advisable that they be at least a meter away from him. This is necessary due to the fact that various processes occur in the pot (decomposition and rotting of useful substances for the flower), which release not very good Qi.
  • It is not advisable to place indoor flowers in the bedroom, otherwise it will be dominated by strong Yang energy, which can disrupt your intimate life.
  • Inspect your home. Where there are corners, niches and places with accumulating energy, flowers should be placed.
  • Stock up on red pots if you have moisture-loving plants. They will be better off in them.

Begonia: the flower of businessmen and lovers

Begonia received its name in the 17th century in honor of the botanist who studied it. His name was M. Begon. There are more than 400 species of this plant, but three are the most popular. Let's consider the meaning of each type of begonia according to Feng Shui.

Royal begonia

Evergreen bushes with beautiful flowers. They should be placed on the northern windows of those houses that are famous for their hospitality. Begonia is a natural energy filter - no matter what your guests come with, the plant will pass all the energy through itself and give out only positive energy. That is why it is very good for living rooms.

It should also be noted that begonia helps to speed up the pace of your life, and all this will look very harmonious. It also simply needs to be placed in a house where people suffer from frequent bronchitis or simply have a heavy smoker.

Begonia everblooming

A more capricious plant, but very beautiful. This type of begonia should be placed in a house where melancholic or very sentimental people live. Its energy helps control emotions and prevents the progression of depression. If there are troubles or a dark streak in your life, try telling all this to a flower. You will immediately feel relief.

This type is well suited for offices, developing intuition and sensitivity. Such begonia can help overcome indecision and confusion in words at the right moment, as well as the fear of beginning (no matter what - business, recognition, etc.).

Tuberous begonia

Flower of harmony and peace. If installed indoors, it will promote reconciliation, especially among spouses, as well as reduce conflicts between children and parents. It is this type of begonia that can be found among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. With its help you can get answers to difficult questions or relieve mental stress.

Where to place begonia

This flower should not be placed next to cacti or other similar indoor flowers. Also make sure that the begonia does not stand in a straight line between the doors or window, as it will not have the effect for which it was purchased.

It is advisable to plant a plant with pink, orange and red flowers in one large pot. This will help activate feelings and improve sex life.

How to care for begonia

Although royal begonia is a moisture-loving plant, it cannot be sprayed, as moisture leaves spots on the leaves of the flower that look like burns. She also does not like dark rooms. If you decide to purchase an everflowering begonia, then it needs to create a humid tropical jungle climate.

Tuberous begonia is the most capricious. It should be watered at the same time, but not too wet. It is advisable to keep it in semi-darkness; there should be no drafts in the room, but it should be regularly ventilated.

The meaning of flowers in human life

Indoor flowers according to feng shui

Flowers are plants that constantly bring joy and aesthetic pleasure to a person. They can not only lift our mood, but also improve the energy of a person and the room in which they grow. Any home without the presence of indoor plants seems uninviting and cold to us. Flowers, like all plants, purify the air we breathe and fill our home with vital energy.

Green, the predominant color of plants and flowers, is one of the most natural and natural. Being in close proximity to flowers and plants, we receive a charge of positive energy and feel how our mood changes. Fatigue and irritability go away - we calm down. The plant pleases each of us with its greenery, blossoming flower buds, and we always look at the flowers with pleasure.

Flowers remind us of ourselves - they also appear in the world, grow, bloom, get sick and die. This is the life cycle in miniature.

Geranium: flower of energetic harmony

Pelargonium (most often this plant is called geranium) is not a demanding, but very useful indoor flower. It has unique properties, producing substances that protect against malignant tumors in the body.

The energetic properties of geranium are quite powerful. The plant can give a person vigor and give him strength in times of need. You just need to sit next to him for a little while. Also, in the case of strong negative emotions, geranium helps to soften them and restore harmony, both with oneself and between people.

Pelargonium can prevent the onset of the disease, you just need to pay attention to it. If it blooms strongly and luxuriantly, then someone in your household is releasing negative energy, which it absorbs. Take a closer look at your family.

Where to place pelargonium according to Feng Shui

But according to Feng Shui, geraniums should be placed in the southeastern sector of the apartment or garden. This way she can help her owners in life. If you are the owner of a private house, then plant the plant near the main entrance on both sides. This way it will prevent negative energy from entering the house.

It is not recommended to place it close to the bed, as geranium has a strong smell of essential oils (to avoid allergic reactions)

Favorable indoor plants

You can choose how to decorate your home oasis based on the appearance of the plant. However, I advise you to pay attention not only to the beauty, but also to the properties of the indoor flower. There are so-called plants of happiness . They directly influence feminine energy, to the point of helping to attract the ideal man for a particular lady.

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Hibiscus: pros and cons

A very controversial and controversial flower. Another name for it is Chinese rose. Many feng shui experts believe that hibiscus with red flowers can strengthen a marriage and promote family happiness, since powerful sexual energy comes from flowers.

A plant with red flowers is contraindicated for those people who have a sensitive nervous system; they are excitable and unbalanced. In this case, the plant should have softer orange flowers.

It should be noted that hibiscus can help unsociable people become more open and free towards others. It becomes much easier to communicate. Buy hibiscus for your home if you feel that your emotional component is suppressed by rational thinking. A flower will allow you to balance everything.

Contrasting properties of hibiscus

There is another theory that hibiscus blooms only in the house where someone is seriously ill, and it can also draw energy from those around them. Feng Shui experts think differently. They claim that the energy of the flower flows upward and diverges to the sides. That is why sick flowers come to life next to him.

But if you are in doubt, then observe the situation in the family - if after purchasing the flower the relationship worsened and something changed for the worse, it is better to remove the plant.

Where to place hibiscus according to Feng Shui

If you decide to purchase a hibiscus with red flowers, then it can be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. It will help restore relationships and rekindle the fire between spouses.

If you are deciding where to place hibiscus according to Feng Shui with orange flowers, you can choose any room for it except the bedroom. Yellow is the color of separation, so it is better not to place a Chinese rose there. The best place would be the southeastern part of the apartment or house. Choose square or rectangular flowerpots.

It is better to place hibiscus with white flowers in the western part of the house, and with red flowers in the southern part. For white flowers, choose round flowerpots of golden or yellow color; for red flowers, choose triangular ones.

Spathiphyllum as a favorable indoor plant

Spathiphyllum is called that - women's happiness . If you dream of meeting your love and building a strong relationship, then this plant is just for you. Since ancient times, it was believed that every unmarried woman should have spathiphyllum in her home, since it has very strong energy. The flower will help restore harmony in life; it also helps reduce discord and conflict.

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