Feng Shui staircase - location and correction of “bad” Feng Shui

As a rule, no one pays due attention to the stairs in the house, but according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is an important conductor. Therefore, it is not recommended to clutter this part of the house with boxes, books, old newspapers, so as not to interfere with the energy ascending from bottom to top and top to bottom. Qi should flow freely. If you want to slow down the flow of energy, it is recommended to hang pictures on the sides.

staircase in the house

Stair location

According to Feng Shui, the staircase in a house should be placed slightly away from the front entrance. If it is located opposite the entrance, then the qi energy entering the house changes for the worse. If you have such a situation and the staircase is located opposite the main entrance, then you can correct this problem.

wide staircase

Life-giving energy Qi

A home staircase is a conductor for the vital energy Qi, which must correctly distribute it across all levels of the room. The teachings of Ancient China identify Qi with water flowing smoothly through the space of your home. The staircase, which has smooth curves, transfers this energy easily and smoothly, like a river bed, filling your home with favorable positive energy. Naturally, the most optimal material for constructing a staircase structure will be natural wood, symbolizing the world tree.

In addition to the smooth ascent, the science of Feng Shui focuses on the method of lighting the steps. The top part should have dim lighting. This helps ensure that the flow of vital energy Qi does not stagnate and flows smoothly to the upper levels.

Features of shape and location.

The form should, as it were, “invite” you to rise. This effect is achieved by the size of the steps - the lower ones should be wider than the upper ones. Special attention should be paid to their quantity. The most favorable arrangement would be staircases with 5, 10, 13, 14, 17 or 22 steps.

Turned with steps towards the front door, it will facilitate the flow of Qi out of the house. If it is impossible to change the location of the structure, you need to install spherical objects at its base into which Qi will be collected. These can be decorative elements of the interior or fences - examples of such decorations in the photo.

If the stairs in your home are located near the toilet or bathtub, it is imperative to prevent energy from escaping. To do this, live plants are placed in the bathroom, which attract Qi energy.

The ancient Chinese sages had special requirements regarding the location of this piece of furniture in the home space. The main ones are:

  • location in a place that is not visible from the front door;
  • the part of the house with the stairs located in it should not be exposed to negative stars.

In addition to the correct location of the staircase structure, many wealthy owners additionally cover it with a curtain or screen for more reliable energy conservation.

Unfavorable installation locations

There are several strict taboos:

  • there should be no gaps between the steps;
  • structures should not be located opposite the front door;
  • should not have a corkscrew shape;
  • water cannot be placed under them (an aquarium or a decorative fountain);
  • cannot be placed in the central part of the house;
  • cannot be placed near the bathroom;
  • two staircases cannot be placed in the house;
  • you cannot design a narrow and dark structure;
  • You cannot set up a workplace under the stairs.

To ensure that the space under the structure is not empty, you can equip a place there for storing household equipment, as in the photo.

So what should the staircase be like according to ancient Chinese teachings?

Having a special meaning, it embodies the well-being and unity of the family, distributing the flow of vital energy to all inhabitants of the house. The most optimal design is the one shown in the photograph. She:

There is no clearance between steps. The structure has a smooth rise. It should be borne in mind that if the home staircase has a turn, then it is better to go up it counterclockwise, and to go down it in the opposite direction.

Correcting "bad" feng shui stairs

If the staircase in your house faces a door that faces south, hang a cut crystal ball between them.

Facing the door, which is located north, will help with a healthy plant between the stairs and the door.

If facing a door that is located to the southeast or east, then install a bright lamp between the stairs and the door.

Facing a door that is located southwest or northeast, hang an air bell made of 6 metal tubes between these two objects.

Facing the door, which is located to the northwest or west, then in Feng Shui it is recommended to place two vases with water between the stairs and the door. Or move the foot of the stairs.

Also, unfavorable Feng Shui occurs when the staircase begins directly at the main entrance or ends directly in front of the door of the upper floor. In such cases, a powerful flow of qi is generated, which can be harmful.

In any case, the staircase should not be located in the center of the building, as it represents a powerful “poison arrow”.

slightly curved staircase

How many steps are there in front of the porch according to Feng Shui? Correct number of steps

Each element in the house, protrusion, turn or piece of furniture affects the overall feng shui of the space, creating for the flow of Qi energy its own special paths for each room, as well as places for its acceleration or deceleration.
Which, naturally, affects the inhabitants of the house in its own special way, bringing various results and events to life. As we already know, the main routes for the movement of Qi are corridors. However, if the house has several floors, the stairs connecting them also become not only paths for people to move, but also for Qi energy. Both the shape of the staircase and its quality affect the quality of the movement of energy flows along it and their impact.

The shape of the staircase and its influence

Ideally, the staircase should be spacious, light, not too long or steep, without sharp turns, stable, the steps should be closed (vertical parts) and have reliable railings. However, an ideal is just an ideal because it does not always take place in our lives. And most often, due to ignorance or current circumstances, certain parameters do not correspond to it. Let's find out what impact these deviations from the ideal have.

According to Feng Shui, spiral staircases have negative properties, especially if they are installed after the construction of the house. This is due to the fact that this form directs the flow of energy downward - into the ground, like a drill or drill. And, of course, the housing area of ​​the Octagon, where the stairs are located, suffers from this. The presence of such stairs can also cause health problems. If it is located opposite the main entrance, then it may be some kind of brain disease, if in the center of the house - heart disease. To solve this problem, you can resort to the following means:

wrap the railing

the stairs along its entire length are covered with artificial green grapes or ivy (made of silk). This remedy symbolizes growth and life, which will create an upward positive energy flow. Its use is considered the best in this situation.

above the top

hang a crystal faceted sphere or wind chimes on the stairs. This remedy also helps to redirect the energy flow upward.

put it below

at the base of the stairs there is a large green plant (can be artificial). The growth energy of the plant also symbolizes the upward movement of energy, thereby eliminating the negative effects of the spiral staircase.

As a rule, two-story houses are equipped with long stairs. It is quite difficult for both people and energy to get into the house using such stairs (this can be compared to salmon walking upstream). People living in this house will have problems with rest, which may lead to frequent departures and absences from the house. If the stairs are also steep, then this will negatively affect the opening prospects.

Difficulty breathing when climbing stairs is an excellent indicator that the stairs are too long. To eliminate its negative impact, Feng Shui recommends using artificial green grapes, which should be wrapped around the railing along the entire length of the staircase from bottom to top (if there are no railings, it is recommended to install them). Ideally, the grapes should reach right up to the door. As an alternative, you can hang a small garland along the stairs (preferably multi-colored small holiday lights, but white ones will do). This will help direct the energy flow along the stairs to the front door - the light represents the energy of attraction and radiance. You can also hang beautiful paintings on the walls along the entire staircase.

Staircase with a turn

If the staircase leading to the front door is located at an angle of 90°, this creates a kind of congestion in the movement of energy flow and deprives the house of the vital energy it needs. In this situation, Feng Shui recommends installing a houseplant at the turning point of the stairs. The living Qi of the plant will attract additional energy, eliminate the negative impact of such a design and help promote the energy flow to the front door. Place the plant so that it does not block the path, otherwise you will add another problem to one problem.

Stair location

Staircase leading directly to the front door

The career, as well as the physical and spiritual state of the people living in the house, depend on the quantity and quality of energy flows passing through the front entrance. The force of gravity forces Qi to move along the stairs that go directly to the front door, down to the exit, symbolizing the loss of income. Relocating a staircase is quite an expensive undertaking, and placing a faceted crystal sphere or bells between the front door and the start of the staircase is an acceptable solution. This remedy will disperse the descending Qi throughout the house, preventing it from leaking.

The strength of the negative impact with such an arrangement also depends on the distance between the door and the steps. The greater this distance exceeds a length equal to twice the height of the tallest person living in this house. the fewer problems will arise from such an arrangement.

Two staircases in different directions side by side

The location of two staircases next to each other is considered unfavorable, one of which leads to the top floor, and the other down - for example, to the ground floor. Such a location can affect the health of the inhabitants of the house, attract accidents, and also affect the relationship between spouses - disagreements may arise between them, it may even lead to divorce, and their careers - one of them will succeed at work, and the other will have Problems. To eliminate this problem, Feng Shui recommends placing a houseplant at the junction of the stairs. In addition or as an alternative, you can wrap artificial grapes around the railings of both stairs, starting from the bottom and ending with the top.

Other problems associated with stairs

No risers at the steps of the stairs

The rise of a step is its vertical part, connecting one step to another (we stand on the horizontal part with our feet). It is believed that such stairs affect a decrease in income and take away part of the vital energy Qi from the house and its residents: when climbing the stairs, energy seeps through these gaps and leaves. This can also have a negative impact on your career, since the feet are energetically connected to it, and on such stairs it is quite easy to trip and get injured. To eliminate the negative impact, these places should be closed, that is, lifts should be installed for all steps of the stairs.

If the stairs have no railings or they are in very shaky condition

Wobbly railings do not inspire confidence and contribute to a feeling of lack of control in life. Because of this, on a subconscious level, the inhabitants of the house may experience a feeling of anxiety or uncertainty. Such influence can be easily eliminated by repairing the railings or, if they are missing, making new ones.

Entrance to the entrance

of the front garden is very relevant in multi-storey buildings.

, since none of the residents believes that it is he who is obliged to take care of the surroundings of his entrance. Meanwhile, according to Feng Shui, if you do not pay attention to this area, an energy “plug” will form in it.

Very often, all sorts of rubbish, garbage, branches, and old furniture accumulate at entrances. To make matters worse, they place trash cans

, which absolutely cannot be done, as this has an extremely negative impact on the well-being of the residents! It is advisable to remove them as far as possible. Even better is to fence it with a hedge or some kind of fence.

Most often, if at least one resident begins to care about the surroundings of the house, then the rest, as a rule, begin to follow his example.

Division of housing by zones

The layout of the house according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions requires a clear division of the house into separate zones. Each has its own function. Otherwise, dissonance between dark and white energy may occur, which is extremely undesirable for residents.

Attention should be paid to the division into areas for relaxation, eating and work. Rest rooms should be located away from work rooms and the kitchen.

The kitchen can be placed next to the study. Even through the wall. But it will be better if each zone is separated by thicker barriers.

The main place is occupied by the zone of wealth. This is also a free space, where there is no place for old trash like unnecessary boxes or figurines. For this space you need up to 1/5 of the total area of ​​the house.

Location of rooms relative to cardinal directions

For a more accurate location on the cardinal points, you need to follow the following tips:

  • For the bedroom - southwest. This is where love is found.
  • For creativity - the West. This is the place for a children's room. Work is in full swing here.
  • In the east you can place a hall or a kitchen. You can place both rooms side by side, then luck in business will not force you to look for it.
  • Free space is best located in the southeast. This is a place to attract positive energy.

The house plan must be drawn up in such a way that the zones intersect as rarely as possible. After all, the rooms have a separate energy.

Interior features in different rooms

The interior also deserves attention. For example, the living room should be spacious, decorated with mirrors and paintings. The furniture here should not be angular, but smooth. Sofas should be arranged in a square or circle.

The bedroom should be smaller than the living room. You shouldn't post too much here. Only a bed and a wardrobe. The bed must not be directed towards the exit. It is better to place mirrors away from sleepers.

There should also be no unnecessary things in the kitchen. Only harmonizing elements like the stove and kitchen table. Knives need to be hidden. The table cannot be placed next to the window. Only at a distance.

The principle of organizing the interior of a house according to Feng Shui is simple - a minimum of unnecessary details, a maximum of light and warmth.

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