Feng Shui bedroom: how to position the head of the bed

Sleep, as a source of vital energy, is extremely important for each of us. Does it matter where you sleep with your head? Many will answer that you need to rest in the way that is most convenient. The body itself will tell you the correct position and direction of the head in bed. It's actually not that simple! There are a large number of teachings and religious movements for which it is very important where to sleep with your head correctly for an adult and a child, corresponding to the cardinal directions.

There is an opinion that the direction of the head during sleep is of great importance

As Chinese philosophers say

The teaching of Feng Shui has its own opinion about the optimal place to sleep. Ancient philosophers argued that correct head position would be the key to healthy sleep and a successful life. They believed that, being a part of the universe, a person must follow its laws. Each side of the world has its own energy. If a person sleeps with his head towards her, he will involuntarily feel her power. Energy will pass through a person, giving him happiness and wealth. And if you make the wrong choice, it can cause illness and misfortune.

If a person has gone through a difficult period in his life, then perhaps the reason is due to improper sleep. By turning to ancient teachings for help, it is possible to find harmony with the world around you. First of all, Feng Shui advises removing all equipment and unnecessary objects from the room and creating minimal lighting. Chinese teaching has its own opinion on which direction you should sleep with your head, namely:

  • People experiencing health problems should sleep with their heads facing North. This will help them improve their health and heal. Thanks to the energy of the north, they will receive prosperity and stability.
  • People who experience serious difficulties in making important decisions should sleep with their heads facing the Northeast. New energy will help them better analyze the situation and quickly find a way out of difficult situations.
  • By turning their heads to the East while sleeping, people will receive the energy of the sun. As a result, vigor and additional strength will appear.
  • People who feel unsure of their own abilities should sleep with their heads facing the Southeast. This will help you believe in yourself and look at the world around you from a different perspective.
  • By turning their heads to the South while sleeping, people can attract financial well-being into their lives. The energy of the south will help solve financial difficulties. Choosing this side of the world as a dream is not recommended for overly vulnerable and impressionable people.
  • Adventure lovers should turn their heads to the West while sleeping. This will help decorate your life with new impressions, bright events and long-awaited emotions. But the Slavs avoided this place, believing that the dead were laid with their feet towards the East.
  • Sleeping with your head facing the North-West is ideal for future leaders and those who want to achieve financial well-being.

Place and choice of bed

Of course, the quality of rest is affected not only by the position of the body, but also by the furniture on which a person rests.

The bed should not be round, nor should it have heavy solid pieces of wood.

The furniture should be positioned so that the headboard does not coincide with the window, and there should be a distance of at least 25 cm from the walls. The bed should not be reflected in mirrors or the ceiling.

When choosing bed linen, preference is given to soft colors and without obvious patterns.

The bed base or mattress does not have to be orthopedic. First of all, they should be comfortable. It is recommended to select a mattress from a hypoallergenic filler.

The most important thing is that after sleep a person should feel rested and full of energy.

Head towards the window?

Many teachings and religions claim that sleeping with your head towards the window is very dangerous. Ancient beliefs claim that at night a dark force roams the earth. Evil spirits look into houses through windows. Seeing a person, she can easily harm him or even take over him. This will lead to illness, health or life problems. Speaking of a more realistic reason, you should not sleep with your head towards the window because there is a risk of catching a cold. There are often openings and cracks in the window area from which cold air can blow through a person. The result will be colds and malaise.

Where should Muslims sleep with their heads?

Which direction should the Islamic people sleep with their head? The Koran says that the faces of believers should be turned towards the Forbidden Mosque, so you should sleep with your head towards the Qiblah (the side in which the holy Kaaba is located).

Kaaba - Muslim shrine

The Kaaba is a place in the courtyard of a Muslim mosque in Mecca (Arabia)!

On the other hand, any mullah will say that during night sleep you can lie with your head in any direction. Muslims have no clear belief on this matter. As for the lines of the Koran about Qibla, they mean something completely different. We are not talking about the position of the body in a dream, but about the deep faith of every Islamic person in Allah and his prophet Muhammad in all life situations.

Cardinal directions and their effect on a person during sleep

The cultures of different nations have their own traditions about what position one should fall asleep in, and they are all connected with the cardinal directions. It has long been believed that each direction has a specific meaning:

  • South. The south side is responsible for life expectancy and health. If you sleep with your head facing south, you will be able to live many years in happiness and harmony with yourself. According to historical documents, the ancient rulers of some states slept only this way. Sleep in this position filled them with energy, which they then spent for the benefit of their people;
  • North. The northern direction helps to improve the physical and moral qualities of a person. Sleeping in this position strengthens the body, normalizes the emotional state and has a good effect on various types of activities. In some countries, it is customary to lay sick people with their heads facing north so that the medicines take effect faster and they recover faster;
  • West. Sleeping with your head to the west is not the best solution. This direction is responsible for such qualities as vanity, envy and selfishness. If you sleep with your head to the west, then relationships with loved ones and colleagues will become more complicated, which will entail a lot of troubles;
  • East. The Eastern direction endows a person with wisdom, spirituality, and develops his divine beginning. Experts explain the positive influence of the east on the human body by the powerful energy of the rising sun. Its effect can be seen if you observe the behavior of plants early in the morning. During sunrise, flowers bloom more actively and grass grows faster. The same positive changes happen to a person when he sleeps with his head facing east.

General trends

Feng Shui approaches the issue of sleep from two sides. First of all, these are general provisions that are the same for everyone. But, in addition, the individual characteristics of a person are taken into account in an effort to create a harmonious atmosphere in the bedroom and ensure healthy sleep.

General provisions indicate that each side of the world has its own energy. By changing the direction of sleep depending on life needs or the state of the body at the moment, you can significantly improve the quality of life, according to Feng Shui.

Muslim traditions

The main rule in the Muslim tradition is to sleep facing Mecca. Sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited. The ideal position is considered to be the fetal position on the right side, with the right hand under the head.

There is no information in written sources about how much sleep you need. But people who know the Koran and Sunnah say that no more than 8 hours.

A forbidden dream is sleep at sunset. Those who neglect this rule will experience poverty and trouble.

Devout Muslims say: before going to bed it is necessary to read a prayer. If a person dies at night, prayer is the last thing he says before dying. These words also contain echoes of Vedic knowledge, where it is said that if a person thinks about God at the hour of death, he will come to him.

An important rule among Muslims is that sleep should not interfere with prayer.

Scientists' opinion

Experts in the field of studying sleep patterns (somnologists) do not recommend following the advice of those who live Christians or profess other religions and teachings. They believe that a person should listen to his body and choose the sleeping position that suits him best.

Scientists say that more attention should be paid not to studying the properties of each of the cardinal directions, but to such nuances as the quality of the mattress, bed linen, pillow filling, etc.

If you have problems falling asleep, you can resort to listening to calm music before bed, or use essential oils.

Bedroom location according to feng shui

  • The bedroom, located in the southern part of the home, awakens passion.
  • The southwestern location is less favorable. It can cause anxiety and prevent you from getting enough sleep.
  • The bedroom in the western part of the apartment puts you in a romantic mood and gives you dreams. But overall it can have a negative impact on business.
  • The bedroom located in the south-eastern sector of the apartment helps to develop creativity.
  • A bedroom in the north of the apartment will not only give you a sound, healthy sleep, but also activate the intimate life of the spouses. But single people should not place their sleep area in the northern part of the apartment, this causes depressive moods.
  • The northwestern location of the bedroom is simply a godsend for experienced spouses. The most unfavorable location of the bedroom is in the northeast of the home. This zone activates ambitions and plans and drives away sleep.
  • The northeastern location of the place for sleep and rest is not suitable for people who are weakened, often ill, or suffer from insomnia.
  • In the eastern zone, teenagers and young adults sleep well.

When the head is comfortable

You can't get a good night's sleep if your head is lying incorrectly. For proper rest you need a comfortable pillow. Tight highs will cause the head to be unnaturally bent. And this is fraught with problems with the spine and headaches. But you can’t sleep on thin ones either, because lying on your side will cause your neck to hurt, and lying on your back will cause your tongue to sink.

You need to select flat pillows with an individually selected thickness and a seal under the neck. It is necessary to lie so that the anatomically cervical spine maintains the correct position, without pinching the vessels, without impairing the blood supply to the brain.

A person is interested in everything related to sleep. After all, we spend half our lives sleeping, and how we do it affects our mood, mental state, and health. This is why it is important to correctly adjust the headrest of the bed to a certain side of the world at home. The choice of pillow for the headboard also plays an important role.


North - healing, both physical and moral. It helps the body get rid of harmful toxins, viruses and emotional disorders. In difficult moments, when the moral pressure on you is especially great, then this side of the world is most suitable for easing this influence. Undoubtedly, this will greatly improve your well-being and mood, which will affect all types of activities.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that many doctors placed patients this way, supplementing standard treatment with this technique. This is still practiced in many countries (of course, in combination with standard procedures, and not instead of them).

Listening to the inner voice

In most cases, your body independently suggests the position in which it is most comfortable. Before going to bed, listen to what your intuition and inner voice says. Try an experiment by choosing different resting positions every day and comparing how you feel after waking up.

The results will be especially effective for those with a round bed. It often happens that a person falls asleep in one direction and wakes up in another, sometimes even the opposite. This means that in a dream the body independently seeks a more comfortable and energetically favorable position.

Overtired people most often tend to place their heads in the east direction, and those who experienced a strong outburst of emotions before going to bed choose the north. Of course, we cannot talk about the direction of the head during sleep as a constant phenomenon.

For different periods of life, it is better to choose your own resting position. It depends both on the immediate goals and plans, and on the mental and physical state of the person. An avid careerist and a romantic in love will experience the patronage of certain cardinal directions.

A person, full of vigor and energy to start a new business, will fall asleep in one position, but after experiencing a failure or severe overwork, his body will intuitively begin to take a different position.

What did the ancient Slavs say?

The ancient Slavs believed that the threshold and door to a home was the border between three worlds:

  • Nav – lower astral;
  • Rule - the habitat of the ancestors;
  • Reality is the real world.

When a person falls asleep, it is as if he temporarily dies. The soul or astral body leaves the physical and goes “for a walk.”

If at this moment the physical body lies with its head or feet towards the door, then the astral body may get lost. Once in Nav, he is exposed to the negative influence of the creatures living there, and having penetrated into Prav, he will remain there forever. That is why all the beds in the houses of the ancient Slavs stood sideways towards the exit.

How to sleep correctly according to Christian traditions?

There are no strict instructions on this issue in the Orthodox canons. Believers can independently choose a comfortable sleeping position. However, certain opinions on this matter are also common among Christians.

The unfavorable directions of the head in a dream are considered to be north and west. In the first case, during sleep a person loses contact with God, and the second position contributes to the development of negative qualities, in particular selfishness.

The eastern direction helps to establish a strong connection with the Almighty, and sleeping with your head to the south promotes longevity.

Head position relative to cardinal directions

Many teachings from around the world describe the importance of this phenomenon. Somewhere it is indicated that with the correct position of the head, we receive the energy of the Universe, which later transforms into vital energy and gives us the strength to work hard. Also, some indicate that this allows you to get everything that is so necessary from life. There are many options, but they are united by the division into 4 cardinal directions: south, north, west, east.

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Experiments were carried out, according to which it was noted that people with severe fatigue received during the day, purely intuitively, lay their heads to the east. A similar thing was noted with strong anger and excitement, only the direction of the head was north.

Basic rules for restful sleep

In addition to the orientation of the head of the bed, it is very important that the bedroom furnishings meet at least the minimum Feng Shui requirements, which include the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to sleep with your feet facing the front door. As you know, dead people are carried out of the house feet first, so this position during sleep attracts various ailments;
  • If there are beams on the ceiling, it is recommended to sleep between them and not under them. This will not only keep you safe, but also maintain positive energy;
  • It is not recommended to place the bed in such a way that the window and door are on opposite sides of it towards each other. It is believed that energy flows “walk” around the room along this line, causing restlessness and bad dreams.
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