The kitchen is a source of wealth according to Feng Shui: what should be in the kitchen to attract abundance

Useful tips

The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the house.

Moreover, there is an opinion that it is she who is the heart of the house

, and therefore it needs to be arranged so that it attracts positive Feng Shui. It is believed that the health of the family and its wealth are directly affected by the state of energy in the kitchen.

All details of the kitchen, including design, kitchen utensils, furniture, layout and shape can contribute to the creation of good or bad energy in the home, improving or detracting from physical and emotional well-being, financial prosperity and an atmosphere of harmony in the home.

The kitchen contains all the elements of Feng Shui, including wood, water, metal, fire and earth. Therefore, it requires little to no balancing, and you only need to slightly adjust the basic elements.

Feng Shui experts believe that the kitchen corresponds to the element of fire, which ignites energy that activates well-being in the home.

Here's what you need to consider first when arranging your kitchen.

Feng Shui kitchen rules

Position the stove correctly

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Your stove, as well as your oven, represents fire and therefore conflicts with any elements that symbolize water. Do not place the stove directly opposite or close to the toilet door, sink or dishwasher.

By ignoring this rule, you risk creating an atmosphere of quarrels and tension between the inhabitants of the house in the house, as well as incurring infertility and other health problems.

In addition to the elements of water, the stove should not be directly opposite or adjacent to the refrigerator, since cold also conflicts with the element of fire.

Do not place the stove on the kitchen island

The stove needs support in the form of a wall, and although kitchen islands (the work area in the center of the kitchen) look quite advantageous, you should not build a stove there.

Feng Shui experts believe that physical support in the form of a wall creates emotional support in the house, and without a wall you may be left without protection from patrons and superiors at work.

3. Hang a mirror opposite the stove

It is better to position the mirror towards the stove so that the burners are reflected in the mirror. This helps create positive energy and increases wealth. However, you need to ensure that the mirror always remains clean, free from dirt, stains and scratches.

If you don't want to hang a mirror, you can increase this energy by hanging a metal music pendant above the stove.

Metal complements the element of fire at the stove and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.

4. Use yellow

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According to Feng Shui, yellow represents both the elements of earth and fire, depending on the intensity of the color.

Soft pastel shades

symbolize earth, while bright and
rich yellow hues
represent the element of fire. Yellow is considered a nutritious color, it stimulates digestion and mental functions.

You can choose a shade of yellow depending on the situation. So, if apartment residents are focused on growth and increasing wealth, choose more intense shades. But remember that an abundance of yellow can lead to an excess of energy, which can manifest itself in the form of feelings of anxiety and frequent quarrels.

Bring life to the kitchen

French actress Sarah Bernhardt once said that “Life begets life, and energy begets energy.”

Try to introduce life in any form into the kitchen. This could be fresh fruit in plain sight, a plant in a pot, or even a vegetable garden on the windowsill.

, where you can grow your own greens. Bet on basil, sage and cilantro.

6. Use round plates

In Feng Shui, a round shape creates the most harmonious flow of energy

, which is necessary for sharing meals with loved ones. Round plates also promote open communication between all family members in the home.

This does not mean that square shaped plates are bad or unsuitable. For example, if there is a hyperactive child in the family, then it will be useful to use square plates that slow down the energy and ground the person.

7. Choose a round dining table

A round dining table is preferable to a square or rectangular table.

If you have a square or rectangular table, make sure that each family member has their own place at the table. There is no need to sit on the corners of the table, since the corners represent “poisonous arrows” that direct negative energy to those who are in their path.

Here are some more tips to help you properly arrange your kitchen:

Electronics in the kitchen

Feng Shui believes that electrical appliances have a stimulating effect on the areas where they operate. You can take advantage of this by arranging the devices correctly.

When arranging appliances, it is important to avoid conflicting elements; for example, a microwave oven should not hang above the stove.

All equipment used in the kitchen must be in working order and ready for use. Only what is used most often should be on hand. It is better to put devices that are rarely used in a closet.

Feng Shui kitchen location

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  • Ideal kitchen position - on the south or east side

    houses or apartments. It is also quite acceptable if the kitchen is located in the north, northeast and southeast. The southeast location of the kitchen is good according to Feng Shui, as it represents the element of wood, which is a source of positive energy.

  • It is better to separate the kitchen from the eating area. Also, it should not be adjacent to the toilet.
  • The location of the kitchen in the center of the house or apartment is considered not very favorable.
  • The kitchen should not be located directly opposite the front door, stairs or bathroom, as this can worsen the health of household members and provoke quarrels and failures. If the kitchen is visible from the main entrance of the house, place a screen or curtain made of green crystals.
  • It is better to keep kitchen doors closed. Also make sure that kitchen doors open easily to ensure a smooth flow of energy.

Is it possible to put an aquarium in the kitchen?

In principle, according to the rules of Feng Shui, an aquarium in the house is good, you just need to know where to place it so that the water cannot harm the well-being and health of the family. Experts believe that an aquarium in the kitchen will do more harm than good.

This comes from the fact that according to Feng Shui (photo), the kitchen is a symbol of fire, and therefore can come into conflict with water, which will lead to financial problems. For the same reasons, it cannot be placed opposite the kitchen.

The wisdom and rules of Feng Shui in the kitchen allow you to use all the advantages of your home to achieve maximum well-being and good luck. However, sometimes it is necessary to change the arrangement of interior items. For example, if you do put a small aquarium in the kitchen, then if a pregnant woman appears in the house, it must be removed from there, since you are jeopardizing the health of the unborn baby.

Kitchen size and colors according to Feng Shui

A narrow kitchen does not provide the opportunity to fully move household appliances and improve vital energy. To open up the space, add mirrors above or around the stove, or hang a plant or musical pendant in the doorway.

  • It is best if the kitchen has wooden surfaces.
  • If you're not using wood, you can use light green or blue tiles on the wall between the stove and sink or stove and refrigerator, or use green or blue tiles on the floor.
  • White color also creates good feng shui, symbolizing purity.

Primary colors

: brown and green

Additional colors

: beige, sand, blue, white

It is not recommended to use:

red, black, grey, dark blue and dark green.

Matching paintings in the kitchen

: images of water (waterfalls, oceans, rivers), beautiful landscapes, restaurants and cafes, a table with an abundance of fruit, a garden.

Worth limiting

paintings with fiery energy: sunsets, images of fire

Sink location

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Fire and water contradict each other, so the stove and sink should be placed in such a way that they are not close to each other or opposite each other


  • If the sink is not in the right place, place a small plant or something green between the elements to soften the ambiance.
  • According to feng shui stove, sink and refrigerator

    should be diagonally apart, forming a triangle, with sufficient distance to prevent conflict between these elements.

  • There should be no leaks in the kitchen so that money does not flow out of the house.

Location of household appliances

  • The element of fire in household appliances such as an oven, microwave or stove must be distributed correctly. For example, water elements such as the sink and refrigerator should not be directly opposite or adjacent to fire elements.
  • It is best to plan the refrigerator in the southeastern sector of the kitchen.
  • A microwave above the stove is bad feng shui. Moreover, many experts recommend not keeping a microwave in the kitchen, as it is a conductor of radiation.

Get rid of trash

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A dirty or cluttered kitchen creates stagnant and negative energy in the home.

, which not only makes it difficult to prepare and enjoy healthy and nutritious food, but also to save money.

  • Throw out trash regularly. The trash can must be clean and out of sight. Also, you should not put your broom on display for everyone to see.
  • Throw away food that has passed its expiration date

    . Don't forget about items in your freezer and pantry that are lasting longer than expected. Get rid of stale, stale products, even if the expiration date has not yet expired. Regularly clean out your food cupboards and refrigerator of unnecessary food.

  • Donate any dishes and kitchen utensils you don't use.

    . These items not only attract stagnant energy, but also take up space. Keep only those utensils in the house that you use regularly or if they do not bother you.

  • Stagnant energy can also take the form of odors. Remember that the kitchen should be clean and smell fresh.
  • Avoid sharp corners

    cabinets and shelves, and they should not be pointed at you while cooking.

  • Throw away cracked plates and broken cutlery.
  • Try to use natural cleaning products instead of harsh chemicals.
  • Empty and clean your refrigerator regularly

    . Treat the inside of the refrigerator with vanilla essence.

Clean the stove

The stove is a source of energy connected to your own fire and passion, so make sure it works properly and the burners are in good condition.

  • Check for gas leaks in the house.
  • It is best if the location of the stove gives a complete overview of the entire kitchen. If your back is to the entrance while cooking, hang a small mirror near the stove so you can see who comes and goes.
  • The stove should not be placed under windows or lamps and not in line with the front door. If it is not possible to move the stove, cover the window with curtains or blinds while cooking.
  • If you live in a house, the stove should not be directly under the bathtub.

Avoid processed foods

  • Fast food and processed foods are considered unhealthy. They take energy, worsen health and interfere with earnings.
  • Try to choose more natural foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Kitchen colors

In the kitchen, shades of green, yellow, brown, orange and white are preferred. In this room there are most representatives of the water and fire elements, so the predominance of intense shades of red, blue or black is not recommended.

White is a good color for the kitchen - according to Feng Shui, it is considered an intermediate link between the fire and water elements. In addition, it looks wonderful with metal objects that are in every kitchen. When decorating the kitchen interior, you should avoid combinations of opposing elements. Shades of green are very beneficial and pleasant in the kitchen.

How to arrange the kitchen table and other furniture in the kitchen

Now let's look at what a kitchen should be like according to Feng Shui in terms of furniture arrangement. The most important thing is the dining table, where the whole family gathers. It must be chosen and placed correctly.

If space allows, choose a kitchen table large enough to accommodate the whole family. It is desirable that it be round or oval. A triangular or semicircular table is considered unfavorable. The best material for a table is wood. It is not advisable to use glass.

You cannot place a table in front of the toilet, and you cannot move it against the wall next to it. This will affect the financial well-being of the family; with each flush of water in the tank, it will flow away. If rearrangement is not possible, then use wooden partitions and screens.

But it’s better not to use kitchen stools that are fashionable these days. If space allows, place chairs with high backs to make people sitting at the table feel confident. In any case, the choice should be guided by the fact that the filling of the kitchen and dining space is selected from the size, as well as the number of family members.

Other rules for arranging furniture

In addition, in Feng Shui kitchen design you need to follow practicality. It should fit all your appliances, as well as other kitchen utensils (especially sharp objects like knives and forks). Accordingly, the furniture should include different cabinets with doors and tables with drawers, so that when the kitchen is not working, the countertops are empty.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, there should be no bulky objects overhead in the kitchen, as this will create a strong feeling of anxiety for the person preparing the food and the person sitting in the kitchen. When designing this room, do not use sharp or protruding corners or open shelves (everything should be closed). If you do not follow these recommendations, then negative Sha energy will be created in your kitchen.

Arrange furniture freely in the kitchen, because... it must have enough light and space for the Qi energy to circulate freely in it. This will bring wealth and prosperity to the house and will contribute to the health of its inhabitants.

Now you know how to arrange your kitchen table according to Feng Shui, as well as how to properly arrange other furniture and organize your workspace. Follow these recommendations, and your well-being will not be slow to come to you.

How to Improve Kitchen Feng Shui

  1. Remove unnecessary things in which Qi energy stagnates.
  2. All utensils must be in cabinets; Broken, cracked or chipped dishes should be thrown away immediately.
  3. Throw away spoiled food immediately.
  4. Place as many wooden elements as possible, maybe green. Wooden dishes, containers and even floors enhance the elements of Water and Fire.
  5. Place fresh fruit in a vase or flowers in the kitchen.
  6. Hang an old family photo on the walls - this way you will “invite” your ancestors, your good guardian angels, to the table, thank them and God for your well-being.
  7. Food should be prepared with pleasure, by a healthy person and in a good mood. The bad energy of pain, irritation and fatigue will poison the food.
  8. You need to eat without haste and fuss, with a feeling of gratitude. Don't eat stress. Before eating, take a deep breath, chew your food thoroughly - then Qi energy will help digestion.
  9. You can't quarrel or sort things out in the kitchen.
  10. Be careful with mirrors: if the eaters are reflected in it, then you will be constantly cooking and feeding, and the kitchen will become a walk-through yard.

If you listen to the advice of Feng Shui and arrange your kitchen according to them, your kitchen will become a desirable place for family lunches, dinners and just friendly conversations.

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