How to hang a mirror in your home to attract good luck

Many copies were broken in disputes about where and why a mirror should not be hung. Followers of various teachings about energy claim that there are places in the house where this object begins to act to the detriment of the owners. Folk omens largely coincide with the prohibitions of magicians and Feng Shui gurus. Skeptics, in turn, claim that they have never noticed a negative impact on themselves. But scientists have not yet come to a consensus on this issue - there are many alternative theories that both confirm the supernatural properties of reflective objects and refute their presence.

Signs about the location of mirrors in the house

Many superstitions regarding mirrors are associated with the placement of this item in the home. For example, the teachings of Feng Shui prohibit hanging a mirror in front of the front door or window. Otherwise, it will turn the energy in your home into “distilled water.” As you know, consuming it is harmful, since it washes out all useful microelements from the body. The energy of your home will act on you in a similar way.

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Smooth glass reflects absolutely everything, including the positive energy of the house, transmitting it outward. As a result, your home loses its energetic integrity and ceases to be a “fortress.” You don’t want to return home, and being within your once-native walls brings moral and physical exhaustion.

In the living room

The rules listed above also apply to this room. But still there are some peculiarities:

  1. When a beautiful view awaits us outside the window, of course, the mirror “begs” to be hung opposite this window. In this way we will let beauty into our home. If there is a blank wall in front of the house or a vacant lot is located, it is unlikely that they need to be “invited” into the apartment through a mirror located in front of the window.
  2. In the living room you can place not one reflective surface, but several. It can be either a mirror or glass, or wood polished to a shine. But at the same time, they should not be allowed to reflect on each other. If you neglect this rule, you will end up with a kind of mirror corridor, which has a bad reputation in the world of Feng Shui.
  3. If the mirror in the living room is framed, this will be a good idea - both from an aesthetic and energy point of view.

Next, we’ll talk about how to place a mirror in the bedroom.

How to properly place a mirror in the house?

So, the mirror cannot be placed opposite the front door or windows. In addition, you should not hang it or place it where it can easily break - this is also a very bad omen. Therefore, it is important to take care of the reliability of the fastening. You should not hang a mirror on the inside surface of the bathroom door, otherwise the good Qi energy will “leak” through the drains.

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In principle, there are no other restrictions on the placement of this item in the home. The main thing is that the mirror reflects only objects that are pleasing to the eye. For example, place it on the closet door (from the inside) with your favorite clothes. In this simple way you will only increase the positive.

There is another ancient sign: mirrors cannot be hung opposite each other. They form an energy corridor through which evil spirits can penetrate.

If the mirror hangs opposite the mirror

When a mirror hangs opposite a mirror, they form a so-called mirror corridor. It is believed that through it demons and other otherworldly inhabitants penetrate into our world, in most cases they are unfriendly to people. If a person is energetically weakened - sick, upset about something, tired - he is used as a donor, taking away the remaining energy and leaving him completely “empty”. If others do not intervene, this could even end in suicide.

Mirrors are placed opposite each other only sometimes - for example, during fortune telling. But such rituals are forbidden to be performed alone and for fun.

Knowing why you can’t hang a mirror in one place or another, it’s easy to avoid failures, illnesses, and financial difficulties. If problems start in the family, it’s time to check whether the reflective surfaces in the house are located correctly.

Popular beliefs about the magic of mirrors

There are a number of other beliefs associated with this piece of furniture. We tell you how to properly handle a mirror to avoid trouble:

more on the topic

How to attract money and luck: prayers, talismans, mantras and signs

  1. You cannot show a mirror to a small child - he will lose sleep and will not be able to talk for a long time.
  2. Do not look in the mirror when you eat - you will “eat away” your beauty.
  3. If a child under 4 months old sees his reflection in the mirror, he will certainly develop rickets.
  4. A cracked mirror is a sign of misfortune and misfortune. If it unexpectedly fell and broke, someone in the family will soon die.
  5. The bride should not look in the mirror in full wedding attire, otherwise she will suffer failure in her family life.
  6. If two people of different sexes look in the mirror at the same time, one of them will certainly fall in love with the other.
  7. You can’t look in the mirror unwashed and unkempt more than 2 times. The third time the Evil One will pay attention to you and try to enslave your soul.
  8. It is forbidden to store cracked mirrors at home. Cracks are portals of sorts through which dark entities can enter our world.

Interior design and architecture

The history of the invention of mirrors goes back centuries. For a long time, people have attributed magical properties to their smooth reflective surface. Over time, many signs have accumulated about where and why a mirror should not be hung, because it can cause harm to a person. Conversely, there are some feng shui rules, following which you can place a mirror so that it will bring prosperity and health to all family members in the house.

So, let's find out how you can place a mirror in the interior so that it attracts positive energy into the house and brings well-being to its owner.

A mirror in a luxurious frame can become a real interior decoration

The best places for mirrors

Following the rules of Feng Shui, mirrors can be hung in the following places:

  • The bedroom is not the best place to place a mirror. However, you can hang it in such a way that it does not reflect the reflection of sleeping people, because this may have a negative impact on their health. It is also forbidden for the intimate moments of a married couple’s life to be reflected in the mirror, because this can affect personal relationships and lead to discord.

Mirror in the bedroom

  • The hallway is one of the best places in the house where you should definitely place a mirror. However, it must be placed correctly in interior design. It is through the hallway that positive energy enters the house, and with it the well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, the mirror needs to be hung in such a way that it visually increases the area of ​​the room, but it should not be hung so that the front door is reflected in it. Otherwise, all the positivity entering the apartment from the outside will go into the mirror and dissolve in it without a trace or be reflected and leave the room.

Large mirror in the hallway

  • Kitchen. In the dining room or kitchen, it is best to hang a mirror so that it reflects the dining table where the whole family gathers. This simple rule will help to increase the wealth of home owners many times over. But it is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the kitchen stove under any circumstances, because this will make the housewife more tired during the cooking process.

Mirror in the dining room

  • Bathroom. Two small round mirrors should be hung on the entrance door to the bathroom - one outside and the other inside the bathroom. It is believed that such placement of mirrors can prevent the neutralization of positive Qi energy, which can escape with water into the toilet and bathtub.
  • Living room. In the hall or living room, it is best to place a mirror in such a way that it reflects beautiful decorative elements - paintings, vases with flowers, beautiful figurines or family amulets. In this case, the power of the mirror will double the positive energy of beautiful things and bring prosperity to the house.

Beautiful things should be reflected in the mirror

Mirror shape

Feng Shui experts say that the shape of the mirror does not matter at all. That is, you can use round, oval, rectangular or square mirrors.

Round mirrors not only look harmonious in the interior, but also double the positive energy

There are also mirrors in the shape of a triangle or a drop. Depending on the style of the interior, they can also be used, but it is still better to choose mirrors with slightly rounded edges. If you bought a mirror, but its shape doesn’t suit you in any way, you can decorate the frame yourself using various materials.

You can make a decorative frame for a mirror with your own hands

At the same time, you should refrain from using angular, irregularly shaped mirrors with sharp corners in the form of spikes or a sharp break in lines in interior design. It is believed that this form of mirror can bring an atmosphere of irritation, anger and aggression into the room.

The Bagua mirror, framed by a wide octagonal frame with esoteric trigrams printed on it, has extremely strong positive energy. It is the Bagua mirror that can protect a person’s home from evil spirits and the influence of evil spirits.

The Bagua Mirror has strong energy

However, such a mirror must be hung on the outside of the door in such a way that it does not reflect neighboring doors or windows. Therefore, the Bagua mirror can only be hung on the doors of a detached country house, but it is absolutely not suitable for city apartments located on a standard staircase.

Bagua Mirror

Every apartment or country house must have a large mirror in which all family members can be reflected at full length. This will help increase the health and well-being of each of them.

Full length floor mirror

Rules for handling a mirror

Mirrors have an inexplicable mystical power - people have believed in this statement since ancient times. On this basis, many signs and superstitions arose. Let's consider the most common of them, as well as simple magical rules for handling mirrors.

  • Broken mirror . There is a belief that a broken mirror brings misfortune, illness or can even lead to the death of a person. This belief arose because people considered the reflection in the mirror to be their double. And if the image of the double was broken, the person himself could suffer.

Folk signs warn: a broken mirror is not good!
However, do not despair if you break a mirror. You need to carefully collect all the fragments and then rinse them under running water. This will help wash away all the information about the reflections in it, and there is nothing to fear in the future. Later, you can safely throw away the fragments and forget about this unpleasant incident.

  • Dirty mirror. The surface of mirrors requires constant and careful care. Under no circumstances should it be allowed to become dirty, dust to settle or streaks to form. On the contrary, the mirror should be washed or wiped with a special glass care product as often as possible. A clean mirror brings calm and soft energy into the house, but a dirty and untidy one can bring considerable trouble.

Mirrors should always be clean

Bad places for mirrors

Over many centuries of handling mirrors, people have figured out which places in the room are absolutely not suitable for placing mirrors. The rules of Feng Shui are largely supported by folk signs. So, it is not recommended to hang mirrors in the following places:

  • Entrance door. It is not advisable to hang a mirror directly on the door leaf, and it is strictly not recommended to place it opposite the front door. It is believed that positive energy coming from outside is reflected from the surface of the mirror and immediately goes back without lingering in the house.

It is not recommended to place a mirror opposite the front door

  • Window - mirrors cannot be hung opposite the windows either, because the flow of energy receives a through direction and it leaves, leaving no positivity in the house.

You cannot hang a mirror opposite the windows.

  • Marital bed. Under no circumstances should a mirror be hung opposite the place where a married couple sleeps and rests. We already know that such a seemingly insignificant detail can lead to a breakdown in relationships in a couple, as well as cause serious health problems.

The reflection of sleeping people in the mirror is dangerous to their health

  • Desktop. A mirror can double everything that is reflected in it. Therefore, a mirror placed opposite the table in the office can increase the amount of work, and the person will be more tired.

Mirror opposite the workplace

  • Ugly objects - any ugly, ugly or unkempt things should also not be reflected in the mirror, as this doubles the negative energy.
  • Ceiling - there should also be no mirrors on the surface of the ceiling, no matter how fashionable and relevant it may seem. However, today the demand for mirrored ceilings has already decreased significantly, although previously it seemed to be the pinnacle of design thought.

In a mirrored ceiling, all objects are reflected upside down and fragmented.

  • Mirror – you can’t hang one mirror opposite another. There is an opinion that this creates a magical mirror corridor from which otherworldly entities and evil spirits can easily enter our world. Therefore, mirrors placed in this way will not bring anything good to family members.

Mirror opposite mirror

  • A mosaic made from pieces of mirror or mirror tiles will also not bring anything good. A reflection, broken into many separate pieces, can not have the most favorable effect on the health of family members or all those who see themselves in a “fragmented” form.

Mirror mosaic - beautiful, but dangerous!
And in the end I would like to add that signs come true only for those who sincerely believe in them. And those who do not pay attention to superstitions can place mirrors in the interior at their own discretion, guided by their own taste preferences.

Mirror in the interior

How to protect yourself from negativity?

If you believe in the signs associated with mirrors and do not want to bring trouble to your home, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • take care of the correct placement of mirrors in the house;
  • choose a strong mount;
  • Carefully take care of this decorative element: promptly wipe off dust and make sure that the frame remains in good condition.

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What to do if the mirror is cracked? Simply throwing it in the trash is not enough. Pre-rinse it with clean water to wash away the energy in your home. Better yet, bury the cracked mirror where no one can find it.

In the bedroom

In this room it is especially important to follow the rules of Feng Shui, since here a person is more defenseless - both an adult and a child.

It would be wrong to place the mirror directly opposite the bed. When a person sleeps, energy will be taken from him in this way. Instead of getting a full rest, he will get a headache, fatigue, and irritability.

If the mirror is on the dressing table, you need to make sure that it does not reflect randomly scattered items from your cosmetic bag.

Various mirroring functions

How to place mirrors in an apartment is a secondary question. First you need to determine what function these items will perform in your home. Many people, on a subconscious level, consider mirror surfaces to be peculiar holes in the wall that illusorily expand the space

, resembling doors and windows.

The first function of mirror objects in an apartment is to reflect the appearance of its inhabitants, so that they can appreciate it by looking at themselves from the outside. Young people use this function with pleasure, because without a mirror in the apartment it would be extremely difficult to take a full-length photo of yourself. The second function concerns the relationship of its surface to the water element. This connection is used when choosing the location of mirrors according to Feng Shui

in the apartment.

Opposite the renovated room

In this case, the mirror will remember the reflection of devastation and disorder and in the future, even when the repairs have been completed long ago, will attract them into your life. An accumulation of rubbish, a clutter of objects, construction debris, peeled wallpaper, dust and dirt - this is what will double the mirror, and all unfinished tasks and chaos in general are negatively charged.

Reflecting the “devastation” will lead to the fact that the repairs will drag on indefinitely, the team will miss the deadlines. The negativity will be reflected in the entire apartment as a whole: equipment may break down, and something in other rooms may need to be repaired.

Install floor mirrors

Large vertical mirrors leaning against the wall transform the interior. Ideal for corners and closets, this bold move can set the tone for the entire room. Additionally, you can use a light source behind the mirror, creating soft lighting.

Tall mirrored wardrobes will be a practical solution for the bedroom: on the one hand, they can accommodate many things; on the other hand, they will make the space wider, reflecting the floor and ceiling.


Mirror tour of the rooms of the house

In the hallway you will definitely want to evaluate your appearance, so install a beautiful large mirror

close to the exit from the house. It should be at least half your height in height.

For the kitchen, mirror surfaces do not carry a functional load, so here you can completely do without them. You won't fix your hair or apply makeup while cooking. As an exception, you can create a small reflective area on the wall in the dining area, and other mirror techniques can be used in the kitchen only to increase space.

In the toilet and bathroom, as in rooms related to the water element, mirrored objects will always be appropriate. You need to place mirrors in the apartment so that you like your reflection, but do not bother you. It all depends on the character of the person and his attitude towards himself. It is better to buy special products for the bathroom

, which relate more to the plumbing section than to decor. Such mirrors will resist moisture well due to the protective layer on the glass. Choose models with light green or green on the back, but not with purple on the back.

In the living room and bedroom it is better to do without the effect of space reflection

. If in the bedroom you want to be able to see your reflection in order to perform cosmetic procedures, make sure that the bed is not visible in the mirror. This item has the ability to absorb the energy of a sleeping person.

How to place mirrors in an apartment - according to the teachings of Feng Shui or according to your own feelings - is an individual decision. The main thing is that you feel that when you come to the house, you want to be in it, and that everything is good and safe in the family. Try to do everything to increase this comfort

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Feng Shui mirror - properties

People have long known about the mysterious properties of mirrors. No wonder they are widely used in white and black magic.

mirror magic

In Feng Shui, mirrors play a rather important role. To change something you need to turn to the mirror for help. However, they must be handled very carefully so as not to cause harm (!), since this is a rather strong and serious object that has the ability to make the necessary changes, both in your living space and in your destiny.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror not only reflects, but also attracts and recreates the missing space, and creates the illusion of a large room, and also redistributes the flow of Qi. For a mirror to be beneficial and double your luck, it must be in the right place.

Opposite the desktop

In a small apartment, the desk can be located anywhere, but if there is a mirror opposite it, then we will work more and get less. This is explained by the fact that the properties of things reflected in the mirror are doubled. As a result, the piles of papers on your desk will double and the number of unsolved cases will increase. Moreover, the increase in work volume is directly related to the size of the mirror: the larger it is, the more loaded the person will be.

If the recommendations are not followed, delays at work, difficulties, criticism from superiors and deprivation of money are also possible.

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