The ideal home according to Feng Shui: how to attract money, love and prosperity

Hello guys. In this article we will analyze Feng Shui for the home, starting from the place of construction, the color of the house, the location of windows and doors, and ending with the rituals of attracting love, money, wealth and health to the home.

Chi energy permeates the entire space, surrounding the house and entering it. Therefore, it is important not only to furnish the home with talismans, but also to harmonize its position in space. The collection of Feng Shui rules for the home takes into account everything that can in one way or another affect the quality of life.

House project: where to start

So, you start building a house based on the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. The basic rules are:

  1. The correct house is square or rectangular. Only these forms will ensure a strong position for homeowners in life. Triangular, round and irregular shapes will not bring prosperity.
  2. The length, width and height should not change. Violation of proportion interferes with the flow of energy. According to Feng Shui rules, the second floor of the house should not be sloping.
  3. The roof should not be skewed to one side.
  4. If outwardly the house seems to consist of several parts, then its residents may lose touch with each other and become disconnected. The design of the house must be integral, then the family will be strong.
  5. The house is oriented to the cardinal directions in order to further arrange the rooms according to the Bagua grid.
  6. Choose strong doors and reliable windows. Glass and transparent doors weaken the health of the owner of the house and reflect incoming energy.
  7. Doors and windows are not placed on the same line.
  8. You should not make stairs down or up immediately from the front door. This way the energy will not penetrate inside.


Here we can talk for a long time about the element of water, yin energy and all sorts of other things that the Chinese love to talk about, but I would like to dwell on the main points that it is advisable to take into account when designing a bathroom.

  1. The bathroom should be spacious. You should have enough space to calmly get out of the bath or shower, dry yourself with a towel, without fear of swinging your arms. It is convenient when the bathroom has some kind of bench where you can sit for a minute, a hanger, so as not to leave a towel and bathrobe on the washbasin or somewhere else.
  2. It is advisable that the bathroom have at least dim but natural lighting. Let it be a small window, or illuminated with a second light (a window that opens into some other room), but there must be light.
  3. The bathroom should not be adjacent to the kitchen (the doors should not be next to each other). I don’t want to make a separate riser - make these rooms through the wall, but move the doors in different directions.
  4. The tiles on the floor should not be slippery, and it is better to create a “warm floor” under the tiles. This will significantly increase the number of pleasant sensations from visiting the bathroom, as well as increase safety.
  5. The color scheme can be any, but it is more convenient to make the bathroom in light colors (contrary to Chinese teachings), this will make it much easier to care for. Soap stains and salt from tap water remain on dark tiles and plumbing fixtures, and it is very difficult to wash everything clean. On light tiles this is not so noticeable.
  6. Regarding orientation to the cardinal points, south, southeast, southwest are preferable here. One wonderful property of the sun's rays should be mentioned here. Namely, bactericidal. The more sunlight there is in the bathroom, the fewer different microorganisms there will be. In addition, less condensation collects on warm walls, and therefore less fungi and bacteria.

This room should first of all be spacious. The living room should have a lot of light, so large windows are welcome. This room should be bright, giving energy, so it is better to use bright wallpaper or paints here.

The room should be of such a size that it can easily accommodate your entire family and many guests. Therefore, think about what kind of company you are going to have so that there is enough space for everyone.

The point is not even how to accommodate everyone, but the fact that a large company is usually divided into groups of 2-4 people, and it is necessary to provide a place for everyone so that no one disturbs anyone. In the living room there should be an area near the fireplace, a sofa near the TV, some kind of area at the exit to the terrace, and so on.

The situation around

What is around the home is also important. It's good when there is an elevation behind the house. It symbolizes a reliable rear.


A pond a short distance from the house is very good. Utility rooms are built evenly around the main one.


There should be free, level space in front of the entrance. Wood and other objects block the path of energy. Better make a slightly winding path framed with flowers.

Interior: basic rules

Inside, the house is divided into sectors, each of which is responsible for an important area of ​​life. The layout of a house according to Feng Shui should take into account the cardinal directions and the zones related to them.

Bedroom area

For a bedroom, the eastern or southwestern zone would be ideal. There are the Family and Marriage sectors, respectively. Do not build a bedroom next to or above the toilet, otherwise your sleep will be disturbed.

Work area

It is better to place a work office or table in the north, in the Career zone. Another good option is the Money Zone in the southeast. The sectors of Wisdom (northeast) and Patrons (northwest) are also suitable.

Don't build a garage on the ground floor. This is a non-residential premises, and residents above the garage will be uncomfortable.

How to choose the right site

It is not enough to simply design a house according to Feng Shui; you need to select a suitable site for construction. Approaching the matter with all responsibility, they take into account important details.

You cannot build on a site that is located next to multi-story buildings. In such areas, where the private sector is mixed with apartment buildings, Sha energy predominates. It is better to choose a place in a cottage village, closer to nature. There is more Qi in such a place, which means that it will support the residents and their descendants for many generations.

The water element will attract cash flows. As an example, this could be a pond or reservoir. You need to take a close look at nature. The ideal option would be a beautiful picturesque place. It must correspond to the strength of Qi, and this energy loves groves and alleys. Too many trees will negatively affect the flow of Qi, so it is better not to choose a site near a dense forest. There should be equal amounts of shadow and sunlight.

You can't settle in a low area. Also, do not start construction of a residential building in a field or on a hill. There should be several trees near the planned housing. You might want to start a garden in the future.

Attracting different benefits

An abandoned house does not bring anything good to its owners. Even one forgotten room will attract negative Sha energy. According to Feng Shui, you need to decorate every single room.

To keep money in the house, keep order. It's a cliché tip, but clutter really does hinder the accumulation of wealth. Feng Shui experts note that poverty lives next to dirt. Order in the house and especially in the hallway is the first condition for attracting money and other material wealth.

The ritual of cleansing the house from negative energy is a regular spring cleaning.

Talismans for prosperity

Wealth talismans are placed in the southeast. This:

  1. three-toed toad with a coin,
  2. Hottei,
  3. nine carp (both live in the aquarium and the image),
  4. money box,
  5. Money Tree.

For money

The energy of money is fed by flowing water (with the exception of sewerage). In the south-eastern part of the apartment, paintings with waterfalls or rivers are placed, and aquariums and fountains are also placed here. At the same time, the element of water should not be overwhelming, for example, the image of Niagara or the painting “The Ninth Wave” will upset all your plans.

For love

The rule for attracting love is this: everything must have a pair. Figurines of angels, doves, paired pillows, candles. Paintings with red flowers placed in the bedroom also attract the other half like a magnet.

There are exceptions to the rule: the spouses' bed should not consist of two halves pushed together.

For good health

Attracting health is very simple: pay attention to the center of the house. It should always be clean here. Get rid of junk so that energy fills the sector, and health improves at all levels.

As a symbol of good health, place a pot of a living plant in the center of your home. It should have fleshy, wide leaves.

Characteristic qualities for a comfortable home according to Feng Shui

The following general points can be highlighted:

  1. The house should be spacious. The experience of many generations shows that there is always not enough space for a large family, and if guests come, it becomes very crowded. The volume of circulating air depends on the height of the ceilings (and this is our health, which should not be skimped on). Regarding the area of ​​the rooms, it must be said that they need to be planned so that there are always spacious passages. If your living room is divided into zones (for example, a dining room, an area near the fireplace and an area near the TV), then try to differentiate them. The same applies to the bathroom: you can place everything on an area of ​​2x2 m2, but if it is 4x5 m, this will allow you to put there a hanger for your robe, a bench for relaxing, and freely swing your arms while wiping your back after a shower. Therefore, do not save on space - this is your health and safety.
  • The Chinese claim that corners protruding into a room emit negative energy. Such corners are also unsafe in the sense that people always cling to them and get bumps. They are not only unsafe, but also poorly functional.
  • In order for the room to be comfortable, you need to clearly understand what you will do there. For example, rooms such as a bedroom and a bathroom can (as the Chinese say) have low lighting, soft low furniture, should be the least noisy, and should be decorated in dark, soothing colors. We relax in these rooms and nothing should disturb us. But the living room, office, children's room, on the contrary, should be lighter, brighter, they may have tall furniture, striped wallpaper, bright light. In these rooms we communicate with people, think, create, so we simply need a surge of energy.
  • If we talk about the materials that will be used in finishing, then it is worth saying that it is better to give preference to natural ones (wood, fabric, stone, etc.).
  • The entire house and the area around the house should look like a seamless system. How to achieve this is up to you. This may be one style in some decorative elements, a similar color scheme, a single design style for all rooms.

House, apartment, street number

The house number consists of one or more digits. They need to be added to get a single digit number. It is interpreted according to Feng Shui:

  1. The unit is purely the Sun, brings good luck and luck in all endeavors.
  2. Two is the number of the Moon; the owners of such a house have a sensitive nature and often unstable emotional states. For balance, choose pastel colors in the interior and the symbolism of water.
  3. Three is ruled by Mars; there is a lot of energy and even aggression in such a house. All items must be intact and in working order, otherwise unspent energy will turn against the owner.
  4. Four is suitable for sociable people. Mercury gives stability in relationships with people.
  5. The number 5 and the planet Jupiter increase the desire to travel and search for new knowledge.
  6. Venus corresponds to the number 6: a house with this number is ideal for love and meetings with friends. Its owners are kind and friendly people.
  7. The creative house at number 7 will help them master any profession, but the influence of Saturn can complicate life.
  8. Eight is one of the most favorable numbers. Uranus patronizes people with developed intuition.
  9. The number 9 corresponds to Neptune and is suitable for accomplished people. Life in such a house will be calm and harmonious.

There are still many secrets of Feng Shui that you are yet to discover. Start with the simple: planning, cleaning, arranging the site and choosing talismans, and changes will not keep you waiting.


What is Feng Shui?

Many people have heard about Feng Shui at least once in their lives. This practice gained particular popularity in our country a couple of decades ago. Initially perceiving it as something completely alien and unsuitable for our lives, today people admit that the laws and rules of Feng Shui helped them competently arrange their home and fill it with positive energy.

Initially, the theory of Feng Shui originated in China, where it was considered as the interaction of a person with the space around him. The ancient sages argued that many factors influence a person’s quality of life, but you need to start first of all with your home. A set of rules was drawn up about:

  • the location of the home relative to the cardinal directions;
  • architectural design of the building itself;
  • layout of rooms in the house;
  • color palette of rooms;
  • the use of auxiliary elements (talismans, lighting fixtures, scented candles or sticks, etc.).
  • A figurine of a turtle - a symbol of longevity in Feng Shui
    Despite the fact that many have perceived Feng Shui as a religion or even a sect, nothing similar is observed in this teaching. The basis of the practice is knowledge of how to help a person find harmony in everything that surrounds him. After all, a properly designed space around us allows us to restore strength, recharge with vigor and gain inspiration.

    Remember how often you felt uncomfortable while visiting. And at home, sometimes there is a vague desire to change something: rearrange the furniture, swap objects, repaint the walls or ceiling. All this comes from the desire to make the space more holistic and filled with positive energy. Feng Shui is not a 100% statement that by placing a vase in the corner of a room you will achieve harmony. He just gives recommendations, following which you can understand why this or that piece of furniture should have its place in the house.

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