Feng Shui living room: a source of positive energy for the home

Each apartment has a place where a person relaxes after a hard day, receives friends, and spends time with family. The Feng Shui living room provides positive chi energy to the space of this room.

Over 1000 years ago in China, people noticed that nature had a strong impact on their lives, its positive or negative energy also affected their homes. This energy is the basis of all life in the Universe. Its streams circulate continuously, permeating absolutely everything. By catching the energy flow, you can improve your health and financial condition. This is done by arranging your home in a certain way. Based on these points, the teaching of Feng Shui was created.

A living room arranged according to Feng Shui will help attract positive energy into the home and make the family happier

Living room according to Feng Shui: layout and design

Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching on how to direct and balance Qi energy for the benefit of a person, his health, well-being and good luck. And also about how to live in harmony with nature. It is in harmony that people find happiness and their health. The principles of this teaching allow you to properly organize the space of any room. Be it the bedroom, bathroom or living room.

It is the correct arrangement of housing that contributes to the achievement of well-being and mutual understanding between people.

Feng Shui honors simple geometric shapes and advises avoiding complex layouts, curved lines and many angles in rooms.

The same rules apply to the living room: if you want to strictly follow the technique of home arrangement according to Feng Shui, then avoid complicating the interior. The ideal living room is a spacious room with plenty of natural light coming in from large windows and is shaped like a square or rectangle.

Long rooms, dark rooms, lack of daylight, curved walls - all this complicates the circulation of positive qi energy, which feng shui strives to “call” into every home. This wise practice also applies negatively to decorative elements in the form of niches (especially deep ones), because in such recesses energy stagnates and they negatively affect the entire invisible background of the room.

Simplicity is the main rule for arranging a living room according to Feng Shui. Don’t invent anything unnecessary, don’t look for complex ideas in the layout.

If the living room in your home still violates the basic rules of Feng Shui, then eliminate or reduce these negative influences with the help of light. Place floor lamps in dark corners and niches to provide soft natural light.

Do not use dark shades for poorly lit living rooms; this room should be as light as possible, creating an image of lightness and homeliness, a certain cleanliness.

Location of the living room in space and its zones

The location of the living room relative to the entire apartment, as well as the shape of the room itself, greatly influence the energy balance and atmosphere.

So for living rooms located in the northeast, northwest, west, southwest and in the center, according to Feng Shui, houses or apartments should have a strictly square shape.

The rectangular shape of the living room also helps to attract vital energy Qi. But for living rooms located in the south, southeast, east and north sides of the apartment.

Of particular importance is the floor level in the reception room in relation to other rooms; ideally, the level of all floors in the apartment is the same. But if the floors in the kitchen are lower than in the living room, then don’t be surprised that you have an influx of unpleasant guests. After all, they are the ones who can take away your positive energy by constantly imposing themselves on you.

To properly distribute energy in the living room, you need to clearly understand what each zone of the room serves.

Such zones are again identified based on the cardinal directions.

So, what are these zones:

  1. The southern part is a zone that is associated with the glory of your home; it includes the element of Fire. Therefore, a fireplace or lighting fixture is often located in this part of the room.
  2. The southwestern part is a zone intended for communication and love. It requires the presence of some paired interior items.
  3. The eastern part is your family area, which can be decorated with family photos.
  4. The western and northwestern parts are the zone where it is best to place electrical appliances: TV, tape recorder, DVD player and others.
  5. The northeastern part is an area for placing closed furniture without open shelves.
  6. The northern part is the zone of action of the elements of Water, which means you can safely place an aquarium.
  7. The northwestern part is an area for placing family guardians who can be asked for help.


We have chosen the color, now we will select the pattern. Each element has its own pattern shapes, and with the help of a pattern you can bring in some type of energy that you need. See the table below and, using your imagination, choose exactly what you like.

DirectionStrengthen qiSupports chiCalms the qi
NorthCircles, Arcs, OvalsIrregular spots, clouds, wavesThin figures stretched upward, vertical stripes
NortheastTriangles, stars, zigzagsElongated rectangles, horizontal stripes, checkerboard patternCircles, Arcs, Ovals
EastIrregular spots, clouds, wavesThin figures stretched upward, vertical stripesTriangles, stars, zigzags
SoutheastIrregular spots, clouds, wavesThin figures stretched upward, vertical stripesTriangles, stars, zigzags
SouthThin figures stretched upward, vertical stripesTriangles, stars, zigzagsElongated rectangles, horizontal stripes, checkerboard pattern
SouthwestTriangles, stars, zigzagsElongated rectangles, horizontal stripes, checkerboard patternCircles, Arcs, Ovals
WestElongated rectangles, horizontal stripes, checkerboard patternCircles, Arcs, OvalsIrregular spots, clouds, waves
NorthwestElongated rectangles, horizontal stripes, checkerboard patternCircles, Arcs, OvalsIrregular spots, clouds, waves

Door to the living room according to Feng Shui

It is not recommended to place the door to the living room directly opposite the front door, and also pay attention to the living room windows: they should be slightly offset to the side relative to the living room door.

Ideally, in Feng Shui, the living room door is located in the center of the wall.

It’s bad if the living room in the apartment is a “passage” room. Feng Shui practitioners insist that it is better not to make such rooms in the house at all, since good energy in them in this case accumulates more slowly and quickly flows into other rooms.

Feng Shui living room color

The design of a living room in a house according to Feng Shui is correct if it not only follows the rules of shape and lighting, but is also made in suitable shades. This room is always dominated by yang energy, which symbolizes a bright beginning, warm vibrations, and life.

To give this energy the opportunity to linger and spread throughout the rest of the home, it is important to “feed” it and entice it with suitable design.

Yang is the living energy of light and purity, and therefore it flows most actively where there is a lot of natural light, where light shades predominate.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to choose the color of the living room based on the general appearance and other nuances of this room.

If your living room is spacious enough, has the right shape, wide and high windows, then there is no need to further brighten it with excessively light shades, it will already attract living qi energy and white yang energy. You can arrange it in warm colors: add elements of yellow, sand, terracotta.

Shades of green, as well as brown, a shade of natural wood, work well.

Wallpaper colors that you shouldn't use

The first color that is highly undesirable to use in wall decor is black. This shade has mystical properties. He is personified with something magical and dark.

Brown color also belongs to the unfavorable category. Wallpaper of this color creates a feeling of compression. The walls seem to be pressing on the person. This color scheme is not suitable for either the work area or the recreation area.

Gray - this shade does not carry negative traits, but it does not allow people to develop. Thanks to it, people freeze in place and cannot move forward. It is recommended to avoid this shade altogether. It is not suitable for either a relaxation area or an office.

According to Feng Shui, the living room has the status of “the face of the house”, where favorable Qi energy should circulate freely.

The location of the living room relative to the cardinal directions

Remember that in Feng Shui the cardinal directions are important, which means that this must be taken into account when arranging a living room.

In the southern part of the room, it is better not to use shades that symbolize the opposite, northern direction: white (like snow), black (symbolizing night), a shade of cold gray metals and blue (the color of cold) are best left for decorating the northern part of the living room.

It logically follows from this that “southern” warm shades should not be found on the opposite, northern side.

Also, do not place symbols, paintings or signs that symbolize fire in the northern part of the living room.

It follows from this that the color of the living room walls according to Feng Shui may not be the same. You can add warmth to the south wall with the help of suitable decor: for example, place elements made of natural wood, bamboo, paint the wall orange or yellow, hang a picture on it that depicts a beach, fire or sunset. In the northern part, elements of a black or blue shade would be appropriate; natural stone and metal decor would be perfect here.

Color selection

The color scheme affects your mood, and therefore you need to be careful when choosing the color scheme for your living room. It can be bright, festive, creating a positive mood. Or it can be decorated in calm colors that induce peace.

The white shade frees you from bad thoughts and helps you look at the world positively. However, an excess of this color will lead to emptiness, disappointment, and boredom, so it is recommended to stick photo wallpaper on at least one wall in accordance with Feng Shui or add a couple more shades.

The color red gives a feeling of warmth, but its excessive exposure causes a feeling of depression, irritation, due to which the nervous system is depleted. Color has a particularly unfavorable effect on children, so experts advise adding moderate tones.

To get the energy of goodness, spiritual beauty, romance, happiness and balance, you need to decorate the living room with pink shades and add white, yellow, and blue colors. This technique will help prevent excessive emotionality, excessive compliance and passivity.

Orange colors are considered less aggressive than red. A palette of orange shades helps a person gain strength, become more sociable and friendly.

The color yellow brings warmth to the house, and makes its inhabitants positive, kind, smart, inquisitive, and active. In such a living room, you will immediately release tension and feel lightness throughout your body.

Green shades give calm, harmony, balance, patience. But if the living room, according to Feng Shui, is decorated only in green, then if a person stays there for a long time, his self-esteem may decrease. To avoid this, it is recommended to decorate one side with bright colors.

The blue color is associated with peace, tranquility, wisdom, and patience. However, overusing this color will lead to the residents of the house becoming too cold and indifferent. To correct the situation, you need to add sunny shades.

The color purple represents power, creativity, and fantasy. It increases self-esteem and, depending on the tones, symbolizes either love or privacy. An excess of purple leads to sadness, and therefore in this case you should complement the living room with light shades.

Thanks to the blue color, you can transform yourself, move to a new level of perception of life, and cleanse yourself of bad thoughts. However, its excess brings coldness and passivity. In this case, you need to glue bright Feng Shui photo wallpaper to one part of the living room.

The brown shade symbolizes confidence, stability, and perseverance. If you paint the walls this color, then in such a room you can relax and unwind. But, unfortunately, if you are there often you will feel sad, so decorate one side in blue, yellow or pink.

Gray denotes resilience, sanity and harmony. And black color symbolizes severity and elegance. But too much black causes depression. And it makes some generally suspicious, indecisive and secretive. To avoid negative impacts, it is advisable to decorate one wall in green tones.

Of course, you shouldn't paint one wall black or orange. Experts advise simply indicating the color direction using things such as plants, paintings, pillows, figurines, talismans, etc.

Living room according to Feng Shui and decor: what is possible and what should be avoided

It was already noted above that decorative elements must be placed correctly, in accordance with their affiliation with one side or another of the world. But there are other important rules that you need to know in order to follow the Feng Shui technique in the living room.

It is better to avoid any negative, gloomy, sad images. Do not place pictures depicting disasters, human suffering or unfortunate events on the walls. This has no place in the living room!

Abstractions - with caution. If the abstraction is a symbol of warmth or fire, life or optimism (for example, yellow splashes, a blue fountain, etc.), then it can be placed in the living room. But if it is something vague, and even more so, if the image gives you any negative thoughts, remove it from the room.

According to Feng Shui, paintings in the living room should reflect nature. Picturesque landscapes and beautiful places are perfect, especially if they have a lot of greenery, trees, plants or forest.

An aquarium is the main decorative element in the living room.

The Chinese are very fond of using aquariums for decoration, especially large and floor-standing ones. This is a symbol of water, and therefore should be placed on the north side of the room. Almost any oriental living room according to Feng Shui, the photo of which is exemplary, can boast of having an aquarium with fish.

Figurines are no less popular in Feng Shui; the living room is the most suitable place for them.

Figurines made of natural wood will look great on the south side of the room, and figurines made of metal or stone will look great on the north side.

Feng Shui also has a positive attitude towards photographs of family members. They are best placed on the southwestern wall, because this direction symbolizes love, romance, and close spiritual ties.

Ideally, you should hang photographs of all members of your family, or a large joint photo where they are all present.

When arranging a room, remember first of all that this room should become a kind of symbol of your community, bonding with other people. Here you will socialize and meet friends for a cup of coffee, and on holidays your family members will gather around the dinner table.

In the evenings, you will probably enjoy spending time in the living room watching a movie with your loved one.

It is not for nothing that the Chinese are sure that the living room is the largest container of energy flows.

Therefore, do not lose sight of the important rules so that your Feng Shui living room directs these living flows in a positive direction, for the benefit of your entire home!



Everything we surround ourselves with can tell us a lot about us. Do not keep gloomy paintings in the living room that are not conducive to relaxation, and also do not hang collections of weapons on the walls, all this is very bad Feng Shui of the living room .

Using the Bagua map, determine the compass directions and zones in the living room relative to the center of the house and, taking into account the hobbies of each family member, reflect them without forgetting anyone. Everyone should have a place in the living room according to their good directions, even if they belong to different groups, some to the eastern group and others to the western group. Different people are more attracted to each other.

Living room interior and Feng Shui: additional recommendations

Speaking about general recommendations for living room design, Feng Shui followers recommend:

  1. Organize good lighting, the room should have a feeling of spaciousness and comfort, because this is necessary for the free movement of Qi energy.
  2. Choose wallpaper in light cream and yellow shades, which visually make the room more spacious. The ideal color is yellow, which promotes communication and mutual understanding. However, there are other options for decorating the walls in the living room, for example, the walls of the living room in the southeastern part of the apartment can be decorated in green, in the northern part - in red or blue, and in the western part - in white or gold.
  3. To create a good flow of sunlight into the living room and vital energy, you need to choose the right curtains for the windows. They can be sewn from heavy and dense fabric, or light. The colors of the curtains are mainly maintained in the following colors: crimson, green, dark blue and orange. Of course, when choosing curtains, you will take into account the degree of illumination of the room and the need for privacy, but remember that they should not interfere with the movement of Qi energy; the denser the curtains, the slower its movement.
  4. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, upholstered furniture for the living room should be respectable and very comfortable. Therefore, it is better to choose a sofa and armchairs with soft armrests. It is also worth abandoning unnecessary decor and patterns on the upholstery.
  5. Furniture with legs, even small ones, is also welcome; this is necessary for the unhindered passage of air and energy flow. When arranging your living room, try to purchase furniture in a store, no old options and certainly not antiques. After all, furniture can store the energy of previous owners, which can adversely affect you.
  6. The shape of the sofa and armchair should be simple, without sharp corners and conducive to rest and relaxation.
  7. If you need to purchase chairs for the living room in accordance with Feng Shui, consider the material from which they are made. After all, metal chairs are suitable for living rooms in the west and northwest, and wooden chairs are suitable for living rooms in the east and southeast. The seats must have the correct shape: square, circle or octagon. After all, these are the figures that are considered a symbol of happiness and harmony.
  8. Tables in the living room (dining or coffee) can be round, square or rectangular. The top of such tables is usually made of glass or wood.

Color accents

Emerald greenSymbolizes the energy of Wood (southeast), in combination with shades of yellow, it greatly enlivens the room without disturbing the comfort.
Turquoise (sea green)Close to the energy of Wood (southeast) But softer (due to the presence of yin), this color calms and creates a joyful mood.
BlueClose to the energy of Wood (southeast), this color is suitable for decorating rooms on the sunny side. Helps create harmony.
VioletClose to the energy of Fire (south), brings an element of passion to the design of the room. Promotes mutual understanding.
CoralThis is the color of sunset, close to the energy of Metal (West), emphasizes romantic relationships. Suitable for a candlelit dinner setting.
OrangeThis vibrant color, which contains yellow and red, is close to the energy of Metal (west) and Earth (center). It can be used to “highlight” dark areas.
Dark brownCloser to the chi energies of Metal (west) and Earth (southwest), emphasizes stability.
GreyClose to the energy of Metal (northwest), emphasizes dignity and authority, gives the atmosphere strict formality.

We arrange furniture in accordance with Feng Shui

According to this teaching, it is important not only to choose the right furniture for the living room, but also to arrange it correctly in the room.

According to Feng Shui, furniture is placed at a distance of at least a meter from each other.

When placing furniture, they take the same geometric shapes as a basis, arranging chairs and armchairs in the form of a circle or square. At the same time, they cannot be placed opposite the doorway; the backs of the furniture should be placed against the wall, but not against the furniture or window.

It is this arrangement that gives a feeling of security when a person is on the sofa.

When placing a table in the center of the room, you should place a vase of yellow flowers or a plate of fruit on it. After all, color and fruit are symbols of well-being. In general, according to this teaching, the living room should not have too much furniture, much less unnecessary furniture. Leave only what is necessary. Firstly, it encourages keeping things in constant order, and secondly, it promotes good energy circulation in the room.

As for the impact of energy on certain areas of a person when arranging furniture, in this case experts advise:

  • for the living room in the eastern part of the house it is good to arrange green plants and hang pictures with a water theme, this helps to preserve and maintain health,
  • for a living room in the western part, family photographs on the wall, hung at eye level, as well as figurines made of natural stone, are relevant,
  • For a living room in the southwestern part and especially in its far right corner, you should think carefully about putting a few red accessories or any other items, as well as a fountain or an aquarium, this promotes love and harmonious relationships.

Furniture arrangement

The energy flow of Qi should move freely throughout the living room. But sometimes furniture interferes with the movement of prosperous energy. To prevent this from happening, you need to place all items correctly. After all, the living room is the most important place for the whole family.

Furniture should be arranged so that the interlocutors can be close to each other. And the chair on which the owner/hostess will sit should not have its back to the door or window.

To arrange a living room according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to follow the basic rules for arranging furniture:

  1. Along the walls there are armchairs, chairs, and a sofa. This technique gives the sitting person confidence. All these items should absolutely not be placed “facing” the front door or window, as this will cause discomfort to incoming guests.
  2. The center of the living room is left free. However, in some cases, a coffee table is placed in the middle of the room, which unites the sitting people.
  3. If the living room is too small, you can hang a mirror on one of the walls to visually expand the room.
  4. A music center and television can activate a positive flow, and therefore it is recommended to place them either in the southeastern part, which is responsible for wealth, or in the southwestern zone, responsible for family relationships. The northwestern side is not at all suitable for this task, as it mutes the positive. Therefore, an aquarium can be installed in this part.
  5. If you want to place a bookcase in the living room, it should have closing doors.
  6. If possible, install a fireplace or lighting fixture in the southern part.
  7. Decorate the east wall with family photos.
  8. The sharp corners of the living room need to be smoothed out with figurines or climbing flowers.

When arranging furniture, do not allow the formation of empty darkened corners, otherwise negative energy will form there and intensify.

Feng Shui attributes in the living room

Since the living room is the most frequently visited room in the apartment, it is more important to place Feng Shui symbols in it than in others. Such symbols or talismans can activate the energy of a certain area of ​​the room, beneficially influencing the harmony of your life.

In order to improve your relationship with your other half, you need to light candles in the southern part of the room; if you have one, then a fireplace.

In addition, it would be nice to place paired angel figurines or any other ones.

Everything that concerns your future life and the implementation of your plans, in this case you should pay attention to the eastern part of the room. This area should be decorated with photographs of the desired theme, for example, if you are planning to go on vacation to the sea, then hang a picture with a seascape.

To smooth out large protruding corners of the living room, Feng Shui suggests placing a large pot with a plant or hanging wind chimes.

Another well-known Feng Shui attribute is a mirror, which can be placed on a coffee table in the living room, but the most important thing is that it should be facing the exit.

Best of all, if it is framed in bronze, such a mirror will repel the negative energy of envious people entering your living room. Often in living rooms you can find such attributes as fans, cranes, figurines of gods, and symbols of protection.

To attract wealth, some people hang a picture of a ship with jewelry sailing in a direction you have chosen.

And, of course, according to Feng Shui, a living room cannot be without plants, among which bamboo is of particular importance, because it is a symbol of well-being.

Source: ogostinoj.ru

Energy of images

Sometimes, looking at a picture, a person feels that he is unable to look away. The phenomenon can be easily explained by the strong energy of the image. This applies to ancient icons, works of famous masters who put strength and energy into their work.

The higher their potential, the stronger the energy of the picture.

While working on a painting, the artist fills it with strong energy, so you need to be careful when choosing it.

The objects depicted on the canvases also have special energy. The child evokes warm feelings. Aivazovsky's paintings take your breath away from the beauty and majesty of the sea. Thus, each canvas carries a positive or negative charge. It depends on the personality of the artist, the story and the subject of the image. This should be taken into account when purchasing paintings. Pictures should carry a positive charge.

Living room according to Feng Shui: results

Rule 1

This entire group should not be located directly opposite the front door. The chairs and sofa should be positioned so that people can see each other. People often arrange their seats in a row to make it easier to watch TV.

It is believed that this can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.

Imagine that you want to play a board game with the whole family or discuss plans for your future home. If you didn’t have to move chairs or add extra chairs to do this, then your “guest group” is set up correctly. At the same time, it is advisable that the head of the family never sit with his back to the entrance.

Rule 2

Not only does the whole family gather in the living room, but it is also where we receive guests. It is traditionally believed that the more comfortable the living room is for relaxation and communication between your guests and family members, the stronger the support of people for your endeavors will be. Such support is the most important component of success and prosperity.

Rule 3

Since there are a lot of people in the living room, it needs active energy more than other rooms. Therefore, everything that lifts your spirits, that you really like and energizes you is appropriate here. Music, paintings, aquarium, decorative items.

Rule 4

It is very important that your living room is decorated with photographs of all family members. It’s great if there is a photo where the whole family is fully assembled. Even if a person lives alone, photographs of loved ones are simply necessary in his space.

Rule 5

If you have attributes of joint hobbies, travel, hobbies, or collectibles, it is best to display them in the living room. Not all, but the best of them.

Thus, a guest who comes to your house for the first time will receive non-verbal information about your family, exactly what you would like to convey.

Rule 6

Cosmic Chi energy fills the home through doors and windows, so the view from your living room window is of great importance.

If the living room opens onto the garden, and the garden is well-kept and pleasing to the eye, or if it is an apartment and the view from the window is attractive, panoramic, then it is desirable that the window decor leaves it as open as possible.

If the window faces an object that you don’t like, pay more attention to the decor so that it distracts from the view that is unpleasant for you. You can also correct this drawback by hanging a painting, reproduction or photograph of a natural landscape, a beautiful city or garden on the side.

Talismans and symbols for this room

Feng Shui items in the living room can symbolize the interests and hobbies of family members. These are various collections, paintings, photographs, hand-made figurines, and other attributes. Thanks to such symbols, a guest who comes to the house will receive the information that the owners want to convey to him.

An excellent option for the living room would be herons, which are considered sunbirds that symbolize the onset of spring. As a talisman, they promote improved health, longevity and change for the better. Cranes, which have long been revered by the Chinese, have the same properties, placing their paired figures in the house, symbolizing harmony, longevity, wisdom and wealth.

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