Bell in the house: how to get rid of negative energy and bring good luck into the house

Nowadays, quite often when you enter a house, office or store, you can see hairdryer-shui pendants made of tubes or hairdryer-shui bells hanging on the door. They are also called wind chimes, fen shui. They often fit well into the interior, as they are very beautifully decorated and look quite aesthetically pleasing, but their main advantage is the purification of space. These beautiful things reduce the level of negative energy in the room and help resolve conflicts.

feng shui wind music

It is recommended to hang wind chimes from a hairdryer - shui in those places where there are air vibrations, so that they periodically ring, producing pleasant and useful sounds. They are also sometimes called air bells, or wind bells, or Chinese bells. In order to choose the right air bells according to hair dryer - shui, you first need to determine what you want to get from them and, of course, you need to choose the right direction for placement.


Candles cast from wax are a powerful amulet that brings well-being to the home in all areas. No home would be complete without a candle, a symbol of light and wisdom. Church candles perform this function best.

Left alone, light a candle and walk around the entire house, not missing a single corner. Perform a home cleansing ritual, ask for protection and light in your home and souls. Place a candle stub in front of the icon or find a place on the eastern side of the house where you can place a talisman.

How to get rid of negative energy in your home

How many people there are in a family, there should be as many bells in one bunch. During the activation of the bells, the following plot is read:

“Red wine contains youth, happiness, good luck. Gives strength, confidence and positive energy. The bell will protect everyone from adversity, giving happiness, joy, and positive energy. Scares away evil, bad weather and misfortune.”

The bells are dipped in wine, and the hostess must drink it afterwards. Place a talisman near the head of the bed in the evening; if you have positive dreams, it means the protection is activated. Bells are hung early in the morning near the front door or near the windows in the center of the room; it is desirable that there is a draft, thanks to which the air currents constantly activate the amulet.

They need to be hung on red ropes. It has a positive effect on mood, improves well-being, and also rids the house of all negativity, evil, betrayal and betrayal. You can braid a small braid using white, red and black lace. It can strengthen protection, gives owners confidence in their abilities, and eliminates evil, slander and damage.

If the sound of the bell is loud and cheerful, there is a lot of happiness and good luck in the house, but if the sound is dull or completely silent, then you should think about how to get rid of evil spirits. After this, you should hang a new bell. The old one is hidden, it can only be used after 12 months.

DIY door hangings

In this article we will look at what you can use to make door hangers with your own hands, without having specialized equipment or complex expensive tools. Almost all of the options presented can be easily made at home or in a small workshop.

What are pendants?

Hangers or door curtains are used in doorways instead of interior doors. They are designed for zoning the interior in rooms where installing a regular wooden door is not entirely convenient.

The main task of pendants is to close the doorway, but at the same time not to make it difficult for adults, children and pets to pass through it.

Is it worth making curtains on the door with your own hands?

Door hangings are sold in many stores that sell interior items. Mostly wood products are on sale - they are beautiful, comfortable and have a very affordable price.

Therefore, you should only make pendants with your own hands if you simply like to craft or want something original, different from store-bought analogues.


According to the legend, keeping apples in the house means having plenty of everything. With their freshness, they will provide you with a good mood and will not allow you to be sad. The positive energy that they were filled with during the summer will penetrate the house and cleanse it at all energy levels.

Place a smooth, plump apple without wormholes in a beautiful bowl, tie a bow from a satin ribbon on the stem and say: “I tighten the knot tightly, I lure happiness into the house. A pourable apple is in the kitchen - it will preserve order and contentment.”


How to make pendants with your own hands

1. From wine corks.

Holes are punched in the corks with an awl or drilled, after which a thick reinforced thread is threaded through them. To prevent the corks from being pressed against each other, you can make knots in the thread. You can also simply place beads between the corks.

The problem with this method is that finding such a large number of traffic jams is quite difficult. And buying them is expensive even in China (approximately $15-17 per 100 pieces).

But if you do have access to wine corks, then go for it. You can also look at other crafts made from wine corks, which are quite possible to make with your own hands.

2. From optical discs ( CD, DVD).

Optical discs (many people call them compact discs, but this is not entirely true, since this term is only suitable for CDs) make cool curtains for doors with your own hands. They look cool and are quite easy to make.

Finding the required number of disks is also not a problem, since now every computer owner has a lot of them, and they are no longer used, since they are obsolete, giving way to flash drives (you can buy cool handmade flash drives on our website - see the work of the masters).

To make pendants on the door, you need to drill the disks on both sides and pass the thread through these holes. Before drilling, you need to draw a line that runs through the very center of the disk and measure the same distance from the edge. If you start drilling by eye, you will not achieve symmetry and it will turn out very ugly.

You can also connect disks with regular paper clips. This option is simpler, but with nylon thread it will turn out neater and prettier.

3. From paper clips.

One of the easiest ways to make door hangings with your own hands. You just need to connect the paper clips to each other to get a lot of long strips. You can attach the strips directly to the door frame, but it is better to attach them to a separate strip, which is already installed in the upper part of the doorway.

If you put colored cambrics or pieces of thick paper on the paper clips, it will turn out even more interesting. How to do this, see the video below.

Curtain materials

The following materials are used for making curtains:

- Bamboo, straw or jute, as well as other natural materials. Bamboo curtains on a doorway look very original if the entire room is decorated in a natural style;

- Fabrics. Used to create rich draperies in a room, decorative fabric curtains on a doorway must be combined with window curtains;

- Plastic. Found its application in the form of various blinds. On doorways such material is used extremely rarely, mainly in the form of vertical stripes;

- Rope. This material allows you to use both the ropes themselves, knitted in the macrame style, and various decorative stripes on them. The originality of this type of curtain is very high and the designer’s imagination is not limited to a standard canvas.

Why hang a bell near the front door?

Bells and bells have been very popular since ancient times, as they attracted good luck and happiness to the house, helped cure various diseases, and improved well-being. It was also believed that due to the sound of the bells, dark forces did not visit the house. It is a real amulet against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye.

It has been known since ancient times that dark forces hate strong sounds, loud sounds, so bells were used to scare away evil spirits. The most important protection in bells, in bells, is their rhythmic sound, which well protects the house from negative energy and poor health.

To get rid of bad energy, it is advised to purchase a small silver bell, you can pay attention to the usual one - steel, wooden. Iron, wood, silver have the ability to resist evil spirits.

To find out which bell to buy, it is advised to listen to its ringing while purchasing.

If it’s pleasant, you should definitely buy it, it suits the person well. If you want to run away somewhere during the sound, it is advised to leave this “musical instrument” in the store, as it can attract bad luck. The sound of a bell or bells should evoke only positive emotions, not the other way around. After purchasing, the bell should be washed in a glass of wine.

Interesting doorway design ideas

Pendants are suitable for decorating any room. But it is especially interesting to choose curtains for a room decorated in an unusual style. Then the decor of the doorway can be supplemented with accessories such as textile insects, metal disks, coins, etc.

Shells and sea pebbles will be a good decoration for pendants in a room with a marine interior. Large multi-colored buttons can be used to decorate the entrance space in a children's room. Tassels on threads create a light atmosphere of romance. And the intricate pattern, when the threads overlap each other, will add mystery to the atmosphere.

Possibilities of door curtains

Door curtains are used where sound insulation is not required, most often these are apartments with one tenant or vice versa, multi-room apartments and houses in which there are enough doors to ensure insulation of the necessary rooms.

Hanging door curtains are often used to allow people to walk through them freely. The visibility of the insulation and the freedom to move through it will be a good solution for the living room or dining room, as well as in other rooms that do not require insulation from free passage.

One option is to separate the living room and dining room, allowing you to separate the room in one second and create an isolated and cozy smaller room. If necessary, simply tie up the curtains and open the passage completely, visually expanding the room.

In addition, compositions can be used for doorways in which the doorway is not closed, and the curtains form a decorative component of the interior. Using folds, bows and other decorative elements, designers achieve the best combination of door curtains with the rest of the room, avoiding angular door designs.

This creates a cozy atmosphere that allows you to relax in the evening with your family.

Wind chime for protection

In places where energy stagnates and needs to be given movement (these can be places formed by sharp or right angles of the walls of the room). Periodically touch the “tongue” of the music so that a pleasant melodic ringing “is born” and the talisman works in full force.

In long narrow corridors or if the door is opposite a window, in this case the energy rushes through in a rapid stream without lingering in the room. By hanging wind chimes here, you will help the positive energy linger and dissipate throughout the house.

Outside, for example, if there are “secret arrows” outside the window (to neutralize the hair dryer bell, shui is hung in the window opening).

Above the front door, to cleanse the energy “entering” the room.

According to the general rules of Feng Shui, to protect a room from sha chi, wind chimes should be placed like this:

Wind chime bamboo

  • Metal bells in the northern, western and northwestern sectors.
  • Wooden or bamboo in the eastern and south-eastern sectors.
  • Ceramic (porcelain) in the northeast or southwest sectors.

For protection in traditional hair dryer shui, air bells with five tubes are usually used.


A round mirror in a wooden frame works best as a talisman. In a house where harmony and mutual understanding reign, it absorbs positive energy and returns it a hundredfold. Do not approach the amulet mirror in a bad mood. Don't quarrel in front of him or use foul language.

It is preferable for a woman to activate the mirror for protection. Dampen a clean cloth with your favorite perfume and wipe the surface in a circular motion. At night, place a beautiful deep plate in front of the mirror. Fill it with symbolic objects (a coin for prosperity, a comb for beauty, a family photo for prosperity) and ask for protection.

Happiness in the home depends not only on amulets and objects of power, but also on your desire to maintain comfort and harmony. It’s not just the house that needs to be cleansed of negative energy. Your attitude towards yourself and others also affects the atmosphere of happiness and goodness. Live in peace with yourself and your loved ones

In this article you will learn:

Since ancient times, people have been confident that melodious ringing can drive away evil demons. The bell announcement accompanied the church service; people sewed small bells to their clothes and hung them on animals so that they would not get lost; it was customary for the Druids to decorate trees. For Chinese residents, doorbells have always been an important home attribute. According to ancient traditions, this item was an indispensable condition for living in a house, which must “sound.” Therefore, the Chinese decorated their homes with bells according to Feng Shui.

Curtains on the door

In some cases, the doors do not fit into the interior. In this case, drapery with decorative door curtains is used. This type of curtain is attached directly to the door leaf. The door leaf itself is masked, the emphasis is on the decorative component. This is clearly visible in the photo of door curtains, and the material most often is fabric with various folds and ruffles. It is imperative that the curtains used for the door panel be combined with the material of the window drapery.

This type of drapery is also used on glass or partially glazed doors and allows you to create extremely interesting compositions by partially shading the glass surface. By creating a decorative effect, you can additionally control the light transmission of the door.

An important point will be to attach the curtains to the door, since when the doors are opened and closed, the curtains may simply fall. In addition, the curtains should not interfere when closing and opening the door, so additional fastenings can be installed at the edges of the door.

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