Ficus house plant. Where to put it and how to care for it

The benefits and harms of ficus have long been discussed not only by flower growers, but also by doctors, pharmacists, and Feng Shui masters. Opinions of representatives of different directions, as a rule, diverge. Some consider the plant useful, others see it as a threat to human health and well-being.

Therefore, before you bring a ficus into your apartment, you need to understand its features, become familiar with the signs and superstitions.

The history of the origin of myth and legend

There are several versions about the emergence of superstitions associated with pregnancy:

  1. During the reign of Queen Victoria of England, the ficus received the status of “family flower”. Everyone who respects the rules of good manners should have such a tree in their home.
  2. One rich and respected couple could not have children for a long time. Neither the efforts of doctors, expensive medicines, nor folk remedies helped. The woman was already desperate, but she met a wise old man. He advised me to start growing ficus in my bedroom and care for the flower with care and love. And after that a miracle happened - the long-awaited pregnancy came.
  3. The Indian version of the legend says that Yama, the lord of the Kingdom of the Dead, took to himself the husband of a woman named Savitri. She followed them and never stopped praying that God would return her lover. Yama was amazed by such persistence and agreed to fulfill any desire. But there was only one condition: you couldn’t ask for your husband’s return. Savitri wished good health for her child. God agreed, but the wise wife said that without her husband it would be impossible to get pregnant. Then Yama released the man. And these events took place not far from the ficus growing in the Kingdom of the Dead.

As a result, this tree began to be considered a talisman for men and a guarantee of successful conception. In India, Ficus Day is still celebrated. They turn to him with their prayers and decorate the trunk with red ribbons.

Is it possible to keep Ficus Benjamina, Rubber-bearing, Robusta at home: signs

In different countries, many signs are associated with this culture. For example, in China and Thailand, ficus is revered as sacred and they try to grow it in any available place. On Thai flags, the image of this flower refers to the national symbol of the country. In the photo it looks harmonious.

For the Chinese people, this is not just a beautiful flower; it is also customary to give it to family or friends on a significant date. For special occasions, some people give a photo frame with a picture of a sacred flower. It is believed that the plant conveys its resilience and thirst for life to the one to whom it is given.

Various countries associate many beliefs with the ficus. In China and Thailand, there is an opinion that this flower is sacred. They grow it in any available places. It is often given as a gift to family and friends for various holidays. Slavic peoples have a controversial attitude towards this plant. Some believe that keeping a ficus at home negatively affects the atmosphere in the apartment, but many gardeners are sure that the ficus is a flower that brings good luck.

It’s not without reason that by placing it in the kitchen, the family will never experience hunger. The more magnificent your ficus grows, the luckier your family will be. It is recommended to place ficus in the children's room if there are no negative reasons for this. In the nursery, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and a measured flow of life. Popular prejudices do not recommend placing a flower in the guest room because it protects the home from negative influences

Simply put, this is a family plant and does not need extra attention from prying eyes.

Ficus is also mentioned sympathetically and respectfully in the Bible. It was this flower that was the first item of clothing of Adam and Eve after their expulsion from Eden. This is where the expression “cover yourself with a fig leaf” comes from. Also, the fruits of this tree became their first food.

So it turns out that opinions on the ficus are very diverse. And there are much more positive and positive qualities in him than one might think.

Without a doubt, ficus is an attractive and popular plant. Its aesthetic beauty pleases the eye and brings peace. The positive and healing properties of ficus in many ways exalt it over its negative aspects. If you do not have any contraindications, and your pets do not bother its leaves, then you should safely plant this flower at home or in any other room.

Until now, many owners are discussing the benefits and harms of ficus for the home. If you properly care for the plant, it will purify the air of harmful substances.

There are many superstitions that an indoor flower rids the atmosphere of negative energy. Therefore, the room is cleared of anger, envy and other negative emotions.

So is ficus harmful to health? There are some contraindications to its use. There are also plant species that are best not kept at home, for example, rubber ficus.


But most of these beliefs are prejudices that should not be given serious significance.

Ficus Benjamina is a home protector

One of the signs indicates that ficus not only harmonizes family relationships, but also helps women get pregnant. To give your man more activity in bed, place the ficus on the nightstand or window next to the bed, and soon you will have the desired baby.

Many women testify that this plant helped them get pregnant.

Often a child appears in girls who received a ficus as a gift.

One of the women notes that this flower, although beautiful, is too capricious. If something does not please him, he is capable of throwing off all the leaves. In such cases, you can prepare for trouble. And, conversely, with good care, a tree will always thank its owner.

Most reviews about Ficus Benjamin are positive - this is the main indicator that this plant brings benefits to the house and its owners. Provide the flower with good care, do not forget about timely irrigation, and it will fill your life with positive energy.

Unfortunately, there is not much space in my apartment and there is simply not enough space to keep all the flowers I like. In addition, many plants are very whimsical and require careful care. So I decided to choose several copies so that it would be beautiful, would take up a minimum of time and would not take up much space.

In this case, the woman begins to produce special hormones that promote pregnancy. Scientists have found that if a woman lacks this hormone, pregnancy does not occur. So try it, maybe this really is an effective method. In addition, I found a lot of reviews on the Internet about how, as soon as people had a ficus, after a while the long-awaited pregnancy occurred.

By the way, in countries where ficus grows, there is a belief that if a woman wants to get pregnant, she must walk around the tree naked. They say it helps.

Where you can’t place a ficus - what the signs say

Mutagens and their impact on wildlife and humans
If you believe the signs and just gardeners, there are certain places where you definitely don’t need to put a flower:

  • in the northern and southern parts of the room;
  • in the center of the room.

If there is always a large crowd of people in the room where the ficus stands, this will not allow the ficus to fully reveal its energy potential and the plant may emit negative energy instead of positive vibes. The leaves are the first to signal that the ficus has become dangerous; they wither and become covered with spots. You will need to move the ficus into a separate room, nourish the roots and water it properly.

This unpretentious plant will delight you for many years, and whether or not to believe in signs is up to everyone, but it is better not to leave the ficus unattended, and then positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed to you.

Don’t remain indifferent, tell us how you care for your ficus, what you observed in your house after the plant took up residence in your home. With warmth, Antonina.


Psychologists and esotericists claim that ficus is a universal healer. It helps to harmonize relationships in the family, purifies the air in the room, and increases a person’s vitality.

The plant is sensitive to the slightest changes in the mood of others, absorbs negative energy, and creates a positive aura.

To make the plant cozy and comfortable in your home or office, you should follow the placement rules.

The video is dedicated to what signs associated with ficus exist and whether they can be trusted:

Where you can’t place a ficus according to Feng Shui

Novice flower growers unknowingly believe that any corner of the room is suitable for a flower that is calm about the shade, but this is a fundamentally wrong opinion.

  1. Do not place the plant pot in the center of the room.
  2. You cannot move the ficus close to neighboring flowers. He will not have enough energy and space to live.
  3. Window sills on the south window are prohibited. Direct rays of the sun will harm rubber varieties and leave burns on the foliage; small bushes will begin to turn yellow and wither.

Where can you place a ficus according to Feng Shui?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a ficus placed in the right segment of an apartment or office will help the owner achieve success, prosperity, and harmony.

  1. If you want to achieve quick career advancement, place the pot with the plant on the table closer to the window; Avoid direct rays of light. The flower will help you concentrate on business, relieve uncertainty, timidity, and apathy.
  2. If you are concerned about money problems, give your pet a place in the kitchen.
  3. If you take bad news to heart, or react sharply to injustice, place a flowerpot with a plant where you spend most of your time. If there is a TV in the living room or bedroom, be sure to place a ficus there! It neutralizes the flow of negativity pouring from the news.

Ficus benjamina author of the article


How to choose a pot for ficus?

This well-known houseplant was very popular just a few decades ago. For some time, ficus lost its position a little, but today this plant is again becoming an indispensable attribute of home green “greenhouses”. Ficus belongs to the subtropical plants, it is very unpretentious in conditions of detention and has a number of healing properties.

Medicinal properties of ficus

In nature, there are about 1000 varieties of ficus known to mankind. Among them there are bushes, trees, and vines. It is the ficus family that includes such famous fruit trees as mulberries, figs, and breadfruit. In indoor floriculture, the most popular are low-growing ficuses (up to two meters). These include the rubber-bearing ficus, a plant with dense and large oval leaves. The name of the plant indicates that it contains a special juice, which is called milky. Several types of such ficus have been bred, including “decora”, “robusta” and “exotic”. Among the ficuses, it is worth highlighting the ficus Benjamin, which has a rather atypical appearance, as for a ficus. It resembles a birch tree with light lanceolate leaves, which may have a light border along the edge. Hanging ficuses and vines are very popular in offices. The healing properties of ficus are very diverse and are successfully used in folk medicine. Tinctures and mixtures prepared from ficus leaves and juice effectively help against mastopathy and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors. Ficus also helps reduce benign formations in the uterus (fibroids and fibroids). Complex therapy involves drinking ficus juice orally and rubbing the leaves of hardenings with mastopathy with tincture. Based on this plant, alcohol tinctures of various concentrations, grinds and mixtures are prepared. For hematomas, cold compresses from frozen ficus milk are used, or a mass of well-ground plant leaves is applied to the damaged area. Radiculitis, arthritis, and osteochondrosis are treated in the same way. In such cases, it is recommended to first take a salt bath and apply the finished product to the steamed body. Ficus juice makes very effective suppositories against hemorrhoids. The juice, previously diluted with water, is poured into foil molds, the product is placed in the freezer, the course of treatment with this drug is one to two weeks. With the help of various recipes for medicines based on ficus, boils are perfectly treated, pain in the teeth is reduced, tumors in the oral cavity are also removed, and even cysts at the bases of the teeth are resolved.

The benefits and harms of ficus

Ficus also brings invaluable benefits to the microclimate of the room. It effectively purifies the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol. With the help of ficus, these harmful substances are processed into sugars and amino acids. The practice of Indian medicine Ayurveda also recommends growing ficus at home, as it has an extremely beneficial effect on the energy of the room. According to Ayurveda, ficus clears the environment of anger, anxiety, anger, and promotes a calm and correct resolution of life’s problems. There is an opinion that ficus is necessary in a family where there are no children for a long time. Ficus is a harmless plant, so it can live in any home and room. The main thing is to choose the right place for it and take care of it. The rubber-bearing ficus can release rubber into the air, which is harmful to asthmatics; this is perhaps the only limitation for keeping ficus at home.

Medicinal properties of ficus

Each of the ficuses, regardless of the type, including Benjamin, has beneficial and medicinal properties. Plants contain biologically active substances. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the flower are widely used not only by traditional healers, but also by pharmacologists. Infusions, decoctions, ointments, and juice are prepared based on ficus.

What are the benefits of ficus for humans:

  1. A decoction of ficus leaves relieves pain from hemorrhoids and also helps to reduce nodes.
  2. The same decoction can remove warts.
  3. Ointments and juice based on a healthy flower help heal some skin diseases and relieve back pain.
  4. You can use the medicine for problems with the motor system and mastopathy.
  5. An infusion or decoction is useful for coughs.
  6. Alcohol-based infusions are an excellent remedy for relieving toothache and for rinsing the mouth (removes unpleasant odor).

For some diseases, decoctions, infusions and juice are taken orally. But most often the healing agent is used externally in the form of ointments and balms.

Ficus at home folk signs and superstitions

Care and transplantation of ficus pumila

Many people wonder whether this plant can be kept at home. If you look at the plant from a scientific point of view, it is useful and effective for the home. Research by biologists has shown that the rubber ficus is good at purifying oxygen around itself by absorbing carbon dioxide. This plant is one of the best that produces oxygen. In addition, it has been proven that it absorbs harmful substances like mushrooms. This is due to the presence of special leaves that have enzymes that are capable of absorbing volatile poisons and chemicals. Due to its beneficial properties, the plant is used in folk medicine.

What parts are used:

  1. Leaves;
  2. Stem;
  3. Juice;
  4. Fruit.

Based on this, we can conclude that the plant is waste-free and all its elements are used in medicine. According to Chinese beliefs, the flower is a symbolic element of comfort in the home. This is a sign of comfort, because thanks to its properties, it restores human energy and improves relationships in the family. The population of Thailand believes that the ficus is a symbol of their state. They explain this by its beauty and usefulness for humans. Every Thai should have this plant in their home. Slavic peoples have ambivalent assessments of the flower’s abilities, which is why there are many negative signs.

According to Russian folk signs, some predictions speak of the approach of misfortune, while others, on the contrary, speak of the positive aspects of these signs. Since many people want to improve their well-being, ficus is purchased precisely for these purposes. Such people believe that ficus is able to cope with negativity and recreate the atmosphere in your home that you dreamed of.

Biologists and scientists have long studied this plant and wanted to understand why it has such a strong effect. They came to the conclusion that it is capable of performing cleansing functions at the highest level.

There have been cases where a person is able to cope even with serious illnesses if there is a houseplant in the house. Since it fights toxins, it has the potential to overcome cancer in humans, but it only works in the initial stages. In severe cases, the flower will no longer help.

What should you consider when growing ficus according to Feng Shui?

Places where it is undesirable to place Ficus Benjamin are the northeast, southwest and the center of the apartment or office. Followers of Feng Shui call these parts of the room the Earth zone. A plant located in such a place will direct the thoughts of the inhabitants of the home only in a material direction, which will not have the best effect on their state of mind.

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However, simply having Ficus Benjamin in your home is not enough. In order for a tree to fill a room with positive energy, it must be healthy, so it must be carefully looked after, cleaned of dust and kept away from drafts.

Ficus cannot simply be planted in a tub and watered from time to time - in such conditions it will quickly disappear. The plant is very capricious, it loves space and plenty of light, and this must be taken into account when determining a place for it in an apartment or office.

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It is best to place a decorative tree close to the window, but try not to block the access of sunlight to the room, because according to Feng Shui, vital energy is found only in a well-lit room.

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Is it possible to keep a ficus at home?

Ficus is a useful indoor plant. Like any other house flower, it purifies the air. Moreover, the influence of ficus extends not only to harmful compounds, for example, benzene and formaldehyde, but also to bacteria. The content of the latter indoors due to the presence of ficus is reduced by more than 40 percent.

In a number of countries, ficus is actively used to treat many diseases. It can help with women's problems - mastopathy and benign uterine tumors. The flower is used to prepare infusions and decoctions. Ficus is also used for pneumonia and bronchitis. The leaves are boiled and compresses are made from them.

Superstitious people are most likely interested in the question: is it possible to keep a ficus at home? This plant is considered not only a harbinger of happiness. In many cultures it symbolizes wisdom. This may be why its leaves are used to create incense that is burned during meditation.

According to Ayurveda, ficus is simply necessary in a living space. It restores energy balance, establishes harmony and relieves anxiety.

Ficus at home is definitely good. The plant is not poisonous and can be kept indoors with children and animals. The only limitation when growing ficus at home is a careful attitude towards a certain type of ficus, the rubber ficus. The fact is that the plant releases rubber into the air, which provokes attacks in asthmatics. Therefore, if there is a person in the house with asthma, then it is better to abandon this plant.

There are other types of ficus that secrete droplets of milky juice. When they come into contact with the skin of people with individual intolerance, they cause irritation. For asthmatics, these secretions act in the same way as the secretions of the Rubber Ficus. Allergy sufferers should not grow ficus. If the desire to have this plant at home is great, then you should listen to your feelings.

What does ficus look like?

Ficus is a representative of the Tutov family. Evergreens are native to hot countries. Ficus plants with a height of no more than 2 m are more suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Benjamin,
  • Benedicta,
  • Bengal,
  • Lyre-shaped,
  • Dwarf.

Despite the fact that the flowers may differ in appearance, they do not tolerate cold, shading, or drafts.

Attention! Plants with beneficial properties are difficult to tolerate relocation, as they get used to one place.

The stem of an adult plant is woody. But young shoots are flexible. For indoor ficus plants planted nearby, you can intertwine the stems, as in the photo below. The shape of the bush needs to be shaped and trimmed so that the ficus does not grow one-sided.

The leaves of the plants are often round in shape with a waxy coating. There are patterns on the green leaves. Ficus blooms rarely and only if it is cared for with love.

Good to know

To enhance magical properties, you must follow the following rules:

  • Place the container with the plant under subdued sunlight;
  • Follow the watering regime, irrigating once every 5–7 days;
  • Do not move too often, otherwise the leaves will fall off;
  • Spray and brush off dust.

The flower is whimsical and requires constant care. According to Feng Shui, the unsuitable area is in the center of the room and in the northeast. In such places, the positive effect of the plant will be reduced to a minimum. It is not recommended to place it in a child’s room; the child’s body is not strong, and it is unknown how the effect of the flower will affect him.

A flowerpot in the shade is also a bad decision. The ficus will not like it on the north window; its energy will be spent on maintaining its own growth, and not on helping the owner. You can’t put it on a balcony; the capricious plant doesn’t tolerate drafts, just like a window sill blown through cracks.

Most signs about the flower do not pose a serious danger. Prejudice is not a reason to refuse interior diversity, so whether to keep a ficus in your home or not is a personal decision.

Harm of ficus and contraindications

A plant that has beneficial and magical properties is not so harmless; sometimes it can cause harm. When the leaves and stems are cut, a milky juice appears, which contains rubber. Ficus plants belong to the group of allergens that are equated to mites and pets. Therefore, if at least one family member has asthma or allergies, a ficus in the house will bring harm, not benefit.

Is ficus poisonous?

The leaves and stems of the plant do not contain any toxic oils. Therefore, the flower can even stand in a child’s room, because it will not harm the child. But for greater peace of mind, it is still better to consult a specialist.

But for cats who love to gnaw indoor flowers, the rubber ficus poses a danger precisely because of the milky sap. Animals may vomit, as the liquid is very bitter. This may harm the health of the animal.

Feng Shui meaning

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, ficus has positive energy. It has the ability to relieve tension and transform negative energy, harmonize the overall atmosphere in the house, bring calm, balance the internal state and tune in to positivity and creativity, as well as fill with vigor and increase productivity.

In a word, it can be recommended to people who are explosive, unrestrained in emotions and those who, due to the nature of their work, face constant nervous tension. On the contrary, ficus will help people who are insecure about themselves to feel the ground under their feet and tune in to achieve their goals.

Ficus is a symbol of Thailand, revered by the Thais for its extraordinary strength, and by the Chinese for its ability to free the house from negative energy. For healthy people who are far from superstitions, there are no compelling reasons not to have a ficus in their home. It is better for a superstitious person not to get involved with this plant, so as not to have to blame it for all his failures.

What should you consider when growing ficus according to Feng Shui?

Places where it is undesirable to place Ficus Benjamin are the northeast, southwest and the center of the apartment or office. Followers of Feng Shui call these parts of the room the Earth zone. A plant located in such a place will direct the thoughts of the inhabitants of the home only in a material direction, which will not have the best effect on their state of mind.

However, simply having Ficus Benjamin in your home is not enough. In order for a tree to fill a room with positive energy, it must be healthy, so it must be carefully looked after, cleaned of dust and kept away from drafts.

Ficus cannot simply be planted in a tub and watered from time to time - in such conditions it will quickly disappear. The plant is very capricious, it loves space and plenty of light, and this must be taken into account when determining a place for it in an apartment or office. It is best to place a decorative tree close to the window, but try not to block the access of sunlight to the room, because according to Feng Shui, vital energy is found only in a well-lit room. Having created all the conditions for the normal development of ficus Benjamin, there is no doubt that it will improve the atmosphere in the house and have a beneficial effect on the fate of its inhabitants.

The value of indoor flowers is great. With their help, you can easily create comfort and surround yourself with living energy. In this article we will talk about a popular flower - ficus. In this article, you will find out what it symbolizes according to Feng Shui and what is the best place for this plant in terms of its influence on your life.

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What can a flower tell you?

Signs about the ficus, be it the rubber version or the Benjamin type, have both positive and negative meanings.

Positive interpretations

  1. Buying a plant, especially spontaneously, is a harbinger of good news about receiving a large sum of money.
  2. If a ficus is received as a gift, prosperity, joy, great luck and happy events will enter the house with it.
  3. Placed in the bedroom promotes a happy intimate life and addition to the family.
  4. Ficus in the kitchen will not allow its owners to experience hunger and need - the refrigerator will always be full.
  5. If the flower has shoots, a new family member will soon be born.
  6. A blooming specimen predicts great happiness associated with family matters - a wedding, the arrival of long-awaited relatives, the birth of a child, or a major purchase for the home.
  7. If a married woman gives a sprout to an unmarried girl, she will soon be married.

Negative interpretations

  1. One of the important superstitions about the ficus says that giving it entirely from home into the wrong hands means depriving yourself of well-being.
  2. If a married woman throws away the plant, she will face a quick divorce or widowhood.
  3. A suddenly dried ficus foreshadows a dark streak in the life of its owners.
  4. A pet has eaten the leaves of a plant, which means envy and deception on the part of people you know well are coming.
  5. Constantly moving a flower from place to place means not having a permanent place of residence and family happiness.

Are all ficus trees harmful?

The genus Ficus has been known since ancient times, but there were only 7 species. Today, the Ficus genus includes about 1000 species of trees, shrubs and vines. The homeland of this beautiful plant is India and Asian countries. In nature, they are found in tropical forests, where warmth and moisture create optimal conditions for their successful growth.

Perhaps the most famous representative in our area, which is often heard of, is the fig tree or fig (lat. Ficuscarica). A representative of this species can often be found in the gardens of the southern part of our country, in Crimea. Its tasty and healthy fruits are so popular that they require no introduction.

In most cases, houses and apartments contained rubber ficus (lat. Ficuselastica). This unpretentious and remarkable plant has always attracted both experienced botanist gardeners and ordinary citizens. But today, when the choice of different varieties is large and multiplying, the no less attractive and amazing ficus Benjamin (lat. Ficusbenjamina) has gained popularity. With its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance, this ficus has gained popularity among ordinary people.

I remember that in distant Soviet times, rubber ficus was a frequent inhabitant of not only apartments, but also clinics, sanatoriums, and stood “guard” in the reception areas of various organizations. In our time, the title of “old friend” has taken root behind him, due to his frequent presence in our lives. At home, its height reaches about 25-30 meters, but in “apartment” conditions its height borders on the height of an ordinary person.

The ficus owes its unusual name to its thick sap, which contains rubber in significant quantities. Therefore, it has long been of industrial importance for the production of rubber. For this purpose, the plant has been cultivated since the 19th century. Like all representatives of this species, rubber ficus perfectly removes harmful substances from the air and is used in the manufacture of medicines. But there are restrictions for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, since its juice contains substances harmful to them.

Ficus Benjamina is usually grown both in the usual way (bush) and in the exotic form of “bonsai”. In some literature, another name for this plant is also known - Ficus brilliantis. In its natural environment, Ficus Benjamin is a tall tree and sometimes reaches a height of 30 meters.

The plant is a strong allergen, so asthmatics and those who have a reaction to ficus should not keep it.

The milky juice that is released from the leaves and trunk can be poisonous and leave a slight burn on the skin, cause irritation and increased sensitivity. This is especially true for animals who, unknowingly, may try to chew the plant and become poisoned.

Where do signs advise placing a ficus?

It is important to take care of choosing the right place for this plant, in which it can maximize its abilities:

  1. The ancient teachings of Feng Shui say that it will manifest itself best when located in the southeast side of the room. This is where it will provide peace of mind in the family and help you make the right decisions.
  2. When placed in the living room, the tree will balance the energy and attract only the right people to your home, and will also contribute to the harmonization of relationships between family members.
  3. A ficus planted in the kitchen will attract financial well-being into the house and protect you from unexpected expenses.
  4. In the bedroom, the plant will provide you with a good night's sleep and relieve nightmares and insomnia.
  5. A plant located in the workplace will improve the work process, speed up resolution of conflict situations, and also reduce the level of conflict.
  6. It is not recommended to place the plant in the north-eastern or central parts of the room - this is where it will have the least effective impact on the energy of the room.

People have an ambivalent attitude towards ficus. Some consider it extremely useful, others are sure that it brings misfortune. Of course, not all signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin, which is the plant I most often grow at home or use to decorate offices, are worth believing. Moreover, even doctors recognize its usefulness.

The benefits and harms of Ficus Benjamin

It is not without reason that this plant is chosen as an ornamental plant. It is really very beautiful and can easily liven up any boring interior. In appearance, ficus resembles a small tree with light, pointed leaves. Many people value it for its healing properties, which are confirmed by traditional medicine. For example, its extract is added to medicines for mastopathy, prevention of myomas and fibroids, radiculitis and arthritis.

The importance of Ficus Benjamin for the home is also difficult to overestimate. After all, at home, various tinctures and rubs for the same mastopathy are prepared from it. The frozen milky juice of the plant is excellent for treating hematomas; for the same purpose, you can use a mass of crushed leaves, which are applied as a compress. Ficus juice is also used in folk medicine to treat hemorrhoids, boils, tumors in the mouth, etc.

Signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin

There are many good and bad signs about Ficus Benjamin. And not only among the Russian people, but also in other countries. After all, this plant was brought to Russia relatively recently, but, for example, in China and Thailand it has been known since ancient times and is even revered as sacred. So the Chinese always give ficus to their relatives on some significant date, most often on an anniversary. It is believed that the plant transfers part of the vitality to its owner and charges with vigor. For Thais, Ficus Benjamin is generally a national symbol, as it is depicted on the coat of arms of their country. And popular rumor claims that the plant is able to protect against evil spirits and charge the air in the room with positive energy.

In the Slavic tradition, ficus has a controversial reputation. Because it has waxy leaves, it has often been associated with death. It was believed that a plant standing in the house could provoke quarrels, family discord, and cause illness. But everything changed in Soviet times, which denied the remnants of the bourgeois pre-revolutionary period in all its manifestations. Therefore, superstitions associated with ficus began to be positive. Ordinary citizens willingly started it in their homes, and in Soviet government institutions it became an integral element of decor. Today, many are confident that ficus can bring good luck, and helps childless couples finally become parents. If you put it in the kitchen, the family will never have to go hungry. And the more magnificent its leaves are, the greater luck awaits all household members.

Is it possible to keep ficus benjamina at home?

Despite the contradictory signs regarding whether it is possible to keep Ficus Benjamin at home, this plant is still considered more useful than harmful. It creates a cozy atmosphere, cleanses the air of germs, and saturates it with oxygen. It is contraindicated only for asthmatics and those who are allergic to it.

But for the ficus to really bring benefits, it needs to be well and regularly cared for. Otherwise, it will begin to shed leaves, and this is considered a very bad sign. You need to start a new ficus in compliance with the required rituals: in order for it to take root, you need to buy it only on the waxing moon, paying with an odd number of banknotes. And if a plant is accepted as a gift, then you need to give an odd number of small coins for it.


Veronika Nikolaevna Baturina, 29 years old, Irkutsk region. She got married early, but had no children for a long time. Mom said that for successful conception you need to have a ficus in the house. She gave it to me herself. You can have different attitudes towards signs and superstitions associated with ficus. But today I have a son and a daughter. Stanislav Viktorovich Mukhin, 45 years old, Yaroslavl. For as long as I can remember, my mother always had a ficus growing in her house. He stood in the hall in a huge tub. Mom believed that thanks to this plant there was always harmony and peace in the family. When I got an apartment, the first thing my parents brought in was a pot with a planted flower. After all, ficus, according to legend, has strong positive energy. Svetlana Ivanovna Tarakanovskaya, 30 years old, Vladivostok. I read on the Internet that you can be treated with ficus. I often have a hacking cough; pharmaceutical medications do not help. I found a recipe for the infusion, but I don’t dare take it myself. I would like to consult with my doctor. Did you find this article useful? Not really

Video Caring for ficus

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the plant.

Ficus is one of the most beautiful and popular indoor plants, which can often be found in residential buildings or office spaces. This flower has more than a thousand varieties and all of them are incredibly beautiful and graceful. Therefore, if you decide to get a ficus, then you have a rather difficult choice. In addition, ficus has won the love of many gardeners not only due to its beauty, but also due to its rather unpretentious cultivation.

However, indoor flowers, like any other living beings, carry some kind of energy - positive or negative. That is why many housewives are afraid whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home, because there are so many superstitions on this topic? So, let's take a closer look at this issue and figure out what ficus symbolizes in the house, why it is useful, and why some botanists say that you can’t keep ficus at home?

The meaning of ficus in the house

Ficuses are one of the first indoor plants to be closely studied by biologists. As a result of long-term research, it turned out that this flower helps purify the air and also saturates the atmosphere with oxygen in the room in which it is located. In addition, it has been proven that ficus is capable of absorbing some substances harmful to humans, such as benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, and thanks to the enzymes contained in the leaves of the plant, toxic impurities are converted into amino acids and sugar.

It is also known that the leaves, juice, stems and fruits of some types of ficus are widely used in Eastern medicine to treat various diseases - intestinal, skin, cancer. However, we remind you that you should not experiment on your own health without consulting your doctor.

Is ficus harmful in the house?

Some botanists claim that one species of ficus may actually be harmful to human health. This fact is explained by the fact that the flower secretes rubber, which, when released into the air, can adversely affect the health of asthmatics. In addition, it is believed that ficus juice is also poisonous, so you should not taste it, or allow the juice to come into contact with your skin. In addition, it is strongly recommended that those who have a small child or pets in the house be especially careful with this indoor plant.

Ficuses in the house - folk signs

Since ancient times, folk signs and beliefs about ficus have been passed down from generation to generation, according to which this flower is considered a family plant. For example, in China they are sure that ficus brings comfort to the house, helps to find a way out of any problems, and also harmonizes the energy in the house. And in Thailand, Ficus Benjamin is a symbol of the state and is revered as a plant with unearthly power.

As for the Slavic peoples, the opinion here is quite ambiguous. According to some signs, ficus, as the owner of “wax leaves,” promises quarrels, scandals and gossip for the family. Other signs give this plant only positive properties. For example, ficus is believed to have a beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere of the home, absorbing negative energy and bringing good luck and prosperity to the home.

In addition, there is also a sign that this indoor flower helps married couples have children. It is believed that to do this, the ficus needs to be transplanted into a new, more spacious pot, placed in the spouses’ bedroom and wait for new shoots, which will be the harbingers of the long-awaited pregnancy.

As you can see, there is no clear opinion on whether it is good or bad to keep a ficus at home, so of course it’s up to you to decide whether to believe everything or just admire the wonderful plant at home!

The influence of ficus on the energy of the house

If the owner takes proper care of him and provides him with proper attention, he will be grateful and will begin to bring good luck. The hostess can mentally make wishes - he will begin to fulfill them.

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Its main advantage is considered to be the energetic cleaning of the room - it converts all negativity into oxygen.

However, there is another side to the coin - it changes the energy of the room. If one of the residents has a different energy, then this resident begins to experience discomfort. Therefore, if you take a ficus, this does not mean at all that your husband will leave you.

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If the wife is negative, she will feel uncomfortable and will leave. As a rule, plants are started by a representative of the weaker sex, and by definition she cannot choose what brings discomfort, so it turns out that the husbands leave, because they did not take part in choosing the ficus.

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There is another unpleasant rumor about ficus - it attracts envy and anger. This is true. But let's figure out why this happens. Imagine a picture - a person comes to you and leaves behind negative energy. At the same time, he feels comfortable, because most likely he is an energy vampire. Further, all this comfort was interrupted by the ficus. For obvious reasons, he becomes uncomfortable and begins to feel angry. Over time, anger will turn into envy.

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Conclusion - if you like ficus, then you can buy it without fear of possible losses, because if your energies are incompatible, then there will not be a full-fledged family life in the future, and those who come only to drink energy and so shouldn't come. It turns out that the ficus dots the i’s.

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Ficus transplant at home

Another important condition for proper maintenance of ficus trees is timely replanting. If you notice that roots are already visible from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot or the soil dries out quickly after watering, this may be a signal that the ficus needs a new, larger container.

Until the plant is 4 years old, it is replanted annually. After this age, the transplantation procedure can be performed once every two years. New soil can always be added to the pot if circumstances require it.

When can a ficus be replanted? It is better to do this in spring or summer to make it easier for the plant to take root in a new place. Be prepared for the fact that after replanting, the growth of the ficus will slow down, and sometimes foliage may fall off. This is a normal phenomenon, because the flower goes through a period of adaptation; its roots grow much more slowly in a large pot. The larger and wider the container, the slower the plant’s root system grows. Each subsequent pot should be 4-5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Especially large ficus plants replace the top layer of soil, increasing its volume.

How to transplant a ficus:

  • We thoroughly moisten the soil so that the plant can be easily removed from the pot.
  • We remove the top layer of soil, doing it extremely carefully.
  • We lay drainage at the bottom of the new container and sprinkle it with soil.
  • We remove the ficus from the pot, remove the soil from the roots, and move it to a new container.
  • Next, add the soil mixture, while the degree of plant deepening should remain at the same level.

By the way, if you want to limit the growth of a ficus, you don’t need to replant it at all. It is enough to remove shoots and form a crown once every two or three years. Or, when replanting, cut the roots and place the plant in a tight container.

Plant in the house

Ficus has the strongest energy. Many believe that if you keep it in the house, it will bring prosperity, good luck and happiness to the family. Folk signs that have come down to us report the magical energy of the plant and its medicinal properties. It cleans the air of harmful substances and creates a favorable atmosphere in the apartment. This plant is one of the most popular both in our country and abroad.

  • In Europe, it is believed that ficus should be in the house and be an obligatory part of its interior. People believe that it helps strengthen the family, maintain harmony between family and friends, and protects the home from evil forces.

In Thailand, it is a sacred flower, a symbol of the country. The Thais are sure that it brings good luck and success. In China, it is considered an assistant in creating home comfort. The Chinese believe that if you keep a flower in your apartment, it will help overcome financial difficulties and provide protection to family members. The plant is often planted in European offices.

Residents of Europe believe that ficus attracts money. According to legend, if you keep it at your workplace, it will improve the company's business and there will be no financial problems. In Russia, there is an opinion that the plant is suitable for shy and insecure individuals. If a person keeps it in the house, he will gain vitality, self-confidence, and become stronger and more confident.

Ficus helps cleanse the apartment of negative energy that could be brought into the house by guests or family members themselves. It relieves stress and has a calming effect, having a beneficial effect on the psyche. Ficus Benjamin attracts prosperity and happiness.

To protect against the evil eye and damage, a flower pot is placed on a raised platform so that it is located above the heads of everyone who comes into the house. One suitable place is a closet in the hallway.

Ficus robusta helps with infertility, helps maintain happiness and love in the family. In this case, it is advisable to place the flower on the windowsill on the east or west side. If it grows in your home and has sprouted, the sign says that this symbolizes the birth of a new life.

Ficus is an ornamental plant, but it is also an effective filter created by nature. It purifies the air from germs and viruses. It is recommended to keep it for residents of large cities where the level of environmental pollution is very high.

We recommend: Signs and beliefs for quick conception

Many people believe that if a plant is in the kitchen, there will always be food in the house, and family members will never lack food. The flower is very popular among women who have been wanting to have a baby for many years, but for some reason they are unable to do so. There is a sign: if you place a ficus in the spouses’ bedroom, then a childless couple will definitely have a child. Therefore, those who want to have a baby believe that ficus will help in this matter, and pregnancy will occur.

Ficus rubber is very useful for people who do not have eloquence and on their way they constantly encounter an environment that does not perceive their speech. Thanks to the subtle influence of the plant, a person’s speech gradually becomes more intelligible, confident, understandable, and others begin to listen to the person.

Ficus is no less useful for people who talk and lie too much. In this case, the plant helps a person control what he says. As a result, a person speaks only to the point, specifically, giving others only the necessary information.

Ficus literally cleans the air of harmful substances and saturates it with oxygen. This is especially true for residents of large cities, houses near which chemical emissions occur.

In medicine it is used as a remedy in the fight against arthritis, radiculitis and mastitis. Lotions are made from the leaves and applied to the sore spot.

Where should the ficus stand in the apartment?

For those who decide to acquire this unique flower, it is important to know where to put it in order to get only everything positive, nothing negative. According to interpretations of the famous teachings of Feng Shui, in order to get pregnant, ficus is placed in the bedroom

In addition to pregnancy, the plant will improve relationships between spouses and bring family happiness.

Further advice on location can be given taking into account the needs of the owner:

Leaves directed to the west allow you to turn the flow of positive energy in the right direction; will bring a lot of positive ideas that will be easily implemented by plants placed in the home office, right next to the table; the corridor ficus will attract good friends and the attention of others; a flower placed on the floor in the bedroom will improve your intimate life; the positive aura of the room will delight the hearts of loved ones and fill them with love and care if the pot is placed in the kitchen.

By placing the plant correctly, you should expect only good, positive events - a calm, kind atmosphere, warmth between loved ones, understanding, love, happiness.

Undesirable places

Positive energy for the home is important because everything that happens to the owners of the property depends on it. In order not to disturb the soft and measured flow of favorable energy Qi in space, you should not place objects in its path that could interfere with the free circulation of energy flows. For example, family relationships may suffer if the ficus is placed in the center of a room or apartment. The flower should not be the dominant feature in the interior.

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The southwest, center and northeast of the apartment are not the best places to place flowers. A ficus tree located here can drain the energy of the residents of the house.

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Magical properties of different varieties and photos of plants

Superstitious flower growers, when breeding a plant, first of all pay attention to its esoteric properties. Ficus benjamina is rich in a variety of varieties and signs associated with them


An unpretentious compact variety with shiny smooth dark green leaves. It is distinguished by its simple care, rapid growth and calm attitude towards lighting. Recommended for breeding by beginning ficus growers.

  • Vertical growth without side shoots means moving up the career ladder.
  • The appearance of new shoots means an addition to the family.


An elegant, fast-growing variety with a thin trunk and long hanging branches. Light green leaves have corrugated edges. There are 2 types: Monique and Golden Monique with golden leaves. Capricious in breeding.

  • Light spots on the top leaves indicate the management's favor towards you.
  • Violent growth - make a profitable purchase.
  • New shoots have appeared - you will be satisfied with your work.


A dwarf ficus variety with small narrow leaves of light green color. Undemanding in care. Easily tolerates pruning.

The flower does not tolerate rearrangements.

The small tree protects its owner from negative energy. If you want to get pregnant, place the plant in your bedroom. It is considered a good gift that brings good luck.


In shape, the variety is a dwarf species with a thin flexible trunk. Green leaves have a shade from dark to light. Convenient for creating decorative forms and bonsai.

The plant is responsive to care and attention. Natasha brings happiness to the home and harmonizes family relationships

If the flower begins to fade, pay attention to the proper care of the ficus and loved ones

If you are tormented by radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rubbing with tincture of ficus benjamina leaves will relieve pain and reduce swelling.


An amazing variety that contains all the variety of ficus benjamina leaves. On one tree, leaves of different shades of green, white, interspersed, different in shape and frame grow simultaneously.

  • For inspiration, it is recommended to place a flower in the office.
  • To restore intimate relationships - in the bedroom.
  • If you want to meet new people, place the ficus in the living room.


A fast-growing tall variety with large green leaves, easy to care for. Requires periodic pruning to achieve a beautiful shape.

  • The plant copes well with negative energy.
  • Attracts prosperity to the home.
  • Relieves headaches.


An interesting “two-faced” variety. On one plant there are branches from the spotted Curly and from the dark green Daniel. The Thais have a legend according to which life unlearned two lovers, and then united them in this ficus tree. If you want to attract new relationships into your life or harmonize old ones, get a Fantasy variety.

The better you take care of your ficus, the stronger its magical abilities.


A popular variety with light green leaves with dark spots in the middle.

  • Rapid growth symbolizes strengthening family relationships.
  • Turns the crown towards the window - there will be good news.
  • New shoots have appeared - there will be a way out of a difficult situation.


"Starlight" is one of the most beautiful varieties of Ficus Benjamin. The variegated leaf can be dark green in the middle and have a white border around the edges, or remain completely white. Starlight grows slowly, but has a longer lifespan than other varieties. Sensitive to light and care.

The ficus has begun to shed its leaves - pay attention to watering, lighting and get ready for updates in your life. New shoots symbolize career success and improved financial situation.

Signs by plant type

The evergreen plant is part of the Mulberry family, which includes about 900 subspecies. However, not all of them are suitable for indoor use. A significant part grows in tropical and subtropical forests. Ficus Benjamin, Robusta, Melanie, Kinki are the main species grown at home. Each of them is given its own special place in folk tales.

Ficus benjamina

The most common, characterized by a smooth surface. According to legend, Adam and Eve covered themselves with its leaf after being expelled from the Garden of Eden. Folk signs also point to its health benefits. Due to the color diversity and shape of the leaves, this species also has many subspecies (Natasha, Goldenking, Exotica, Starlight).


The appearance of the rubber ficus in the apartment promises many interesting events. However, the opinions of esotericists regarding the benefits of the plant are divided. Some predict the beginning of a white streak, receiving a large sum from an unexpected source, career growth, the birth of a child, and an easy birth. Others, on the contrary, signify loneliness, separation from a loved one, and men leaving home.


Ficus elastica Robusta is a beautiful and unusual specimen due to its attractive appearance (large dark green leaves). It is believed that it perfectly blocks negative energy, stabilizes the tense atmosphere in the room, purifies the air of harmful impurities, and has a positive effect on overall health. Folk omens speak of the need to position the tree in such a way that its leaves are turned to the west, then good predictions will definitely come true.


Ficus Melanie is distinguished by its compactness and unpretentiousness. This relatively new variety has a slight disadvantage compared to other species; it almost never blooms.

It should be placed:

  • on the desktop to relieve tension and fatigue;
  • in the hallway to attract guests to the house;
  • in the bedroom to harmonize marital relationships.


The well-known variety of Benjamin grows to a height of no more than 40 centimeters. This dwarf tree is considered an excellent gift for gardeners and simple connoisseurs of natural beauty. It easily takes on the desired shape after trimming the small, narrow, light green leaves. The signs personify a sacred plant as a fighter against dark forces. It perfectly protects all family members from the evil eye, damage, and envy.

Is it possible to give a ficus for a birthday as a gift?

Feng Shui experts say that ficus improves the material well-being of the owners of the house where it grows. To do this, as mentioned above, the flower needs to be placed in the kitchen. If you have problems with your business, place this plant in your office and your finances will increase.

But is it possible to give a ficus as a gift for a birthday? It all depends on the character of the person being gifted and his preferences. If a person does not believe in omens, then he will really like such a surprise. It is important that the person being gifted loves to care for flowers.

In order for indoor plants to please, they must be purchased while in a good mood. Therefore, a birthday is an excellent occasion, especially for the birthday boy, to acquire such a green friend as a ficus. Feel free to give ficus for birthdays and other occasions. Positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed!

Tags: keep, possible, ficus

Is ficus poisonous or not?

Hoya flower types of hoya that you can keep at home

Before buying a flower, you first need to think about the possible harm from it. In general, ficus is a safe plant, but there are some points to consider:

  • latex release;
  • milky juice;
  • poison in leaves and stem.

Some species secrete milky sap, which can cause irritation and poisoning if it comes into contact with the skin, even in healthy people; for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, such plant varieties are especially dangerous.

This is what milky juice looks like

The following types of milky sap are distinguished:

  • Rubber-bearing;
  • Ficus benjamina;
  • Melanie;
  • Variegated.

Ficus, no matter what type it is, contains poison in its leaves and stem. Allergic reactions are possible, and with direct contact - poisoning. Therefore, care for it must be carried out with gloves, and it is also necessary to ensure that small children and animals do not reach the plant. For allergy sufferers, it is extremely important to carry antihistamines, an inhaler and other necessary first aid supplies.

Be careful! The rubber-bearing species and the Benjamin variety emit microparticles of latex, which can also cause asthma attacks in asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

How does ficus grow

The first countries where they began to grow ficus were Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea and the Philippines. In its homeland, Indonesia, the flower is considered a sacred plant, as well as a symbol of wisdom, purity and enlightenment; it can often be seen in temples. Tourists who visit Indonesia often tie ribbons to these bushes, as there is a belief that this will make their cherished wish come true.

Over several centuries of the plant's existence, more than 1000 species of ficus have been discovered, but only about 20 of them can grow indoors. To grow a flower at home, cuttings are used, which is done as follows:

  1. An incision is made above or just below the kidney.
  2. The shoot is divided into several cuttings so that each cutting has a leaf and a whole bud. If juice is released from the cutting, you must wait until it has all drained. You need to remember about precautions.
  3. The cuttings should be placed in a container with warm water for 2 hours.
  4. Cuttings on cuttings must be treated with “Kornevin” - a root growth stimulator (or another similar agent).
  5. The cuttings must be planted in a pre-prepared pot.
  6. Cover the pot with polyethylene, since the cutting must be kept warm.
  7. The future flower needs to be watered and sprayed from time to time.

Additional Information. There are other ways to grow ficus. For example, using leaves or a shoot in water.

How ficus blooms

At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely, so this is an extremely important event for the owner. In the interior, wood is most often evergreen. Many people wonder whether ficus flowers bloom at all.

Ficus flowering in the tropics

Some people don’t even know what a ficus is, let alone whether it blooms or not. This plant is definitely blooming. Moreover, both on the street and at home. Most often, ficus flowering can be observed in its homeland - in the tropical regions of Asia. In most cases, its flowers are white, but pink and blue flowers can also be seen. Ficus blooms in the form of small bouquets, in absolutely any weather conditions, regardless of the time of year.

At home, it is much more difficult to achieve flowering of ficus. This is due to:

  • insufficient heat level;
  • temperature changes;
  • low level of humidity.

If ficus blooms at home, it is only in small inflorescences - syconia. They look like small green fruits, but over time they can turn yellow-orange. There is a hole on their surface for insects. In the natural habitat, pollination occurs in this way, and a bud appears. For indoor plants, pollination does not occur, so there are no flowers. In addition, without pollination, the seeds in syconia are not suitable for growing new plants.

At home, ficus blooms with syconia

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