How to place a bed in the bedroom: Feng Shui and principles of space organization

A person spends a lot of time in the bedroom. Some are a little more, others are less. To improve the quality of sleep, it is important to correctly set the main character of the room.

If sleep does not give you a feeling of complete rest, this may mean that the bed is not positioned correctly. Each specialist: a somnologist, a designer, a psychologist and a Feng Shui master has his own reasoned position. When arranging the sleeping area, it is important to take into account the recommendations of professionals and the parameters of the room.

Why does the bed have to be positioned correctly?

The internal harmony and well-being of the owner of the bedroom directly depends on the location of the bed. Bright light and drafts make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. From an esoteric point of view, good sleep depends on the circulation or stagnation of energy flows.

According to psychological research, quality sleep depends on whether a person feels safe or not. This feeling can be achieved by adhering to the following rules:

  • distance from objects that pose a danger (for example, windows);
  • by placing the door in the sleeping person’s field of vision, this makes it possible to notice a stranger in a timely manner;
  • impossibility of being quickly found.

An important point is the distance of the bed from the window and from the interior door.

Four animal method

The four cardinal directions in Feng Shui are associated with 4 sacred animals: black turtle (north), red phoenix (south), white tiger (west), green dragon (east). To get rid of nightmares and make your sleep peaceful and pleasant, place figurines and images of these animals in the bedroom in accordance with the cardinal directions.

Feng Shui and recommendations for organizing space

Feng Shui helps distribute vital energy and harmonize the interior. The term translates as “wind-water”. The teaching of how to live in harmony with the outside world and oneself originated in China in the 19th century and quickly gained popularity.

The technique combines many aspects of life, including:

  • astrology;
  • architecture;
  • psychology;
  • climatology;
  • geophysics, etc.

Using these disciplines, you can create a favorable environment in the room.

Recognition of ancient teachings

The Taoist practice of organizing the surrounding space, following which a person begins to better understand the foundations of the universe, is popular in Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world.

The main task of the ancient teaching is to teach a person to use energy flows for good in order to achieve the desired success in work, relationships with colleagues, friends and loved ones, and other areas of life.

The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve internal and external harmony. Compliance with the rules of the theory will help change everyone’s life and will attract mutual understanding, prosperity and love into the home.

If you have doubts or questions about arranging a bedroom using generally accepted teachings, look at a photo of a Feng Shui bed on the Internet, which will help you make the right choice.

What should a bedroom be like according to Feng Shui?

A great option is to designate the quietest and most remote room in the house for your bedroom. A room located away from the front door, kitchen and bathroom is suitable. Do not clutter the room with unnecessary furniture. The bedroom set should be harmonious: bed, nightstand and chest of drawers.

Square is the ideal shape for a bedroom. The room may have the shape of a rectangle. Oval, round and other types of rooms are not welcomed by Chinese teaching.

You need to sleep on a bed. It is better not to use various designs and other modern design solutions for these purposes. It is believed that Qi energy should circulate freely under the place to sleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to interfere with its movement.

Reference! Experts recommend leaving the space under the bed empty. Don't be afraid to get rid of clutter.

Ceiling in the bedroom

Before placing the bed, you need to pay attention to the ceiling. It should be smooth.

If you place the sleeping bed above the beams, the owner risks having a restless sleep. Such designs create a feeling of impending threat. If space allows, you can use a suspended ceiling.

What shape should the bed be?

  • The key criteria when choosing a bed is its stability. The sleeping area should be level.
  • Avoid wobbly or creaking structures.
  • A double bed must have a single mattress. Two interconnected mats are a symbol of separation.
  • The headboard gives the product an element of security.
  • Non-standard round or oval-shaped beds do not look harmonious in small spaces. Classic models are the most practical.

On which side of the world should the sleeping bed be located?

The quality of sleep and life, in particular, directly depends on where the bed is located. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. South. Business reputation will be stable.
  2. Southeast. Help in achieving goals.
  3. East. Good dream.
  4. North. Development of intuition.
  5. Northeast. Activation of thought processes.
  6. Northwest. Attracting true friends.
  7. West. Good physical form.
  8. Southwest. A way out of loneliness.

There is no consensus on the location of the bed. According to the teaching, energy flows in the northeast and southwest are not stable, so it is better not to use these sides.

Reference! During the experiment to determine geomagnetic preferences, we came to the following conclusion. The subjects slept on a large bed, which allows you to turn your head in any direction. People who felt tired turned towards the east, and those who were emotionally overexcited turned towards the north.

How to place the bed correctly?

  1. The sleeping position with the head facing north is ideal. In this position, a person lies along the magnetic lines of the earth. This position promotes rapid healing and improvement of internal state. Relations between spouses improve and become harmonious if they sleep on the north side.
  2. If you sleep on the east side, you can wake up in a cheerful state.
  3. Sleeping with your head facing west increases the dreamer's creativity. An ideal position for people with psychic abilities, as well as for creative individuals. Those who want to establish and strengthen relationships with their significant other should choose this position.
  4. The south side is suitable for single people who focus all their energy on achieving goals, such as advancing their career.
  5. The Northeast is suitable for those who want to find a purpose in life and make important decisions. However, for those people who want to relax and improve their sleep quality, this position is not suitable.
  6. The northwest promotes long sleep. This energy is more suitable for older people than for young people.
  7. Sleeping with your head to the southeast helps to discard subconscious complexes. The direction is useful for those who are planning to start a new business and need an influx of energy.
  8. The southwestern direction is useful for those who want to improve relationships within the family and with work colleagues.

Try to adhere to the following tips:

  • do not use mirrored ceilings;
  • forget about wardrobes with mirrors opposite the bed. If the mirror still reflects the sleeping person, it is recommended to hang it at night;
  • It is a bad omen to sleep with your feet facing the door; it is advisable not to place the bed in this position;
  • You can’t squeeze the bed between two closets; it’s better to separate yourself with bedside tables;
  • do not hang a massive chandelier above the sleeping bed. If light is needed, use additional lamps;
  • If the bed is designed for one person, it can be placed in the corner. The approach to the double bed should be from each side;
  • If space permits, do not use children's bunk beds;
  • a high headboard is a symbol of protection.

Favorable directions

The question of where to sleep with your head is more complex. An individual approach is important here. Different directions cause different effects. To figure out which bed arrangement is right for you, check out the following list.

  • North. Choose this direction of your head if there is a lack of calm and tranquility in your life. It is also recommended if a person is sick. The northern direction promotes recovery.
  • Northeast. Suitable for indecisive people. If you find it difficult to make decisions, then place the bed so that the head of the bed faces northeast.
  • East. We recommend it to those who feel a loss of strength.
  • Southeast. Suitable for modest and uptight people. If you suffer from various complexes, then sleeping in this direction will help you become more self-confident.
  • South. But the south promises material wealth. However, you will have to sleep alone at night.
  • Southwest. This direction will help you become more practical.
  • West. Attracts interesting events into life. Relevant for those who are tired of daily variety. Additionally, the West can help married couples increase their attraction to each other.
  • Northwest. This direction awakens leadership qualities.

Naturally, natural wood is considered the best material for making a bed frame.

As a rule, children are much more susceptible to the influences of the outside world, so the choice of a crib must be more careful.

Where is the best place not to place a bed?

The recommendations below are supported by feng shui representatives and psychologists. The restrictions apply to any standard premises, with the exception of studio apartments. In the latter, the kitchen is often combined with a living space and the rules may not apply.

Foot to door reception

According to Slavic traditions, this position of the bed is considered a bad omen. The bodies of the dead are carried out of the house feet first, so it is better to avoid such frightening analogies.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, this position promotes the unhindered penetration of negative energy, which contributes to the development of various diseases.

If the parameters of the room do not allow you to position the bed differently, experts recommend closing the door at night. It is advisable to install a screen in front of the door leaf, and next to it a houseplant with round leaves.

Some modern studio layouts make it impossible to position the bed properly.

Reference! Muslims consider uncovered legs to be bad manners and rudeness. This type of bed arrangement is unacceptable in Eastern countries.

Headboard to window

A bed located near a window does not touch the wall. On a subconscious level, this fact can cause negative emotions in the owner of the room. In such a position a person does not feel safe. In the position with your back to the door, the doorway is not in the vacationer’s field of vision, and the vacationer cannot control who is entering the room. This also applies to panoramic windows; it is recommended to cover them with thick curtains.

In the summer, many people do not close their windows at night. Noise can be annoying and distracting while you sleep. The noise of the wind, the bright light of lanterns, walking groups, the sound of insects and the singing of birds - all this interferes with proper rest. Extraneous sounds do not allow the body to completely relax.

The position of the bed at a short distance from the window will also be incorrect. The cool air coming from it is fraught with the development of colds.

The bed is located in line between the window and the door

Small bedrooms are usually shaped like a pencil case. If you place the bed between the window and the door, it will be right in the center of the air flow.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, this situation is extremely undesirable from an energy point of view. When ventilating the room, there will be a draft.

Adjacent to a wall with a door

If a vacationer lies with his back to the door, it will be difficult for him to understand whether someone else has entered the room or not. This will require standing up, which will create unnecessary discomfort. On a subconscious level, if a person does not see the entrance to the bedroom in his field of vision, he experiences a feeling of anxiety. In the long term, this fact can lead to serious heart disease.

According to the advice of psychologists, the bed should be placed away from the door. The opening should be in the field of view of the vacationer. If the room has a window, it should also be clearly visible. In this position, a person is completely calm and feels safe.

Designers, on the contrary, believe that the bed should not be visible when the door is open. This violates the intimacy of the process.

Shared wall with kitchen or bathroom

If there is a kitchen or bathroom next to the room, extraneous noise will interfere with proper rest. The operation of household appliances, the sound of water, and the clinking of dishes will also cause inconvenience.

Close proximity to these zones contributes to the leakage of wealth and prosperity from the home. A bed with a thick wall will correct the situation. The influence of unwanted noise will be reduced.


From a design point of view, this is one of the worst decisions. This arrangement negatively affects a person’s mental state.

In addition, the bed is in space. The sleeping place should be positioned so that on one side there is support and protection in the form of a wall.

Under a sloping ceiling

An uneven ceiling has a subconscious effect on the psyche. Every time a person goes to sleep in rooms with sharp corners and low beams, a person experiences anxiety.

Such a room looks chopped up and is not suitable for a recreation area. Installing a canopy will correct the situation and protect the sleeper.

The footboard is located close to the wall

Chinese practitioners claim that such an arrangement does not have the best effect on a person’s emotional state. Staring at the wall is depressing. This can interfere with career advancement.

The quality of life directly depends on the availability of free space in front of the bed. At the same time, life is filled with new possibilities.

General rules for installing a bed according to Feng Shui

Having at least basic knowledge of the ancient science of Feng Shui, you can already make your existence more harmonious. And we recommend starting to change your life for the better from the bedroom, because according to Eastern practice, the bed plays an extremely important role in a person’s life. Therefore, you need to install it correctly so that you wake up cheerful and rested every morning, fall asleep quickly in the evenings, do not experience an unreasonable feeling of anxiety during the day, and do not endanger your health.

And here are some simple but very effective tips from recognized Feng Shui masters, following which you will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Place the bed with the head of the bed facing the wall. This will allow you to feel protected, not only while you sleep, but also while you are awake. If this is not possible, then use a trick by moving a large chest of drawers to the headboard or dividing the bedroom space with a screen.

Under no circumstances should you place a mirror opposite or on the side of the bed, or on the ceiling, so that a sleeping person is reflected in it. Firstly, this is a bad omen, and secondly, this is unacceptable according to Feng Shui, because the mirror increases the amount of negative SHA-QI energy, which accumulates more and more over time, and leads to discord with those closest to you.

The mirror is not positioned correctly

Also, do not place the bed under huge chandeliers, beams, arches and slopes that will hang over it. All this will lead to the fact that the flows of energy circulating in space will be repelled from them, go around them, and attack the sleeper. As a result, a person may experience unconscious fears, panic attacks, and a feeling of depression.

Don't clutter the space under your bed. Air flows should circulate there unhindered. If your sleeping place is equipped with special drawers for things, then make sure that they are not filled with various unnecessary items. The maximum that can be stored in them is clean bed linen. Ideally, the shelves should be empty.

But for a quick and successful marriage, you need to abandon the idea of ​​moving the bed with one side to the wall. Let there be free access to it both on the right and on the left. But you shouldn’t place the bed in the center of the room. Remember about the presence of mandatory support. And yes, to attract love into your life, the place to relax should be a double bed.

Interesting: Stylish bedroom interior in light colors

The optimal place for a bed according to all the rules of Feng Shui

The location of the bed determines how a person will get enough sleep and how successful he will feel. The sleeping place should be placed so that the person lying can calmly see everyone entering the room without raising the body. The best option is to place the bed diagonally from the door. In this position the sleeper will feel comfortable. In practice, the bed is placed taking into account the proportions of the room.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, the bed should be placed near the main, main wall. There should be no communications behind it, such as a gas pipeline. Most of the Russian and European population prefer this option. In a studio apartment, it is better to give preference to an island layout.

If for objective reasons it is impossible to place the bed against the wall, you can place it next to the screen - this is an additional protective barrier. It is advisable to smooth or round the projections on the ceiling.

How does the size of the space affect the layout?

Modern layout takes more into account the ergonomics of space. Apartment owners do not have a question about how to install a bed with an area of ​​more than 15 m2. But old buildings have small, elongated, narrow rooms, and then this issue becomes relevant.

The ease of movement and perception of space depend on how you place the bed in the bedroom. Before purchasing or installing an existing bed in small spaces, it is important to first take careful measurements of the bed and the dimensions of the room. For free movement there should be a passage of 70 cm. Before deciding how to place a bed in a small bedroom, draw a plan to scale with an image of the planned furniture, leaving space for swing doors and compartment doors.

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom? Designers suggest placing it across the room away from the door, providing space on the sides for small cabinets with lamps. When there is very little space, the headboard is located towards the window. It is recommended to install a screen or curtains between the window and the headboard of the screen. A small, narrow bedroom forces the bed to be installed along the wall. For a single person, this option may be quite convenient. Proper distribution of space will allow you to arrange your sleeping place with maximum comfort.

In a spacious room, designers make the bed the central element, which often becomes a kind of axis of symmetry for the room. In this case, the bed can even be installed with the headboard in the corner, which makes it maximally protected, gives an overview of the door to the room and provides access to the sleeping area from both sides.

Accommodation options

The layout of the living space affects the arrangement of furniture. The optimal location for the bed depends on the size of the room and its features.

In a small room

In a bedroom with one window, the bed is placed with the head of the bed facing the wall opposite the window opening. A small passage is left on each side of the bed for those sleeping.

It is customary to cover windows with curtains at night. If possible, place side tables next to the bed and hang sconces.

In a rectangular room

There are several ways to place a sleeping bed in such a room, including:

  • Perpendicular to an oblong wall . Visually, the room takes on the correct dimensions and becomes more square. A passage is left on the sides of the bed, the remaining free space is filled with furniture for personal use.
  • Diagonally . This option has not gained much popularity. It is convenient because it provides access to the bed from both sides.
  • In a niche . You can use the option provided for in the layout or specially made. The location in a niche is suitable for a room that simultaneously performs several functions. The only negative is that the bed will be surrounded by walls on three sides.

The most optimal options for placing a bed in a rectangular room in relation to the door:

  • in the opposite corner;
  • along the load-bearing wall;
  • headboard to the long wall, in the center.

Rooms with panoramic windows

Most designers suggest positioning the bed in such a way that a person in a lying position can see the window structure. This method can be adopted if a beautiful landscape opens from the window. If the room is located on the south side, then in the morning bright sunlight will penetrate into it. The problem can be solved with thick curtains.

Northern winters are characterized by gusts of wind and frost. Such weather can negatively affect the microclimate of the room. An additionally installed heating system will correct the situation.

Bright light

Large bright bedroom with a bed located near an unusually shaped window

Even if the room has blinds or blackout curtains, light from the window may shine through cracks or along the edges of the curtains.

You can get up at dawn, which is not bad, for example, on weekdays. On weekends, it will be difficult to fall back to sleep.

Spacious, large and bright bedroom with glass doors and narrow windows with roller blinds for a restful night's sleep

Light can influence the internal clock through the retina of the eyes. Light exposure can delay the body clock, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Although getting up early is a good habit, bright lights at night will make it difficult to fall asleep. Closing your eyes is not enough; light can penetrate through your eyelids. If there are bright lights on the street. Bright light in the morning will help create a good habit of waking up early, but at the same time you may find it difficult to fall asleep at night. The consequence is fatigue and insomnia. It is advisable to wear a blindfold that is thick enough and comfortable to wear.

Beautiful blindfold for a restful and sound sleep

What items don't belong in the bedroom?

In addition to a well-installed bed, the entire interior of the room should be harmoniously combined with each other. Many objects weigh down the space.

What to avoid:

  1. Massive things. Bulky shelves overhead can lead to insomnia.
  2. Large chandeliers. The design gives the room an official look and makes a person feel unnecessarily anxious.
  3. Mirrors. They should not be opposite the sleeping area. In addition to being distracting, they reflect energy. During night sleep, a person rests and is freed from negative energy. The mirror reflects this energy and the person may wake up exhausted.
  4. An uncomfortable and low-quality mattress can ruin your sleep even on a perfectly installed bed.
  5. Computer or TV. Harmful radiation of electrical waves negatively affects the well-being of the sleeper and causes diseases. Especially if the equipment is located at a distance of less than 3 m.
  6. Bunk bed. It is believed that a person sleeping on the lower tier will be under the psychological and energetic influence of the person sleeping on top.
  7. Aquariums. It is better to place water tanks in the living room.

Erection. Etymology of the word

The term "erection" comes from the Latin "erigere", which means to be erect, hard. This origin of the word obliges a lot. So, if the penis is filled with blood, but does not become hard and elastic, this means that the erection is not complete. But this word has many other meanings. “Erectus” means “venerable”, “noble”, “promoted to office”, “raised to rank”. Therefore, continuing the association, we can say that the erect penis, as it were, rises in rank, dominates the vagina, and not vice versa. It must be “cocked”, that is, quite hard, in order to penetrate the passive, defenseless vagina.

Here is an exciting, in the full sense of the word, erotic picture. In reality, the penis does not always achieve full erection. Sometimes it doesn't straighten out completely. And the vagina is not such a “defenseless” object. It would seem that the passive, inert walls of the vagina can show surprising stubbornness; they may not “let in” the penis if it has not achieved a full erection .

Anatomy of an erection, or three bodies

The penis consists of three longitudinal bodies filled with spongy, or erectile, tissues surrounded by tiny blood vessels. The two outer bodies, the so-called corpora cavernosa, become hard and elastic during an erection. The internal, or spongy, body surrounds the urethra (urethra) and extends into the head of the penis. Both the corpus spongiosum and the glans during erection are inferior in hardness to the corpora cavernosa. Erecting tissues, which make up both the corpus cavernosum and the corpus spongiosum, are capable of filling with blood. This is the essence of an erection: blood accumulates in the cavernous and spongy body. First, the urethra lengthens. This is followed by the stage of tumescence, during which the spongy and cavernous bodies expand and fill with blood. The last stage of an erection is hardness. The entire penis becomes elastic, rises up and forward. Erection is limited, because the penis can only grow within certain limits. The role of limiters in this case is performed by the strong membranes of the erection bodies, covering each of them separately, as well as the additional membrane surrounding the entire penis, the so-called fascia of the penis.

Important Details

In addition to a well-placed bed, various little things affect the quality of rest. Designers advise adhering to the following rules:

  • The approach to the double bed should be from each side. The ideal distance for passage is at least 70 cm. If there is a dressing table on one side, then the distance is increased to 1 m.
  • The size of the bed should be in harmony with the area of ​​the room. A huge bed will look ridiculous in a small room and vice versa.
  • The most common bed size 1.4 x 2.0 is not included in the list of acceptable sizes according to the geomancer's line. The optimal dimensions are: 1.5 x 2.2 m; 1.9 x 2.2 m; 2.2 x 2.2 m.
  • The legs and headboard of the bed should not be too high.
  • The height of the bed is 7 cm above knee level and 10 cm above height.
  • The single-bed structure is placed in the corner, between the door and the window.
  • There should be no unnecessary things in the bedroom. They prevent you from getting a good night's sleep and absorb negative energy.
  • If the room performs several functions at the same time, for example, it is also an office, then in a lying position the vacationer should not view the work area.
  • It is better not to place tall wardrobes in the bedroom. They believe that on a subconscious level a person is afraid of their fall and experiences tension.
  • For those who like to read before bed, it is recommended to install a bedside lamp. It's comfortable. There will be no need to get up and turn off the light after reading interesting literature.
  • Refrain from using blankets that are too heavy; they interfere with proper sleep and make it difficult to freely change positions.
  • The shape, filling and size of the pillow affects the quality of sleep. The height should be equal to the width of the shoulder. It is advisable that the pillow have a recess for the head.
  • A double bed must have a single mattress. Two small ones create a conditional boundary between the chosen ones. In the future, the relationship between the spouses may deteriorate.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you will need less time to sleep. The room will have all the necessary conditions for relaxation. Adequate rest has a beneficial effect on psychological and physical health.

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