Children's room according to Feng Shui - shape, color, lighting, location

If the family already has children or you are planning children in the near future, then the question arises about the children's room: its location and design. Of course, any caring parents strive to arrange the children’s room as comfortably as possible so that it is cozy, convenient, beautiful and practical.

children's room

However, not everyone knows how to do this correctly so that the environment gives the child joy, health, contributes to his proper mental development, ensures restful sleep, and so on. By itself, arranging a room with the help of expensive accessories and branded toys will not solve the problem, since the harmonious arrangement of all things is important.

The main thing is that your child likes the room, brings health, pleases the eye and has a positive effect on his development. Therefore, the task of parents is to ensure positive Feng Shui in the children's room. Ancient science will undoubtedly help us with this.

Feng Shui placement of the nursery

First of all, let's talk about the correct location of the nursery according to Feng Shui. As with all other rooms in the house, according to Feng Shui, the main rule applies - the room should not be anywhere, you need to pay attention to its correct location.

Based on the fact that children's energy implies the energy of growth and development, in Feng Shui the east is considered the most favorable sector for placing a children's room. Element of this sector: Tree. And the Tree itself is a symbol of life.

children's room shape

According to Feng Shui, the location of the nursery next to the parent’s bedroom would not be bad. Thus, you will additionally “protect” him. But planning a child’s room near the bathroom or kitchen is not recommended in Feng Shui.

Also, according to the general principles of the location of a children's room, the most favorable location is considered to be near the front door or somewhere in the middle of the house, but not in its far reaches. Otherwise, the child may take on the role of the head of the house and will demand obedience. Do you need it? The farthest location of the room in the back of the house is the location of the adult head of the family, according to ancient Chinese teaching. So take this issue seriously.

Where to place items on the table

Do you think the desktop is only for business papers? But no. By placing certain items on your desk, you can attract success, money and maintain relationships.

  • So, an obligatory attribute of the desktop - a table lamp - must certainly be placed on the far left corner of the table - in this case, you will be provided with an influx of cash.
  • In addition, it would be nice to place a metal figurine in the left corner - this also helps attract money.
  • In the far right corner you should place a figurine of a loving couple - this will help maintain a balance between family and work, and maintain family relationships. The element of emotions reigns on the right.
  • You can also decorate your desktop with a living plant in a pot - this is a source of yang energy necessary for fruitful activity.
  • And to achieve well-being in your career - a black marble sculpture.
  • And one more secret - there should always be more things on the left than on the right, because on the left the sun rises and all processes begin to develop. That is why the left side should prevail.

The right size and shape of the room

According to Feng Shui, a children's room, like other rooms in the house, is subject to general rules for determining shape and size. And they say that the preferred shape of the room should be regular (square or rectangular), but not triangular or with various protrusions or voids. There should be no ceiling beams or roof slopes. This is depressing and annoying.

In turn, the room should be spacious and bright. So that you can conveniently arrange the furniture and leave room for a play area. But not too huge, so as not to cause a child to feel insecure and lost in space.

Lighting and color

lighting and color of the children's room
As mentioned above, the child's room should be spacious and well lit, but do not overdo it, since in this room the child not only plays, but also sleeps.

The best lighting is sunlight, which perfectly activates Yang energy. But if there is not enough natural light and the children's room is dark, then this can lead to lethargy, fatigue, and bad mood. In this case, it is recommended to use additional lighting sources - all kinds of lamps or lamps.

As for color design, soft, calm tones are preferable for a children's room. Beige, soft pink, light green, cream. However, do not forget that children not only sleep in their room, but also play, so bright colors are allowed here in decorative and interior elements (yellow, red, orange).

A children's bedroom should be made brighter and livelier than an adult's. The balance here shifts towards yang. When choosing a color for a child's room, Feng Shui recommends paying attention to your child's temperament.

If he is too active, then calm tones in the interior of the room may be enough, but if, on the contrary, he is too calm, then perhaps adding bright colors will increase his activity. Here you must be guided by your own intuition, because... Like you, no one knows the character of your child.

Correct color scheme

Children are driven by active energy, which requires bright and rich colors. At the same time, it is known that rich red, orange and yellow colors excite, and gentle tones have a calming effect.

Distribution of zones in a children's room according to Feng Shui

Take a compass or a Bagua grid (you can take it HERE) and determine the designated areas for sleeping, playing, and studying in the children's room. Zones can be separated from each other by screens, shelving or furniture.

Zones in Feng Shui are determined equally for the entire house and for each individual room, according to the direction of the cardinal points.

Knowledge Zone

Therefore, the knowledge zone in the child’s room will be in the northeast. This is the best place for a desk, but you just need to place it so that the child sitting at it does not look at the wall or window. It is best to sit with your back to the wall, and let the window be on the left. The same rules apply here as in the adult office. To activate this sector, use Feng Shui symbols for study.

Play area

Feng Shui recommends placing the play area near the door. Perfect for educational games and activities.

Sleeping area

The sleeping area, however, should not be near the door or opposite it. The child’s bed (the same rule for adults) should be positioned in accordance with the direction of the gua number. Moreover, it should stand with the head in a favorable direction.

If it is not possible to place a bed in the nursery according to the child’s personal direction, then you can follow the general rules of Feng Shui. For active children - east; for the calm ones - west; for schoolchildren - east or, in extreme cases, south.

If you still cannot decide on the choice of a favorable direction for sleep, just watch in which direction your child falls asleep quickly and calmly, and in which he has difficulty falling asleep, turning around all the time.

Organization of a sleeping area for a child

The sleeping area must meet certain requirements so that the child develops harmoniously.

It is better for him to sleep not on the sofa, but in a comfortable bed that matches his height and is made from natural materials. That is, as you grow older, your sleeping bed needs to be changed regularly. It is advisable to place it diagonally to the front door and with the head to the wall - this is an additional protection for the energy of the growing organism. It is believed that it is better to place the bed away from the window so that the child is not disturbed by the energy actively circulating in this place.

There should be free space under the bed so as not to interfere with the circulation of energy; this place should not be cluttered with unnecessary things. For the same reason, you should not hang shelves, mirror surfaces, or paintings near the bed or above it.

For small children, you can hang an airy tulle canopy - a closed space is created under it, in which the child feels safe and quickly falls asleep.

Children's Feng Shui stipulates that if two or more children live in a room, then each should have a separate place to sleep. Bunk beds are not welcome, since the child on the 2nd tier will not receive enough positive energy, and the one on the 1st tier will suffer from its excess. If the space of the room allows, you can delimit the sleeping areas with a light, portable screen in the Chinese style, so that, if desired, the children can be alone before going to bed.

Parents often have a question: which side of the world should the bed be placed with the headboard on? It is believed that the child himself can intuitively feel how he can sleep better - in his sleep he can involuntarily take a comfortable position. Parents should take this factor into account.

If adults want to strengthen some of the child’s character traits, they can place the sleeping bed with the head of the child facing south - this way, a stable psyche will be formed. Sleeping with your head to the east promotes complete relaxation and good rest. A headboard oriented to the north leads to the development of intuition, and to the west - to health.

It is important that the place to sleep can be ventilated at any time of the year - this helps to renew energy.

You cannot place a TV in the sleeping area, but it is useful to hang Chinese bells, which attract positive energy.


Choosing the right bed for a children's room

bed in the children's room
Material: The most favorable bed is made of natural wood.

Support: It should have a back, this is a kind of protection and support for the child.

Its size should correspond to the child’s age and should not be tight or too large so as not to make the child feel unprotected.

Drawers: Do not buy a bed with drawers, as unnecessary things disrupt the flow of qi and impair sleep. For the same reason, don't put toys under the bed.

Bunk beds: Double bunk beds are not recommended for children. These two combined beds have a bad effect on each other. A child sleeping at the bottom may develop isolation and lack of self-confidence, since he will be under constant pressure from the one above. And the child sleeping on top loses support.

Advice: Do not buy a bed that is too low, this also has a bad effect on energy circulation.

The location of the bed in the children's room

According to Feng Shui, it is better not to hang anything above the bed: no shelves, no lamps, no chandelier. Do not place closets and bedside tables with sharp corners next to each other. In a word, make sure that “secret arrows” are not aimed at the sleeping area.

Under no circumstances should you place mirrors opposite the bed in the nursery. A sleeping person should not be reflected.

If your child is afraid to sleep in the dark or simply has trouble falling asleep, install a night light or hang a canopy next to the bed. It will provide peace and “sweet” sleep to the child.

It is unacceptable to position the bed so that the sleeping child lies with his feet towards the door. This is the position of the deceased.

You need to place the bed against the wall so that it does not “float” in space.

Simple and useful tips

"sweet Dreams

  • Keep order and cleanliness in the children's room. Wipe things that are sources of light (lamps, windows) more often. Wash the curtains.
  • Do not allow air to stagnate, and with it negative energy. Ventilate the room more often.
  • There should be no broken toys or unnecessary unnecessary things; such rubbish must be disposed of.
  • Provide enough space for toys and other things: the children's room should have lockable cabinets, bedside tables, drawers, etc. so that the child can put everything there. Get him used to order.
  • If there is a computer or TV in the children's bedroom, place it away from the bed, and so that the bed itself is not reflected in the screen.
  • Pay attention to what's hanging on your child's walls. This is especially true for teenagers. Depictions of violence, aggression or death are not acceptable. There should be positive drawings or paintings here.
  • The use of “wind music” is very favorable.

By listening to these simple Feng Shui recommendations, you can significantly improve the lives of your children. Help them become healthy, comprehensively developed and self-confident people. And children, as we know, are our future.

Arrangement of the training area

If you want your child to enjoy learning, doing homework, so that he strives for knowledge and enjoys the educational process, take care of the proper organization of his workplace.

What is important to consider:

  1. The desk should be placed in the northwestern part of the room. Then the energy will be directed towards gaining knowledge, the child will always have a craving for learning
  2. It is advisable that while sitting at the desk, the child can see the front door. If this is not possible, hang a mirror behind him or place metal objects with a glossy, reflective surface.

Eastern teaching does not approve of household appliances, computer equipment and gadgets in the nursery. But it is impossible for children to study without a computer; without a desk lamp, their eyes quickly get tired. In order to neutralize the “dead” energy of electronics, place as many fresh flowers as possible in the nursery. This will restore balance.

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