How to draw the Soulu rune correctly - on the body or wall

The Sol rune in Russian has several spelling and pronunciation options - Sol, Sol, Soul, Soulu, Sovilo. However, it has one meaning - “Sun”. The sign represents power, determination, success and steadfastness of spirit. With the help of the Salt rune, a person is able to emerge victorious from any situation.

The Soulu rune got its name in honor of the sun.

How the Soulu rune protects

The protection of the Sun symbol is manifested in the following aspects:

  • healing of soul and body;
  • connection with a person’s personal “I”;
  • strengthening mental and physical health;
  • correct spiritual filling;
  • protection from external influences of dark magical attacks.

In addition, Sol is able to lead a person out of the uncertainty and chaos of his internal state.

When upright, Salt symbolizes luck, power and triumph.

How to correctly use a symbol in magic?

The magical use of Soulu is inextricably linked with its attribution as a rune of integrity, power and triumph. It is believed that she is able to show the way to solving the most difficult problems and helps find a way out of situations of uncertainty and chaos.

The rune enhances positive energy, allows you to find out and correctly evaluate the future result of a particular initiative. At the energetic level, it regulates the functioning of the chakras and promotes spiritual and physical strengthening.

The use of Soulu in rituals promotes the accumulation of mental energy. This allows you to increase the magical potential of the one who works with runes and has a beneficial effect on his general physical condition.

In esoteric practices, Soulu is often used to:

  • understand your purpose;
  • increase your own energy level;
  • develop leadership qualities;
  • exert the necessary influence on other people;
  • achieve absolute success in all endeavors.

As a warning sign, the rune does not advise showing excessive self-confidence, highlighting one’s own personality and problems to the detriment of others.

Interpretation of the Soulu rune

The meaning of the Soulu rune in layouts directly depends on the position of the symbol. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to identify the difference in the two states.


When placed correctly, Salt represents success, strength and triumph of a person in any area of ​​his life. The person who gets this sign is a leader in life and will not give up his position in the future.

That is why Adolf Hitler chose this rune as the main symbol of his SS army. If you look closely at the Nazi uniform, you will notice two Soulu marks on the collars of the uniform.

The shape of the runic sign is such that there is only an upright position

Upside down

If the symbol is turned over, then the external image of the Sowilo rune will not change.

However, if mirrored incorrectly, it will indicate a missed chance that cannot be returned. Achieving your goal will now be much more difficult, so you shouldn’t waste even more time. You need to make your dreams come true without wasting precious seconds.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: SOI, SOULU, SOWELO Sun, or SIGEL sail (cf. Segel, saylor). Sun (Gothic), Sun (English), Sun (Norwegian), Sun (Icelandic);
  • Soulu Action: Leading;
  • Astrological archetype: Leo and Sun;
  • Character: magnetic rune;
  • Essence: irreversible rune;
  • World of the Yggdrasil Tree: Asgard.

Soulu rune images

  • Companions follow the party leader;
  • Victory comes to the champion;
  • Men are attracted to a beautiful girl;
  • Fraudsters are attracted to simpletons;
  • For subordinates, the director serves as an authority;
  • The worldview of the future is formed by an innovative scientist;
  • Moths are attracted to the lamp;
  • Iron filings are attracted to a magnet;
  • Adventurers are drawn to the tomb;
  • The branches line up around the tree trunk;
  • The city is built around the town hall;
  • The concrete sets around the reinforcement;
  • Caravans are drawn to the well;
  • The planets revolve around the sun;
  • The audience is attracted to the film;
  • Measuring instruments are adjusted to the standard;
  • The ships are “guided” by a lighthouse.

The meaning of the Soulu rune in layouts

In general, in layouts for love, work or health, the Sovilo rune has only positive meaning. But you should always keep in mind that when achieving unprecedented heights, you must not forget about the people around you.

What does the Soulu rune mean in fortune telling for work and business?

In business and career in general, the symbol is interpreted as power. This means that nothing will stop a person from achieving success and financial well-being, even if he has to “go over his head.”

Any matter at work will be resolved quickly and with the most advantageous options.

Salt especially strongly patronizes workaholics who spend more time at work than at home.

In love, Sol indicates a self-centered person

What does the Soulu rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

In a love layout, the Sun rune symbolizes a self-centered nature that thinks more about itself than its partner. All his emotions and feelings are focused only on himself.

People say about such people that they “allow themselves to be loved.” In family and friendly relationships, a person also puts himself above others.

What does the Soulu rune mean when divining health?

The meaning of the Soulu symbol in health layouts is positive. It symbolizes a strong and well-developed physical form, as well as an unshakable and persistent mental state.

If before the fortune-telling a person was sick with something, then the fallen rune of Soulu’s day predicts a speedy recovery and improvement in well-being.

Amulets and talismans

Soulu runes are used as amulets and talismans. Various formulas are applied to the plate and worn as a pendant. You can also use a drawn image of the sign on paper.

Magicians say that the owner of the amulet will become a successful, happy person. He will not experience any health problems. Creative abilities and hidden talents will develop. For women, wearing an amulet guarantees success with the opposite sex.

Application of the Soulu rune in magical practice

The Solo rune is widely used in magic. It has long been used to create pentagrams. The use of the symbol in performing magical rituals, creating amulets, and getting Sol’s image as a tattoo is widely known.

All these methods help a person create comfort in his soul and quickly resolve all pressing problems.

Amulet with the Soulu rune

Amulets with runes are the most popular and simple type of amulet. They are made in order to attract success and good luck, as well as protect oneself from the evil eye and damage.

Talismans must be carried with you at all times: around your neck, in your pocket or bag.

The amulet must be made from natural materials:

  • wood;
  • noble metals:
  • linen or cotton thread;
  • genuine leather;
  • stones

Draw or cut out the image of Soul in the center of the workpiece. The sign must occupy more than ¾ of the total surface area of ​​the amulet.

It is not forbidden to get a symbol as a tattoo, as it has a positive effect on energy

Rune tattoo

The Sol symbol is often tattooed, which is not at all prohibited. The sign carries a positive attitude and acts as a shield on human energy. The lightning rune tattoo Sol personifies a purposeful, strong person, confident in his abilities.

However, it should be understood that for ordinary people in the post-Soviet space, this runic symbol has too strong associations, which can lead to everyday conflicts.

Living runes Soulo

Living the Soulo rune is a time of joys and victories. During this period, we understand that we ourselves are the Sun. Armed with faith, we are capable of any victory.

Soulu is an energetically saturated rune. It helps us ignite our inner potential. You should not use this rune in double form or wear it on yourself for too long, because this way you risk completely burning out.

This rune helps you clearly see your goals and solutions. With Soulo you see where to go and get the energy to do it. During your stay, you will glow and attract people with your light.

As with the previous runes, be more attentive to events, thoughts, words. Throughout the day, mentally return to your post-meditation state to maintain your connection with the rune. Don’t forget to record your observations in your diary of runic living, because over time (or as you fill out the pages) the recorded experience will show you something that may not be immediately noticeable.

After a week, thank the Soul rune and release it, erasing it from your wrist. After 1-2 days, you can start living the next rune - Teyvaz.

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Rune advice and warning

Sol advises to be more courageous in some situations, but not to harm other people with your actions. To make your dreams come true, you need to start taking action.

Runa Sol warns that you need to be more attentive to the feelings of others. It is worth paying attention to the problems of friends and relatives, and, if necessary, being able to sympathize and offer your help. You should not ignore the misfortunes and troubles of loved ones, otherwise no one will help a person in a difficult life situation.

Interpretation and decoding in fortune telling

The mantic interpretation is responsible for excellent health, self-confidence and clarity of thinking. Displays medical intervention, energy flow, optimistic mood, creative inspiration, popularity, fame. But in an inverted position we see ego, pride, a hold on power and selfish urges.

Rune situation:

Rune Soul gives an incredibly strong energy reserve of the Supreme Spirit, which allows you to manifest the Higher Will through thoughts and actions. The time has come to cope with the disease, achieve amazing results, and realize bold ideas and desires. You have every chance to become happy.

Potential Opportunities:

The rune gives the opportunity to realize in reality the most secret dreams to which the heart leads. All doors are opening and the world is inundating with opportunities. If you are developing spiritually, then this is a moment of enlightenment. Business people will be able to become leaders and become authoritative in their field.


You gain enormous power, which allows you to pump up your best sides. Just through charisma alone, you will be able to persuade a huge number of people to your point of view and lead you. But there is a risk of submitting to pride and immersing yourself in narcissism or your own problems. Soul will not help you forever, so do not give in to illusions and remember that you will have to part with the gifts you receive.


Using the power of the rune, always remember about others and their well-being. You still bear some responsibility for this.

Fortune telling “When will I meet my loved one?”

We believe that one day Cupid will shoot his arrow at us and allow us to meet our soulmate. But no one knows when this will happen, which is why we feel lost and alone. But ancient magic will allow you to gain self-confidence and answer your question.

Questions for meditation on the Soulu rune

Before you start meditating, you need to prepare:

  • Take your mind off bad and negative thoughts, tune in to positivity and peace.
  • Choose a secluded place. This could be a separate room, or the edge of a forest or the backyard of a private house.
  • If meditation is carried out in the dark, you need to light a candle. It is strictly prohibited to illuminate the space with electric light.

Meditation on Soul should be done in absolute silence and peace.
During meditation on Soul, a person should ask himself the following questions:

  • Will I be able to achieve success at work and in my personal life?
  • Will I be able to get along with others?
  • In what ways is it possible to resolve conflict situations in a team?
  • Will I be able to tune into the Sol rune and receive strength and energy from it?

If you do not take a serious approach to meditation, activation and connection with Soulu will not be established. In this case, the symbol itself will give a weak response and will not help in resolving everyday problems.

Problems caused by the rune

If you get the Soul rune in the layout, then you are prohibited from postponing a decisive step. That is, they are already telling you directly that the time has come to fight and move forward. You put everything on the line and as a reward you will receive fullness of life, integrity and unity of being. Don’t try to hold on to the past and be nostalgic, otherwise you will deprive yourself of your main weapon.

Don't forget that Soul is filled with willpower, and you must act to achieve new achievements. Be yourself and follow where the Spirit leads you. Moreover, all your actions must be meaningful and express an inner impulse. Fuel your movements with willpower. Fewer words, but more actions, decision-making, concrete actions. All doubts and fears must remain in the past.

It is extremely important to accept and love the Soul rune. Don't forget that it is what allows a person to bring out the best in him. It frees you from negative emotions and cuts through a bunch of complexes. You turn into fast-paced action and the implementation of amazing ideas. It will take you to previously unknown heights.

Combination with other runes

The combination of Soulu with other runic symbols has the following meanings:

  • with Inguz - rapid development of love relationships;
  • from Berkana - a handsome stranger passionately wants to meet you and invite you on a romantic date;
  • with Odal - the future marriage will be very strong and happy, the partners will live their lives in mutual understanding and love;
  • with Mannaz - others perceive the person as sensitive, responsible and hardworking;
  • with Isa - soon the most important matter in life will move from a “dead point”;
  • from Perth - a new deal at work will bring a large amount of money;
  • with Hagalaz - with a change in temperature outside, a person can get sick;
  • with Raido - eliminates uncertainty, helps to achieve great success in all areas of life;
  • with Uruz - promises longevity and good health.

If the Salt rune appears in combination with Thurisaz, then you should expect a sharp deterioration in health. The legs and left side of the body will be especially vulnerable.

Soulu is the most “selfish” rune of the Scandinavian Futhark

The sun symbol Soul is perhaps the most “selfish” of the entire Scandinavian series. However, this gives a huge advantage, since the symbol gives a person enormous protection from the influence of negativity from the outside. Saul is focused on ensuring that the subject receives all the necessary energy and strength so that he can maintain his physical and mental health in the best possible way.

Interpretation in questions about love

In the sphere of relationships, the Soulu rune symbolizes sincere and vivid feelings that captured the hearts of two people. However, if the rune did not fall on a general question about the couple, but is associated with one of the partners, this may mean that the lover is selfish. The desire to be loved and not give love in return. But here the result of fortune telling through neighboring runes should be clarified:

  • Odal - the partner is convinced that he deserves such love and nothing is required of him, we need to talk about it. But most likely, one conversation will not be enough and the way to combat this will be difficult.
  • Hagalaz is a certain selfishness in the character of the beloved, and therefore it will not be possible to fight it.
  • Turisaz - a partner may well learn to give love, and not just receive, but help and patience will be required.
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