How to independently identify the evil eye and damage using 10 folk methods

» Damage and the evil eye » How to determine damage and the evil eye yourself



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Many people do not believe that they can be jinxed or be damaged. But in vain! Black magic is a terrible force and some “persons” use it for their own purposes, to annoy someone, to make a person unhappy and not successful. And there are a lot of such cases! Due to ignorance, many fail to immediately identify this scourge. Therefore, today we will talk about how to check whether there is damage or the evil eye on a person yourself.

How to check if there is damage or the evil eye yourself

What symptoms are characteristic of damage and the evil eye?

Who can spoil or jinx me? Only bad people who wish you harm and misfortune. Remember this forever! How to check damage? How can you check the evil eye? Before we begin with ways to identify this or that misfortune, let's look at the signs that are inherent in them. After all, you will agree that there is no point in conducting such experiments without reason and need.

The following symptoms may indicate that a person has the evil eye or damage:

  • frequent and aching headaches;
  • apathy and lack of interest in life;
  • reluctance to communicate with loved ones;
  • noises and some strange voices in the head;
  • chronic fatigue, lethargy, loss of strength.

In addition to the above signs, you should pay attention to other things. Failures in all endeavors and affairs, constant lack of money, misfortunes and misfortunes are signs that you have been jinxed or have been damaged.

There are many methods for determining the negative impact on a person. We will look at the most affordable and effective ones that you can use at home to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Specific manifestations of damage

Depending on the characteristics of the induced witchcraft, the signs of damage to a person differ.

For love failures

If you are cursed with loneliness, failures in romantic relationships, difficulties arise when communicating with the opposite sex. A person may be very shy and not be able to build a dialogue. Often the bewitched choose aggressive partners, manipulators or people with addictions. Relationships don't last long.

Damage to love failures.

To the collapse of the family

If a man or woman tries to quarrel with their spouse, interest in the partner gradually weakens. Minor shortcomings begin to irritate, news from the life of a husband or wife ceases to be of interest. Quarrels and conflicts become more frequent. Sex between spouses happens less and less until it disappears completely.

Treason is possible. A bewitched person will not necessarily enter into a relationship or intimate relationship with the one who sent the damage.

For deteriorating health

When damage is caused to health, the condition of the body gradually worsens. People get sick with colds more often. Characterized by a general asthenic state, loss of strength, and constant fatigue. Chronic diseases that are difficult to treat appear or worsen. Severe diseases may appear, which often progress rapidly.

Damage to poor health.

To death

Damage to death is characterized by a sharp, aggressive effect. The state of health deteriorates quickly, and incurable diseases (for example, inoperable cancerous tumors) may be discovered. The well-being of close relatives living in a common area with the bewitched person worsens. Children are especially hard hit. The death of domestic animals is possible; pets often run away or experience anxiety when the cursed person approaches.

A person more often finds himself in dangerous situations (for example, car accidents) and gets injured. May be attacked by criminals or hooligans. If you do not get rid of the damage in a timely manner, the bewitched person will die.

To poverty

When money is damaged, the financial condition deteriorates sharply. There may be losses of large sums and unexpected expenses (for example, for treatment or repairing broken expensive equipment). At work, a man or woman is demoted, fined or fired. Additional sources of income disappear, money is quickly spent, and saving even a small amount becomes difficult or impossible.

Damage to poverty.

If a person had his own business, bankruptcy occurs. A man or woman experiences apathy, a reluctance to take any measures to improve the situation. If attempts do occur, they turn out to be ineffective and do not lead to the desired result.

Church candles will help

This ritual is used by many traditional healers. What is required about you? Be sure to go to church on Sunday and buy four candles before the service begins. Light and place three candles near the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and the saint after whom the church is named to turn to them for help. The last, fourth candle you will need to perform the ritual at home.

The best time to identify damage or the evil eye using a candle is Sunday evening. It’s no secret that white is the color of nobility, purity and innocence, and not only that, it protects a person from everything bad and creates some kind of protection from negativity. Therefore, you should stock up on white robe for this ritual. Alternatively, you can simply throw a sheet over yourself if you don’t have such clothes.

Step-by-step instruction

So, let's look step by step at what you will need to do with the candle:

  1. The “victim”, who will be tested for damage or the evil eye, must sit on a chair without a back, facing the east side. He should relax and place his hands palms up.
  2. The person determining the presence of a misfortune on the victim must stand behind him, read the “Our Father” prayer and then light a candle.
  3. After this, go around the victim clockwise three times. Hold the candle at a distance of 15 cm from the person and move it over the entire body, starting from the head.

If during the ritual with a candle the color of the flame remains unchanged, it means that the person being tested has a pure biofield.

Damage has a strong energetic effect that damages the biofield. For a person who has been damaged, the candle will burn with a red flame, create smoke and emit an unpleasant odor. The longer a person is under the influence of negative energy, the more intense the candle will react to this, especially in the area of ​​the head, legs and back.

Unlike damage, the evil eye has a weaker effect and a smaller affected area. How is the evil eye tested? Its localization center is the back of the head and the upper body. Therefore, during treatment with a candle, the reaction will not be as active, but its presence speaks volumes.

After the ritual, the person checking can and should take a shower with the thought that the water is leaving and taking all the negativity deep into the ground.

To be sure, you can ask someone from your family to perform the same test on yourself.

Diagnostic features

To determine damage in children or in an entire house, the procedure will be different.

For children

Diagnosis can be carried out using a chicken egg, runes or Tarot cards. In addition, you should pay attention to the main signs that the child has been bewitched. Children begin to catch colds more often, eat poorly, and sleep restlessly. Babies become capricious and can cry for days without reason. There are attacks of anger and aggression, during which children break toys.

In the evening, before bedtime, the child becomes especially capricious. He may be afraid of being alone or afraid of the dark. Bruises, abrasions, and scratches appear more often. The child may be injured, break an arm or leg.

Diagnosis is carried out using runes.

For the whole house

Damage to a home is often felt intuitively by family members. It is possible to find out whether the building is enchanted with the help of incense and a candle. Purchase the necessary equipment from the church. Place the incense in a spoon and light it with a candle flame. Then walk around the apartment counterclockwise. You need to walk slowly, stopping briefly at each corner. If the incense begins to smoke or crackle in any place, damage has been caused there.

Carefully inspect the damned room. You can often find a needle stuck in wallpaper, curtains or furniture. The pin may be in the corner.

Determining adversity using matches

This is one of the best proven methods that has been tested by many. To implement it, you will need only two details - a box of matches and a container of water. Take three matches from the box and hold them in your hand for a few minutes, holding them with your palm. This way you will charge them with your energy.

Light each match in turn and throw it into a bowl of water. Next, we look, if the matches float on the surface without touching or intersecting with each other, then, praise the Lord God, your guardian angels are protecting you and your clean biofield.

Floating matches, tilted down or located on top of each other indicate that you have been jinxed. If at least one of the matches was at the bottom, this indicates that you have been damaged.

Rules for using retinoids

IMPORTANT! It is a serious mistake for a cosmetologist if he avoids prescribing retinoids for fear of side effects: redness, erythema, dryness and flaking. These symptoms can be easily avoided if you follow the recommendations:

  1. Use cosmetics with retinol from professional brands

Are you tempted to buy an inexpensive retinoid product at the pharmacy? It is important to know the differences:

In pharmaceutical forms, synthetic analogues of retinol are used, which are more aggressive on the skin and are more likely to provoke retinoic dermatitis ;

Professional cosmetic preparations contain natural forms of retinol , which are gentle in operation, while providing all the necessary functions to the skin;

Professional cosmetics with retinol contain ingredients with a brightening effect to enhance effectiveness, as well as a calming and restorative effect - for ease of use.

  1. Follow the recommended application regimens

Each drug has its own scheme of use, which must be familiarized with before use. The difference in the frequency of application of the product is related to the percentage and form of retinol.

A number of serums and creams with retinol are used daily in the evening (up to 0.5%), and products with 1-2% retinol according to an increasing scheme, very often from the first week from 1 time per week, gradually increasing to a multiplicity - in the evening every other day, to 4-5 weeks of use.

  1. Apply locally to age spots

If there are no additional indications for the use of retinol, it is enough to apply the product only to the area of ​​age spots.

  1. Use only at night

Retinoids are applied to the skin only in the evening - a single rule for all products with retinol! A single application is enough, it is important not to forget to apply sunscreen with SPF to the skin in the morning, as retinoids increase, thin the stratum corneum and increase the skin's vulnerability to ultraviolet and other rays.

However, regular use of mineral SPF reduces all threats from the sun to zero and makes the use of retinol completely safe!

  1. Patience!

The work of retinoids is physiological, so the result of use is not immediately visible. Expect a lasting visible effect in about the second month from the start of use. However, we hasten to please you - the result, thanks to the gradual physiological effects of retinol, is persistent and pronounced. It is possible to completely get rid of age spots within 6-8 months of use.

Brightening Serum DermaQuest

Designed specifically for the comprehensive fight against age spots - contains 2% retinol , enriched with snow-white lily stem cells and Bakuchiol.

Serum benefits:

  • A high working concentration of 2% retinol effectively normalizes the functioning of melanocytes, while effectively repairing damage and rejuvenating the skin.
  • Rich complex of whitening ingredients with multidirectional action :
  • Stem cells of the white lily,
  • Bakuchiol (Vitamin A simulator) further increases the effectiveness of the drug,
  • Hexylresorcinol is a safe analogue of hydroquinone, its activity is 4 times higher
  • Botanical extracts with brightening effects
  • Contains antioxidants – Vitamin C in modern form , Vitamin E, green tea extract – restoration of skin protective mechanisms;
  • BONUS when using!

    The serum is designed for complete comprehensive care for skin with age spots - in addition to the brightening effect, it effectively moisturizes due to the content of hyaluronic acid, rejuvenates the skin thanks to Retinol and antioxidants, and also softens and restores barrier function - it contains Jojoba oil and Aloe extracts.

    Safety – does not contain hydroquinone;

    Brightening serum works against all types of pigmentation, including deep, stagnant and long-standing ones.

    Application according to a special scheme:

    In the 1st week, apply - 1 time, in the 2nd - 2 times, in the 3rd - 3 times a week, in the 4th and subsequent 4 times a week.

    Detecting misfortune with an egg

    This diagnosis is carried out in several ways. Moreover, many traditional healers believe that there is no better way to identify an unclean scourge. Let's consider each of the methods in detail.

    Method one

    The unique properties of eggs were established in ancient times. The egg has a very sensitive biofield. When it comes into contact with foreign energy, it instantly absorbs it into itself. Therefore, many people use eggs to ward off damage and the evil eye.

    To carry out this manipulation, it is advisable to use a fresh homemade egg.

    First, you need to warm the egg a little in your own hands, then begin the process of rolling it in circular movements throughout the body, starting from the head to the lower extremities. This manipulation does not require much time - just a few minutes and they are always there.

    After the test, take a half-liter jar, fill it with water and beat the egg into it very carefully. We will determine damage or the evil eye by the white and yolk at the same time. If the yolk is broken, it means you have been damaged.

    The presence of serious diseases and long-standing damage will be indicated by clouded protein with thin threads stretching to the top.

    If the protein contains bubbles, it means that your biofield is very damaged and something needs to be done about it.

    Method two

    This is a simplified but one of the proven methods in which damage or the evil eye is checked without rolling out the egg. What do you need to do? Take a half liter jar filled with water and hold it on the back of your head for a few minutes so that the water is saturated with your energy. Beat an egg into it and see what the result of the “research” is, as in the previous method. This is a necessary ritual that everyone can use in order to “prevent” the evil eye and damage.

    Method three

    This is the easiest way to find out if you have damage or the evil eye and check whether I have it, as they say, “for the lazy.” Take a glass of water, crack an egg into it and place it at the head of the bed all night. In the morning, such an experiment will show you the whole picture from which you can draw conclusions. In the photo, you can see what the egg looks like if a person has damage or the evil eye. From the muddy waters in which the egg is located, it can be determined that the person has been damaged, and has been for a long time.

    What does negativity look like in the aura?

    The aura, the biofield, of a healthy person usually does not have dark spots or clots, but, on the contrary, shimmers with the beautiful colors of the rainbow. It extends around a person by 1.5-2 m. Alas, there are few of us like this. Because in the modern urban environment a person is pressured from all sides by various circumstances, obligations, the media, other people who are not always friendly, etc. All this happens in conditions of isolation from the restorative forces of Nature. Therefore, the biofield of an ordinary person now occupies a smaller volume and is not so bright. Things are even worse for a sick person . Gaps appear in its field, and dark clots of negative energy appear. What it looks like is roughly shown in the picture.

    A person with a negative aura has an even more deplorable appearance of the field. The gaps are stronger, dark clots of negative energy hang on it, vampire channels and negative entities can often be present. Here is an example diagram of such energy pollution.

    The presence of field parasites in humans, damage, energy wedges on Sushumna, vampire channels

    Definition of damage and evil eye by ring

    Since ancient times, people have considered gold not only valuable, but also a strong metal that can save a person from many troubles. Its properties in determining damage and the evil eye are still used today and it has no equal.

    To perform this ritual yourself, you will need a ring with pure high-grade gold, and without any admixtures of other metals. Run the edge of the product along the person’s cheek and arm. If grayish stripes remain on the skin, it means that an outsider has caused damage to the person being tested or there is an evil eye on him.


    My neighbor’s grandmother praised the ceremony with a church candle most of all, but I didn’t have one at that time, and the church was far from us. I carried out diagnostics with milk (we live in a village and have our own cow). That's how I found out about the damage. I removed it using this method, found on the Internet (ordinary candles were suitable for this):

    It helped! The bad streak is over, even my husband’s problems at work have resolved.

    Six months later, I had to remember the diagnosis again; my eldest son’s character deteriorated. I did a ritual with an egg. I saw a lot of black dots. Out of fright, I carried out the cleaning three times, for three days in a row, on each child.

    This is probably too much, but it helped - my son went crazy, and then he admitted that he was nervous because of frequent headaches, which made it difficult to concentrate at school.

    The evil eye on yourself - how to determine

    Someone can't always put the evil eye on you! Sometimes you can harm yourself unintentionally and then you will ask who needs to save me now. If you feel that you have become suspicious, unsure of yourself, withdrawn and constantly pessimistic, this is a sure sign that you have harmed yourself, that is, you have jinxed yourself.

    Constant thoughts and statements that everything is bad for you attract negativity even more and thus destroy the strength of your biofield. To avoid such an outcome, you need to radically change your thinking in the opposite direction - try to find joyful and pleasant moments in life, be optimistic and create positive energy around yourself.

    How to recognize the offender

    The sorcerer can appear in a dream. Relax first, get rid of extraneous thoughts. Then quietly cast a spell to protect against magic and go to bed. The ill-wisher must dream.

    You can ask for help from a Higher Power. In the evening, boil water in a saucepan. Immerse 7 rusty keys in the liquid and read the spell. The offender himself will appear in the morning to ask for forgiveness.

    Alena Golovina - psychic, parapsychologist, master of Cosmoenergetics, author of the MAGiYA website

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    How to determine damage to a family

    If you or your husband are under a spell, a love spell or an evil eye, you will feel it immediately if you are attentive.

    The first signs of such a misfortune appear as follows:

    • constant quarrels, scandals and misunderstandings between you;
    • dislike, hatred and irritation towards each other;
    • frequent nervous disorders;
    • problems in financial affairs and at work;
    • alienation;
    • deterioration of health - lethargy, weakness, sometimes dizziness and headaches.

    Ways to protect yourself from being damaged are quite simple. Beware of bad and envious people, watch your health and all the events that happen in your life, especially in your home. Do not harm anyone, do not envy anyone, and do not hurt anyone. Any troubles that are systematically repeated may indicate the negative impact of black magic or the evil eye. Therefore, pay attention to them. Such protection will protect your home, your family and loved ones.

    Methods for removing different types of damage

    The method of getting rid of damage is chosen taking into account which sphere was cursed.

    To the fading of beauty

    You will need 3 small objects obtained from a deaf, blind, dumb person by mutual consent. After 12 midnight, go to the cemetery and find the grave of the namesake. The older the discovered burial turns out to be, the better. Place the collected items on the grave and walk around it on your heels.

    You can remove damage to the fading beauty.

    Read the spell:

    “In a quiet mansion, a dead man lies on spruce branches. The hand warms the hand, but the lips are shut. The cross will swing, the soul will stir. Go around the world, find my offender, return to him everything that he sent to me, but return what he took from me. The deaf, dumb and blind are crying, they have not known health and beauty for a long time. So that my enemies would cry and sob and not know beauty and health!”

    Bow 3 times, go home. Don't speak to anyone before dawn.

    To a quick death

    Prepare in advance 2 handfuls of salt, matches, a coin, a white towel, used unnecessary clothes, fresh things (that have not been worn before), 7 aspen branches. The ritual takes place at sunset. Put on old clothes and go to a pond or lake. Taking some of the salt in your palms, plunge chest-deep into the pond, turning away from the sunlight. Repeat the spell 7 times:

    “Terrible, black, fierce divination, created on (name), go into the wide abyss, deep water. You will never break my strong bones, you will never drink my bright warmth, you will never destroy my pure soul. Disappear forever and without a trace, not for an hour or two, but forever!”

    Throw the seasoning behind your back, plunge headlong into the pond, and emerge onto land without looking back. Undress, dry yourself with a towel, put on a new one. Get to the first intersection, leave a coin in its center. In a deserted place, use matches to light a fire from dry branches. Burn a towel, salt, and old clothes in the fire. Then throw the branches into the fire one by one. When things burn, extinguish the flames with sand. On the way home, don’t look back, remain silent.

    To destroy the family


    • colored tablecloth;
    • scarlet scarf;
    • scarlet threads for sewing;
    • igloo;
    • fresh sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers;
    • nightgown or peignoir;
    • red church candle;
    • 3 eggs.

    Damage to the destruction of a family.

    Take fresh photos: yours and your partner’s. Your loved one should not find out that you took his photo. At midnight, when the moon is waning, light a candle and place all things nearby except the needle and thread. Align the pictures facing each other, sewing starting from the top side. Move clockwise. There should be 3 stitches left on each side, the spell is read on them:

    “Part the depths of the sea, show your possessions, so that my beloved and I will no longer know hostility and confusion. May our path be lined with flowers, may the moon caress our faces, may unearthly love be with us, may there be peace and comfort in the house. Find our enemies, return their pain, so that they suffer in the depths of Tartarus, and do not remember their past life. From now on I am the mistress of the sea, as I say, so it will be forever, I reinforce my words with grief and invisible fleeting misfortune.”

    Break the thread and tie 12 knots. Sprinkle candle wax on each one. Extinguish the flame, attach the candle to the photos with a thread, tear it off, and tie it with 12 knots. Place the used items in a handkerchief and put them where no one can find them. Then prepare any dish that contains eggs. Set the table and have a romantic dinner. Make sure your lover tries the egg dish.

    First make the bed with fresh linen, put on a beautiful nightgown or negligee. Pay more attention to your spouse. After dinner, have sex. Wipe your partner with your shirt. In the morning, fold it, tablecloth, linen, put it away where strangers will not find it.

    Crown of celibacy


    • silver jewelry;
    • salt;
    • 2 deep snow-white bowls;
    • 0.5 l jar;
    • black thread;
    • snow-white tablecloth;
    • blessed candle;
    • 0.5 liters of water from a well.

    You can remove the crown of celibacy.

    At midnight, set the table, sprinkle salt on one of the plates, and set a candle. Pour water into the second one. Pull the thread through the decoration (if this is not possible, tie the item). Pass the accessory through the fire 12 times, repeating the spell each time:

    “Just as a candle burns evenly and does not sway, so let my life be illuminated. All troubles and adversities will go into the salt, where they will remain forever!”

    Wear jewelry. If possible, do not remove it. Put out the candle, fill the salt with water, pour it into a jar. Dispose of liquids at road intersections. Collect other attributes and bury them in a vacant lot.

    For loss of property


    • matches;
    • black scarf;
    • white plate;
    • knife with a wooden handle;
    • church candle

    Cover the table with a scarf and place a burning candle on it. Take 12 matches, cut off their heads with a knife, which then place on a plate so that a pile is formed. Light it with a candle, read the spell:

    “You crumble into ashes, and for (name) may the world be bright!”

    With a candle, walk around your home clockwise, repeating “Our Father.” Place the remaining matches on the candle. Set fire to each one in turn.

    Mix the ashes, extinguish the fire, wrap the knife and candle in a scarf, which is tied with 3 knots. Go to the crossroads, break the plate with ash there. Bury the remaining items under a tree in a deserted place.

    Signs of negative influences

    The evil eye and damage are characterized by symptoms that appear at an early stage, immediately after the start of the magical ritual. By paying attention to them, you will identify the problem at the very beginning.

    Signs of black exposure, characteristic at an early stage in men and women:

    1. Ailments. Have you been feeling unwell for several days and it is not possible to explain the reason? It's time to think about dark magic. Naturally, this does not apply to health problems that can be explained by analyzing a person’s life.
    2. Health problems. For no apparent reason, a person has some kind of health problem, and making a diagnosis and treating a doctor is a difficult task? We are perhaps talking about dark forces influencing health at the behest of an enemy.
    3. Sleep disturbance. At the earliest stage, a person experiences sleep disturbances: insomnia, nightmares, bad dreams, and so on. One thing is important - if they are repeated, then you should pay attention to it.
    4. Auditory and olfactory hallucinations. A person will feel that the smell around him is not very pleasant, even when everyone around him does not agree with him. Speaking about auditory hallucinations, they are expressed in incomprehensible sounds from nowhere, in the repetition of the name of the “damaged”.
    5. Anxiety, bad feelings. If such sensations do not leave a person for a long period of time, then you should pay attention to other details, since bad premonitions can become a harbinger of a negative impact.
    6. Equipment breakdowns. Electrical devices are very sensitive to various types of influences. Men and women with the evil eye and damage are distinguished by problems with equipment: it breaks, does not carry out given commands, freezes, turns off.
    7. Specific behavior of animals. Our pets can be the very first to feel black influences on a person. The pet began to behave strangely: it either luxuriates near its owner, or runs away with a hiss or growl? Signs of damage, evil eye.
    8. Loss of luck. Even when magic is done in a specific area, say, health, luck disappears in all areas. And this is especially noticeable among people who usually live well. Luck has disappeared from your personal life, work, finances - there is a problem.
    9. Obsessions. The appearance of obsessions is the main sign of possible human manipulation. However, recognizing the line separating determination and obsession is very difficult due to the bias of the person to whom the black influence may be directed.

    Damage and the evil eye are characterized by standard signs that appear in both women and men. Having analyzed the first symptoms, it is possible to get rid of the negative impact before it causes severe harm to the person. This is why it is important to identify black forces at an early stage.

    Also remember: it is very difficult for a person affected by black magic to identify it. The “corrupted” person often denies with all his might the possibility of a negative impact. Therefore, in identifying damage and the evil eye, much depends on loved ones and relatives. They must provide support to such a person and help him cope with dark forces.

    If everything in your life goes wrong, your luck has turned away, and there are a lot of misfortunes, then we are most likely talking about black magic. Damage and the evil eye are characterized by both the first symptoms, which make it possible to determine the impact at an early stage, and typical signs that are the same at any stage.

    In women and men, these signs and symptoms are almost the same. It is very important to get rid of the negative impact early, before black magic causes irreparable damage to the human body.

    Determination methods

    It is not difficult to determine the evil eye and damage to a person.

    The definition requires special methods:

    1. Signs of negative impact. It is possible to find out whether something bad has been brought upon you by observing your behavior and analyzing events in your life. There are a number of signs indicating the presence of the evil eye and damage on a person.
    2. Rituals and rituals. Simple magical activities with an egg or wax will help you find out the answer to the exciting question of whether you have been jinxed, or maybe not, whether you have been subjected to black intervention, or maybe not.

    Where does damage come from?

    Corruption can act as an independent energy entity, consisting of the energy of an ascending flow coming from Mother Earth to the Universe, possessing a person who has a torn biofield. A person who has a broken aura can easily pick up a larva in places inhabited by them. It can be:

    • swamps;
    • artificial reservoirs with standing water;
    • hot spots;
    • places where excited people gather;
    • historical sites where massacres took place.

    The entity can stick if you start a relationship with a person who, due to his character and habits, is the carrier of a large number of negative programs.

    Damage passes from damaged objects that fall into the hands of a curious person in the form of random finds. People suffering from complex damage get rid of them by moving them, and then throw objects that have undergone the ritual into public places. It is believed that the most terrible types of damage can be removed by throwing a lining to someone in the church building. To seduce a person, they take jewelry to transfer damage. As soon as a greedy person touches the lining, he takes the damage upon himself.

    Money can be carriers of a negative program. They often read conspiracies with the transfer of lack of money from oneself to another person, and then they pay with the charmed bill without change and put it into circulation. Every person who holds it in their hands will suffer financial losses. The more hands the magic piece of paper passes through, the better the magician’s financial affairs will go.

    Less often, damage is caused purposefully, using different types of conspiracies, rituals and techniques. This is done not only by people who professionally study black magic, but also by amateurs who decide to test whether they can ruin someone’s life on their own.

    Who is not afraid of damage?

    If you do not find any damage on yourself, this is a great sign. But it is very important to know how to protect yourself from negative energy in the future. To whom do bad slander definitely not “stick”:

    • To people who sincerely believe in God and keep the precepts of their religion. If you live honestly, in accordance with the commandments, you have bright energy, you are protected by higher powers.
    • People with positive thinking, who do not criticize or judge anyone, act only for the benefit of themselves and others, and strive to be useful.
    • To conscious people, capable of controlling their emotions and acting based on the arguments of reason.

    Train positive qualities in yourself, get rid of negative traits and surround yourself with the same people. The fewer envious people, scoundrels and enemies in your environment, the less likely you are to fall under the radar of dark magic.

    What to do next

    If you notice signs of damage on yourself, you need to immediately remove the negative impact. You can do this yourself, but it is better to seek help from magic specialists. Otherwise, damage can greatly affect your life, even completely destroy it.

    Grandma Nina helps all those who want to get rid of damage. The consultation is free. You can ask for help on our official website. Grandma Nina has the ability to heal, so she can help those who wish. For consultation, you must send an application and attach your photo. In severe cases, an in-person meeting can be scheduled.

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