Feng Shui room: recommendations for arranging the space

Each area of ​​space in Feng Shui has significance for a person, but for this it needs to be activated. East is a zone that is divided into three sectors. It turns out to be a related group. The main one - eastern - is family and health. The southeast is responsible for wealth and profit, and the northeast is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. They are connected by a thin thread, although they are supported by different elements. A small and a large tree are responsible for the eastern and southeastern ones, where the second occupies the upper left corner on the Ba Gua map, and the northeastern one is supported by the earth and occupies the lower right corner.

But if you look deeper, the tree grows on the ground, therefore, apparently this element brings the three sectors together, regardless of what angle they occupy. If you combine the meanings of the zones, the group is responsible for a wise approach in family affairs, favors the success of children in knowledge, and promotes material success. At least these are some of the main roles that sectors perform.

And now more about each of them using examples of individual rooms.

Room layout according to ancient teachings

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that the correct layout, arrangement of furniture and any interior elements contribute to the accumulation and circulation of the correct energy. If simple recommendations are not followed, over time residents begin to feel apathy, loss of vitality, career decline, and discord in family relationships.

To ensure that each room is located according to Feng Shui, a colored grid or Bagua map is needed. It's very easy to use. To do this, take or draw a plan of your home. Using a compass, determine the reference point - north, which is responsible for the wealth zone. Attach each zone to the drawing, and then determine the zones of the apartment.

According to the map, the children's room is located, according to Feng Shui, in the west, in the white zone, where the element of metal reigns. The couple's bedroom is set up in the southwest, where the color pink predominates and the element earth dominates.

In modern layouts, some zones often fall out of the Bagua grid. You can compensate for this layout with the help of proper zoning of one of the rooms. It is better to take the living room and determine north-east-south-west on it.

Defining zones

Adherents of the culture use the Lopan device. It is designed specifically for Feng Shui consultants and is not cheap. It consists of a magnetized arrow, a rotating disk and a base on which formulas and hieroglyphs are applied. Beginning followers of the doctrine can use a regular engineering compass. You need to put it on paper with a home plan, on which all the rooms are marked, including storage rooms and plumbing units. Make sure the compass needle points north, mark its direction on the house diagram and apply the Bagua grid to the marking. This is a drawing with energy zones. It's easy to find on the Internet. Print out the diagram and combine it with the apartment plan. This will give you an idea of ​​where a specific area is located.

universal diagram of the cardinal directions in the apartment

What are the influences of the cardinal directions?

The location of rooms according to Feng Shui is determined based on the cardinal directions. Each of them is responsible for different energy and has its own purpose. In some apartments you feel comfortable or, on the contrary, you want to get out of the room as soon as possible.

Features of Feng Shui zones:

  1. The center of the map is the health zone.
  2. The southeast is responsible for financial well-being.
  3. East is the family area in the apartment.
  4. The Northeast is responsible for knowledge, wisdom, and the desire to learn.
  5. The north is the part of the apartment responsible for the career growth of residents.
  6. The North-West is a zone of business, successful travels.
  7. West is the best zone for equipping a children's corner or bedroom.
  8. South-West - love and family energy reigns here.
  9. The south is a zone of happiness, success in career, family relationships, sports and scientific endeavors.

According to Feng Shui, each side should be located in accordance with the direction of the world. After planning, the zones are activated with the help of lighting, figurines, paintings, flowerpots or mirrors. Below you will find a detailed description of activating positive energy in the apartment.

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Wealth Zone

According to Feng Shui, the zone of financial well-being should be in green and purple tones. In an office in the Southeast, it is recommended to install an aquarium and enhance the lighting with sconces, a table lamp or spotlights. Figurines and decorative elements to attract wealth are made of gold, silver, bronze or look like precious metals.

In the work area, place a money tree, a figurine with coins (money toad, Hottea), a pot of water, and a decorative fountain. A furnished Feng Shui office should be kept clean, all elements that attract wealth should be wiped clean, flowers should be watered regularly, and the aquarium should be cleaned.

Love zone

According to Feng Shui, the marriage zone is located in the South-West, it has a positive aura that strengthens relationships or attracts a soul mate. The colors of the room in which the married couple sleeps should be from a red, pink, beige, yellow palette. To activate the love sector, partners are advised to install matching items. It is best to choose animals or birds that are famous for their loyalty (swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons).

In an apartment with children, you should not hang pictures with peonies, which symbolize infidelity in a marital relationship. According to the rules of Feng Shui, there should be no lonely people in the paintings. Love energy can also be destroyed by thorny objects (cacti, swords or swords), and weaving plants.

Health zone

The zone of health and wisdom according to Feng Shui is located in the center of the room or apartment. Brown, green, and terracotta colors have a positive effect on the well-being of residents. To activate the sector, porcelain figurines, souvenirs, and pottery are used. A vase of fruit (there should be 5 or 9 of them) or indoor plants are placed on the table. It is recommended to hang wind chimes with bells or jingling tubes in your home.

All positive and negative energy passes through the health sector, so it is necessary to regularly cleanse the space. To do this, install water with salt, and after a day, pour the mixture into the sink. You can use scented candles and oils.

Happiness Zone

According to Feng Shui, the happiness zone is located in the South, so the interior is done in red, brown, yellow, and pink colors. It is necessary to furnish the room depending on the hobbies, preferences, and life priorities of the apartment residents. The family corner contains certificates, diplomas, cups, and creative items.

In order not to impede the penetration of Qi energy, the window should always be clean, the curtains should be light and translucent. To attract fame, install a shelf with figurines of a rooster, peacock, phoenix, and eagle. For families who, although a child, feng shui recommends placing a stork.

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Activation of the external environment

A mountain in front of the house and a source of water behind the house are required.

This house has a special table called the Parent Thread formation (Fu Mu San Pun Gua). It is especially favorable for money luck. The energy of this house flows up the mountain, down the river. This means that the prominent Mountain Star 8 is on the front side of the house, and the prominent Face Star 8 is on the back. In this case, the energy is first activated by the mountain, and then enhanced by the water (reverse formation).

It is important to remember that the validity period of this formation is only 20 years. To properly extract the table's potential, it must be correctly activated (taking into account Face Star 5). In order for you to capture the special energy of this table, the Mountain Star must be activated by a real mountain or an imitation of one in front of the house. It should be placed as close to the center as possible, but not in line with the front door and so that it does not block the entrance. A mountain can be a mound, landscaped hills, boulders (without jagged or sharp edges), or any combination of these objects. The water behind the house (fountain, pool, spring, pond, waterfall or lake) should be proportional to the home. It is better to place the water source in the center of the yard or garden behind the house.

  • Northeast 2

Given the correct external formations, children in houses of this type grow up smart and quick-witted, the inhabitants of the houses are modest, kind, rich, respected, and free-thinking. They can get rich from international business projects. But if the landscape is unfavorable, drunkenness, gambling, and loneliness are possible. Overall, if the energy is flowing correctly and there are no harmful landscaping nearby, the house has excellent monetary luck potential.

However, in the North-East in this table there is a Face Star 5, it must be neutralized with metal, for example by hanging Wind Chime bells. The Eight Roads of Destruction Formation is possible if the nearest road or pedestrian road is North or East of the house. Robber Mountain Sha may also appear if there is a jagged rock, a ruined mountain, a huge dead tree, a high-voltage tower or a lamppost in the East.

  • Northeast 3

A house facing Northeast 3 may have the Robber Mountain Sha formation if there is a jagged rock, a ruined mountain, a huge dead tree, a high-voltage tower, or a lamppost in the North.

How to arrange furniture

Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in each room will create separate areas for relaxation, work, cooking and eating. The main thing is not to clutter the space and use only functional interior elements. In the office it is enough to install an aquarium with fish, in the living room - a painting depicting nature and a couple of flowerpots with flowers.

Below we describe in detail how to arrange furniture and decorative items according to Feng Shui in each room.


According to Feng Shui, the bedroom should be located away from the bathroom, well ventilated and lit. The arrangement of furniture begins with determining the place for the bed. It is installed in the Fu Wei direction, which is responsible for relaxation and personal growth. There is empty space above and below the sleeping area; drawers and shelves impair the flow of positive Qi energy.

You can arrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui using several bedside tables and a chest of drawers. You cannot place a mirror opposite the entrance, window or bed. The colors of the interior depend on the direction of the world; the best for a married couple would be red, pink, and beige.

Living room

The living room is the main gathering place for the whole family and guests. The arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui should be comfortable and not create a conflict of elements, otherwise frequent scandals and misunderstandings will begin in the family. Install round-shaped interior elements (coffee table, armchair, fruit dishes). The sofa, sofa, chairs are arranged so that all guests can freely communicate with each other.

Plants are installed in the health sector or in the center of the room if you have a studio apartment. Lighting is arranged in zones: a chandelier above the coffee table, a floor lamp near the chair.


The kitchen is the center of the apartment, through which you can activate wealth and wealth in the family. For decoration use figurines, flowers, mirrors above the stove and tabletop. According to Feng Shui, this room is furnished as follows:

  • the stove should be opposite the front door;
  • the sink is located opposite the window, but not next to the stove;
  • The trash can is placed away from the sink; when entering the kitchen it should not be conspicuous.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the set should have a large number of drawers and a wide tabletop. You cannot place household appliances, dishes, or food on it. Furniture should be arranged so that nothing interferes with the free movement of the hostess around the kitchen.


The children's room is furnished according to Feng Shui so that the child can relax, study and achieve success in any endeavor. The bed in the bedroom should have high legs so that energy can circulate freely below. The computer desk is positioned so that you can see the front door while working. In the creativity area, hang children's paintings, crafts, certificates and awards.

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Follow the recommendations on how to furnish a nursery according to Feng Shui, and then you will not have problems raising and communicating with your child.


The bathroom is considered a place to get rid of accumulated negative energy and prepare for a new day or a new stage. According to Feng Shui, the arrangement of bathroom and toilet furniture should be functional. The bathtub and toilet are separated by a curtain or glass wall. Place a fresh flower in the corner, preferably an orange or lemon.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the ventilation of the bathroom and toilet must be of high quality so that all foreign odors and fumes do not linger. To prevent your money from going down the drain, the toilet lid in the bathroom should always be closed.

Eastern sectors Rooms

The eastern zone is the right place to place family photos, according to Feng Shui. The green color of the frames enhances harmony between family members. Start hanging the photos from oldest to youngest, forming a family panel. The best wall for this action is in the living room.

You can activate two sectors, eastern and southeastern, which are controlled by the tree, simultaneously. When creating a new family, pay attention to the bedroom. There should be no arrows from the roof of a neighboring house or the corners of bedside tables located next to the bed towards the bed. It is necessary to hang a chandelier, as required by the teachings of Feng, which does not press the weight of forms over the man and woman, creating negative energy over the married couple.

In the southeastern sector, monetary energy is important and can be enhanced with color. Green, blue and to some extent red colors dominate here. Since the southeastern sector is ruled by wood, it can be strengthened with green wooden objects. The box is suitable in green, a money tree with stones of the same color. After all, green color represents money, so this color should be dominant in the southeastern space. In general, color plays a big role in any sector. The southeastern sector is also controlled by talismans, you just need to choose them correctly. Indeed, in the southeastern space, the main thing is the energy of profit, and therefore requires attention.

Feng Shui followers categorically deny paintings with water landscapes - they cool feelings and prevent passion from flaring up between two people. But have romantic items that might interest your date. This is especially important for single men.

Is it possible to hang a mirror

According to Feng Shui, installing a mirror in a room is necessary in areas of wealth, career and happiness. The mirror should not reflect the front door, window, bed or sofa on which guests sleep. It is better to hang it in front of the dining table, where the food will be multiplied.

Positive energy from the mirror will spread if you hang a beautiful landscape or still life with fruit opposite it. You can reflect negativity from the street using a large mirrored cabinet in the hallway, which is installed along the wall.

Southwest according to feng shui

This is the land sector. It is associated with understanding, care, education, frugality. In the body it represents the stomach and abdominal cavity.

Connected with the eldest woman in the family, a woman after 45 years of age (they will have the most significant influence). For example: a family has a mother and daughters aged 47 and 50 years old. In this case, the palace will have a strong influence from all three.

It is not favorable if the South-West Palace contains a lot of living plants, products or decor made of natural wood, green shades are used.

The absence of this sector indicates difficulties in education, order, and mutual understanding.

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Subtleties of space design

If it was not possible to arrange the furniture according to Feng Shui, the rooms use decor that attracts positive energy. Throughout the apartment they hang bells on door handles. In the living room you can hang a large clock that ticks loudly. All chandeliers, floor lamps and sconces must have many bulbs that are replaced in a timely manner. It is recommended to install a decorative fountain or aquarium in the house.

Don't forget about good ventilation and filling the space with the right smells. To create coziness, harmony and tranquility, use aromatic oil. Light the lamps and place a bag of lavender by the bed.

Decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui begins with redevelopment. The largest room becomes the living room, and the smallest one becomes the nursery. In this case, cardinal directions and zones according to the color Bagua map are taken into account. If you follow all the recommendations of ancient Chinese teachings during renovation, the house will be filled with positive Qi energy and will allow residents to succeed at work, in love relationships, and in communicating with children.

North-West in Feng Shui

This is the metal sector. This palace is extremely important in the house. It is associated with the ability to make money, create, create, start new things, manage and protect.

Associated with the eldest man in the family, a man after 45 years of age and the main breadwinner in the house (they will have the most significant influence). For example: a family has a husband, wife and 46-year-old son, the wife is the main breadwinner. In this case, the palace will have a strong influence on all three.

In the body it represents the head and brain.

It is not favorable if fiery objects (stove, fireplace) are located in the Northern Palace. If this is the case and there is no way to change the purpose of the rooms, for example, the kitchen in the North-West and the stove, it is important to at least move the stove. And additionally use a lot of yellow, sand, brown shades and ceramic products.

But it’s better not to place fire objects in the Northwestern Palace at all.

The absence of this sector is critical. If a single woman lives in such an apartment, it will be extremely difficult for her to get married. A man in such a house will not have support from space and sooner or later he will want to leave. The absence of a sector will affect the ability to create new things, manage and make money. People living in such a house will experience a feeling of insecurity.

In terms of health, this will be expressed in problems and diseases of the head and brain.

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