Aroma oils to attract money: unconventional ways to gain financial independence

Since ancient times, man has strived for enrichment that can change life for the better and increase its comfort. To attract money, numerous talismans were used and various rituals were performed. Despite the fact that at the moment such methods are not used everywhere, many continue to use aromatherapy methods and incense to attract money. Smells play a huge role in human life. Some of them bring a lot of goodness and goodness into it, while others, on the contrary, contribute to destruction.

Among many magical actions, one of the most powerful is considered to be attracting money with the help of aromas. Incense can be used in various ways:

in the form of incense sticks;


using an aroma lamp;

as an individual perfume;

essential oils.

Aromatic oils and their energy

Incense for attracting money has a special and very strong energy. In order to strengthen it, you need to know which essential oils have these “money” properties. Not all oils are capable of attracting money. Rather, on the contrary, using them for other purposes will cause unnecessary waste of energy and will not bring any results. Among the aromas that enhance the attraction of money (they are considered baits for wealth) are the following.

  • Patchouli oil. This scent is considered the strongest and most effective for attracting money. Many believe that using it, you can not be afraid to make plans for the distant future and will be successful in all your endeavors.
  • Cedar. The oil of this tree will show you the right path to wealth. It will help you avoid big mistakes in business.
  • Basil. The aroma of this plant helps you tune in to the positive and make the right decisions. And this, as you know, is the first step to achieving success, and therefore prosperity.
  • Sandalwood. Tree oil has very strong energy, but it does not appear immediately. For a positive outcome, time must pass, which contributes to the creation of more powerful energy. But the result will be amazing.
  • Ginger. It is a protector from negative energy and prevents competitors from penetrating the biofield with their envy and anger. Achieving success with its help, you can not be afraid of the intrigues of your enemies.
  • Orange. This aroma gives you confidence in your own abilities and does not give up. With its help, you attract money luck and help bring new ideas to life.
  • Nutmeg. Its aroma has magical properties. Helps you get rid of your own weaknesses and have a great influence on people. Being in control of the situation makes it much easier to achieve success.
  • Cinnamon. Its oil is considered the aroma of good luck and success; it attracts well-being and helps to find the right solution. Under the influence of this aroma, communication with people improves and self-esteem increases.
  • Laurel. This oil is very often used to attract money. Helps in fulfilling the most daring desires, attracts good luck and success.
  • Mint. This scent is considered the darling of wealth. When using it, money is easily earned and, as they say, flows like a river.

The likelihood of attracting wealth with the help of incense is quite high, because money, like aromas, has a certain energy. Of course, smells will not be able to do this on their own, but they can increase the chances of success and give confidence in their own abilities. In addition, directing the energy of wealth in the right direction is possible only with the use of incense.

How to choose oil to achieve financial independence

Every person can associate financial well-being with one or another smell. Esotericists recommend trusting your intuition. You also need to take into account the absence of allergies to a particular scent.

Depending on the zodiac sign

Choosing oil by zodiac sign:

  1. Aries. It is necessary to mix the aromas of pine and cedar. The oil is recommended for bathing.
  2. Calf. Patchouli will help cope with excessive conservatism.
  3. Twins. Eucalyptus will support you in the fight against competitors. You can use mint at the beginning of your working day.
  4. Cancer. Neroli will attract wealth in a short time. Like Gemini, Cancer should use eucalyptus.
  5. A lion. People in leadership positions should use rosemary, to which a small amount of lavender can be mixed.
  6. Virgo. Geranium helps overcome shyness. The fragrance is recommended for Virgo men.
  7. Scales. Ylang-ylang and mint support productivity and attract financial luck.
  8. Scorpion. Representatives of this sign have a high level of energy. Only oils from coniferous trees (cedar, pine) are suitable for them.
  9. Sagittarius. The smell of grapefruit will relieve pessimism. A person prone to depression can use not only oil, but also eau de toilette with a citrus scent.
  10. Capricorn. The best options would be patchouli and eucalyptus. These oils should be used to treat your wallet and other places where money is stored.
  11. Aquarius. Pine and cedar will help get rid of frivolity.
  12. Fish. Ylang-ylang and eucalyptus are suitable for the water sign of the zodiac.

Each zodiac sign has its own special scent.

Combination of essential oils for making mixtures

You can use incense to attract money separately using different aromas. However, for a stronger effect, it is better to prepare mixtures from them. To do this, you need to know which essential oils need to be mixed and in what proportions.

In order for a mixture of essential oils to act more effectively and contribute to increasing income, it is necessary, during its preparation, to think about what the money will be spent on. After all, oils are the souls of plants, flowers and trees and it is necessary to negotiate with them, naturally only about everything good.

Variants of mixtures for attracting money can be used to achieve various goals.

  • If the need for money is very urgent:
  • To increase income stability:
  • To attract money luck:
  • seven drops of patchouli oil;
  • five drops of cedar oil;
  • two drops of nutmeg oil;
  • one drop of cinnamon oil.
  • three drops of basil oil;
  • three drops of laurel oil;
  • three drops of cinnamon oil.
  • seven drops of patchouli oil;
  • five drops of cedar oil;
  • four drops of pine oil;
  • two drops of cinnamon oil.

You need to lubricate all the available money with the prepared mixture and after a while it will double.

Rub a green candle with this mixture and let it burn completely.

During preparation, the mixture must be charged with its own energy. To do this, while adding drops to the container, inhale their aroma. The best option is a mixture that you create yourself. The number of drops and the required essential oils are selected subconsciously. A new, individual composition appears that brings success in financial matters to this particular person.

Recipes for money


Patchouli and pine in equal parts is a universal blend that brings good luck and wealth. You can lubricate your plastic card or money with these oils before spending it - then it will come back to you. You can apply a few drops to a cosmetic cotton pad and put it on your desk at your workplace, that is, where the money comes to you. You can, after soaking them in lavender, patchouli or orange oil, place them in closets and bags with things, and you will no longer see moths.


Take a bottle or small cup, pour in the base oil, one teaspoon. Then add 5 k each of your chosen oil: “money oils” and “your oil.”

In the process of making a mixture, nothing should distract you from the process, think only about the purpose for which you are doing all this! And it’s better not about money, but about what you need it for.

Imagine how your money is added with every drop of oil.


Mix: 2 parts neroli; 2 q. roses; 3 parts sage; 5 parts patchouli; 2-3 k. of your oil.

But the ideal option is when you make a mixture intuitively, inventing a composition of money, protective and good luck oils, checking with your feelings.

Shield aromas Protect the subtle energy shell from external aggression: bergamot, cloves, cajuput, cedar, cypress, incense, lemon balm, juniper (almost the strongest of the protective essential oils, but it has a very specific smell), citronella, tea tree.

To strengthen the energy shell of Elemi (it is becoming more common and the smell is simply magical), anise, orange, cedar, incense, neroli, fir, rose, citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus.

To restore the energy shell: verbena, cypress, sandalwood, citronella, eucalyptus.

For toning and relieving fatigue This is bergamot, ginger, juniper, neroli, pine, sage, sweet orange, rosemary, lemon. All these oils in any combination can be added to the aroma lamp.

To eliminate fears: Ylang-ylang, marjoram, myrrh, sandalwood, sage, mandarin.

To strengthen self-confidence: Bitter orange, basil, cypress, patchouli, cinnamon, palmarosa, fir, rosemary, citronella.

Incense sticks to attract money

Another effective way to use incense to attract money is incense sticks. Usually they fumigate certain parts of the room that are responsible for well-being. For the best effect, there should be no debris or broken things in the fumigation area. To attract the energy of money, sticks with certain scents are used:

  • pine - guarantees the longevity of the financial situation;
  • cedar - creates stability in income;
  • cinnamon – helps in the development of mental and spiritual abilities;
  • orange – gives confidence in one’s own abilities;
  • basil - with its help new ideas are born;
  • sage - with its help, new opportunities for acquiring wealth appear.

You shouldn’t get attached to one scent; you can choose several or your own personal scent. A room filled with aroma creates the right atmosphere to increase the energy of money.

Extra cash oils

  • Sandalwood oil helps to make your wildest dreams come true and attracts reliable business assistants.
  • Ginger - “mirrors” the envy of competitors, increases sales.
  • Basil - attracts solvent buyers, helps to move up the career ladder.
  • Bergamot - helps in concluding deals, and gives the opportunity to quickly pay off debts.
  • Vanilla - opens the flow of monetary energy, attracts the right people to the business.
  • Vetiver – promotes the return of old debts, opens a source of money.

Candles to attract wealth

Of all the candles, only green ones have a certain magical power to attract wealth. Green is considered the color of fertility, abundance and prosperity. By adding incense to candles to attract money and burning them during the waxing moon, you can ensure a strong energy flow. But there are several rules that must be followed to obtain the optimal effect.

  • Only brand new spark plugs should be used. If they have been somewhere for a long time (they just lay there, or were a decoration), then they no longer have the necessary strength, since they have absorbed extraneous energy.
  • Candles must undergo a cleansing ritual. To do this, they are carried through smoking incense, the aromas of which attract money (patchouli, pine, cinnamon, nutmeg) or simply smeared with essential oils obtained from these plants. You can use a mixture of aromas specially prepared for this purpose.
  • Candles should be completely green. Painted only on the outside will have little impact and will not help achieve the intended goal. They will not be able to create the necessary energy to attract wealth.
  • The candle will not start to work on its own; it needs to be provided with additional energy and warmed with its warmth. To do this, looking at it, you need to materialize your desires, imagine how they will come true.
  • If a candle needs to be extinguished, you should never blow it out or extinguish it with your fingers. When blowing out, all the force and energy that was put into it is simply blown away, and if you blow it out with your fingers, it is associated with “choking.” For proper extinguishing, there are special caps under which the candles subside and rest, gaining new energy.
  • If the candle does not light up the first time, it means that it has not accumulated enough energy and is not ready to act, you should postpone attempts to light it.

To ensure that the flow of money does not end, you need to periodically light scented green candles. The flow of their magical energy will attract wealth and prosperity.

Incense will fulfill your money dream,
let's start preparing aromatic mixtures - we will fumigate the house with them and rub the body.
The forces that fly on the wings of fragrance are enormous. Aromatic mixtures are prepared from essential oils and herbs. They operate on the same principle as dishes. The plant's energy mixes with yours, receives purpose and direction, and begins to work toward making your money dreams come true. The charging process is familiar to you: pick up a bottle of oil or mix herbs, concentrating on the desire to increase your income and imagining that it has already come true - you

you have a lot of money, as much as you want, and maybe even more, you are literally swimming in money. At the end of the visualization, the “picture” is dropped into the herbs (oil).

Don't be lazy. No mixture will work if it is not “tuned” to the wave of your desire. The degree of concentration is very important - it should be as high as possible. You can stir the herbs for at least an hour and achieve nothing if your desire for money is sluggish, and you simultaneously think about a lot of other things: you simply will not be able to “record” information about your money dream onto a medium. Your dream should be sharp and concentrated, like a needle. This is the needle you need to chop the herbs with. Then you can charge them in less than a minute. By the way, if it’s more convenient for you, you can use this image instead of an energy ball or cloud when transmitting the “picture” to the herbs. The shape and appearance of the image does not play a big role. It is important to convey information about your dream to the carrier, and for this, the images must be filled with emotions, your state of “I want money!!!” – visualization simply makes this process easier.

Incense based on essential oils

Aromatic, or essential, oils are extracts obtained from leaves, flowers, herbs and fruits. Some oils are obtained by evaporation, others are squeezed out under pressure using mechanical means. Extracts contain the spiritual energies of plants in concentrated form. Today we have the opportunity to resort to the magical powers of plants, even without having our own garden and living far from the forest: essential oils are sold in all pharmacies.

It is better to use natural oils. Synthetic products do not contain living energies, and many of them cause allergies. Unfortunately, many partly or fully synthetic oils are now sold, although this is never indicated on the label. And although real oils are much more expensive than artificial ones, do not skimp: firstly, as I already said, natural oils have a much more powerful effect than synthetic ones, and secondly, very small amounts of oils are required for monetary rituals, so they can be used very for a long time. I predict that some of you will still use synthetic products because they are so cheap. But in this case, do not be surprised if the effect is weak.

It is not difficult to distinguish natural essential oil from a fake:

- natural oil cannot be too cheap. If a bottle costs 10–30 rubles, it means that this is a fake, even if the label says “100% natural essential oil.” Prices for natural oils also differ from each other: the more difficult it is to obtain the oil, the more expensive it is; the cost varies from 50 to 600 rubles per 10 ml; — essential oil must be provided with a barcode; - the bottle should be made of dark glass, the stopper should be tightly ground, like a medicine; - natural oil has a pure aroma: orange smells like orange, and cinnamon smells like cinnamon, and the smell is very gentle, not sharp; - drop essential oil onto paper. If it is pure natural oil, within a few minutes the drop will evaporate and will not leave a greasy stain. Otherwise, this is a fake or a mixture of essential oil and vegetable oil. If the oil is not cheap, but a greasy stain still remains, it means that olive or sunflower oil has been added to it. This is usually done in cases where the essential oil is intended for cosmetic purposes and massage: pure essential oils can irritate the skin, so they are diluted (which is usually not mentioned in the annotation). These oils are fine.

So, the oil has been purchased and charged. What to do with it next? After all, you didn’t charge it to keep it in a bottle in a secluded place. The oil should “work” – bring you closer to wealth. And for this you need to do something else.

Give your money dream a boost

The energy stored in the oil needs to be released so that it can be sent to its intended purpose - to fulfill your monetary desire. There are four ways to do this.

1. Rub a candle with charged oil (preferably it is green - this is the color of abundance), and then burn it, lighting the candle every day for a few minutes - depending on the size. The candle should have time to burn out before the 15-16th lunar day. 2. Apply oil to the body, to places of greatest sweating or to places where blood pulsation is pronounced (armpits, groin, elbows, wrists). Your body will begin to exude aroma, and along with it, energy will be released. You will need little oil for this procedure - just a few drops. If you bought pure essential oil, before applying it to the body, you need to dilute it with vegetable oil in the ratio of 8-10 drops of essential oil per 1/8 cup of vegetable oil. 3. Apply oil to your wallet, bank card or banknotes before spending, lubricate your hands, the front door of your home or office. 4. Light the aroma lamp. An aroma lamp is a stone, metal or clay vessel with a bowl at the top and a niche for a candle at the bottom. Nowadays there is a wide selection of aroma lamps on sale, so purchasing this device is not difficult. If you still don’t want to spend money on an aroma lamp, it’s easy to make it yourself: secure a small fireproof bowl on some kind of stand - so that the bottom at the bottom remains free, and you can put a candle underneath. The aroma lamp bowl is filled with water (water is needed to prevent the oil from catching fire; there is no need to charge it), where 4-5 drops of oil are added. Then the candle is placed in the niche of the aroma lamp and lit: the oil will heat up and begin to exude an aroma saturated with your money dream.

Fragrances that attract money

All that remains for me is to list the oils that have a “money” aroma. Here they are:

basil, cinnamon, bergamot, orange, patchouli, pine, cedar, spicy cloves, ylang-ylang, ginger, rosemary.

Herbal incense

The simplest option, which many of you will probably prefer, is ready-made incense - incense sticks with the scent of any of the plants listed above. But remember that you burn incense not to scent your home, but to attract money. Therefore, you must charge the sticks with your energy, your desire to get more money. The charging procedure is well known: take a stick (a package of sticks) in your hands, focus on the desire to increase your income and visualize.

And yet I do not advise you to be seduced by simplicity. It is safer to prepare “money” incense yourself. Firstly, everything that is made by your hands is thoroughly saturated with your energy. Secondly, there is no guarantee that the incense stick you purchased contains natural ingredients. Cheap sticks are usually made from artificial substitutes and, moreover, often cause allergies.

Incense prepared over fire

The aromatic mixture can be prepared over a fire by mixing water with herbs. To prepare the mixture you will need a clay pot. If there is no pot, use a regular saucepan or bowl, but remember that metal draws energy onto itself - in this case, your money dream will receive less of it.

Pour two glasses of clean hot water over the pre-charged herbs (there is no need to charge it, the herbs will transfer your energy to it when they are in it), place the pot on the stove and simmer the mixture over low heat. Every 10 minutes, go to the pot, stir the contents with a non-metallic spoon and say out loud three times:

Money is in the air. Money is everywhere. Money flows to me in a continuous stream. Soon I will be rich.

Simmer the herbs for 30–40 minutes. Then put on gloves and carry the boiling pot around the apartment. Go into every room and let the aroma of money fill the whole house. I remind you which plants carry the energy of abundance: marjoram, basil, bergamot, mint, calamus, cinquefoil, jasmine, myrtle, verbena, sage, pine, fir, linden, cedar, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, spicy cloves, sesame , rosemary, orange.

Mix them on a whim, in proportions that your inner instinct tells you, or use the following recipes.

Recipe No. 1

3 tbsp. spoons of sage 3 tbsp. spoons of mint 2 cinnamon sticks 1 tbsp. spoon of allspice balls 1 tbsp. spoon of ground nutmeg 1 tbsp. spoon of sesame seeds

Recipe No. 2

4 tbsp. spoons of pine needles 2 tbsp. spoons of basil 2 tbsp. spoons of marjoram 2 tbsp. spoons rosemary 2 tbsp. spoons of verbena 1 tbsp. spoon of orange zest

Incense burned on charcoal

Incense can be simple or complex. Simple incense consists of one single herb and does not need to be mixed with anything. Just buy a dry herb or spice, grind it in a mortar and pestle or a special spice grinder, charge it with energy using visualization and burn it on charcoal. The best simple incense for attracting money is: spicy cloves, cedar needles, cinnamon, allspice, ginger, pine needles or pine resin.

Complex incense consists of several herbs. They are prepared like this: you chop the herbs, put them in a non-metallic bowl and stir clockwise with your fingers for several minutes, accompanying this process with visualization. The incense is ready.

In addition to the incense itself, you will need an incense burner and charcoal. The incense burner can be a church censer or a small heat-resistant bowl. You need to put sand or salt at the bottom - they will protect the incense burner and the surface on which it stands from high temperatures.

Charcoal is sold in church shops. It is pressed into round briquettes from 1 to 3 cm in diameter. When a coal briquette is set on fire, sparks appear that quickly spread throughout the entire piece, after which the coal begins to smolder. Based on my own experience, I recommend that you light charcoal near an open window. After the sparking stops, place 1/3 teaspoon of herb or herb mixture on the coal. The herbs will begin to emit a fragrant smoke. Know that this is the energy you have stored up that is being released. Your wish is sent to the “cosmic kitchen”, and if you did everything correctly, it will be accepted for fulfillment! When the smoke subsides, add more herbs, and then more. You need to smoke the incense for at least half an hour.

Several recipes for complex incense. Some of these recipes are ancient, taken from magical treatises, and some were compiled by me. If you want, you can experiment - change the proportions a little or come up with your own recipes. Just remember that only those herbs that were listed in this chapter are suitable for attracting money.

Incense “Wealth” No. 1

1 part nutmeg 1 part allspice 1 part cinnamon

Incense “Wealth” No. 2

2 parts resin or pine needles 1 part cinnamon 1 part ginger 3 drops patchouli essential oil

Incense “Wealth” No. 3

1 part spiced cloves 1 part nutmeg 1 part cinnamon 1/2 part mint 1/4 part orange zest

Magic creams

Money creams are prepared on the basis of wax and vegetable fat with essential oils and herbs and are “seasoned” with the energy of your money dreams. Note! All components of the cream must be natural. Wax is sold in stores selling beekeeping products. Some people are allergic to beeswax. It is extremely rare and is possible only with an allergy to pollen. And, nevertheless, before preparing creams, make sure that your body is friendly to this product

Prepare the cream and enjoy

Cut the wax into small pieces so that it can be placed in a measuring jar. Pour a quarter cup of wax into a tea or coffee tin, place the jar in a pan of water and heat over low heat until the wax melts. Add a quarter cup of vegetable oil to the wax and stir with a non-metallic spoon or wooden stick until the wax melts into the oil. Remove the mixture from the heat, let it cool slightly until it begins to thicken, and add essential oils or powdered dry herbs. Stir well. While you are stirring, visualize yourself with money for a few minutes, and then mentally transfer the money “picture” into the mixture - you already know how to do this. Pour the charged substance into a heat-resistant vessel. As soon as it cools down, you can use it. Lock yourself in the bathroom so that no one will disturb you, stand naked in front of the mirror and rub the cream into your skin. Rub your entire body. It will be great if you visualize a little during this enjoyable activity.

Cream recipes

The cream can consist of several herbs and oils, or just one or two. Creams that, in addition to the ability to attract money, have a rejuvenating effect. But it is absolutely not necessary, I repeat, to follow the recipe exactly. Use the herbs and oils that you have on hand, mix them in the proportions you see fit. There are no strict rules here. After all, the main character in the magical process of luring money is you yourself, or rather your thoughts and your internal energy, herbs and oils are your assistants.

Cream "Moon"

3 drops ylang-ylang essential oil 3 drops orange essential oil 2 drops bergamot essential oil 1 drop orange essential oil

Cream "Prosperity"

4 parts rosemary herb 2 parts jasmine petals 1 part verbena 1 part myrtle 1 drop pine or fir essential oil

Cream “Wealth and Beauty”

4 drops patchouli essential oil 3 drops orange essential oil 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

Cream “Aroma of Money”

2 drops bergamot essential oil 2 drops peppermint essential oil 1 drop spicy clove essential oil 1 drop pine or fir essential oil

Choose what you like, what is easier to implement, and call for money for your pleasure.

Based on materials from the book by Yuliana Azarova “The Moon Makes Your Wishes Come True with Money”

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Using aromatic lamps to attract money energy

Incense for attracting money is widely used in aroma lamps that are specially designed for this purpose. With their help, rooms are filled with unique aromas and create the necessary atmosphere, charged with a certain magical energy. Attuned to the energy of well-being, essential oils or mixtures of them are diluted with water, in this case it serves as a conductor. After filling the special recess of the aromatic lamp with the resulting composition, the candle located under the bowl is lit. During the evaporation process, the aroma is released and fills the room.

When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to pay attention to the following details.

  • Since it can be used for different purposes, its design should provide the possibility of convenient, easy cleansing of the energy accumulated during the session. Ideally, it is desirable to have several lamps, each of which will be charged with a certain energy.
  • To ensure that the oil in the lamp does not burn, the distance between the bowl and the container should not be too small. Otherwise, the oil will simply burn and the desired effect will not be achieved.
  • When choosing the material from which the aroma lamp is made, you should listen to your own feelings. Each material also has its own energy and you need to choose exactly the one that is in tune with your energy aura.

Before using incense to attract money using an aroma lamp, it is advisable to ventilate the room from foreign odors and close it. If there is a draft from open doors or windows, the candle may simply go out.

By using incense to attract money, you are charged with additional energy. It really works if you believe in miracles and make every effort to get the desired result. In any case, it's worth a try.

Techniques for using drugs

  1. On banknotes and in a wallet. A banknote of any denomination can be lubricated with a couple of drops of oil. Or put it in your wallet.
  2. In the bath. For a bath, add the oil to a tablespoon of any salt and dissolve under running water. Salt can be replaced with milk or honey.
  3. Soap. Homemade soap with essential oil will help drive away depression and self-doubt, wash away your fears and doubts. But remember the rules: follow the dosage (no more than 7 drops per 100 g of soap base) and protect your mucous membranes from contact with esters.
  4. Aromatization of the room. To aromatize rooms, it is best to use aromatic lamps and incense burners.

Original methods

  • Drop a couple of drops of ether onto a cold, switched-off light bulb - when it warms up, it will spread a wonderful aroma throughout the room.
  • You can soak a cotton pad in the mixture and hide it in your desk drawer or wipe your computer keyboard. If a person often conducts telephone conversations, apply oil to the handset.

IMPORTANT! Visualization plays an important role in the desire to attract wealth. When preparing a mixture for money and luck and applying it to the selected object, be sure to imagine your money dream. Visualize a positive outcome. In this way, you create an energetic connection with money, connect with the egregor of money and free up energy channels for the free flow of wealth energy. Here you can read about how to visualize correctly.

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