Signs and superstitions about the bell: if you find it, can you give it as a gift?

A gift in the form of a bell will be appropriate in any situation. It can be presented to close friends or work colleagues, or just acquaintances or neighbors. It is generally accepted that bells are given only for graduations or weddings, but they can be presented for absolutely any celebration.

The main thing is to skillfully play up your present, then it will not only be appropriate, but also pleasant for the recipient. From our article you will learn what this souvenir means, what it can be and to whom it should be given.

Why do you need a bell at home according to signs?

There is a legend about the creation of the world, in which the sound of a bell became the starting point of the beginning of existence. A person holding a musical object controls fate, attracting good luck and prosperity. By hanging a bell in his house, the owner invites the Higher powers and enlists their support. They turned to magical sound to ward off adversity and fulfill their cherished desires.

Before the ritual of cleansing the space with the help of ringing, you need to read a prayer

The main signs and superstitions about the bell in the house:

  1. It is recommended to hang it near the front door so that household members and guests cross the threshold with bright thoughts and do not carry anger and negativity.
  2. If someone in the house fell ill, the housewife had to ring the bell three times, bringing a speedy recovery.
  3. The ringing signaled an important event - a wedding, the birth of a child, a name day, calling all relatives and neighbors to join the celebration.
  4. If children in the house play with melodious bells, it means that fate will favor the family. The sound attracts wealth and prosperity, purifying the space.

Oh, this wedding!

The sound of a bell has always been considered sacred and capable of driving away evil spirits, removing negative energy, warding off the evil eye and unkind thoughts, and attracting good luck. That is why not a single wedding in Rus' was complete without this magical instrument. The ringing of the bells of the Russian troikas was intended to scare away evil spirits and protect young people on the way to church from envious people and sorcerers. The young people presented larger bells with appropriate inscriptions to each other as a symbol of harmony and unity. Some couples still follow the tradition and give each other these cute souvenirs so that they never lose each other.

In Russian provinces, it used to be customary to ring a bell during a handshake. In Bulgaria, before the wedding, the groom sent the bride a white lamb decorated with red ribbons, golden apples, flowers and bells. In rich families, it was customary to tie a silver bell to a lamb as a sign of a promise of wealth and respect.

Where the bells ring, there is no place for quarrels and discord, people live amicably and happily in complete harmony with each other and with others. To this day, in many countries, wedding bells are an invariable attribute of the celebration. They serve as a talisman for young people and keep the memory of the happiest day.

The ancient recipe for beauty and youth that our ancestors used has been preserved. Women collected dew in a wedding bell and washed themselves with it, believing that this would allow them to remain as young and beautiful as during the wedding.

Nowadays, new traditions have been born. So, in some European countries, a silver bell must ring before the ceremony begins. It is customary to place small bells on the tables with a card attached that says: “Ring for us to kiss.” The melodic ringing accompanied by cries of “bitter” not only dispels the evil thoughts of envious people who accidentally wander in, but also gives the holiday a special romantic atmosphere.

In Ireland, each spouse is traditionally given a silver bell at their wedding, the ringing of which will later remind them of the oath taken. During family quarrels, bells saved from the wedding are called upon to return peace and tranquility to the family.

What is the omen if you find a bell?

Symbolic finds can predict the future; fate itself suggests the course of events. The interpretation of signs depends on a number of circumstances:

  1. For a girl, finding a musical object means a meeting with her betrothed. Soon she will hear the wedding bell.
  2. It foretells a successful future for the guy, his dreams and plans will be easily realized, the bell will become a talisman for good luck.
  3. For a woman to find a broken object - to discord with her husband. It may warn that the spouse has someone else.
  4. If a man finds an old gilded bell, it means that financial success awaits him in the near future. You can safely conclude contracts and make long-term plans.

How to grow?

The milk bell has quite moderate requirements for living conditions. It grows equally well in full sun and partial shade, and in the latter case it blooms even longer. It has a powerful, deep root system (50 cm and deeper) and does not tolerate close groundwater. The fleshy root collar with renewal buds is the only vulnerable spot of this bell: if melt water stands for a long time or alternating thaws and frosts in winter, it can rot, which will lead to the death of the plant.

Root neck. Photo by the author/Svetlana Voronina

Due to the similar structure of the bush, C. lactiflora is difficult to propagate vegetatively, so varietal plants usually have to be purchased at garden centers. But natural forms are no less good than varieties, so it makes sense to look for seeds on sale. If sown in early spring, the seedlings will bloom the same year. You can choose your favorite shade and, carefully preserving the lump, transplant the young plants to a permanent place (adult bushes do not like transplants). Don’t forget about their size: a delicate seedling will soon grow into a gorgeous large bush. It is better not to plant fragile neighbors next to it, as the powerful bell will certainly “strangle them in its arms.” Suitable partners are delphiniums, phlox, loosestrife, daylilies, geraniums, sages. Planting milk-flowered bells between tree hydrangea or clematis bushes also looks beautiful.

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What is a sign if you hear the sound of a bell that is not there?

The ringing of a musical instrument can warn of danger or become a harbinger of positive changes. When interpreting an event, you need to pay attention to the details:

  1. If the sound of a bell is heard in the house, but the instrument itself is missing, the sign foretells changes in the woman’s personal life. A heavy, dull sound means discord, quarrels, an iridescent ringing means pleasant troubles.
  2. Hearing a ringing after sunset means you need to be careful. There is a risk of accident, fire, theft. To avoid trouble, you need to be attentive to details.
  3. Hearing a bell in the morning or afternoon promises an addition to the family. Children's laughter will soon sound in the house.

When choosing decorations for the New Year tree, it is important not to forget about the bells, which will bring happiness and prosperity in the coming year


The best option for a gift for a boss or colleague would be a bronze model of this “ringing” souvenir. Among the bronze variations, you can find the most varied and original figurines, which, despite all their positive qualities, are relatively inexpensive.

They, like any other souvenirs, can be engraved. The main thing is to choose the right words; it should be a beautiful and eloquent inscription, which will be at the same time restrained and laconic.

Regarding the design of the product, it is best to focus on the classic options; they are ideally suited when choosing a gift for the boss.

Signs about why the sound of a bell is heard at night

Ringing at night is unfavorable. It is believed that it is evil spirits who send troubles and illnesses, so it is highly recommended not to call after sunset.

Sign meaning:

  • accidentally touching a musical object promises trouble for a person. You need to be careful with your surroundings: friends and acquaintances spread gossip;
  • if the bell rings from the wind or draft, financial problems will come to the house: theft, loss of property is possible;
  • Pets warn about illnesses and expenses. They can wake up their owners at night using a ringing object.

If no one has approached the bell, and it does not stop ringing, it is better to move for a while. Higher powers warn of possible disasters. Troubles can be neutralized by clearing the space with the help of ringing on a church holiday.

Bells - messengers of joy

Recently, it has become fashionable to give bells for Christmas and other holidays. There are many collectors with different directions for bells - these could be bells with the names of the cities you visited, or maybe a bell in the form of a strange animal or Baba Yaga. Recently, one master wrote to me that bells are messengers of joy. And this phrase just stuck in my head... It got so stuck that I began to ask myself the question: why are they messengers of joy and why do I know so little about them? Although I have already made more than a dozen of them! I decided that I needed to fill this gap in knowledge, and at the same time share it with you.

Bells and bells were very popular in Rus'. It is not known exactly when they appeared, according to some sources in the 10th century, and according to others in the 11th. But both sources claim that they were brought to Rus' from overseas. Bells and bells have long been considered in Rus' as a talisman, a spell against damage, evil spells, against fire and water, against diseases... Drives away evil forces from the house. Makes it easier to find pets and protects them from the evil eye, to which they are also susceptible. Shepherd's bells are tied around the necks of livestock and perform signaling and magical functions and serve as a talisman against evil forces. It has been noticed that wolves, bears and other animals that can harm livestock are afraid of the dull, unpleasant sound of the botal and do not react to it. Regarding bells, even in Ancient, unbaptized Rus' they were often sewn onto clothes for magical purposes, inserted into various amulets that were hung around the neck or worn on the belt. Later in the 18th century, bells began to decorate horse harnesses. Both coachmen and riders really loved the ringing... And this sound also drove away wolves on the long winter nights on the road. The bells spread very widely, and the sound from under the arc of private carriages began to confuse the drivers of the post threes. And you really won’t understand: is the courier rushing along the road or the cheerful gentleman decided to go for a ride with the ringing? Of course, a solution was found: to ban bells for private use. And bans in Rus' are a well-known thing. The ringing of bells has not diminished, but bells have also become fashionable - spherical bells, known since ancient times, inside which a shot or two is rolled and shaken. For their quiet cooing sound (either a ringing or a rumble), they were called coos: “Let's go with the coos!” And how much admiration there is in the popular nicknames of bells: vorkuntsy, pozvontsy, shirkun, bolhari, capercaillie, balabonchik, gormotunchik...

I’ll say a few words about church bells. The bell was surrounded in Rus' by wonderful legends and edifying beliefs. It was believed, for example, that he became silent in captivity, in a foreign land. Russian bells were illuminated, but were never baptized or given human names, but nicknames were often given, for example, because of the sound they made. Bells with the nicknames “Ram”, “Swan” or “Goat” are known. They were credited with the ability to cast out evil spirits, dispel intrigues and evil spells, ward off thunderstorms, heal from diseases - the list is not very extensive. But Russian bells were also subjected to punishment quite often. In 1771, the alarm bell of the Moscow Kremlin, by decree of Catherine II, was removed from its post and deprived of its tongue for calling the people to revolt. His predecessor was imprisoned in the Nikolsko-Korelsky Monastery in 1681 for disturbing the sleep of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich with his ringing. In 1591, by order of Boris Godunov, the ears were cut off and the tongue of the Uglich bell, which informed the people about the death of Tsarevich Dimitri, was torn out; then he was exiled to Tobolsk.

The loss of the bell spoke of the loss of independence and was a sign of misfortune and sorrow in Rus'.

Currently, the bell is more common than the bell. And personally, I have never seen people who wear them on their clothes as a talisman... But, probably, there is not a single house where there is not a bell. We see the bell on the day of the last bell on the clothes of eleventh graders; the first of September begins with the ringing of a bell. The newlyweds' car (or carriage) is decorated with bells. The bells also ring on Santa's reindeer sleigh. That is, now this ringing speaks of the Beginning. About the joyful beginning of a new adult life, a new school year, a new happy family. Well, about the beginning of the new year. And I want to believe and hope that all these difficult undertakings will be joyful and successful. This is probably why bells are messengers of joy.

Thank you for taking a few minutes away from the New Year’s worries and reading my article. I hope you learned something new for yourself.

Signs about whether you can give a bell

A magical musical object can become a talisman at home, bringing good luck and wealth. It is considered a good gift if given by a loved one or relative. You should not choose for a new acquaintance whose relationship is of a business nature.

What does the gift promise:

  1. A silver bell will suit a girl. Its ringing will preserve beauty, attract the betrothed, and reveal feminine energy. Do not store the item in a visible place. You can call and speak out your deepest desires, sound vibrations will help make your dreams come true.
  2. The best gift for a man would be a gold-plated or copper musical object; it should be stored in the central room, it promises prosperity, and placed in the office - to success in the main field of activity and rapid career growth.
  3. Ceramic, clay, wooden are recommended as housewarming gifts. It helps to create a favorable atmosphere in the house; the ringing will reconcile those who are quarreling.
  4. The gift can be given to a child. Often this is done by godparents or grandparents. The melodious object will become a talisman for the baby, will ward off illnesses, and will help to show natural talents.

Bright Japanese bells (furin) not only decorate and cleanse the space, but also give coolness in the hot summer


The most beautiful and original gifts are quite expensive, but they are certainly worth the money.

You can order a model cast in silver or even gold. It is best to cover the product with beautiful painting or precious stones.

Moreover, you can order a bell that will be cast according to your sketch or the sketch of the designer you found. Everything will be done down to the smallest detail, and rest assured, your exclusive gift will undoubtedly captivate the hero of the occasion.

The design of such an expensive and original gift should be appropriate. Often, the company that manufactures also offers packaging services, but if such a service is not provided, you can always visit the departments that deal with gift processing.

Bells are not given often, which makes them an even more original and unusual gift. And by choosing a custom design and choosing beautiful packaging, you will make your gift simply unforgettable.

Signs if you break a bell

It is not the best sign to break a bell. The item is a magical tool that anyone can use to cleanse space and attract good luck.

Event value:

  1. If it crashes after the guests leave, it means that there are secret enemies around who wish harm to the inhabitants of the house.
  2. A cracked metal bell promises illness and trouble. You need to purchase a similar copy in order to enlist the support of Higher Powers.
  3. A broken item outside the house foreshadows troubles and waste. In the near future you need to refrain from thoughtless purchases.
  4. If the bell breaks after the cleansing ritual, it means that it has absorbed too much negative energy. You need to quickly collect the fragments and take them outside the house.
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