What do signs portend for a person who dropped his keys in front of the door and more?

Our ancestors also believed that it was undesirable to leave keys on the table, otherwise their owner would face eternal poverty. But they fall from there at the moment when you need to become more attentive to your loved ones, ask whether they need help, how they are doing. What else can keys that have fallen suggest, and what sign is hidden behind this - we will tell you in detail in this article.

What does the key symbolize?

It's not just a metal, plastic or magnetic thing that can be replaced if lost. This is something that opens up not only doors, but also opportunities for a person, these are new paths, decisions, power. It is not for nothing that heroes in certain cities are given the key to the city for great merit, that is, this is an expression of trust and authority. Even the transition to another dimension, life, is overcoming a certain portal, to open which you need a master key.

Keys are spiritual power, power, as Christians say. For the Japanese it is a symbol of prosperity. In Ancient Egypt, the ankh means immortality, so it is held in the hands of the Gods. Janus kept the key to all locks, doors and gates.

Origins of signs

The fall usually causes bad associations: it is not for nothing that heaven is located at the top, and hell is at the very bottom.

  • Ascending movements imply higher values, development and growth.
  • Descending - degradation and collapse.

Therefore, a falling key involuntarily gives rise to anxiety and forces you to gather yourself in anticipation of something negative.

It tells more about the event its purpose and the place where it was dropped.

The fall can be interpreted in this way only if you noticed and picked up the key, and did not lose it completely (there are other signs about this).

Why do you think you should lose your keys?

Losing your house keys is a completely harmless omen. If we exclude some everyday adventures of changing the lock, then in general the omen is good and promises prosperity. Young hearts will find their soul mate, businessmen will find profitable deals. In general, these are changes, although it is not specified what ways to achieve these changes.

Attention! The only warning for mothers who have lost their key. Superstition can result in a loss of control over children and misunderstandings.

But forewarned is forearmed. It is worth showing patience and attention to children of any age, and they will treat their mother with gratitude.

You should also treat the omen with caution if it happened on the eve of a big trip - if possible, it is postponed or carried out as safely as possible.

If the sign occurred on the eve of an important matter - an exam, a meeting, as well as a move, a wedding, everything will go smoothly.

Love affairs and family

1. If the keys fall out of your hands or fall off the table, then quarrels and scandals will begin in your family. To avoid this, you should lift the bundle and knock on the wood three times with the key that you use most often.

2. Sometimes fallen keys hint to their slow owner that he is behaving quite aggressively and defiantly towards his household. It is worth thinking about reconsidering your own values, changing your behavior for the better and starting to devote more time and attention to members.

3. If the keys did not just fall, but flew off the table with a loud jingle, then in the very near future expect a loud and unpleasant quarrel, which could end in a real scandal and a break in relations.

4. If you have dropped keys belonging to another person, this means that you will have an unpleasant conversation with the owner of this bunch. If you do not escalate the situation, the conflict situation can be resolved in the most favorable way for you, without mutual insults and loud screams.

What is the meaning of dropping your keys in front of the door?

Surprisingly, if the keys fall in front of the door, it is often an unkind omen. It promises trouble, although you can determine when it will happen.

Attention! If you drop the key in front of the front door on the way out, that is, while getting ready to go on the road, it means that troubles await you in your planned affairs.

If they slip out of your hands at the threshold upon return, troubles and problems are expected at home.

The only catch with the sign the keys fell on the floor is that it is impossible to determine exactly how great the troubles it brings. These could be everyday misadventures, a leaking faucet, or maybe a disaster that broke through. This may result in the loss of small banknotes or a wallet with all documents.

Ways to neutralize bad omens

In order not to suffer in anticipation of unpleasant consequences, they get rid of the negativity immediately after the keys fall. They need to be picked up and the bunch tapped on the ground three times.

And the best way to avoid worrying about a mistake is to be attentive to personal belongings. In order not to waste time looking for keys in a bag or briefcase, they need to be stored in a special case.

At home and at work, designate a permanent place for them. And before leaving home, remember that haste and carelessness always lead to some unexpected problems.

Life is designed in such a way that a series of pleasant events periodically gives way to problems or failures. You can treat folk signs in any way you like: trust them or refute them. But it will be difficult to argue with the fact that a person in some situations is capable of initiating or provoking certain events.

What is the sign of finding the key?

Finding a key is akin to matching it to the right door. In other words, such a find promises a solution to an existing problem, resolution of assigned tasks and implementation of plans. However, one condition should be observed - do not pick them up, because they may lie there for special reasons. They could be used in conspiracies. Thus, finding a key used by magic is an omen that will turn out badly if you pick it up.

What does it mean to find a key on the road?

For example, a master key found on the road could mean that it was used in a ritual. Most likely, the ritual “locked” something, so taking the find means taking on everything locked. It is unlikely that anyone will block happiness and prosperity, so you should not take the blow. Of course, there is a possibility that someone has lost their master key, but it is very unlikely that they will report it missing and offer a reward for its return. There is no need to take risks and take them.

What does it mean to find a bunch of keys by sign?

A bunch of master keys is a good find if they are all intact and not broken. It means that old problems that seem chronic will soon be resolved. The long-awaited white streak will come, and past failures will dissipate on their own. You can safely start planning new goals; their implementation promises a minimum of obstacles, all paths to achieving it will be open. The sign is also good for relationships, or rather, a bunch of keys signals that ties can be strengthened.

And yet there is one “but”. If there is a broken key in the keychain, this phenomenon warns the superstitious person that he should control himself and remember that solving problems was not always so easy. Otherwise, you can easily fall into the scammer's network.

You can also count the number of master keys in a bunch. So, two pieces will spell trouble if you touch them. Three will call on Fortune, and if one of them is small, there will likely be a new addition to the family circle. Four keys prevent separation and further loneliness, so it is better to avoid such a find.

What does it mean to find a rusty key according to a sign?

Finding a rusty key is a sign that is magically good. Not in the sense that it’s time to start witchcraft, but in the fact that this is the most successful find. This is the only case when you need to take the key with you. At home, the trophy is kept under running tap water for some time, dried in the sun, and then it must be hidden from everyone so that the rich energy serves the superstitious. By the way, it is noted that such a gift of fate is calculated from the size. The larger the master key, the richer the surprise it will bring.

What does it mean to find an old key by sign?

If someone has lost their key, they have to quickly replace the locks at home with new ones. He is advised to get rid of the old keys as soon as possible so that they do not take away the energy of the household. It follows that finding an old key is a sign that, although it promises good changes, but only when this key is not touched. Usually they use old master keys to tell fortunes, transfer family troubles to them and get rid of negativity. Therefore, it would be unwise to take other people's problems for yourself.

What does it mean to find someone else's keys by sign?

The location in which the master keys were found matters. So, if a superstitious person notices someone else’s bundle in the thick grass, it means that he will receive a tempting offer either for an existing or a new job. Picks hanging on branches or bushes signify a noisy pastime. Finding them on a path in the forest means you will soon meet a sympathetic, kind person who will do something important and useful for the superstitious.

What does it mean to find your apartment keys by sign?

As it has already turned out, the omen of losing your apartment keys is a good one. Finding your own bundle even after changing the locks is still a good omen. If at this stage of life everything is quite stable, not problematic, superstition says that it is time to take a new path, open new doors. If something doesn’t work out, the sign gives strength and hope to the superstitious, saying that there is a way out of any situation, and in this case, the superstitious person himself found a way out.

Interpretation taking into account details

The more nuances accompanying an event are taken into account, the more accurate the interpretation of superstition will be. Depending on the location of the incident, the characters involved and the number of keys in the bunch, the result of the predictions can be stunning.


The situation when keys literally slip out of your hands and fall to the ground is familiar to every person. However, in a hurry or busy with other problems, people do not pay attention to what they consider to be an insignificant event.

Meanwhile, according to the superstition, having dropped the keys, a person involuntarily throws his luck at his feet. Such an incident in the morning will entail:

  • a series of minor troubles;
  • clarifying relationships with colleagues or superiors in the work team;
  • causeless quarrels in the family.

Perhaps that is why in ancient times keys on a chain or string were worn around the neck. Such careful treatment of the symbolic object did not allow it to fall to the ground.


If someone else's keys fell on the floor, the sign calls on the witness of this incident to look at his lifestyle:

  • Pay attention to people in your immediate environment. Perhaps there are ill-wishers among them.
  • Try to devote more time to family and elderly parents. Self-withdrawal from family affairs can result in complete loneliness.
  • Take care of the stable filling of your budget. Expenses should not exceed earnings.

This sign does not threaten any serious consequences. But she warns a person and gives him a chance to correct something in his life for the better.

From the car

Avid motorists are some of the most superstitious people on the planet. They have thousands of signs in stock for all cases related to their automotive career. Fallen car keys mean:

  • The journey will be long due to constant traffic jams.
  • Due to a minor incident along the way, you will have to seek help from traffic police inspectors.
  • In a paid parking lot, a conflict will arise with the participation of other motorists.
  • The trip will be marred by the failure of some vehicle part.

Drivers always pay attention to their “steel horse”. The same goes for car keys.

A little awkwardness can ruin your trip or your mood for the whole day.

From the apartment

The falling of apartment keys has several interpretations. They depend on when the keys fell: before entering the house or before leaving it.

Keys falling before leaving home threaten a clumsy person:

  • being late for work or a business meeting;
  • loss of precious time searching for a lost item;
  • conflict with neighbors.

The same situation before entering the house warns a person that he needs to be more tolerant of his family members, otherwise the holiday with his family will be hopelessly ruined.

A whole bunch

The loud ringing of falling keys can confuse lovers of folk beliefs. If the fall of one key can lead to failures and troubles, then nothing good can be expected from the bunch.

However, signs about keys do not threaten people with any terrifying consequences. And no one is immune from minor disappointments. Even excessive caution will not help in this matter.

What does the sign of finding a key mean: interpretation by time

Signs regarding finding keys do not come true immediately; they need time to take effect. So, finding in the morning and afternoon delays the results of superstition by about a couple of months. Finding master keys in the evening or at night means the sign will come into effect only after six months.

You can also pay attention to the day on which the superstitious person came across the master keys lost by someone. So, if they are discovered on Monday, you can expect improvements in the labor sphere - an increase, a bonus, a new contract. Finding master keys on Tuesday means you will soon meet a new acquaintance, helpful and sympathetic. On Wednesdays they promise success in the intellectual sphere, such as studies, courses, and advanced training. It’s a good idea to find them on Thursday, then there will be a cash replenishment. And on Friday, finding them means trying your luck in romantic zeal. On Saturdays, the omen marks changes, and dizzying changes, but good, happy ones. Sunday omens promise health if someone close is feeling unwell. In this case, he will soon recover, even if the doctors predicted long suffering.

How can you neutralize the negative impact of signs associated with falling keys?

If the keys were dropped, then you should not despair, since the negative impact of such a sign can be neutralized on your own and this is not so difficult to do, and if the sign is not completely neutralized, then its negative impact will be significantly reduced.

Throw the keys again. You can perform such an action after an object has accidentally fallen, and then the negative impact of the signs will decrease or be neutralized.

The right keychain. Oddly enough, the keys can be adjusted in a good way. To do this, you can attach a keychain to them, which will symbolize a dream or something kind and good. But, for example, a skull, a weapon or a monster will attract one negative.

Keys should have their own place. It is very important to treat this item with respect, and therefore you should not throw them anywhere. It is important that the keys have their place.

If a person is very attentive to any little things, then luck and success will always be present in his life.

What to do with the find

Due to the fact that found master keys promise good luck, a superstitious person may think of picking them up and keeping them as a lucky trophy.

Attention! Found foreign keys are not picked up. The risk that they were used in conspiracies or rituals is too high, which means that they contain negativity, which will immediately be transferred to the superstitious person upon contact.

It is separately noted that they do not take finds from bodies of water, since this is also a ritual, probably to lock away bad luck. That is, there is definitely a negative in these master keys.

Road accidents

Another important point for any motorist is the desire to avoid being involved in an accident and not getting into an accident.

There are also quite a lot of superstitions and signs about this. Let's look at the most popular and widespread among them:

  • You cannot put parts from a car on a car after an accident. This could lead to a similar situation for your vehicle. Largely because of this, some motorists prefer to buy new spare parts rather than use auto dismantling services. They don’t want to save money but attract accidents.
  • You should not take pictures inside the car, or against the background of the vehicle. They say that such actions attract bad luck.
  • For some reason, it is believed that you cannot pass a car in front. This can only be done from behind. A common sign for which there is really no explanation.
  • But meeting a funeral procession on your way is considered a good sign. Yes, this is a terrible human tragedy, but such are the signs.
  • Numbers with 3 sixes at once are considered not the best choice. Moreover, they do not have to be consecutive. Such numbers attract evil spirits, and therefore the risk of getting into an accident increases.

How much to believe in all this, each person decides for himself.

Other popular signs and superstitions

Let's look at a few more superstitions and signs that motorists often talk about:

  • If during the first month after purchasing the car there were many breakdowns and malfunctions, even minor ones, the car should be sold as soon as possible. Nothing surprising. When a machine creates so many problems in such a short period of time, it’s not even a question of signs, but of rational thinking. It will only get worse.
  • If you catch a stray dog, expect a fine. A black dog crossing the road will also attract a fine. Although in the life of transitions we are talking about a cat. It’s not for nothing that they say that the automotive world has its own signs and superstitions. Here even the classic black cat was replaced with a dog. But the meaning remains the same. Failure or penalty.
  • You should not buy a green car. He is most often among the cars involved in an accident. Although statistics show a slightly different state of affairs.
  • It is not recommended to wash a car in the yard of your own home. This will attract thieves to the car, and the car can be decorated.
  • There is nothing wrong with bird droppings on your windshield. On the contrary, it is considered a good sign that attracts wealth and success. Just be sure to clean up the traces immediately, because if you leave the droppings, the money will leave you. And leaving droppings on the body is completely dangerous. The composition of feces contributes to the corrosion of paintwork. Therefore, you will definitely have to spend money on repairs.
  • When purchasing a new or used car, you usually need to buy a fire extinguisher, a hazard warning sign and a first aid kit. When putting all this into the car, it’s worth telling that these items live here and don’t go anywhere. Popular sign. It is determined by the desire to never encounter situations where a driver may need a first aid kit, a sign or a fire extinguisher.
  • Each car must have its own name. Preferably feminine and affectionate. This will make it clear to the car that it is being taken care of, cared for and loved very much.
  • There is also the opposite opinion that the car should be called a man’s name and communicate with it as with a man. Who believes in what?
  • The car largely reflects the condition of the owner, as many believe. If the car is acting up or some problems arise, the motorist should go to the hospital himself and undergo an examination.
  • You shouldn't whistle in the car. This attracts the attention of traffic police officers. They will whistle and stop you and find a reason to write you a fine.
  • When you notice an inspector who wants to stop you, transfer the money to your left pocket. This way you can avoid a fine.
  • You can't count money in the car. There will be people who want to deprive you of them. First of all, these are unscrupulous traffic police officers.

As you can see, there are indeed a lot of signs and superstitions. Some of them defy any logic or common sense. In others you can find a completely logical and understandable explanation.

Fallen master keys on the street

A bundle fell randomly on the street - you can expect that you don’t need to plan too much for the near future. The wish will not come true, and if you try to overcome fate, in this case, only disappointment awaits. It’s better to rest and hide for a while; fate itself will tell you when to actively get down to business to implement your plans.

A bad sign is when objects fall at an intersection. This territory has always been considered a haven of dark forces and was under their protection. Therefore, if you disturb them with a bunch, even if it accidentally fell, you can incur a series of troubles in different areas of life. The louder the sound of falling keys and the farther the bunch flies, the stronger the troubles that overtake the person will be.

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