Bell as a talisman and protection of the house from evil forces

A bell can become a reliable talisman for your home. It has long been known that dark evil forces cannot stand loud sounds and prefer silence. Therefore, people have learned to scare them away using ordinary bells. However, bells can not only scare evil spirits, but also attract pure positive energy. Today we will talk about how bells can be used in one case or another. The main protective property of bells is contained in their rhythmic sounds.

Why hang a bell near the front door?

Bells and bells have been very popular since ancient times, as they attracted good luck and happiness to the house, helped cure various diseases, and improved well-being. It was also believed that due to the sound of the bells, dark forces did not visit the house. It is a real amulet against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye.

It has been known since ancient times that dark forces hate strong sounds, loud sounds, so bells were used to scare away evil spirits. The most important protection in bells, in bells, is their rhythmic sound, which well protects the house from negative energy and poor health.

To get rid of bad energy, it is advised to purchase a small silver bell, you can pay attention to the usual one - steel, wooden. Iron, wood, silver have the ability to resist evil spirits.

To find out which bell to buy, it is advised to listen to its ringing while purchasing.

If it’s pleasant, you should definitely buy it, it suits the person well. If you want to run away somewhere during the sound, it is advised to leave this “musical instrument” in the store, as it can attract bad luck. The sound of a bell or bells should evoke only positive emotions, not the other way around. After purchasing, the bell should be washed in a glass of wine.

Correct lighting

Campanula thrives in outdoor plantations. You just need to choose a place that is not too sunny without direct rays. The same principle of lighting should be followed at home.

It is better if the bell window faces west or southwest, then the flowering will become abundant and friendly. After all, you can’t even see the leaves of a blooming bell, it is so densely covered with flowers.

This flower looks very impressive in the following places:

  • flower beds;
  • hanging pots;
  • ampel plantings;
  • discounts;
  • borders.

harmonizes perfectly with petunia, matthiola and other garden flowers. Newlyweds feel good on the alpine slides. Lush flowering will undoubtedly decorate the entire composition.

Interesting. The name “bride and groom” began to be used because of the color of these delicate flowers. White and blue flowers are often planted in the same vase, where they intertwine and seem to gently embrace each other.

At home, bellflower is one of the most unpretentious plants. Spectacular and very abundant flowering from spring to late autumn makes it one of the favorite indoor plants.

How to get rid of negative energy in your home

How many people there are in a family, there should be as many bells in one bunch. During the activation of the bells, the following plot is read:

“Red wine contains youth, happiness, good luck. Gives strength, confidence and positive energy. The bell will protect everyone from adversity, giving happiness, joy, and positive energy. Scares away evil, bad weather and misfortune.”

The bells are dipped in wine, and the hostess must drink it afterwards. Place a talisman near the head of the bed in the evening; if you have positive dreams, it means the protection is activated. Bells are hung early in the morning near the front door or near the windows in the center of the room; it is desirable that there is a draft, thanks to which the air currents constantly activate the amulet.

They need to be hung on red ropes. It has a positive effect on mood, improves well-being, and also rids the house of all negativity, evil, betrayal and betrayal. You can braid a small braid using white, red and black lace. It can strengthen protection, gives owners confidence in their abilities, and eliminates evil, slander and damage.

If the sound of the bell is loud and cheerful, there is a lot of happiness and good luck in the house, but if the sound is dull or completely silent, then you should think about how to get rid of evil spirits. After this, you should hang a new bell. The old one is hidden, it can only be used after 12 months.

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How many bells to keep in the house, how to buy them and where to store them

How many bells to keep in the house, how to buy them and where to store them

Keep three, or seven, or twelve bells in the house. You don't need more than twelve; less than three is not enough. The best bells are copper ones, followed by silver ones. When it is not possible to get copper or silver ones, they take any, even clay ones. You need to buy them all at once, or two or three at a time, but not one at a time. One bell in the house means loneliness. If you want to live as a family, make sure that your bells also live as a family. One bell doesn’t even hang on a church, one bell, Momich, hangs in a cemetery...

Finally, I’ll tell you, Momich, where to keep your bells. Three of them must hang: one above the threshold, one above the east window, one above the window facing west. In modern houses, windows do not always face the cardinal directions; the house may not have an east or west window. Then they hang bells on the windows facing different sides of the house. The remaining bells do not need to be hung, but they must be stored in an elevated place and not given into the hands of anyone else. Remember, momiche: the bells are supposed to ring, so once a week be sure to take them out and ring them. The more often you call, the better they will hear you in heaven...

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continuation on liters

Why does ringing bells have a miraculous effect?

Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been a good custom of ringing bells during Bright (Easter) week. People called this “chasing demons,” because the latter are actually afraid of the ringing of bells and cannot stand it. It turns out that these blessed melodies are special, noticeably different from, for example, store-bought bells.

However, this does not mean that absolutely everyone likes the ringing of bells. There are also ardent opponents of this sound, especially when it comes to large church celebrations: Easter processions, patronal feasts.

Atheists literally hate bells, which is often evidence of their obsession. A person can live peacefully and not even suspect that he is possessed. It is the reaction to the call to worship that brings all its secrets to light.

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The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable!

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