They must be correctly oriented: how to place windows in a house according to Feng Shui

I live in a ten-story building, in a nice, cozy apartment, and opposite my house there is a house opposite, so before I didn’t notice anything special about it, but one day I noticed that the window on the 10th floor was constantly turning on and off and the lights were constantly on. in different ways it can be turned off for a very long time, or, on the contrary, it quickly turns on and off, I watched this window for a week, and it’s always the same thing, in the morning it’s constantly curtained, you’ll think that there’s nothing mystical about it, but something was wrong there... .And then I definitely realized that something was wrong there. It was at night at about 3:41, but I don’t remember the exact time, I was sitting on the laptop and decided to check that window and everything seemed to be as usual, but then I saw that something was wrong, and then someone looked out of the window - I bet that it wasn’t a person, but I thought that... it was still night, the figure of a person is difficult to see, but this SOMETHING saw me... the light in the window went out, I even became a little scared. And 20 minutes later the doorbell rang, I looked through the peephole......And what the fuck was there, I will never was gray, his whole body was gray, long arms..... But the face... And it knocked on the apartment... I simply lost consciousness or fell asleep, but then I woke up in my apartment near the door. When I was going to work, I saw that there were large dents on the door, I never looked out of that window again, and... I forgot to say about the face... He wasn’t there, just a big mouth...


The rules for the placement of residential buildings and window structures are determined by the following regulations:

  • SP 42.13330.2011 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. Updated version of SNiP 2.07.01-89.”
  • Resolutions of municipal authorities.
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

In areas where dacha, garden and estate buildings are located, the distance from the windows of houses (verandas, kitchens, living rooms) must be at least 6 m to the houses of neighbors. But this does not mean that a neighbor can install his house on the boundary, and you must retreat 6 meters from his house.

The following rules are established for the location of buildings in relation to the boundary or fence:

HouseA retreat of at least 3 m is required to the fence or boundary if there is no fence.
Economic buildingYou need to retreat 1 m to the fence.

Note! If the house is located in accordance with these standards, the neighbors' windows usually do not interfere, even if the house is quite large.

First of all, try to resolve the problem peacefully. If the house is built close together and you are generally happy with it, arrange for him to remove the window or install frosted glass. If this does not suit the owner, refer to the illegality of his actions and defend his interests in court.

As a rule, it is possible to reach a peaceful agreement. It is better to draw up a deed certified by a notary. According to it, the neighbor undertakes to remove the window or install frosted glass, and you confirm that there are no complaints.

This is the window opposite

The flow of qi in a room is a very interesting topic. Here you don’t need formulas and a compass - just knowledge of a few rules and the ability to feel. On a subconscious level, many people feel a change in the energy of space: places with stable, harmoniously distributed qi are described as “a cozy place that you don’t want to leave.”

Entering an apartment or house from the front door, qi must be able to accumulate in order to later fill the living space. For what? The energy of the home fuels our vital energy. If the place to sleep is good, the sleep is sound, it restores strength and makes you healthier. In an apartment filled with qi, life is easier, more pleasant, and more opportunities arise.

The first room from the entrance is called “first taichi”. It’s good if the first tai chi is spacious. Therefore, look for an apartment with a spacious hallway, do not clutter the corridor at the front door with things. Often, by the way, it is in the first taichi that Masters recommend carrying out activations: the qi here is “fresh.”

Sometimes it happens that there is a wall right next to the front door. In this situation, especially if there is a mirror hanging there, the qi, as soon as it enters, strives to immediately come out. Try it yourself - and you will want to do the same.) Solution: find a design solution in which attention will immediately be attracted by something in the depths of the apartment: a bright lamp, an illuminated picture; Place a rug at the door with diagonal stripes that redirect your gaze in the right direction. Well, you shouldn’t hang a mirror directly opposite the door. This can only be done in large, voluminous hallways - halls.

It’s a different story when, opposite the entrance, you immediately see a long narrow corridor. Usually at the end of such a corridor there is a bathroom (in standard L-shaped three rubles). The problem is that in narrow spaces, qi is compressed and accelerated. And having accelerated, it rushes forward and deeper at full speed, not having time to harmoniously distribute itself throughout the apartment. If you have such a layout, try, again, with the help of design solutions, to slow down the chi: zone the floor in the corridor with different types of covering, add bright spots that slow down attention on the walls.

The question is also often asked what to do if the window is located directly opposite the entrance. There can be many options. Don't worry if:

  • The window is not in a straight line with the front door
  • The window is far from the entrance, but is in the room (and not at the end of a narrow corridor)
  • The window is curtained (even with translucent curtains)

Here, for example, there is nothing scary: the window is far away, along the way the chi “walks” through the large living room. If you are still confused by this situation, place a lush flower on the windowsill or hang tulle.

Such door-window lines should be taken into account in bedrooms and offices, that is, in those rooms where a person spends a lot of time. One Master called this phenomenon “door sha”: the qi here is too strong to be comfortable. Therefore, you should not place a bed or desk opposite the door to the bedroom, especially if there is a window further along the same line.

On the plan, the trajectories of overly active qi are marked in red.

If it so happens that there is nowhere else to put the bed except on the “draft” line, close the door and curtain the window at night. It would be nice to place some piece of furniture between the door and the bed, at least a nightstand. Books usually advise putting up a screen; but often due to the size of the room this is not possible.

Everything we talked about belongs to the “school of forms.” I have often seen how the principles of the school of forms are violated because, for example, they want to put a bed in good Flying Stars. This is not the best solution. Forms are material, unlike stars and so is their impact on humans. You will get the benefit of a good combination, but the side effects will be poor sleep, fatigue, and decreased immunity. You can sleep like this for a month or two, but it’s not worth it for a long time.

And always, if you doubt whether there are any internal sha (negative influences), whether you made the rearrangement successfully, stop and feel it. If you tune in, your body itself will tell you how the qi flows.

And more complex things - flying stars, activations - can be learned in person or online.

Natalia Tsyganova

Installation of the structure opposite the windows

If no requests have any effect, you can install a fairly wide shield or other structure that blocks the view of the window.

It is important not to install it too close to the fence and follow these steps:

  • Send your neighbor a certified letter notifying you of the installation.
  • If he refuses, write a letter to the administration, police and other local institutions. It states that you are notifying them in installing the structure. In most cases they will not respond to such a request, but it is important that the letter is received.
  • After this, the structure is installed.
  • If a neighbor, after its installation, complains to various authorities, a response will be received that these organizations have been notified of this fact.

The corner of the house looks out the bedroom window - an example from Feng Shui practice

My clients were choosing an apartment and asked me to evaluate the Feng Shui of the apartment before purchasing. I asked to find out the composition of the family and the reason for selling the apartment. The owners of the apartment were a married couple with a small child. Reason for sale: divorce and division of property. I looked around the apartment and noticed that the corner of the neighboring house looked into the window of the matrimonial bedroom. The neighboring house was close and the influence of the “Sha corner” was noticeable. The angle itself cannot lead to divorce, but under its influence problems can appear that divide the family. I did not recommend clients to buy this apartment and they found a better option.

Going to court

If the window faces your yard due to a violation of the distance between the fence and the house, you can go to court. But there should also be no violations on your part. If the requirements are not met, warn your neighbor again that he forced you to go to court. The lawsuit details that the neighbor violated fire safety and health codes. As a result, the windows of his house overlook your yard and cause discomfort.

It is important to support the appeal with an expert’s opinion, a boundary plan and property documents. In this case, the judge will issue an order to demolish the building, which the neighbor will have to comply with. In addition, it is important to indicate the amount of moral damage from such a neighbor’s decision.

Thus, you have the right to defend your interests through various legal methods. If a neighbor meets halfway and solves the problem with the window, it is necessary to document this. If he refuses to remove the window, citing the right to normal lighting, be guided by the fact that this should have been foreseen at the stage of drawing up the house design. As a last resort, you can achieve a court decision in your favor.

Basic placement recommendations

Windows, like any component of the house, should always be kept clean. Dirt, according to teaching, prevents the spread of Qi energy. Another important aspect is the overall appearance. If it is unpresentable (broken glass, deformed frame), then the window will not prevent the spread of negative energy.

According to Feng Shui, the location of windows is most optimal in the east and south of the room. The early rays of the sun will fill the house and charge the inhabitants of the home with positivity. Curtains should not block the penetration of light. This rule also applies to grids, the use of which is contrary to teaching. If you can’t do without them, then you need to choose the color of the grille that matches the overall color. Windows facing north and west, on the contrary, must be covered with curtains. Through them, the rays of the setting sun will enter the house, which is unacceptable.

Positive view outside the window The number of windows is also affected by this teaching. Moreover, they are considered both in the context of a single room and in the entire house or apartment. If the apartment is one-room, their number should not be more than seven.

If the view from the windows is not particularly positive, then there is no point in talking about positive energy. It is unacceptable to look at an intersection, pillar or corner of a building every time. All negativity can be played up with the help of curtains, stained glass or bright curtains.

The color of the curtains for the window should be selected according to the cardinal directions:

  • For a south window (element of fire), it is better to choose curtains with a predominant red color.
  • For windows on the east side, green (the element of wood) will be favorable.
  • The color blue (element of water) is suitable for the north window.
  • For windows on the west side, the curtains should be light in color (metal element).

For southern windows, you need to use cornices that are not large. This will prevent excess positive energy and reduce the flow of light, which potentially creates conflict situations.

Windows in the kitchen should comply with Feng Shui recommendations. Meals are eaten in this room. The energy of the windows, as well as the favorable view, will influence the perception of food and improve digestion. It is also important that enough light enters the kitchen.

It is imperative to have at least one small window in the restroom and bathroom. Otherwise, hang a bell there.

According to Feng Shui, mirrors should not be placed opposite windows and doors. The mirror reflects light, and along with the light it also reflects the positive energy that enters the room.

How to protect an apartment from the corner of a neighboring house and improve Feng Shui

To reduce the influence of the “Angle Sha”, you need to close your window from this angle. Suitable for this:

  • Green spaces outside the window
  • Indoor plants on the windowsill
  • Opaque curtains and blinds
  • Stained glass and stained glass films

You need to close the unpleasant view and replace it with a pleasant one. A side effect is a decrease in sunlight in the room and a decrease in activity, and if it is a window on the facade, then a decrease in the overall level of Qi in the apartment. Therefore, it is better to check where the windows face before purchasing and moving.

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This is one of the classic ways to protect an apartment from prying eyes - tulle in combination with curtains perfectly prevents the violation of personal space, gives the interior comfort, hides window defects and masks heating radiators.

If you live on the ground floor, combine tulle with curtains: a thin fabric will protect you during the day, and a tightly drawn fabric will protect you in the evening.

Can curtains be used?

Curtains serve the function of protecting the home. They prevent unwanted light and prying eyes from entering. Curtains decorate your home and create a cozy atmosphere in it.

It is recommended to use curtains made of lightweight material in light shades, since dark colors make the room gloomy and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in it.

The color of the curtains is selected depending on the location of the glazing of the house. The southern side corresponds to red shades, the northern – blue. The eastern and southeastern colors are green, and the northwestern and western ones are white. Shades of yellow are preferable to use on the southwest and northeast sides.

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