What are Yin and Yang energies and how to find out which one you have more of?

This article is intended for women. In it, I wanted to share my awareness of how the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine Principles determines who in a married couple holds the key to joint happiness. Who determines whether the love with which God unites people will survive? Source - Esoterics. Living Knowledge

  • Indivisibility and relationship of Yin - Yang
  • Specifics of Yin-Yang energies
  • First impulse
  • Acceptance is a necessary condition for harmonious relationships
  • The essential purpose of a woman and marital happiness
  • How mindfulness helps a woman fulfill her destiny
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And how the Yin-Yang relationship determines a woman’s mission in relation to her man. But how can you talk about her without touching him?

Indivisibility and relationship of Yin - Yang

In the name of development, the self-aware Spirit divided itself into two basic forces: one with a negative charge, the other with a positive charge. People called the first the Feminine Principle, or Yin, the second, the Masculine Principle, or Yang. These two energies are inseparable, are in continuous motion, are present in all spaces, in every smallest particle, and the concentration and strengthening of one causes a weakening of the other.

In their various combinations

phenomena, elements, seasons, changes of day and night are formed, the human energy system is built, emotions and feelings arise in subtle bodies, systems and organs in the physical body... And
their penetration into each other
gives birth to a new creation.
And their imbalance
causes natural and social disasters, illnesses and discord in relationships.
In their balance
, everything is normalized, the body is healed, connections are established.

But what connects these two principles, making them one? Divine Love. Therefore, everything that is created by them is initially harmonious and filled with Love.

But in today’s distorted consciousness, these two principles are so unbalanced that the Earth is shaking, nature is groaning, social spheres, culture and art are degrading, the destinies of nations and people’s lives are being crippled. And until these two creative energies are balanced, decay cannot be overcome. How to do it? Start with yourself.

God so wisely created man that his development is based on the indivisibility and interconnection of two principles: in men, Yang energy is leading, Yin is developing, and in women, on the contrary, Yin prevails, and its expansion, deepening and external manifestation occurs on the power of Yang energy.

From this it follows:

1 – in order to be healthy, successful, grow spiritually and build harmonious relationships, you cannot assert yourself in your dominant beginning. And to notice this, you need awareness.

2 – You should learn to distinguish between the energies of Yin and Yang and recognize their manifestation. And this requires even deeper awareness.

3 – It is she who opens the Spirit – the Source, where both principles originated and where they are automatically balanced.

Thus, just one touch of the energies of Yin and Yang leads to spiritual growth.

Beneficial properties of ginger tea

Ginger tea helps and warms up colds, is used to boost immunity, has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties, parasitic properties, helps stop the development of atherosclerosis, thins the blood, promotes the outflow of mucus from the body, normalizes and improves metabolism, stimulates brain function, strengthens memory, relieves the symptom of nausea, burns excess weight, promoting weight loss. In addition, ginger tea with lemon improves skin conditions, and ginger tea with honey is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

YANG energy

In the West, the spice “ginger root” is viewed from a practical point of view - it is useful, it tastes good, it helps. In the East, ginger is treated differently. It is believed that ginger restores the lack of YANG energy in the body.

YANG energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine is considered a masculine energy that nourishes and supports the functioning of all hollow organs. In addition, YANG energy is considered to be giving energy, the energy of strength, positivity, day and light (solar energy). Its deficiency manifests itself in a general loss of strength, constant chronic, sluggish colds, drowsiness, reluctance to engage in any physical activity, mental fatigue, and sweating. There is coldness in the limbs and body, menstrual pain is eliminated, which is helped by warmth, weak pulse, extinction of libido, morning back pain, exhaustion.

Making ginger tea to restore YANG energy

In the East, they drink special ginger tea to restore yang energy.

The best ginger tea for restoring YANG energy, for daily use, is prepared as follows:

What you need for tea:

  1. Live ginger root
  2. Lemon
  3. Black tea loose leaf
  4. Green tea loose leaf
  5. Honey

In addition, prepare:

1.5 liter thermos, fine grater, boil 2 liters of water.

Preparing ginger tea:

Take a thermos, pour 0.5 teaspoon of green tea into it, then 0.25 teaspoon of black tea. Fill about 6-10 cm with boiling water.

Then take 5 cm of ginger root, peel it and grate it. Throw grated ginger and juice into a thermos. Take a lemon, cut off 2 rings of 0.5 cm each, chop finely and also throw it into a thermos. Then slowly add water (boiling water), filling the thermos ¾ full. Place the lid on the thermos, but do not screw it on. After 5-7 minutes, open the thermos again and add 4-5 teaspoons of honey (as you like) to the ginger tea with lemon. Mix the ginger tea well with a spoon and fill the thermos with boiling water until the end. Close and leave for 3-4 hours. After this, ginger tea to restore YANG energy is ready.

Tea with ginger invigorates, and therefore is drunk 2-3 times a day until 16.00 in the evening.

Do not forget that preparing ginger tea to restore YANG energy should be done daily, but not more than 20 days. Then a break of 1-1.5 months is taken. This tea is good for all colds, weight loss and boosting immunity.

Specifics of Yin-Yang energies

There is a lot of information about the Feminine and Masculine Principles. But isn’t it more interesting to resort to your own experience?

If you recreate Yin energy in yourself, expansion appears,

in which the sensation of the body,
the boundlessness
that contains all conceivable and inconceivable hypostases,
calmness and the absence of resistance
to anything disappears.

These characteristics make the Feminine Receptive.

And due to its versatility - mysterious, incomprehensible and therefore alluring.

And if you recreate the energy of the Masculine Principle, it will become clear that this is a clear, concentrated, purposeful Force that paves the way for the new, penetrates the unknown, constructs and implements. Striving for achievements, it is directed outward.

This makes it
a source
and engine of progress.

And this explains why men are so striving for fulfillment in society, and their leading position in it comes from the specifics of the leading principle.

Different Types of Qi

Classical Feng Shui uses the name Shen Qi to express the positive and favorable side of this energy (places with good Feng Shui) and the word Sha Qi when referring to less favorable spaces.

The best way to know what type of energy is around you is to use your intuition and common sense. A place with good Feng Shui contributes to people's well-being and the presence of harmony in their lives. A place with bad feng shui causes illness and general chaos. Imagine a clean, peacefully flowing river, creating Shen Qi along its path. Now imagine a polluted, stagnant and turbulent ditch generating Sha Qi. Like rivers, visible chi energy spreads in all directions, forms and seasons.

Sometimes Qi may be good for someone, but not ideal for you. Thus, certain places, specific shapes, colors, etc., can help one and hinder the situation of another. Although there are general rules for space and person, here, according to the specifics, differences may arise. It's like sunbathing, one person only needs 20 minutes to overheat, and another can lie in the sun for hours without any consequences, but in any case, excessive sunbathing may not be advisable.

First impulse

Yang is the essence, the core, the idea, the first expressed impulse. But only if Yin accepts and supports it, development will begin: the content will be embodied in form; original strategy will be combined with daring tactics; in a creative takeoff, the Mind will unite with the Heart, and the new creation will delight the Souls; The sperm will penetrate the egg, and the miracle of creation will happen...

What if it doesn’t affect his feelings or emotions? Will he develop a desire to give back? No, because his Masculine Principle is not stimulated.

So from whom does the first impulse come?

In the subtle World, in the Divine game of Yin-Yang, everything is initiated by the active Female Hypostasis of the Spirit, the Will of God the Mother. In Indian philosophy she is called Shakti.

This She, and not the mind that ascribes authorship to itself, accomplishes everything. Without realizing it, it is to Her that we call when we pray or ask Heaven for help. It fills with energy, corrects, guides, transforms, inspires. The refined awakened consciousness, vibrating at a frequency where there is no mental “I,” feels Her messages and follows them.

In the physical world, everything happens by analogy - the implicit first aspiring stimulus comes from the woman.

Acceptance is a necessary condition for harmonious relationships

Since Yin is the receiving principle, its energy is directed inward.

And this prevailing energy in a woman determines the task entrusted to her by the Creator:
to create harmony in the internal space of the family and maintain peace and harmony in it.
And the Yin power helps her with this. Based on this, first of all, a woman, entering into an alliance with a man, should think about whether she is ready to accept the chosen one with all his pros and cons - not only with the qualities that delight her, but also with the things that stress her out. Will she be able, without losing or suppressing herself (!), to let his interests, hobbies, habits, his family and the burden of his past into her life?

As for a man, when he does not pay due attention to the desires and aspirations of his beloved, even if through her efforts this does not disturb the atmosphere in the house, he stops in his development: his Yin does not awaken. And it’s not hard to guess what happens when in a pair one moves forward and the other gets stuck in place.

And in awareness, Acceptance becomes effortless and natural. To do this, you simply need to remove “I” from any process, that is, thoughts and ideas about yourself.

Along with them, the assessments of others go away. What we call personality disappears with its labels “right-wrong”, “good-bad”, “like-dislike”, with its ideas of how everything should be. And there is no subpersonality that is dissatisfied with something, there is no mental character that must accept something, or wants to change something in another (we are not talking about drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling and other painful addictions).

And if a disagreement arises in everyday life, it does not flare up without a “second one.” And in awareness, since there are no thoughts, there are no emotions, and inner peace is not disturbed. There is no “I’m offended/I’m suffering” character. And in the pure space of consciousness, clarity appears, which “I” forced a dear person to say so, or how hurt self-esteem, in defense, forced me to react this way. And compassion is born for the pain that he/she experiences, and respect for those strengths that balance weaknesses.

How to balance Yin and Yang? Decorate yourself with this symbol!

Despite the opposition of the elements of each of the principles, Yin and Yang

should be perceived
as a whole
. Everything that surrounds us, everything that is inside us, can be viewed through the prism of Yin and Yang. Following the darkest night (Yin) comes the rising of the Sun (Yang). Before making a decision and acting actively (Yang), you should immerse yourself in thought (Yin). Without rest (Yin), productive work (Yang) is impossible.

Please note that the dark and light principles in the symbolism of Yin and Yang are not in vain combined into a single whole. There is nothing in the world that represents only one of the elements. The essence of the desire for harmony is an attempt to balance white and black in all spheres of existence.

How to balance Yin and Yang?

One way is to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and pay attention to the one of the “elements” that is more weakly represented.

For example, if you are a creative person with a rich imagination, but at the same time you are passive and do not know how to finish what you start, then Yin predominates in you. To achieve fulfillment in work related to creativity, you need to “tighten up” your discipline, determination, work on time management, or... just find a person with a pronounced Yang and join forces with him! Why not a dream team?

Another method of harmonizing Yin and Yang is using stones as amulets based on the date of birth or applying a tattoo on the body with this ancient sign. How to draw Yin Yang

on your body? To do this, just contact a tattoo artist. If you are not sure that you want to contemplate a round black and white sign on your forearm or shoulder blade for the rest of your life, you can opt for a temporary tattoo.

The Yin and Yang tattoo is suitable for those who want to harmonize their state of mind, dreamers and researchers immersed in spiritual practice and the search for their true self. Talismans and tattoos with Yin Yang carry a strong energy charge; they do not allow more powerful energy to suppress the one that is weaker expressed. Experts advise not to do such tattoos on open areas of the body - the ideal places for it are the back, chest or stomach.

Write in the comments below the article whether you are Yin or Yang. Very interesting!

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The essential purpose of a woman and marital happiness

If the active and purposeful Masculine Principle becomes the engine of progress, what drives Yang himself? Mysterious, attractive, inspiring and inseparable from him Yin, which prevails in a woman.

Therefore, no matter what she does in society, no matter what position she has, no matter how fascinated she is by work, children, creativity, hobbies, it is important for her to remember that she is, first of all, a Woman, and she is destined by God to be the Inspirer of her men. This does not mean that she should not occupy leading positions in society. Her Masculine Principle requires realization in the profession, in creativity, and if Yang is strong, she strives for both management and leadership. And here efforts to intelligently set priorities or rationally distribute energy are powerless - we do not have such a mechanism. Yes, he is not needed. If you live as intended by the Creator, in His image and likeness, that is, consciously, in its orders, assignments, instructions - there is no “I-doer” in anything. And there is no one to assert himself in commands and orders, there are no social subpersonalities (I am a boss/employee/wife/lover, etc.). Everything is done at the moment, and everything comes from the Divine Essence (Spirit-Soul), and therefore from Love.

In awareness, we are talking not only about Acceptance as the most important condition for favorable relationships in the family, but about the deep root - the initiating role of a woman in a married couple.

Ignoring this - either out of ignorance, or out of inability - explains why people who loved each other, close in culture, in intelligence, in energy, break up. And, conversely, why do seemingly hopeless marriages between people who are very different in all respects, based on dry calculation or one-sided feelings, turn out to be strong and happy. And they intuitively rely on the innermost foundations of the Feminine and Masculine Principles (remember that the Spirit is active through the Feminine substance).

Yin Yang: man and woman or something more?

You have probably come across the question related to the Yin Yang symbol: “What is black and what is white?”

Yin Yang is
a fusion of opposites, then each of the components must have its own individual qualities.

The masculine, bright principle of Yang manifests itself in many areas of life, from the world order to the characteristics of an individual’s behavior.

Yang is dry and light, active and extroverted, fiery and transformative.

Yang is associated with the sky and the Sun, light and spirit, mountains and birds, movement. This is the left side, odd numbers, warmth, life. Yang is a rational type of thinking, creative activity.

A person with an active Yang is a leader, as well as a marketing and advertising specialist, an artist, a sales manager, a politician, a TV journalist, and a businessman. Such individuals choose everything bright and loud, they love clarity and abundance. These are the owners of choleric or sanguine temperament.

Yin Yang symbol

consists of 2 halves, so now it’s worth studying Yin in detail.

Yin is night and cold, passivity and humidity, water and north, the Moon and depth. This is the right side of the body and even numbers, softness and fluidity, silence, body. Yin symbolizes an intuitive approach to decision making, stillness, and contemplation.

People with active Inem are programmers and monks, researchers and scientists, security guards and nurses, writers and artisans. They are excellent subordinates, efficient and punctual, but they themselves rarely achieve serious career heights. They value silence, comfort, family life, modesty and asceticism. These are the owners of a melancholic and phlegmatic temperament.

As you can see, in the picture Yin Yang

has a deep meaning!

How mindfulness helps a woman fulfill her destiny

One of the reasons why there are more women on the spiritual path is their disappointment, suffering due to destroyed love, unfulfilling relationships, and dissatisfaction with themselves. But if you go not FROM, but TO, a woman, revealing her Essence, builds relationships not on a personal, but on an essential basis and realizes her sacred task.

Share your feelings!

Spiritual transformation begins not with an interest in esotericism, not with the accumulation of knowledge, or even with a meeting with a guru, but with a restructuring of attention deeper into oneself. And for a woman, due to the inward direction of the dominant Yin energy in her, this process is easier. And if she practices this vigilantly and with determination, her Feminine Principle comes to life.

And miracles begin: a special, indescribable charm appears in any ugly girl, and she becomes attractive. Yin stimulates the higher sphere of the emotional body - sublime feelings, and it becomes interesting to itself. And when she shares them (and not emotions) with her chosen one, she is always interesting to him. And her feelings are expressed on the outward-directed force of Yang. According to the Law of Correspondence, his Masculine Principle responds to this. And, as if by magic, confidence, goal orientation, and faith in one’s capabilities intensify. Feeling grateful to his inspiration for this, he strives to become a support, a protector for her, and also to be interesting, diverse, and creative. And this is expressed... in the Yin energy that develops it.

Without the participation of a woman, Yang in a man is not activated!

This means that the relationship is not developing. And without development, love fades.

A man subconsciously always looks for someone with whom his Masculine Principle will reveal itself, and this is one of the reasons for cheating and searching for new partners. This explains why in one marriage he was an infantile loser, and in another he came to life, soared, realized his potential and achieved success.

Feelings are as deep as they are realized

Therefore, when expressing, for example, tenderness, attentiveness, care, do not forget to note three magical moments:

  • from which image of “I” does my feeling come, is there any self-affirmation or desire to receive something in return,
  • how the mind declares this state to be its own and
  • who understands all this.

With practice this happens very quickly. And immediately the mental “I” disappears, consciousness moves to another frequency, and feelings are emitted from the Essence. They become pure, enlightened, expecting nothing. And this filling with the Light of the Creator creates a miracle: two become one. Nothing brings people closer together like unity in feeling.

When a woman is aware of her inner states, she is also sensitive to the experiences of a man.

And from the same inner Source flow either the words he needs, or the silence he needs. This feeling of her, sympathy, co-experience, and his gratitude for this, makes their connection more and more strong, and their love more and more deep - essential.

Confidant, inspiration and comrade-in-arms

Psychological knowledge helps to adjust relationships. But in self-knowledge, when mental images are tracked (for example, “I am a good wife/lover/housewife”), in the awareness that beliefs (such as “if he loves me, he should do this”) are just thoughts and concepts , claims and demands on yourself and on the man, irritation and dissatisfaction, disappear on their own.

And in recognizing oneself as the present moment, as Presence, another vision arises - not from within the situation, but outside it, that is, outside the filters and limitations of the mind. And when, in response to a woman’s openness, a man tells her about his affairs and problems, he knows that he will find in her not only support, but also extraordinary advice. And even though their professions are different and she is far from what he does, it is clear in awareness why his relationships with employees are the way they are, how to establish contact with management, how to interest a talented but passive subordinate.

And she becomes for him not just his wife and confidante, not only his inspiration, but also his most valuable ally.

In response, whatever he does, whatever he is passionate about, he does it with the name of his Muse, with love filling him. And it is to her that he proudly brings the fruits of his achievements. And she accepts them with joy and gratitude.

Behind such relationships is the Universal principle of harmonious interaction in a couple: she sensitively initiates the Masculine Principle in him and creates conditions for its development. And his love and gratitude put her on a pedestal, where she is a prize that must be won constantly.

Energy qualities

Feminine: Shakti, Yin, Prakriti

Time of day: night, darkness.

Planets: Moon, Venus.

Qualities: flexibility, softness, pliability, humility, obedience, compliance, agreement, acceptance, following, fluidity, chaos, inertia, coldness, heaviness, slowness to the point of lethargy, grounding energy, always tends downward. Represents matter.

In the human body, Yin is responsible for the lower part.

Yin energy can be compared to flowing water. Imagine this image. Water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world. She adapts, fills herself.

The earth also possesses powerful Yin energy: it obediently grows seeds within itself, humbly fills with strength not only cultivated plants, but even weeds. It does not act - it lies as a potential force and waits to be used.

Yin energy calms, grounds, and gives deep strength. But to better understand its nature, you need to imagine a clot of energy that looks like a ball. It doesn't move anywhere because it's inert. It simply sits in space, waiting for a movement vector and the opportunity to be used.

That is, female energy is strength without a vector! Strength in itself, because the word “shakti” is translated exactly like that: “power.” Shakti contains enormous energy potential.

The scriptures say: being separated from Shakti, Shiva (the male principle) was in emptiness in non-action, his whole being was immersed in a trance, his body was immobilized. And when Shakti united with Shiva, Shiva awakened and began to act.

This often happens in life: a man lives alone, he has a sofa, a stove and a refrigerator with instant food. For example, one single man I know in his house has a large bed, a table with a computer, a refrigerator and a stove, nothing else - no dining table, no chairs, although the apartment is huge. And such men live calmly, they don’t need anything special. And then a woman appears in the life of such a man

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