Signs and superstitions about ficus, can it be kept at home, and is it good or bad?

Ficus is the most famous and popular plant for home and office.
But, if you think about it, what do we even know about this flower other than its standard biological description? Dear readers!
For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format! This time we decided to find out whether it makes sense to have a ficus at home. We’ll also talk about the signs and superstitions that surround this plant.

History of a flower

Ficus has been known as a house plant for a long time. The inhabitants of Ancient China placed this plant in their homes.

This flower came to Europe already in modern times.

At first it was a plant of the nobility. It was considered one of the symbols of prosperity, because it was brought from the other side of the globe! And it was very expensive.

Aristocrats placed pots with the plant in the bedrooms (to restore lost sexuality), in the living room (to attract luck in cards), in the study (to make things go better).

Gradually, ficus began to appear in the homes of ordinary people and became what we know it today. A symbol of all indoor flowers, a welcome and frequent guest in offices, living rooms and other public spaces.

What signs and superstitions are there?

Each plant variety has its own superstitions and signs. Let's consider those that correspond to the most popular types of flower: Elastica (rubber) and Benjamin.

Signs about the rubber-bearing ficus

To summarize, the general meaning: Elastica attracts money. Therefore, it would be a good idea to place this flower in your office or study.

This is a rather interesting moment. Among some peoples, Elastica is considered a muzhegon. Although there is no consensus, since in other cultures Elastica is considered a symbol of success and happiness.

ON A NOTE. Some people place Elastica near their workplace in order to keep relationships with colleagues exclusively on the work plane.

Signs about Ficus Benjamin

This variety has very real and tangible beneficial properties. The fact is that the leaves of the flower release phytoncides into the atmosphere, which purify the air and disinfect it.

It is believed that Benjamin's ficus attracts well-being to its owner and strengthens his relationships with family.

Healing properties of Ficus

Ficus is widely used in folk medicine. The healing properties of ficus are used to treat primatopathies and to reduce benign formations - fibroids and uterine fibroids. In complex therapy, ficus juice (taken orally) and tincture (for rubbing hardening in mastopathy) are useful. Ficus plants with succulent, dense leaves, such as those of rubber-bearing ficus, are used in the composition of the preparations.

It is believed that thanks to ficus, household members get sick less often and almost never get dislocations, sprains or fractures. If an injury does occur, it will heal much faster than usual and there will be no complications.

  • Healing properties in the treatment of diseases of the joints, back, female ailments, hematomas: a decoction is prepared from the leaves and, depending on the type of problem, it is applied to sore spots or taken internally. The rubber-bearing variety of the plant has the most healing properties in relation to human health.
  • The leaves of ficus ampelous are used to treat carbuncles and dysentery. Dried leaves are used for hemorrhoids; stems - for furunculosis, rheumatism, ulcers of the larynx. Ficus stem juice is used for dysentery, skin diseases, back pain, hemorrhoids, indigestion and tuberculosis. A decoction of the roots helps with inflammation of the bladder and urinary disorders.
  • In the medicine of eastern countries, preparations from ficus increase the sexual performance of men. It is also believed that taking this plant internally relieves heart pain and prevents the risk of cancer.

The healing properties of juice from ficus leaves are recommended to treat the following diseases, if there is no tendency to allergic reactions:

Ficus juice for mastopathy

Ingredients: 2 ficus leaves, honey.

Method of preparation: wash the leaves, grind through a meat grinder, add honey.

Directions for use: take 1 tsp. 1 time a day at the same time in the morning or evening for 1 week, then interrupt the course for 14 days and repeat again.

Note: Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Ficus tincture for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 120 ml vodka, 250 g table salt.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add vodka. Leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place. Then filter with gauze, pour into a dark glass bottle, and put in the refrigerator.

Directions for use: take a warm bath with table salt, then rub the infusion on the sore areas, tie them with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment can be up to 10 days.

Ficus cakes for mastopathy

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 1 tsp. honey, flour.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add honey, flour, knead into a flat cake.

Directions for use: Apply the cake to problem areas overnight and secure with a bandage. Do this for 1 week, then interrupt treatment for 14 days and repeat again.

Ficus for boils

Composition: 2 ficus leaves.

Method of preparation: Grind the leaves into a paste.

Directions for use: put the paste of the leaves on the inflamed area and tie it with a bandage overnight. The next day, repeat everything. After the 2nd use of the ficus, the pus will come out.

Ficus tincture for toothache

Ingredients: 20 g of fresh juice from ficus leaves, 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Method of preparation: mix juice and alcohol, refrigerate for 2 days.

Directions for use: take the infusion into a pipette and carefully drop it into the hollow of the diseased tooth, avoiding getting it on the gums.

Ficus cakes against bruises

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 1 tsp. honey, flour.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, mix with honey and flour, make a flat cake.

Directions for use: Apply the lozenge to the bruise at night and tie it with a warm cloth.

Ficus ice for bruises

Ingredients: 3 ficus leaves, water.

Method of preparation: chop the leaves, add a small amount of water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain, pour into freezing molds, and place in the refrigerator.

Directions for use: Apply a piece of the resulting ice to the bruise and hold for 10 minutes.

Legends about ficus

Over the many years of growing the flower at home, many legends associated with it have developed.

The Chinese believe that ficus should be in every home. Therefore, they have a tradition of giving a pot of these plants at a wedding or housewarming. Ficus for the Chinese is a symbol of family.

There is a similar attitude towards the flower in Egypt. It is quite difficult to maintain such a plant among the sands, but Egyptians still try to buy it for their home.

In Thailand, the plant is even sacred. According to local beliefs, ficus is able to drive away evil spirits from the home.

But in the West they are more wary of the flower. For example, a plant is considered dangerous when its leaves become spotted.

Also, the flower does not like being constantly surrounded by a large number of people, especially strangers.

Is it possible to keep a ficus in your bedroom?

The attitude of different peoples towards ficus has long been contradictory.
When asked whether it is possible to keep a ficus in the bedroom or even in the house, some answered only in the affirmative. Others believed that it brings bad luck. In particular, it was the Slavs who believed that because of this flower there would be frequent fights in the house. There are different opinions about the effect of ficus trees on the atmosphere in the house.

However, recently people have only spoken positively about ficus, considering it a family flower, a keeper of the hearth, and even a plant that can help you get pregnant. But first things first.

Why is ficus useful in the bedroom?

From a biological point of view, ficus, like other plants, helps purify the air. Oxygen is produced during the process of photosynthesis, and for this reason it is useful to place a ficus in the bedroom so that there is always something to breathe.

In addition, the plant is completely non-toxic and can even cope with harmful bacteria and disinfect the air. Ficus is also good in the bedroom because it is used to treat many female diseases. That is why it is believed that it helps future parents in conceiving a child. To treat uterine tumors, various decoctions and teas are often made from this plant. And for bronchitis, ficus will also be very useful. Moreover, it will help prevent the owners of the bedroom from getting sick thanks to its disinfecting properties.

Various teachings about the benefits and harms of ficus

Ficus helps purify the air, so keeping it in the bedroom can be beneficial.

An interesting opinion about whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home according to Feng Shui. So, according to this teaching, it symbolizes wisdom. That is why you need to keep it in your bedroom. To always make wise decisions.

Followers of Ayurvedic teachings hold a similar opinion. They believe that they cannot do without a ficus in the house. It helps restore the energy field in the home and can relieve bedroom owners of all worries. That is why a flower in the bedroom is worth having not only for those who want to conceive a child, but also for any other person.

The ancient Slavs had a different opinion, who under no circumstances kept a ficus in the house, as they believed that it would help bring discord into the house. Perhaps they were more familiar with the rubber ficus, which can actually be harmful to people living in the house. The fact is that this plant releases rubber into the air, which can cause some people, especially those who suffer from asthma, to simply choke. Perhaps this is why the Slavs were so afraid to bring this flower into the house. Otherwise, it is completely harmless and even desirable in the home and bedroom.

Signs associated with ficus trees

Many years ago, when they were just starting to grow ficus at home, there were some signs that related to ficus in the bedroom. Most often they say this:

  1. According to Feng Shui, ficus promises a replenishment of the family.

According to Feng Shui, ficus promotes the birth of children in the family.

This opinion is found in several cultures at once. It is believed that the plant should be received as a gift, and not purchased independently. And when new shoots appear, the hostess will understand that very soon she will have a long-awaited baby.

dependence of the coolant temperature on the outside air temperature

  1. Another version of the same sign is this: you will be able to get pregnant when the ficus is planted by the woman herself who wants to get pregnant.

You need to put the cuttings in water. When the roots appear, it can be planted in the ground. And not just plant, but make the plant your friend, a member of the family. The flower requires very careful care. You need to constantly communicate with it, be very affectionate and gentle around the plant. It is believed that then he will reciprocate and help the owner become a mother. At the same time, only a woman can take care of him. A man is strictly prohibited from approaching the plant or watering it.

That is why they place it in the bedroom, to sleep better and feel great in the morning.

  1. Ficus in the kitchen is the key to material well-being.

It is also believed that ficus improves relationships between people living in the house. Anxiety is replaced by a pleasant calm state. This is understandable, since ficus is a flower that absorbs formaldehyde. This gas is produced by plastics and is therefore present in excess in many homes.

It is important to understand that ficus is a rather delicate plant, and therefore it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

But at the same time there should be enough light in the apartment. Ficus lives best in spacious rooms; ventilation should be constant. The temperature in summer should not be more than 25-30°C, but in winter you should not lower the temperature in the room below 15-20°C.

It is best to water the ficus with warm water.

Watering is carried out as necessary. The only important thing is that the water needs to be heated a little. Some gardeners say that you need to make the water hot. The main thing is not boiling water. The leaves should be sprayed with hot, if possible, spring water from a spray bottle. If you don’t have it, then you can use ordinary tap water. It is only important to let it sit for a few days, since water in cities is rarely of good quality.

Ficus does not withstand drafts and any temperature changes. Ficus does not tolerate overwatering; too much water can simply kill it.

Caring for a ficus is not very easy, but it is worth it. You need to communicate with him as if you were with a small child or loved one. It requires affection and tenderness, but will generously reward with its beauty and good influence on the atmosphere in the house and on the family hearth.

Some interesting facts about the plant

The fig tree is a type of ficus.

  1. Most often, ficus trees grow in the tropics. But there are several species of this plant that also grow in Crimea and Transcaucasia.
  2. The most interesting ficus plant is, perhaps, the fig tree. The amazingly tasty fruits not only have excellent nutritional properties, but also have an excellent effect on overall health. They are definitely worth a try.
  3. There are ficus trees from which living bridges are made. This art is especially widespread in India. It takes up to 15 years to create a masterpiece, and the bridge can be supported by 50 people.
  4. Among Muslims, ficus trees are sacred and must be placed in houses and apartments, especially in bedrooms. This is where most of the beliefs about the usefulness of the fig tree come from.
  5. A home version of ficus for the bedroom is Ficus Benjamin. It does not grow too big and fits perfectly into the interior of the apartment.

Where does the belief come from that ficus should be in the bedroom? There is a legend that once upon a time there lived on earth a very rich and beautiful couple, but they did not have children. They really wanted a little miracle to live in their house. And then they went to a very famous sage, who told them to put a ficus tree at home. Very soon they found out that they were expecting a child. The sage became rich, and the family lived a happy life and told everyone that they needed to put this particular flower at home.

Thus, ficus is not only not harmful, but also very useful, for which there are many explanations. It has long been placed in the bedroom to attract new life into the house, and in the kitchen to acquire financial well-being. In addition, it has a wonderful effect on health.

Is it a flower?

The sign that ficus is a muzhegon appeared during the First World War. Someone noticed that many widows had this flower growing in their homes.

People connected these two facts, and they began to hastily get rid of ficus trees. But by the middle of the 20th century, these plants again became one of the most popular in home floriculture.

But among the Slavic peoples, the fame of muzhegon is firmly attached to the ficus.

Magical properties of the flower

The following properties are attributed to the plant:

  • Strengthens relationships even in the largest family.
  • Helps to overcome difficulties and solve any problems.
  • Calms and makes a person more reasonable.
  • Attracts success and luck into the home.
  • Helps you gain financial stability.
  • Protects the home and its inhabitants from the evil eye and the influence of dark forces.
  • If you suddenly decide to buy yourself this flower, then luck will soon turn your face.

But these are all positive properties. Some peoples believe that ficus has a number of negative traits.

For example, in Russia it is still believed that this flower is muzhegon. It has a bad effect on a man's character.

It is also believed that this plant nurtures envy, slander, and a craving for scandals and showdowns in a person.

Is it possible to give a flower and to whom?

Folk signs mostly have a positive meaning and do not carry a negative meaning. Ficus benjamina flower works on finances, family ties and luck. It is an excellent gift for people who are looking for family well-being, financial stability or some kind of joy. Signs may differ depending on who gives the plant in question and to whom:

  • A woman who is already happily married gives a flower to an unmarried girl. The girl will soon have a marriage no less successful than that of her friend.
  • If you give a flower at the moment when it blooms. The person who receives it will notice how much his financial well-being will increase.
  • Ficus monica is given to a childless couple. Soon we can expect a new addition to the family.

Ficus is a very pleasant flower. It is easy to care for, it looks beautiful and, if you believe the signs, it brings a lot of positive things to your home. If no one gives you a plant, buy it yourself. The effect will be no less strong.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Ficus requires respectful treatment. According to Feng Shui, it should be placed in a visible place. Preferably in the south-eastern part of the house or apartment.

Then the flower will bring more benefits to its owner.

If you have several rooms, then place the ficus in the one where you welcome guests. Here he will create a friendly atmosphere of friendly conversation.

IMPORTANT! In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the ficus likes its place. These plants do not tolerate drafts. They like warmth, bright but diffused sunlight.

Money signs about ficus trees

There are several signs associated with money and flowers.

  • To grow financial well-being, you need to place a flower in your office.
  • Talk to the flower and ask it for help so that it will attract you more money.
  • Don't let the leaves fall. This promises monetary losses.
  • It is better to plant ficus in a green pot.

How to plant ficus correctly to attract wealth

Do you want to attract more money? When replanting a ficus, place a few coins at the bottom of the pot or flowerpot. Each new branch on the plant will mean a chance for you to improve your financial condition.

What signs about pregnancy are there?

This plant is believed to have a beneficial effect on the human reproductive system. Therefore, a family wishing to have a child is recommended to take a ficus.

But you can’t just buy a flower in a store. There are several signs:

  1. A plant cutting should be taken from a family with children;
  2. The flower must be provided with proper care. Communicate with him;
  3. No one else should touch the plant.

ON A NOTE. A flower given by a close friend will also have positive properties.

The meaning of a flower during pregnancy

There is a belief that a woman who wants to have a child should get a ficus. To carry out the ritual, they use a small bush, preferably grown with their own hands from a cutting.

The plant is installed in the bedroom and cared for like a small child:

  • water and wipe the leaves;
  • feed;
  • give the flower a name and talk to it.

For your information! In India and Asia, women seeking to become pregnant perform a special ritual. On the new moon, they undress and walk around the tree in a circle. It is believed that this gives strength to fertility and promotes speedy procreation.

Where is the best place to place ficus trees to attract good luck?

The influence of the flower on a person depends on where the pot with the plant is located.

  • Study. The plant increases productivity and helps improve relationships with colleagues.
  • Corridor. The flower will become a guardian who will not allow evil forces to enter your doorstep.
  • Living room. People will come to visit you more often. Moreover, these will not be annoying visitors, but welcome friends.
  • Cabinet or shelf. Home energy protection.
  • Bedroom. Resolving sexual problems of a married couple, strengthening marriage.

REFERENCE. A good idea would be to place a pot with a plant in the kitchen. There is a belief that the inhabitants of the house will always be well-fed and will not need money.

Where can't you put a flower?

Despite all its positive energy, ficus can be capricious. So the flower does not like to be in the center of the room. Because of this, there will be quarrels and scandals in the family.

The bathroom and toilet are also not the best places. Your money will flow away like water.

Ficus also does not like to be close to other flowers. This plant loves space and comfort.

ON A NOTE. The southwest and northeast corners of an apartment or house should be avoided. For ficus, these are energetically unfavorable zones.


The ficus flower was grown by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. In almost every house one could see this large plant with wide green glossy leaves. From this we can conclude that the flower is loved by many generations.

According to the signs and superstitions of different peoples, as well as research by scientists, ficus trees are not only possible, but even necessary to be kept in houses, apartments, and offices. Only the Slavs spoke negatively about them. But how can a harmless flower bring discord and quarrels to a family? It’s better to trust biologists and grow Benjamin, Robusta or another variety to purify the air and decorate the room.

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