How to choose a place in an apartment for an aquarium according to Feng Shui?

The aquarium itself is a wonderful addition to the home interior. It helps to create coziness, as well as bring a piece of wildlife into a person’s home. Various fish, shellfish, algae. Every minute the boiling life attracts a person and makes the one who watches it relax.

Many people pay special attention to creating an interior; everything should be in its place, arranged beautifully and conveniently. But lately, many have been fascinated by the idea of ​​Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment can bring both wealth and poverty into the life of its owners, and all this will depend on the right location .

The name Feng Shui itself means “wind and water”. The aquarium consists almost entirely of water. Those. this element is capable of making significant adjustments to the life of household members. The main thing is to choose the right place for it in the house.

Activating zones using an aquarium

There is not enough space in a one-room apartment, however, it is possible to allocate a corner for an aquarium even in a small area.

So, following these rules, you can place an aquarium according to Feng Shui:

  • Sharp corners of walls and various pieces of furniture should not be directed at the aquarium;
  • You should avoid placing the aquarium opposite a window or door.

A lot depends on the size of the aquarium. A small one cannot in any way affect the change in the flow of energy in the apartment, while a large aquarium can influence the attraction of positive or negative energy, depending on its location.

Wherever the location for the aquarium is chosen, you need to choose stable furniture for it. After all, large aquariums weigh a lot.

When choosing a place, keep in mind that the aquarium should not be placed in the South, West, North-East, North-West, such places will affect the deterioration of the financial condition of the house.

Aquarium in the office according to feng shui

You cannot sit with your back to the aquarium; always look at the water. Place it in front of you. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in the office will increase productivity, remove bad energy, emotionally relax and give strength. At the bottom you can put a figurine of a treasure chest, a sailboat or any other shipping vessel. At the same time, your aquadesign should not contain objects that cannot be located there, but in the natural environment.

To monitor the aquarium in the office, they hire a specialist who arrives at the agreed time to take care of your “living corner”.

Don’t forget to ventilate your office more often, otherwise the fish may not have enough oxygen.
And do not let employees over-feed them, this will increase the percentage of ammonia in the water, the pH balance will be disrupted and the fish will often die. prosperity

Aquarium size and number of fish

The shape of the aquarium can be either round or rectangular. The size depends on your financial situation; choose one on which you can spend your money painlessly. Remember, large aquariums cost a lot. In addition, they require the use of additional equipment, which is also quite expensive.

And the size of the aquarium depends on the number of fish that will live there and their size. All this needs to be calculated in advance.

According to the laws of Feng Shui, an odd number of fish should live in an aquarium . If it is small in size, then you can stop at three. If finances allow you to purchase a large aquarium, then you can have 8 goldfish and 1 black. It is believed that the color gold will attract wealth and financial well-being, but black is responsible for good luck.

In principle, Feng Shui experts say that you can have different types of fish. This does not affect energy in any way. The most important thing is that they are cheerful, healthy and active. Only then will they be able to fill the space of the house with positive energy and direct its flows in the right direction.

You cannot have an odd number of fish according to Feng Shui.

How to properly set up an aquarium at home so that fish and plants feel good?

Beginner aquarists often worry about whether it is possible to place an aquarium in a cool or hot place, in a draft or in a stuffy room...

But the site can reassure you - the location of the “indoor pond” practically does not affect the comfort of aquatic inhabitants. This is because in any case you will have to equip the glass container with lighting, aeration and thermoregulation. Even the most demanding fish and plants are absolutely indifferent to whether their “home” is in the most visible place in the living room or somewhere in a dark corridor.

Artificial light and heating compensate for any unfavorable environmental conditions!

The only rule is that the aquarium should not be placed where there is direct sunlight for more than an hour a day . The sunlight causes algae to multiply rapidly - the walls turn green, and the water “blooms”. Also, some types of fish do not tolerate excessively high temperatures (although not all!), so you should either not place the aquarium in rooms where it is too hot in summer, or select only tropical fish that adapt well to high water temperatures.

Other places to install an aquarium

It is also not recommended to place an aquarium in the kitchen. This is especially true for pregnant girls; it is believed that this can even harm the baby and hinder its proper development.

But the hallway is the most ideal place to place an aquarium. The only point you need to remember is not to place aquatic inhabitants in front of the front door, but otherwise you can realize any fantasies.

An aquarium in the living room would also be a good location. This room is best suited for installing an aquarium. Firstly, it is the largest and, therefore, illuminated. Secondly, it will perfectly complement the interior of the room.

Consider the existing interior style and the availability of furniture. The aquarium should not be too large and bulky in relation to other items.

The living room is an ideal place to install an aquarium according to Feng Shui.

Where to put the aquarium

The best placement for an aquarium is in three directions:

  1. East. This side is nourished by the energy of the tree, so water will come in handy for it. By placing an aquarium in the east, you will strengthen and support your family. It will be simply wonderful if the eastern direction coincides with the living room or any common room for your family.
  2. The southeast is also influenced by wood and symbolizes wealth and monetary luck in feng shui. An aquarium in the southeast is an excellent movement of energy that cash flows love so much. By placing an aquarium in this sector, and even placing money talismans on it (for example, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth), you will get a wonderful complex money talisman.
  3. North is ruled by the element of water in its purest form. This place is ideal for an aquarium if you want career growth and advancement. An aquarium in the north is perfect for various types of entrepreneurs and businessmen, especially if its location coincides with a work area or office. A northern aquarium would be very appropriate in a work office.

Interesting facts about aquarium fish and the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Eastern teachings, if an aquarium fish dies, it takes away all the misfortunes of the owner. This is the wisdom of the East, so you can find positive aspects in a sad event. This is wisdom and philosophy intertwined together that concerns life and death.

And the science of Feng Shui teaches a sense of proportion. A large aquarium with many fish is not always the best option. You can put a small aquarium and have one fish. It can also bring wealth and good fortune if the location is chosen correctly.

How to place an aquarium in a large room?

It is better to place a large “panoramic” aquarium in a large space.

The most obvious solution is to place it along one of the walls. But there is an important point here - this is not a TV, they do not look at it from afar (of course, if the owners have at least some interest in watching live fish, and they do not perceive the aquarium simply as an interior accessory).

Therefore, this object should be placed where it is convenient to observe it - in the recreation area, next to sofas and armchairs (and not in line with the sofa, but perpendicular to it or opposite it, instead of the TV).

An aquarium can harmonize a complex interior - for example, occupy a niche between two large pieces of furniture.

Another solution for a large room or studio apartment: use an aquarium to divide it into zones. Only for this you need to place it not under the wall or in a corner, but perpendicularly, and not make a “backdrop” for it. A transparent large aquarium will become exactly the boundary that will separate, for example, a workplace and a relaxation area.

In a large living room, this item can separate the part of the room with sofas from the dining area (with table and chairs).

An important point is that no matter how large the room and the aquarium itself are, it cannot be placed high. The optimal location is at eye level of a sitting person (i.e. he can stand on a standard-height coffee table).

Imitation order: vertical aquarium in the form of a tower

A column in a guest living room, dining room or corridor will look impressive, unusual and creative. Such an architectural element will not only transform the room, but also fill the atmosphere with grace, originality and boundless charm. To create this effect, provide a panoramic view and buy exotic fish.

You should carefully consider the drainage system, compressor design and lighting. Cylindrical cabinets and glass containers for aquariums can be made to individual sizes, but they are very expensive. The base for them is made from different materials - metal, wood and steel, so you can choose the most suitable option for your home.

Not every homeowner will be able to afford the purchase of such a design; in most cases, you can only see them in the design of restaurants and bars , cafes and beauty salons, as well as shopping and entertainment centers.

Glass prism

Round aquarium structure with concrete supports

Laconic and aesthetically attractive decor

Choosing an aquarium according to Feng Shui

Buying an artificial pond is an excellent solution for those people who want a calm and cozy atmosphere at home. The energy of Water helps to establish peace and strengthen relationships in the family, prevent squabbles and discord, and also attract wealth and luck if you place the aquarium according to Feng Shui. It is important to note that it is better to postpone the purchase of an aquarium if the owner of the house is an energetic and active person who does not tolerate peace and quiet well. In this case, it is better to give preference to decorative fountains, where the flowing streams of water will reflect the mood of the owner. For those who want to relax at home, body and soul after a hard day at work, an artificial pond with graceful fish will help.

According to Eastern teachings, an aquarium according to Feng Shui should be selected based on the following data:

  • The dimensions of the container must correspond to the dimensions of the room and fit harmoniously into the interior. An aquarium that is too large in a cramped space, or a small container in a large room will cause dissonance.
  • It is advisable to choose an oval, round, or rectangular shape, with slightly rounded corners. It is not recommended to purchase a square-shaped tank. Also, when choosing a form, you should take into account the requirements of future residents.

Aquarium at home - signs and superstitions

Where to place according to Feng Shui?

  • According to Feng Shui, this symbol of the water element should be installed in the Career, Family or Wealth Sector - this benefits the harmonious distribution of energy flows.
  • But in the south of the apartment, in the fiery Sector of Glory, such a piece of furniture is strictly contraindicated - it can erect barriers to fame and prosperity.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Signs require keeping any aquarium clean. Cloudy water is a symbol of stagnation in business and personal relationships, and the death of fish due to poor quality care can lead to health problems for household members.

About glass

  • Suddenly cracked glass warns: storm clouds are gathering on your horizon, you should exercise maximum caution in any endeavor.
  • You should not look at your reflection on the glass - this is fraught with the loss of close friends.

Shape and dimensions

The shape and size of the aquarium matter. The main thing is that it is proportionate to the living space.

  • If you build a “fish house” on half the wall, the circulation of positive energy will be disrupted, and this will not benefit your life, relationships or wealth.
  • Spacious round bowls are talismans that guarantee financial well-being, but for the sake of the happiness and health of your household, you should choose aquariums with clear edges.

How to decorate an aquarium yourself so that it attracts abundance.

Well, I think you have already decided on the shape, size and place where an aquarium is desired in the house? And to further strengthen our talisman, there are several ways. Well, first of all, you can put some decor in the water: a shell with a pearl or a chest with jewelry (sold in specialty stores that sell aquariums). You can also attach a color picture with a seascape to the back wall of the aquarium. You can, of course, buy a ready-made one, there are a great many of them in stores, but if you know how to draw, then it will be much more energetic, because this picture will carry your energy, which means it will be even better to attract the energy of wealth and prosperity. So, take a sheet of whatman paper, cut out a figure in the shape of the back wall of your aquarium and then pure creativity: you can, of course, draw algae, pebbles, corals, fish and any other seascape, but it is better, of course, if you draw a half-open chest full of gold against the background of algae bullion, coins and jewelry. It’s huge, you don’t need to cover the entire sheet, it’s enough to draw a chest the size of 1/3 of the entire sheet, and the thickness of the water will increase even more, and the image will be just right. But the decor in the form of a flooded, dilapidated ship (according to Feng Shui) carries negative, negative “Sha” energy, therefore in any sector or object (for example, in an aquarium), it is highly undesirable. That's all, our magical picture is ready, all that remains is to attach it to the back wall of the aquarium (preferably with transparent tape) and get what you dream of. Or you can draw several different pictures and change them periodically depending on your mood. In general, connect your intuition, awaken your creative abilities, create, invent, listen to our advice and get rich, get rich, get rich in health!

Which fish to choose

Feng Shui technique encourages you to listen to your intuition when choosing fish. It is believed that only those fish that a person likes will be able to take root and increase cash flows. To achieve harmony in the family, it is better to choose Feng Shui fish in warm colors: golden, yellow or red. Goldfish also bring success in work, so this choice will become universal.

To determine the number of fish, you need to know the size of the container and remember that each fish needs its own space. If you put too many fish in a small container, they will start to get sick. But if the aquarium is large, leaving it half empty is also bad, since there will be free space that could be used to attract the flow of Qi.

An odd number of fish will attract good luck. If the aquarium is small and round, it is best to stock it with one fish. For a larger container - 3, 5 and increasing. One fish can bring loneliness on the owner, so it is better to take a container for at least 3 inhabitants. According to Feng Shui, the size of the fish does not matter much.

One fish from the designated container must contrast in color with the rest. For example, if all the fish are light, one should be bright or dark.

The basis of arrangement according to Feng Shui is the health of the fish. If the owner cares about the well-being of the fish, then they will definitely attract favorable energy, financial and family well-being.

Where and how should an unusually shaped aquarium be placed?

“Balls”, “glasses” with fish and other structures that differ from a standard parallelepiped are usually small in size. They are designed to be placed on coffee tables and low bedside tables, as well as on low shelves.

It is best if they can be examined from all sides, from different points of view - since they do not have a “facade” or “ends”.

Models built into the wall

Devices that embody a picture on the wall are an unusual and very attractive design structure. To install them, a reliable steel support is mounted into the partition, on which a heavy glass cube filled with water is mounted.

Such a device looks very interesting when decorated in a pop art style. Hang a bright piece of art, poster or painting next to it. You will be amazed by the results! Surrounded by such modern art elements, the aquarium unit will look aesthetically pleasing and impressive.

In most cases, they are not installed in solid partitions, but walls between different rooms and spaces. Another unique option for installing an aquarium would be to use it as an independent dividing element. In this case, it will not only refresh the decoration, but also fill the room with a soft and muted magnetic glow.

Bright living room design in pop art style

The protruding cantilever block looks great against a brick wall

Original stylization of the television display

Successful decoration of the mantelpiece - elegant and impressive

Magnetic stand decoration

A home bar is the perfect space for experimentation and new design ideas . You can decorate this design in different ways. An aquarium cube at the base would be a great solution. Not all homeowners can boast of such decoration, since it is a real luxury item.

The main component of the magnetic appeal of this device lies in the beautiful lighting. You can install multi-colored LED bulbs that will allow you to create several stunning illumination effects, not only static, but also dynamic, in the room.

The built-in glass block in the bar counter looks stylish and elegant

An original solution for luxury apartments

Beautiful corals and algae will perfectly complement the kitchen design

Feng Shui paintings with fish and figurines

A picturesque Chinese “guohua” written in ink solve pressing problems and

Chinese guohua painting

If you dream of having an heir and a prosperous life , hang a boy (child) Karako .

Karako's Child

A girl holding a “tai” fish will add wisdom, save her from troubles, and surround her with honor.

Aquarium weight

An aquarium, along with water, soil and equipment, is a very heavy object. Ordinary furniture is often not suitable as a stand for it - for this you should purchase a special aquarium cabinet, the surface of which should be no less than the size of the bottom of the aquarium. That is, placing an aquarium on a regular desk is not always safe.

Before purchasing a large aquarium (more than 500 liters), you should find out the load-bearing capacity of the floors in the house. Do not forget that a meter cube aquarium weighs as much as a ton, and creates a load on the floors of about 1000 kg per square meter. For many buildings, this load is the maximum permissible, and then only near load-bearing structures.

If you plan to keep several aquariums in the future, then it is better to purchase a special rack (rack) that allows you to place aquariums one above the other. This way you will not only save space in your apartment, but also make maintaining aquariums more convenient and comfortable. But even here the total weight of the rack should be taken into account.

To summarize

In conclusion, it is worth noting that before purchasing an aquarium, you need to carefully consider where you will place it. The correct location of a pond with fish will be the key to their health and well-being. Here it is necessary to take into account not personal preferences, but the recommendations of specialists. Believe me, healthy aquatic inhabitants are much more pleasant to watch.

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also a generator of family well-being and material wealth. Placing an aquarium in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui science will help the owner gain peace from watching swimming aquarium fish, as well as attract good luck and positive energy into the house. If the location of the aquarium is incorrect, then happiness will “leak” from the house, so before buying a tank you should find out where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

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