Why is a bird knocking on the window - signs for different birds

Mirror and glass surfaces have always been a mystery to humans. There were many signs and superstitions associated with them. It is believed that through glass you can enter other worlds.

If a bird knocked on the window frame, this was interpreted as a sure sign that they wanted to warn the person about something or warn them. After all, birds have been considered since ancient times as conductors of the souls of the dead.

The interpretation of the sign that a bird is knocking on the window can have positive or negative consequences: a lot depends on the type of bird that is knocking on the glass.

Interpretation of signs for different birds

First of all, you need to identify the guest.


Favorable interpretations – lottery winnings, valuable finds.

Negative interpretations, especially if a sparrow flew into the house - disagreements, fraud, theft, scams.


The bird, associated with the transition between life and death, brings bad news. The crow also acts as a living reminder that now is not the right time for drastic changes and new beginnings.


  • a deceased relative visits you
  • you are under the reliable protection of the Higher powers
  • guests will arrive soon. If you can see a blade of grass in a bird’s beak, guests will come with good intentions and perhaps give something as a gift.
  • Important news is expected. If the dove is calm, the news will please you. An excited bird promises sad events
  • baby is coming soon
  • white doves - for a wedding
  • dark birds - urge you to listen to your inner voice and exercise caution

The interpretation of the sign will change depending on the behavior of the bird: a pigeon flew onto the balcony - some interpretations, if a pigeon hits the glass - others.


The bird's visit foreshadows sad events. The white color of the wagtail means conflicts with loved ones.

If a bird knocks on the window of a pregnant woman, the sign warns of danger. Particular care should be taken.


Favorable events and good news are expected. Perhaps guests will arrive whom you have not seen for a very long time. The long-awaited conception of a child is not excluded.


  • patients will get better
  • the news will be joyful
  • Envious people become more active, spreading rumors and creating problems for the family. Their efforts will be in vain


Something strange is going on in the house. Urgent energy cleansing is needed. Illnesses and problems at work cannot be ruled out.

You will probably be immersed in a series of rapidly developing events.

Signs warn: if a bird knocks on the window, it is advisable to stay away from the water element, which can pose a threat to life.


  • harmony will reign in the family
  • lonely people will find love
  • you will be lucky
  • classes will bring profit
  • perhaps you will change jobs and enjoy your success in the new place

Detailed interpretations of signs may depend on various circumstances of the incident and on the behavior of the bird. It is also important - a tit flew onto the balcony or a tit just knocked on the window.

A tit in the room means mortal danger. Read more in the article - why the tit flies into the house.


Herald of change. Changes can have both positive and negative consequences.


According to signs, if this bird knocks on the window, some event will greatly disappoint you.
Listen to your body's signals.

Health problems may arise.


Financial condition will improve, career growth is expected. There will be luck in everything. Family members will feel happy.

Anyone who is accustomed to conducting illegal activities will soon be exposed.

What to do if a bird knocks on the window

In some cases, when a bird knocks its beak on a window, no action is required to soften the meaning of the sign. This refers to interpretations that promise prosperity and good luck. Negative omens must be mitigated in order to ward off trouble.

Advice! Additionally, you can determine the “sign” of a sign - plus or minus, using the following detail. If the knock of a bird on the window causes a small child to cry, trouble is inevitable. If a visit from a bird makes a child laugh, this means that there will be no negative consequences.

Which window is the bird knocking on?

Another aspect on which interpretations depend is where exactly the unexpected guest appeared.

In a house or apartment

A wounded, worried bird knocking means health problems, failures, loss of something valuable, turmoil.

If pets and children react to a calm bird without negativity or aggression or do not notice it at all, there is no reason for concern.

At work

The main interpretation is news and changes at work.
The longer the bird remains at the window, the more noticeable the future changes will be.

You can advance up the career ladder if no one except you noticed the guest arriving.

Persistent knocking promises fierce rivalry or the ruin of the company.

In car

  • knocks on a parked car - do not drive all day
  • hits a car with several passengers - to quarrels, disagreements
  • if a bird knocks on the car window while driving, it is better to get rid of the vehicle, otherwise you will face troubles
  • tries to break the glass with his beak - to an accident

What to do

  • What should you do if a bird knocks on the window of your apartment with its beak? First of all, you should pay attention to your child, how he behaves. It is generally accepted that a child can feel the presence of a dead person or even see him.
  • If your child suddenly starts crying a lot when a bird knocks its beak on the window, it means that the deceased relatives want to tell you something. What to do in this case? First of all, you don’t need to go towards the window and chase the bird away, give it some food, and then say: “I’m giving you food, please don’t take away anyone from your loved ones.”
  • You can also take a small red ribbon or thread and tie it next to the window. She will absorb all the negativity into herself, and a knocking bird will not bring bad news. This ritual can be performed by absolutely anyone, and it is done quickly. You can tie a thread at any time if you want to secure your home.
  • If your child does not change in any way and continues to go about his business, then there is nothing to fear. It's not a good sign if children start crying after their feathered friends knock. You should be prepared for any situation.
  • There are other ways to protect yourself from unhappiness. For example, the youngest child, who has reached the age of seven, should collect all the small pennies in the house and take them to the crossroads, and leave them there. You need to say the following words: “Grief, take the offering, don’t come to our house, don’t destroy the family, you have your own way, we have ours.” After that, he walks towards the house, silently and does not look back.
  • You can ask the “owner of the house”, the brownie, for help. For three days, leave him goodies and say the words: “Master of my house, save him from troubles and losses. I give you an offering, and you help.”

Interpretation depending on the behavior of the bird

How does a bird behave?Decoding signs
Turned awayNo significant changes
Knocking and scratching persistentlyImportant news, warning about something
Looks relaxed, calmly looking into the room through the windowCurrent classes will be productive and bring satisfaction
Whistling something, rejoicingHappiness, winnings, foreign exchange earnings
Jumps and fusses, does not fly away for a long timeMeeting loved ones after a long separation
I got hurt, I got scaredBeware of scams
Holds a small twig or blade of grass in its beakTo get rich
Got caught on something and can't fly awayTo troubles that will require a lot of resources to overcome
Persistently knocks on glass or flies into the houseTo troubles, disasters

More details about the places where the bird appeared and the consequences can be found in these articles:

  • What to do if a bird hits the window and flies away
  • The bird flew into the house

Good omens

Not many people know why a bird knocks on the window and what it is a sign of. In fact, there are quite a few good signs for this plan. And most of them are related to the fact that luck will smile on you or you will learn good news, you will have a long-awaited child.

  1. Many people say that if a swallow knocks on your window, then wait for the keys to heaven. And when she arrives and sits on your windowsill, and then knocks, just wait for happy news. And, if the dream of a child lives in your hearts with your soulmate, then very soon you will hear or find out what you have wanted for so long. The rod brings the same news about an imminent pregnancy.
  2. If a titmouse is beating or flying in, it means that unexpected news will be brought to you, but it will be very joyful and will bring only happiness. If it persists for a long time and persistently, it means that a long and very powerful good line has arrived, which will bring only joy and good omens. In this way, the bird delivers a message from the other world so that you are ready. You may also notice that she is sitting and looking at you, this is normal.
  3. Pigeons are considered the most important transmitters of news - this is the most important sign. It is advisable that your window is open, then the bird will have the opportunity to look in and tell us the news. If you believe the superstition, it means that when a bird hits the window with its beak, it means new guests. And, if the bird has some kind of grass in its beak, expect very kind and generous guests who will bring with them a bunch of gifts.

How to avoid negative consequences

  • feed the bird, let it get enough and fly away
  • Hang a feeder that you can watch from the window. Birds will be more interested in it than your home
  • tie a red thread or ribbon next to the window. This neutralizes negative predictions
  • ask the brownie for help. Leave him something tasty three days in a row
  • pray in the temple, light candles. When you go outside, feed the birds with bread crumbs brought from home
  • Be careful and put off important things for a while

What to do with this news?

To protect all your family and friends from bad predictions, you need to attach a red ribbon to the window. This will help get rid of the negativity that the bird brought. You can use the help of the brownie: pour him a saucer of milk and put sweets next to him, accompanying the actions with a request for help in eliminating upcoming troubles. A sick bird must be helped - taken to a veterinarian.

If important things were planned, they should be postponed. If the omen is good, the bird needs to be fed.

What does it mean if you crash to death?

  • Even in pagan centuries, a dead gray bird was considered a sign that the inhabitants of the house would lose a large sum.
  • The gloomiest forecast, as always, promises death for the owners or their relatives. Well, our ancestors could not calmly perceive the combination “bird and window”, what can you do! Someone began to wait for tragedy, believing that the death of a bird necessarily meant something terrible... Fortunately, they left a recipe for averting disaster. Wash the window thoroughly, take the rag to the trash can, and carefully drain the water somewhere away from the house. If the glass is cracked, replace it as quickly as you can, and take the old pieces to a landfill and bury them. And then go to church and light candles for the health of all family members.

You don't have to love sparrows. But there is no need to be afraid of them. And you certainly shouldn’t offend birds by trying to drive them away from your window. Despite the dislike for the little bird, popular rumor was sure that whoever killed the gray little bird would have a bad time. Treat your little guest kindly, and he will tell you good news in return. Is it possible to repay a kind reception with evil?

A bird in ordinary life does not mean anything special, being simply one of the elements of our environment.

But the ancestors believed that every part of nature and everyday things could serve as a prophet

significant events in our future.

To know what fate has in store for the appearance of a bird knocking on the window, it is enough to know a few important signs.

How to eliminate a bad omen?

Ancestors believed not only that birds could predict fate, but also that this fate could be changed
. To do this, you had to take a few coins and take them to any crossroads at night.

Before leaving the coins on the ground, certain words had to be said

: I give problems to the earth, I take health and wealth for myself. The coins were a ransom for the other world. Instead of health and personal happiness, the person gave money.

You could also ask for mercy from nature

She took the side of a person if that evening he buried a donation under a tree trunk in the forest. even human blood
could act as alms . There is no need to say special words in such cases. The main thing, when burying a gift for nature, is to ask for protection for yourself and your family.

If a bird knocks on your window, do not immediately think that problems or death await you. Sometimes the knocking bird means nothing. In such a situation, you just need to think once again about your life and your loved ones, as well as set priorities and set new goals to achieve.

Why this sign - a bird hitting the window? The appearance of such a guest is always a special sign for a person, sent with the purpose of warning or good news. Its interpretation depends on a number of factors, including the breed of the bird, its behavior, and condition.

According to popular beliefs, the appearance of a bird portends trouble. This is due to the fact that birds have long been considered messengers of the other world. They can convey various messages, not always pleasant:

  • Report curses and damage.
  • Presage the death of a relative, a serious illness.
  • Warn about squabbles, gossip, dishonest behavior of colleagues at work or business partners.
  • Promise money, a sharp promotion, success.
  • Inform about the imminent addition to the family.

There are good and bad signs associated with birds for residential premises and for offices. To understand their meaning, it is important to know all the folk beliefs associated with birds of various breeds.

If there's a knock at home

What does it mean when a bird flies to your home windowsill? Pay attention to the behavior of the feathered guest and the reaction of children or pets to him:

  1. If the bird is calm, children laugh when looking at it, dogs or cats do not express concern, then its appearance is considered a favorable sign.
  2. If the bird is sick, wounded, struggling on the windowsill, causing concern among the children, it means that it promises troubles and losses for the house.

In both cases, you need to neutralize possible negativity and speed up the effect of a good omen. If you suspect that your home is destined for misfortune, contact a clairvoyant.

If he knocks at work

The appearance of a feathered messenger at work predicts changes for the company she has joined. If a bird flies and flies away, its message is insignificant - you can not pay attention to the animal. If the bird remains on the windowsill for a long time, then serious changes are coming to the company. Their interpretation depends on the breed of bird.

The appearance of swifts, swallows and pigeons usually portends profit. Crows, magpies, and sparrows indicate dishonest behavior of competitors.

What if it's a seagull?

A seagull is a bad sign, marking the beginning of a dark streak in a person’s life.
It is believed that this bird represents the soul of a sailor who died at sea.

, died a difficult and terrible death. When a seagull knocks on the window, the soul of the deceased calls someone living to him.

You should be especially wary if the bird knocks for a long time and for a long time, this also means death, but it will be heavy. Most likely, the person will be ill for a long time or suffer greatly

until the soul finally moves to the other side.

Other bad omens

If a crow flies into your window, this may indicate that you may soon lose someone close to you. Also, if a small bird flew several circles around the house and constantly flew past your window, it is interpreted as the death of a loved one. In this case, a ritual is performed that can ward off this dashing misfortune from your relative or loved one.

A jackdaw, eagle owl, or owl may fly to the window. Their arrival at your window indicates that perhaps one of your relatives is trying to convey news of impending trouble. If they still begin to scream loudly and demandingly, this indicates that, most likely, trouble will not come alone, but will lead to a whole chain of some troubles that will suddenly and unexpectedly come to your family.

If your window is attacked by a cuckoo, this may indicate that your family may be very disappointed. In addition, this may signal that your family may be affected by various diseases and some of them may be fatal. If this happens, you should never give up, you need to act. Perhaps they envied you and caused damage to you, or they specifically turned to the grandmothers and brought mortal damage to the family. Think about who you could cross the path of so much.

Also, there is also a folk method - you need to collect all the little things that you have in the house, put them in one bag and take them to the intersection. But you need to not just pour it out, but throw it over your right shoulder, while saying the following words: “Take this money, because I don’t need it. You better grant joy, happiness, health and longevity to me and my loved ones. May success accompany us everywhere.” Today there are more than enough signs associated with the appearance of birds in homes, but not all of them are bad. To believe in them or not is up to you to decide. In any case, it will not be difficult for you to treat the bird with something tasty when it flies up to the window, so that it will not give you bad news, but only good ones.

Why does this happen according to popular beliefs?

Sometimes birds become interested in the glass covering, so they knock on it. Or perhaps an insect landed on the glass, and the feathered creature decided to eat it, so a sound appeared that resembled a knock.

But many consider birds to be messengers of some news. They often fly in to convey news, but it’s difficult to understand whether it’s good or bad.

A bird knocks on the glass of a house or apartment

If a bird knocks on the window, it means that it has brought news from a deceased close relative. After all, many people think that birds are messengers of God who convey messages from the dead to the living.

Or it is possible that this is not even news, but an ordinary greeting. This is how they try to say that they are always close to loved ones. This can happen on his birthday. Birds can arrive before him or, conversely, later.

Into the car window

  1. According to superstitions, if a feathered guest knocks on the car window, then changes await the person ahead.
  2. If the bird hit the car window and flew away without any damage, then you can forget about this incident, since nothing bad is brewing.
  3. But if a black bird confidently hovers over a car and at the same time tries to knock on the windshield with its beak, then danger awaits a person on the road. An accident is near, you should be attentive and careful.

We recommend: The dove hit the window and flew away or hit and beats: what does this folk sign mean, how to react correctly?

There are signs that regard such an incident as a positive sign. Some people believe that this is a sign of meeting friends or good news.

At work

The bird that hits the office window carries some news for this organization . The longer it stays on the windowsill, the more important changes will happen soon. Also, if a feathered creature knocks on an office window, then a girl of marriageable age will soon find a groom among her team.

If it flies in and flies away, then you can ignore it, since in this case no big changes will happen.

A dove knocks on the window

was considered a bad sign for our ancestors , foreshadowing in most cases only bad events. A knocking dove could mean the death of one of the living into whose house it flew. He personifies a messenger from the other world.

The ancestors believed that the dead sent it so that a person would have time to complete all his earthly affairs and calmly go to another world.

However, if a pigeon knocks on the window that faces the street , expect urgent news. They can be both good and bad. Also, such a sign could mean the imminent arrival of guests . If the bird had grass or a seed in its beak, the arriving guest will bring treats with him or give away something that the owner of the house has long desired.

If a dove knocked on the door of an unmarried girl or single guy at night, such a sign could mean a quick end to the relationship with the other half. To prevent this from happening, fate gave a sign about the need to think about your partner.

A dove knocking at night to married people spoke of quarrels and grievances in the family , that one of the partners does not want to tell the whole truth about some event.

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Hit the glass and flew away

  • If a sparrow hits the window with its whole body, shakes itself off and flies on, the house is in danger of gossip. You should be careful, the neighbors have already sharpened their tongues to slander!
  • Sometimes such an event is considered a harbinger of anxiety. Take note and do not rush to sound the alarm when you receive some unpleasant message, there is a chance that the matter will be limited to empty hassle. Why not stop panicking in vain then?
  • But there are interpreters who will definitely consider the fact that the sparrow crashed into a bad signal, bringing illnesses and a real threat to life. Do you want to make sure that the “mail” does not arrive? Place bread crumbs or seeds under the windowsill. If after a while you see a lively bird picking up a treat, followed by new comrades, consider that you have bought yourself out of trouble.

Folk signs about sparrows near human habitation

Alas, popular beliefs believe that getting too close to a gray-brown bird is not good for a person. Perhaps this idea appeared back in the days when grain was taken out to every peasant yard in the spring for sowing, and a new harvest was brought in in the fall. Flocks of sparrows hovered nearby, ready at any moment to make money at someone else’s expense, and the owners covered the thieves with bad words and, out of frustration, came up with nasty things about them, one worse than the other. And here’s what’s interesting: city residents have no longer been associated with agriculture for a long time, but the tradition of considering fidgety and - what’s more - impudent sparrows as unpleasant neighbors remains. At least among adherents of superstitions.

A few tricks

In addition, there are signs among the people that if a bird is white and it looks or flies up to the window, it means that soon someone in this apartment will get married or the girl will be proposed to, and how she responds will depend only from the bride herself.

And, if a dark-colored bird crashed into the window, it means that fate itself is hinting to you, listen to your inner feelings and your “I”. If the bird starts hitting the glass, listen to your feelings at that very moment. If these are disturbing feelings, call your family and friends, ask how they are morally and physically. Often, it is the name that immediately appears in your head that needs your help and support.

The same must be done if the pigeon is not just looking or sitting near the window, but is directly persistently beating with its beak. The person whose name comes to your mind is immediately at risk of a serious illness. Visit this person, perhaps, if something worries him in terms of pain, force him to visit a doctor. In such cases, one must say: “Everyone has their own time, and I am sure that this person’s time has not come. You're just not for us. Amen". To make sure it works, feed them something you didn’t buy at the store.

Another good omen is if a magpie knocks on your door or flies in. This may involve several events:

  • great news;
  • guests you have been waiting for a long time;
  • if someone in the apartment has been sick for a long time, they will soon get better.

It is believed that a magpie will never just fly up to the windows and make itself known.

A bird crashed against a window to its death: omen

Don’t rush into hysterics, nothing bad will happen. Perhaps you will meet old friends, and most likely it will be a feast. If this is a dove, then you will be present at some kind of holiday or feast. A dead sparrow speaks of modest gatherings in a cafe. If you're really worried about this, invite 2 friends home and share a bottle of wine with them.

A bird crashed against a window to its death: omen

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