A talisman to repel negative energy: what is a Bagua mirror and where should it be hung?

Since ancient times, people in the East have used various talismans and amulets to protect their home, family and health. For this purpose, an eastern philosophical doctrine called feng shui was developed, which explains all events occurring in a person’s life from the point of view of the influence of the energy of natural elements and surrounding objects. According to this teaching, the Bagua mirror is considered one of the effective talismans that can repel negative energy.

What is a Bagua mirror?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such a mirror is the most powerful tool against Sha energy, which is unfavorable and destructive energy, such as sharp corners, highways and other potentially dangerous surrounding objects.

It reflects the influence of such objects on the house, repelling their energy or even enhancing its effect. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the direction of the mirror energy and the object at which it is directed. What is a Bagua mirror?

Bagua Mirror

At its core, it is an octagonal frame that contains various hieroglyphs arranged in a certain order. Hieroglyphs symbolize natural elements (fire, air, earth, water), family well-being and other aspects of life that are important to humans.

The frame is divided into 9 equal sectors, each of which symbolizes the cardinal directions and parts of human life. In the central part of the octagon there is a mirror, which has the most powerful energy, capable of driving away evil spirits and maintaining the health of its owner. This mirror can also be used as a compass.

The octagonal mirror acts positively and enhances its abilities only if it is placed correctly. Accumulating negative energy, this item can cause irreparable harm if used incorrectly.

When purchasing an octagonal mirror, it is important to clearly know the purpose of the purchase, as its powerful strength will become a strong tool in achieving it.

The connection between the energies of Sha and Qi and their influence on the Bagua mirror

According to the laws of Feng Shui, all the features of the interior, landscape and architecture in the surrounding space can have both a beneficial and unfavorable effect on our home. Favorable nuances need to be increased, left as they are or strengthened. You should try to avoid unpleasant ones, and if that doesn’t work, learn to neutralize them. Favorable elements are carriers of positive Qi energy. It is produced by such qualities of things as order, comfort, cleanliness, harmony, beautiful interior, smooth lines.

But there is also unfavorable Sha energy, which arises where the above qualities are absent, and completely opposite ones are visible. In other words, Sha energy is present where there is a violation of harmony. Straight lines, corners, and angular shapes are often such offenders.

They form what are called Sha arrows, which is the official term in Feng Shui.

Sha arrows have a destructive effect. They are born in those places where a straight road facing the door (front door or window) is directed towards the home, or an angle from a neighboring building is facing. Sha energy flows through this line or road. Spirits walk on a straight path: this is what is commonly believed in Eastern culture. To neutralize the negative influence of Sha, you can give the road a somewhat winding direction rather than a straight line. Or direct the road not directly to the central entrance, but parallel to it, or curve it around the door.

You can install a fence in front of the door. Protection from the side of the window, which is facing the corner of the neighboring house, will be a potted indoor plant. But at the same time, the window should not face the side that contradicts the elements of Earth. A mirror is used as a means of protection from Sha energy even in the most extreme cases, when other methods are ineffective or simply impossible.


There are several types of Bagua mirror:

  • direct;
  • concave;
  • convex.

Direct is a rebuff to negative energy and prevents it from entering a person’s home. It is considered neutral in its impact and can return any energy, both positive and negative, back into space. Concave deprives the power of negative spirits that may enter the house. It absorbs negative energy and dispels it.

The convex one has the greatest power, as it can completely deprive the power of an evil spirit trying to penetrate the home and neutralize it. Such a mirror can absorb all the negative energy, and with the help of trigrams (parts of an octagon) prevent it from coming back out.

Feng Shui recommends using concave Bagua mirrors as they have minimal impact on the outside world. If harm is done to a person's environment, it can affect his karma and take away his luck in the near future.

Types of bagua mirrors

The Bagua mirror talisman is a small octagonal object. This is a kind of frame made of wood or plastic, in the center of which a mirror sheet is inserted. On the margins of the frame there are magical trigrams, each of which has a sacred meaning. Apart from trigrams, no extraneous signs should be depicted on the talisman. In esoteric shops and shops you can often see souvenirs, the fields of which are decorated with hieroglyphs, all kinds of ornaments and other symbols. Such mirrors are not suitable for magical purposes.

The surface of the mirror inserted into the frame is of great importance. It carries the main protective force. In many cultures, it is believed that a mirror provides an opportunity to look into the other world or a parallel reality. Feng Shui followers believe that, when enclosed in a magical octagon, the mirror surface is capable of reflecting the Sha energy accumulating around it.

The convex surface has the greatest force. It collects all the negative energy of the surrounding space and reflects it outward. This is the most powerful talisman, but it can also bring great harm.

He multiplies all the resulting negativity many times and splashes it out. If a house or premises where people live is located opposite such a talisman, their well-being is at risk.

If the surface is curved inward, then its concave part absorbs the negative and holds it inside itself. Such a talisman is safe for both the owner and others. The third option is a smooth mirror surface. It has the least power and is considered neutral.

How to use it correctly?

Any mistake by the owner in using the mirror can bring him trouble. But the mirror cannot make out the energy that goes to it. Therefore, certain rules for its use and proper placement should be followed.

You cannot use the talisman as an ordinary mirror and look into it. This can have a bad effect on the owner of the item and take away his energy.

Often people do not understand the meaning of this item and use it for other purposes, which has an extremely negative impact on their family, health and mental balance. We must remember that the Bagua mirror is used exclusively to reflect negative energy.

It is believed that the power of the talisman lies not only in its octagonal shape, but also in the trigrams arranged in a circle and the mirror itself. It must be used to protect against harmful energy.

Power lines, pipes, war monuments, intersections and busy roads - all of this can carry negative energy or simply cause negative emotions in the owner of the mirror. In this case, a Bagua mirror can become a protective tool.

The main condition when using this item is its correct location. By observing this condition, you can be sure that troubles and misfortunes will bypass the home of the owner of the talisman, and the residents of this home will be provided with a restful sleep and positive energy.

It should be remembered that this particular talisman is the most powerful in terms of its impact, so it should be used only as a last resort, when other options are impossible.

Tips for its use, according to the rules of Feng Shui

The basic rule for using a talisman is a strict ban on placing it indoors. It is appropriate to hang a mirror outside the house; it is fixed above the front door or window. The object should be positioned so that it cannot reflect residents and guests of the house standing on the threshold. The same applies to placement above a window. It is important to consider that the talisman does not carry magical power without trigrams located around it. Only the combination of a mirror surface and sacred symbols provides protection.

How to hang a Bagua mirror correctly?

Where to hang a Bagua mirror? There are some rules about this. One of the most important conditions is to never hang this item inside your home or office. As soon as this happens, all residents of the house or office employees will begin to confront each other, that is, instead of directing energy in a positive direction, this object will become a source of trouble.

The basic rule for choosing the location of the mascot is that it should only be located outside the room. This is due to its ability to absorb and distribute any energy.

The mirror should not reflect someone else's house, doorway or any part of the building, as this will cause trouble. The best place for it is outside the house or office, for example outside the window, where there is a main road, a garbage dump or even a cemetery.

The talisman should not be aimed at the doors of neighboring houses. It is in this case that it will become a kind of obstacle to the penetration of negative energy into the house. To get the most out of your talisman, you need to figure out how to hang it correctly.

First of all, you need to take a talisman and “overlay” it on the house plan, that is, determine which part of the octagon corresponds to one or another part of your home, and, consequently, part of life.

For example, one of the parts will face the bedroom, respectively, it will mean marriage, relationships and family. For example, in the wealth sector you can place a piggy bank. The central part of the talisman symbolizes harmony and health.

However, it cannot be distinguished from the background of other parts, as this may disrupt the overall harmony and health of the owner of the talisman.

It is important to be guided by personal motives, and not generally accepted stereotypes. The correct placement of a mirror is very effective for improving your life and will soon be reflected in positive changes.

Ba mirror options

Mirrors can be of different shapes

The central part of the Bagua mirror can be different.

The purpose of the concave mirror is to absorb negative Sha energy. Such bad energy dissipates and loses its power. It is better to give preference to the concave surfaces of Ba, so as not to cause adverse consequences for yourself in the future in your personal life.

The optical property of a convex center, in which the bend is directed outward, is its reflective ability against harmful energy. The convex Bagua mirror receives its flows onto itself, dissipating it in space, leaving negative energy without power.

Another property of such a convex mirror surface is to concentrate all the negativity in the center and, with the help of trigrams, prevent it from returning back to the outside.

The flat center of Ba is considered neutral in its effect. It is capable of reflecting and returning back into space or an object any type of energy flow, both negative and positive. Source: tutfengshui.ru

How to do it yourself?

The structure of this object is very complex, and the component parts must be of a certain size and configuration, so understanding its construction is very difficult for a person.
It should also be noted that it seems impossible to make such a mirror with your own hands, because for this you need to have knowledge of the rules of Feng Shui and study Chinese characters.

Making such a talisman can be dangerous for the person creating it. Making a talisman based on a sample is also not recommended.

The slightest mistake in writing or combining hieroglyphs can turn the energy of the talisman negative, which will lead to inevitable consequences. It is better to purchase this item in a trusted store or bring it from eastern countries, after consulting with experts in hieroglyphs and the science of feng shui.

Safety precautions when using Bagua

Unlike many other amulets, Bagua is not as safe as we would like. There are actions that under no circumstances should be done with this talisman. For example, you cannot look into it as if you were looking into a mirror; it is believed that even an accidental reflection in its mirror surface can be harmful. In the East they believe that this object can steal the soul of someone whose physical body is reflected in a mirror framed by an octagon.

The amulet is never hung inside a house or apartment. It is appropriate to place it outside the house when opposite there are garbage containers, a vacant lot, power lines, a fast river, destroyed buildings or other non-residential objects with negative energy. It is necessary to place an object on the outside of the wall of a house with great care when there are other residential buildings opposite.

Feng Shui teachings say that mirrors help reflect negative energy, and it is recommended to hang them in such a way as to reduce the negative influence of sharp corners of nearby structures. But this only applies to simple mirrors.

The Bagua talisman should not be positioned in such a way that it reflects negative energy towards other residential buildings or apartments. This can bring trouble to the people living there, and, according to the law of karma, after a while the negative will return to the owner of the talisman.

You need to use the Bagua mirror in such a way as not to harm yourself or others, only then can it bring health and well-being to the life of its owner. Source: pofenshuyu.com

How to throw away this item correctly?

Contrary to all superstitions, a cracked or broken mirror does not promise absolutely no troubles or misfortunes. According to Feng Shui, this means that the glass has absorbed the maximum amount of negative currents and requires urgent replacement to maintain harmony and well-being in the home.

Before throwing away the mirror, be sure to collect all the fragments and rinse them thoroughly with cold running water. It is important not to be reflected in the broken pieces, so as not to leave a piece of your soul there. After this, the remains of the mirror are wrapped in thick cloth and thrown away without any fear .

Since mirrors represent a link between the material and spiritual world and act as a conductor of energies, it is extremely important to place them in the home as required by the teachings of Feng Shui. Compliance with the basic rules and recommendations will allow you to fill your home with only positive energy and harmony, giving all residents health, well-being and success!

History of Feng Shui talismans.

The vast majority of items that are somehow associated with Feng Shui are Feng Shui-themed businesses. This is a very good business in terms of making money.

Feng Shui Gift Shop

This profitable type of business originated in Hong Kong. About 30-35 years ago, Derek Walters observed the emergence of this business in Hong Kong: once upon a time, an enterprising seller in a souvenir shop wrote two “feng shui” hieroglyphs on some of his goods. These products began to sell faster. Everyone in Hong Kong knows about Feng Shui, but they also know that it is a very mysterious science, and suddenly getting something from this science for almost a penny is very attractive to people. These goods began to be bought very well, and the enterprising seller began to specially order the production of goods with “Feng Shui” hieroglyphs. This led to his prosperity.

Naturally, many sellers began to adopt his experience, and very quickly it spread throughout Hong Kong, and then throughout China.

However, there is a really working Feng Shui tool - the Bagua mirror.


Feng Shui placement rules

According to the Bagua classification, a mirror with a concave surface with the Yin (Celestial) inscription of trigrams is hung only on the external sides of the house, windows, doors. There is a certain danger in such placement: the mirror should not be allowed to reflect the neighbors' windows or door. Even if you really don’t like your neighbors and want to “teach them a lesson,” you shouldn’t rush with sudden movements - everything will return, according to the “boomerang law” and hit with triple force the one who decided to take a destructive action. If you have an irresistible desire, it is better to get by with a mirror with a flat surface.

The Yang (After-Heaven) Bagua mirror can be hung in the house if no other ways to attract positive energy work. Such situations almost never happen, because the art of organizing space, Feng Shui, has hundreds of tools, except Bagua. In the specialist’s arsenal there are combinations of materials that neutralize any negative manifestations, can redirect the flow of energies or transform them into positive ones.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the Bagua mirror is a powerful tool that must be used with great care, so experts do not recommend placing it in residential spaces. There are a lot of ways to improve energy without bringing in the “heavy artillery” of Bagua, which, with the slightest change in the angle of inclination of the surface, will immediately change the positive effect to a negative one.


Feng Shui experts, when placing objects in the house, always warn their clients that they should never look into the Bagua mirror. This leads to negative consequences for a person - energy flows into the mirror, dissipates, and then it takes a long time to restore it. And if the surface is not smooth, then you can even invite illness, a major quarrel and other troubles.

You shouldn’t make a spontaneous decision and buy the first Bagua mirror you come across. Photos of various versions of the amulet are present in most catalogs of stores with oriental goods. This way you can look at the symbolism in detail, estimate the size and understand which option will suit your home.

Feng Shui taboo: prohibition of using old mirrors

If you want to increase your family budget, expel negative energy from your home that affects the well-being of your children and your relationship with your lover, then remember the basic rule of Feng Shui: mirrors must be new

and have no sharp corners.
These are powerful accumulators of negative and positive aura, they can tell about the life of previous owners, influence the surrounding atmosphere, cool the warmth of the home and mercilessly eliminate the cozy atmosphere in the house. Therefore, you should not decorate your apartment with antiques in the form of vintage mirrors.
WESTWING recommends an alternative way to decorate an interior in vintage or empire style: decorate mirror surfaces yourself, artificially creating the effect of antiquity

and the patina of time. You can choose an antique frame or baguette made of precious metal for your new mirror. But under no circumstances should you decorate your home with rare decorative items, even if they are a family heirloom. Otherwise, there is a high probability of repeating the fate of the previous owners.

If you accidentally break a mirror, you need to carefully collect the fragments, trying not to look at the reflection of your image in them. Then wipe them with a damp sponge, wrap them in cloth and dispose of them. Also, both dishes and mirrors fight for happiness. Therefore, you should not be upset if your favorite piece of interior decor suddenly becomes unsuitable for further use. In the WESTWING catalog you can easily find a worthy replacement that can fully eliminate the grief of losing a broken mirror sheet.

Fancy shapes, original design, chic frames, elegant stands

, bright lighting - all these are unique features of the model range of mirrors presented in our catalog. At any time you can clearly see all kinds of options for floor, wall, table mirrors, among which it is easy to find the ideal model for a specific room interior.

Types of mascot

There are two types of Bagua:

  • The “Celestial Bagua” mirror is a symbol of the ideal world that existed before the creation of the Universe. The trigrams on his wings refer to Yin energy. It is a powerful amulet that is hung on the outside of the house (windows, doors); it is believed that the amulet is capable of reflecting the negative energy of Sha.
  • “After-Heavenly Bagua” - has a yang nature of the arrangement of symbols. It is used inside the house to furnish a home, office and any room.

The differences between the two types of talisman are not in the outline of the symbols, but in their placement. In the Yin script, the trigrams “kun” and “qian” are located in the southeast. The Insk placement of trigrams is north-west. The trigram “kun” denotes the place of the mistress of the hearth, and “qian” denotes the place of the owner of the house.

Unfavorable places

The incorrect location of mirror surfaces in the home can not only disrupt the energy balance and harmony, but also lead to more serious consequences in the form of poor health, financial instability and deterioration of family relationships.

Often people do not even realize that most of their problems are related precisely to the incorrect placement of mirror surfaces in the house. And no matter how hard they try, they will not be resolved until the mirror takes the most optimal place.

Having discovered that it is in the forbidden zone, you should immediately rehang it, after wiping it well.

Across from the window

Since windows are another “entrance” for positive Qi energy into the house , mirrors cannot be placed opposite them. The reason for this is the “reincarnation” of the mirror surface into an obstacle that reflects Qi outward, preventing it from entering the home. While the negative attracts as if with a magnet, intensively spreading throughout all other rooms.

Almost all surfaces in the house that can reflect something have similar properties.

Feng Shui recommends minimizing the use of such interior elements or carefully monitoring their placement and what they “mirror.”

On the toilet door

As you know, it is permissible to place a mirror on the toilet door, but only if it is small and does not reflect the toilet. In other cases (in particular, when the reflective surface is located opposite the toilet), all the positive energy will go straight into the sewer, taking with it well-being and prosperity. But all the “negativity” will come out.

Facing another mirror surface

An endless mirror corridor, created by reflecting one surface in another, is the most powerful “devourer” of positive energy, leaving not a drop of it in the house. Moreover, such “formations” in a home can cause panic attacks, depression and other mental disorders in its inhabitants. That is why it is strictly unacceptable to place even small sections of mirrors opposite each other .

Opposite the bed

The mirror surface in which a sleeping person is reflected is a powerful conductor of various energies, against which he is defenseless. Therefore, you should not risk violating the mystery of sleep with any energetic influence. Moreover, if a mirror reflects a married couple, it acts as a “third party” in their relationship, causing betrayal, quarrels, discord and can lead to separation, no matter how strong the marriage is.

If it is impossible to remove the reflective surface from the sleeping area, it is worth covering it with a thick cloth at night, covering the entire area.

In front of the front door

Mirror surfaces opposite the front door prevent positive Qi from entering the home. When she encounters an obstacle, she bounces off it and instantly leaves the house. While the unnecessary Sha freely penetrates inside, spreading throughout all the rooms and filling the space.

Mirror as a hub

In addition to the differences in the symbolism of the trigrams, the amulets differ in the central part of the Bagua symbol:

  • Mirror with a flat surface.
  • With a concave surface.
  • Convex surface.

Its influence on the life of a particular person and on the space in which he will live depends on what optical effect the talisman will give.

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