What feng shui paintings should you hang at home to attract wealth and prosperity?

The main goal of organizing space according to Feng Shui is to achieve balance and harmony through the search for favorable flows of qi energy and the use of energy flows for the benefit of humans. The source of these energies are, among other things, paintings - their plot and location can influence the general mood of the house and relationships in the family.

Those who have already applied Feng Shui practice in their home talk about positive changes and the beneficial effects of energies. By placing decorative items according to the advice of Feng Shui masters, you can activate zones of harmonious energy flows and maintain energy balance in your home.

Tips for choosing paintings

When we talk about paintings for the home, we mean not only original paintings by artists, but also any that you like and can decorate your home - it could be a portrait of a famous person, a photograph of a cat, an image of a movie character, a watercolor landscape, a photograph of a city at night. If you look at the image, and it responds inside you with a smile, positivity and relaxation - this is a good canvas!

There is a relationship between the cardinal directions and the elements accompanying them. On the northern wall, canvases depicting water are welcome, on the southern wall, with images of fire, on the eastern wall, canvases with plants, forest and earth are appropriate, and on the western wall, canvases with metal and air currents are appropriate.

Color spectrum

Having determined which cardinal directions correspond to the zones of the house, you can determine the element corresponding to each zone. So, in the “water” part of the apartment, canvases in blue, light blue, and greenish tones would be appropriate. On the wall in the “earthly” part of the room, canvases in terracotta, sand, and brown colors are welcome. In the north of the house, in the quarry area, it is best to hang images in black and white or blue.


If the house has a well-defined specific design style, the subjects of the paintings should be chosen accordingly - for example, in a classic living room there is a place for a calm landscape, and in a loft-style bedroom, black and white images of city streets and architectural forms, and colored abstractions are appropriate. When there is no clearly defined style, rely on your own taste, intuition and “trying on” - in Picsis, for example, you can see in advance how the selected painting will look on the wall. Very comfortably!

Purpose of the premises

When choosing a subject for a painting, you must take into account the purpose of the room. In the kitchen, canvases with flowers, vegetables and fruits, landscapes and drawings of kitchen utensils are appropriate, but canvases with erotic content and “aggressive” canvases depicting scenes of violence, battles, and weapons are inappropriate. In general, “aggressive” paintings are inappropriate in any area of ​​the apartment, because a home is a place where harmony, peace, and tranquility should reign. A canvas with a war scene can be hung at work, in a personal office or meeting room, if the position requires you to often be in a “fighting” mood.

Other popular symbols

Other popular feng shui symbols for well-being in the home:

  1. Water: fountains, waterfalls, aquariums without a lid. Water must be in contact with air. But be careful: too much water has the opposite effect on finances, keep it in moderation.
  2. Mill - its images symbolize cash flow.
  3. The bridge means the unification of heavenly and earthly, man and deity.
  4. Images of mountains concentrate energy and direct it in the right direction.
  5. Shells are a decorative element and a memory of the sea. Shells are women's amulets that attract mentors. It is also a symbol of travel that will fit into the northwestern sector of the apartment.
  6. A fan is a protective amulet that scares away ill-wishers and envious people. The fan sweeps scandals out of the house.

Favorable sectors and zones

Earthly energy forms harmonious and inharmonious structures - it is impossible to change their location in space, but you can change the places of active life in the house - so that the necessary objects fall into a harmonious flow.

Each home has zones responsible for certain areas - love, wealth, children, creativity, family, wisdom, career. The areas of these zones are the same - that is, if you work equally on each of them, you can achieve harmonious development. To determine these areas, feng shui experts use a compass (to determine the cardinal directions) and the Bagua grid - a zoned octagon that allows you to correctly divide the room into sectors.

To determine the zones of the house, you need to use a compass to indicate where the north is and, according to the cardinal directions, apply a Bagua grid to the floor plan. The Bagua grid and the room plan should be in corresponding scales - for example, A4 format. Once the zones of the house have been identified, you can begin to activate them.

Career zone

Location - north. The main element is water, the nourishing element is metal. The palette is blue and black in various shades. The sector is responsible for professional success, career growth, and development of professional skills.

Paintings in the quarry area are always hung on the wall (not placed on the table). Images of a turtle (symbolizes endurance and forward movement), the underwater world (the zone refers to the water element), fountains, waterfalls, ships and sailboats are appropriate. You can hang in this sector images of bridges and tall buildings, a road going into the distance or stairs going up - these are symbols of determination and forward movement.

To activate the zone, canvases with blue-black and black-and-white paints are suitable; images of all “water” shades are suitable - blue, cyan, black. Considering that the nourishing element of the zone is metal, “metallic” shades can also enhance energy flows in this zone. Pay attention to the paintings in white, golden, silver tones. The presence of earth tones - sand, terracotta, brown, green - can weaken the zone.

Travel area, assistants

Location - northwest. Element - metal, number - 6. Color palette: white, silver, gray, gold. Activation of the zone helps to receive timely help from friends, promotes the development of intuition and the implementation of travel plans.

If you’ve been wanting to go on a trip for a long time, but something always gets in the way—either you don’t have enough money, or you don’t have enough time—it’s worth hanging a new picture in the travel area. These could be panoramic photographs of cities you dream of visiting, or a beautiful landscape. Canvases with angels are appropriate, which will symbolize the traveler's guardian angel, as well as photographs of famous personalities that impress you. A picture with dolphins (animals that intuitively guess human needs), a horseshoe (located upside down), and a lotus will help strengthen the energy flow.

Pay attention to the color palette of the canvas - the most successful shades will be terracotta, white, brown, grey, gold and silver. The presence of orange, red, blue, and black colors can weaken the sector.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

Location - northeast. Element - earth, number - 8. Color palette - brown, terracotta, sand, beige.

Activation of this sector is necessary for students, schoolchildren and other students. When decorating, you should use sand, yellow, brown, and red decor. The presence of golden, silver, white, and green colors can weaken the sector. Here are several subjects for a painting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge: an image of a world map, gems, a snake, a dragon, books, libraries.

Zone of family, health, well-being

Location - east. The element of wood, the nourishing element is water. The main color of the palette is green, the number is 3. Activation helps to maintain well-being and improve the health of each person and family as a whole.

Images of fresh flowers, fish, trees, family portraits, paintings on real canvas and in a natural wood frame can enhance the flow of beneficial energy. It’s great if the images are made in these colors - blue, green, brown, a little red is allowed. You should not place in this zone decor made from dried flowers, portraits of deceased people (even relatives), paintings depicting wrecks, conflict situations, sharp objects and drawings of bags of money - in this case, the vector of family relationships may shift towards the money channel, which will lead to conflicts and scandals. “Fiery” and “metallic” shades can weaken the energy in the sector.

Glory Zone

Location - south. The main element is fire, the nourishing element is wood. Color palette - green, red, orange, number - 9. The sector is responsible for social status, reputation, influence. Activating the Glory Zone will promote clarity of goals and progress on the path to success.

Personal diplomas, certificates, awards will help activate this sector - they are hung directly on the wall. Personal photographs taken at moments of success are suitable, as well as images of birds (eagle, phoenix, firebird), pyramids, sunflowers, fire sources, paintings depicting the harvest.

The glory sector will be enhanced by yellow, red, orange, green tones and natural wood decor (wooden baguettes). “Water” and “earth” shades, such as purple, black, brown, can weaken the zone.

Children's and creativity zone

Location - west. The main element is metal, the feeding element is earth. Number - 7. Color palette - white, golden, yellow, gray, silver. This sector is responsible for relationships with children and creativity; the absence of problems with education and conception, the realization of personality in art and sports depend on it.

Activation of the zone is necessary if there are difficulties with conceiving and bearing a child, or if there are difficulties in raising existing children. This sector is also responsible for creativity, so its energy is needed by creative people - those who need inspiration and new ideas. To activate the sector, we recommend using canvases with white, yellow, and gray colors. You can also use “earth” tones - yellow, terracotta, brown.

The presence of “fiery” and “watery” shades can weaken energy flows in the children and creativity sector. Undesirable colors include purple, blue, black, orange and red.

Zone of love and marriage

Location - southwest. Element - earth, feeding element - fire, number - 2. Color palette - brown, terracotta, beige, sand.

Paintings made in “fiery” and “earth” tones will enhance activity in the love zone, while paintings in metallic shades will weaken it. Unfavorable colors are silver, blue, black, green, and white.

In the love sector, we recommend hanging decorative elements in pairs - this can be a picture of two or more modules, the main thing is that their number is in pairs. Suitable subjects include images of doves, cranes, swans, beautiful butterflies, and your own wedding photographs. If you don’t have a couple yet, you can hang a drawing or photograph of two people in love in this area, but they should be impersonal - the faces should be darkened or flooded with light, hidden under a veil or hat (this is necessary so that love is attracted to you , and not to specific people in the photo).

Wealth Zone

Location - southeast. Element - wood, generating element - water, number - 4. Color palette - green and its shades. Activation of the zone helps improve well-being and resolve material problems.

To activate the sector, you need to hang pictures on the walls, symbols of wealth. Canvases depicting the riches of nature are suitable - wheat fields, dense forests, flower plantations, pay attention to paintings with mills, green meadows. We recommend choosing canvases with images of water, because in the teachings of Feng Shui it symbolizes money. The energy in the sector will be enhanced by the presence of green, blue, purple, and light blue colors. The presence of silvery, fiery shades will weaken.


Birds, insects, reptiles, fish and mammals - all these symbols affect the energy of the house and its owner. Feng Shui also honors mythical creatures, such as the three-legged toad and the celestial lion.


Let's start with universal talismans. Wherever we place the carp figurine, it will act beneficially. Carp is a sacred fish, it brings good luck, helps in business, attracts love and influences spiritual growth.

According to Feng Shui, 9 carps mean prosperity and well-being; it is a talisman for any situation. You can keep such fish in an aquarium, but you will have to carefully monitor their health.

A favorable neighborhood for carp is water. Consider the effect of the element on certain areas in the house. In the finance sector, fountains and aquariums will come in very handy.


Fish in Chinese is consonant with the words happiness and abundance. Fish are given as gifts for the Chinese New Year, thereby wishing a person well-being and prosperity.

The most important type of money talisman is a goldfish in an aquarium.

Two fish mean mutual understanding and harmony between a man and a woman. Two is the number for a couple; any significant objects can be combined into such a talisman.

The image of two dolphins to support a marriage is popular.

  1. Important: live fish as talismans of marital happiness are not placed in the bedroom: this area does not accept water, since the element attracts infidelity.
  2. It is also recommended to have an odd number of pets, such as eight goldfish and one black.

An interesting fact about live fish: if a pet dies, it means that it averted misfortune from home. In this case, get a new fish as soon as possible.


Butterflies in Chinese philosophy mean joy and love. The sages attributed magical properties to these light and airy creatures, observing their transformation from caterpillars.

Butterflies on their wings will bring love and attention to single people, and romantic feelings to married couples. The best place to place the figures is the bedroom. The talisman is much more active if it works in pairs.

Frog (toad)

A frog, or rather a toad, is one of the main monetary symbols, meaning prosperity and well-being. A toad on three legs with a coin in its mouth is placed in the money sector of the house - in the southeast.

The mythical symbol is fueled by the money tree, fountains, and goldfish.


The turtle has a strong shell and symbolizes a reliable rear, longevity and good health. To make things go better, place a turtle figurine right behind your workplace. This will make you feel calm and confident.


According to Feng Shui, this animal is assigned the role of guardian of home and family. A figurine of a white tiger made of metal, wood or stone is located at the front door.

Heavenly Lion

This mythical lion will also be a reliable guard at home. Place the figurines towards the exit to prevent negative people and unwanted guests from entering the room. Lions will protect the apartment from the windows.


The elephant with its long trunk attracts good luck to the house. Such a figure will be useful if the apartment layout has flaws. 7 is a magical number; seven elephants will fill a person’s life with well-being in all important areas.

Another symbol of good luck and career growth is the peacock. The chic plumage of the bird will attract fame and wealth to the house, and will also protect against the evil eye, like a fan.


Images of flamingos, phoenixes and other birds have a beneficial effect on marriage and help single people find their soul mate.


The owl is a widely known symbol of wisdom, which also finds a place in the teachings of Feng Shui. This night bird protects a person from impulsive actions, in particular illogical spending. Place the talisman in the money sector and strengthen your office with it so that your financial affairs go uphill.

Another symbol of wisdom is the wolf. This talisman carries masculine energy, strength and protection.

What does a swan figurine mean in Feng Shui?

The swan is a universal symbol of grace, love, purity, loyalty and strength. The swan figurine means fidelity in marriage, dedication and love of the spouse until the last breath. Their romance lasts a lifetime and is based on the equality of partners.

The influence of the talisman leads to the fulfillment of obligations in a love relationship. The swan glides gracefully across the surface of the water, leaving almost no ripples. It also does not dive into water like other birds. This signifies Swan's ability to gently overcome friction in relationships and not be drawn into unseemly matters.

The swan is an elegant white bird, considered solar and a symbol of yang energy. Living on the ground, rising to great heights in the air, gliding gracefully across the surface of the water, the swan shows that everyone has inner grace and beauty, and this teaches self-esteem. It awakens the true essence, reveals the hidden capabilities of a person.

A swan figurine made of white porcelain would be appropriate as a wedding gift to a young couple. After all, the whiteness of the talisman, in addition to its main purpose, imparts special purity and tenderness in relationships.

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