Bedroom according to Feng Shui: proper organization of space

For several decades now, the Feng Shui bedroom has been one of the ten most popular ways to design a bedroom. This circumstance is connected not only with the fact that this direction in design is fashionable, but also with the fact that decorating a bedroom according to its laws allows you to harmonize the space in the room in order to create the correct energy balance in it. As a result, a person in such a bedroom begins to feel calm and confident, he sleeps well and gets enough sleep quickly.

For several decades now, the Feng Shui bedroom has been one of the ten most popular ways to design a bedroom.

This teaching is based on the Taoist system of the universe, which appeared more than three thousand years ago in China. According to it, almost any energy initially has opposite and at the same time complementary components called Yin and Yang. As a result, according to Taoists, the Tao is formed - the original existing reality.

Working with such energies presupposes the presence of qi energy, that is, the world’s vital force

Working with such energies presupposes the presence of qi energy, that is, the world's vital force. In this case, the following are usually distinguished:

  1. Sha Qi, or the energy of aggression. It is chaotic, negative, suppresses positive energy, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of human activity.
  2. Xi Qi is the energy of passivity and oppression.
  3. Shen Qi is auspicious and positive energy. Its correct use is the main task of the art of Feng Shui.

Currently, experts in the field of interior design distinguish two schools of classical design: compass and landscape. The first concept is based on the fact that when decorating a room, the so-called lo-pan compass is used, which allows you to choose the best way to arrange furniture and other interior items in the room. So, for example, some objects in this case must necessarily look to the south, and some - exclusively to the north.

Currently, experts in the field of interior design distinguish two schools of classical design: compass and landscape

Landscape school allows you to furnish a room based on the shapes characteristic of the landscape surrounding the building. In this case, the presence of elements of the five elements and four celestial animals in such a landscape is taken into account. As a result, your bedroom should be brought into harmony with the location of the building in which it is located.

The choice of a different substyle directly depends on how exactly the bedroom design will look in the future and where exactly it is located

There are many additional sub-styles of Feng Shui. The choice of a different substyle directly depends on how exactly the bedroom design will look in the future and where exactly it is located. This choice must be made by a specialist, since it is almost impossible to understand this rather complex system on your own.

Feng Shui bedroom rules

Any bedroom designed according to Feng Shui must take into account some rules of the environment; its photo should fully reveal this circumstance. Moreover, such rules vary somewhat from school to school, but some basic points are usually always followed. For example, to furnish a bedroom, the appropriate room must be selected.

Any bedroom designed according to Feng Shui must take into account some rules of the environment; its photo should fully reveal this circumstance

In order to determine exactly where your bedroom will be located, a regular compass is usually used. Directions to the east and northeast are immediately excluded. Premises oriented towards these cardinal directions are absolutely unsuitable for night rest. Therefore, it makes sense to choose another room.

Premises oriented towards these cardinal directions are absolutely unsuitable for night rest

For example, young people should sleep in a room located in a south and south-east direction. This direction is perfect for creative individuals. It is best for spouses to stay in a room that is located in the northwest direction, but you should not choose the west. The location of the bedroom here extinguishes the positive energy of the room, which negatively affects the well-being of the people relaxing in it.

Attention! Typically, bedrooms, according to the laws of Feng Shui, are located as far as possible from the entrance door to the apartment. However, they must be closed. You cannot place a resting place opposite the bathroom or toilet.

There are some techniques to eliminate the negative influence of certain factors, as a result of which even an inconvenient room can be used for its intended purpose

As for the interior decoration, the bedroom interior does not tolerate the presence of old books, newspapers and archives in it, since they carry someone else’s energy. Living plants are usually not installed here, as they can interfere with human energy. Some flowers, according to Feng Shui, categorically do not like men. It is worth noting that plants absorb oxygen, which is necessary for sleeping people.

Do not place mirrors and aquariums in the bedroom, as they contribute to the destruction of marriage and love

Do not place mirrors and aquariums in the bedroom, as they contribute to the destruction of marriage and love. This statement applies to waterfalls and fountains. It is not recommended to place paintings depicting water, photographs, various images with lightning, arrows and triangles in the bedroom. Feng Shui experts advise not to install electromagnetic devices in the bedroom in any case, so as not to have health problems.

Requirements for a particular premises are established depending on its specific location and purpose

Requirements for a particular premises are established depending on its specific location and purpose. Therefore, general recommendations must be taken into account, but all work should be carried out exclusively on site. There are some techniques that allow you to eliminate the negative influence of certain factors, as a result of which even an inconvenient room can be used for its intended purpose.

Favorable colors:

  1. white – symbolizes a state of perfection and purity. This color can cleanse a person, make his thoughts brighter, lift his spirits and change his life for the better. By choosing snow-white wallpaper, you unquestioningly invite good luck and harmony into your home;
  2. red is the color of life, joy and passion. This color is a powerful stimulant; it activates a person’s energy and sets him up to achieve goals. This shade has a great effect on family relationships. Wallpaper of this color awakens passion. Red color has a positive effect on the general condition;
  3. orange - becomes a source of optimism, pushes people to perform noble deeds. This shade is considered a symbol of freedom according to Feng Shui. Orange relieves depressive thoughts and negative mood;
  4. yellow – serves as a source of confidence and determination. Color has a beneficial effect on shy people. Helps add more color and fun to life. Yellow promotes fruitful work and helps in achieving goals. Has a beneficial effect on moving up the career ladder;
  5. green is a pleasant color that is synonymous with balance and contentment. This color helps people find spiritual harmony. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  6. blue – wallpaper of this shade can fulfill almost any person’s desires. The color itself symbolizes inspiration and achieving your goals. Blue lures luck into the house.

Photo wallpaper in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Photo wallpapers are considered the simplest way to change the energy of a bedroom when it is impossible to place the bedroom in another room. Photo wallpaper is used when the interior of the room has not changed for more than five years. It makes sense to use photo wallpaper for those people who suffer from insomnia. When used correctly, you can quickly get rid of it, as well as irritability and anxiety.

Photo wallpapers are considered the simplest way to change the energy of a bedroom when it is impossible to place the bedroom in another room

According to the rules of Feng Shui, in the bedroom it is recommended to stick photo wallpapers on the walls that comply with the rules of the five elements, that is, all subjects and shades that have natural themes. At the same time, they should be glued to a solid wall, which is considered the place where the energy of the bedroom is concentrated; you can use them to decorate the wall located opposite the front door. It is she who is the second most important in the interior of the room.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, in the bedroom it is recommended to stick photo wallpapers on the walls that comply with the rules of the five elements, that is, all subjects and shades that have natural themes

Subjects for such a wall can be optimistic paintings of nature or sketches on the theme of country landscapes. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that all five elements of Feng Shui be present on such photo wallpapers. So, for example, in the northern room the absence of such an element as water is acceptable.

To compensate for this deficiency, the bedroom is finished in silver and turquoise shades. If there are animals on the photo wallpaper pasted in the bedroom, this can help attract wealth and good luck to the house. The breed and type of animal are not important.

To compensate for this deficiency, the bedroom is finished in silver and turquoise shades.

The fan symbol would be very appropriate, as it is neutral and universal. The fan is a traditional symbol of Chinese culture. The birthplace of Feng Shui is China.

In modern bedrooms, Feng Shui rules allow for photo wallpapers with “views from the windows of high-rise buildings.” It makes sense to glue such wallpaper on one wall. Such views must be combined with images of animals and nature.

Idea! An excellent option would be to use any nature motifs. This could be a savannah, sea, palm tree branches or an image of a beach.

They allow you to create a good mood, an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort in the bedroom. It is worth noting that such solutions will be justified in any bedroom area except the south and southwest.

In modern bedrooms, feng shui rules allow for photo wallpapers with “views from the windows of high-rise buildings”

Northwestern and northern region

The areas of the apartment in the north-west and west are ruled by the same element - Metal. For a bedroom, a harmonious choice would be white and gray, all earth tones. Be careful to limit the strong presence of red - fiery - shades: the Fire element comes into conflict and causes damage to Metal.

Gray and white colors for the bedroom give elegance Source

It is generally accepted that it is somewhat difficult to decorate a lounge in the north, since the colors of this area are not the most flattering for a bedroom. The element of Water, which rules the north, wears blue and black. To use them in the bedroom, the designer will need enough skill not to create a feeling of overwhelm. It is ideal to dilute dark shades with the colors of the Metal element, because it is supported by Water. White and gray colors combined with blue and light blue are great for a bedroom in the northern part.

Aquarium in the bedroom according to feng shui

The Feng Shui bedroom in the photo looks just great when there is an aquarium in the room, but the rules of this art prohibit using it indoors. The presence of this item in the bedroom can cause cooling between spouses. The element of water prevents the accumulation of active energy that helps strengthen the relationship between spouses, which leads to the destruction of marriage. His power can defeat even the energy of fire.

The Feng Shui bedroom in the photo looks just great when there is an aquarium in the room, but the rules of this art prohibit using it indoors

In this regard, the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui should be carried out in such a way as to avoid the appearance of objects associated with this element. It is believed that aquarium fish can bring nervousness into people's relationships (due to their often chaotic behavior in the aquarium). As a result, the quality of rest can decline quite sharply.

If the matrimonial bed is located near the aquarium, the odors emanating from an uncleaned artificial reservoir will interfere with resting in it. This is also one of the arguments for refusing to place it in the bedroom.

Attention! It is also worth noting the fact that high humidity very often leads to the occurrence of many diseases.

In the case when you just need to place an aquarium in the bedroom, you can resort to one of the existing options for solving this problem. This is, for example, a dry aquarium. There are no fish in it, but there are corals, shells and dried starfish. This type of decor does not contradict the rules of Feng Shui and can be done in almost any room.

In the case when you simply need to place an aquarium in the bedroom, you can resort to one of the existing options for solving this problem

This teaching encourages the use of a wabi-kus aquarium. There are no fish here, and aquatic plants grow partly under and partly above the water. Despite the fact that this is an exotic aquarium, it may well become a decoration for your bedroom.

A modern way to solve this problem is to use photo wallpaper. If you stick them in a niche and equip them with overhead lighting, you can achieve the 100% effect of a built-in aquarium. The fish here will remain a visual effect, but the energy of the niche will balance the energy of the water sign, thereby allowing the presence of water motifs in the room.

In any case, before decorating your bedroom using water motifs, you should consult with a Feng Shui specialist

In any case, before decorating a bedroom using water motifs, it is worth consulting with a Feng Shui specialist. It is quite easy for an ignorant person to make a mistake in the design of a room. A specialist can eliminate any negative impact coming from the water signs.

Feng Shui placement of the bed in the bedroom

The arrangement of furniture in the bedroom has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is worth separately considering such an issue as the clock in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. For example, it is not recommended to use wall or table clocks in the bedroom. Any reminder of time in the bedroom is unacceptable, as this may impair the quality of rest in it. In this case, you can use a small alarm clock or wristwatch, which should be placed in a closed closet or drawer.

The arrangement of furniture in the bedroom has its own characteristics

If we consider the location of the bed in the bedroom, it is worth noting that it is usually located in a place that is not opposite the mirror. Otherwise, you may experience health problems. However, this is not the entire set of rules by which furniture is arranged in the described room in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui.

Many masters of this art believe that the head of the bed should in any case be located in the direction that is most favorable for you. However, the arrangement of furniture in any case should be done so that the headboard is not located towards the window. Do not place the bed under beams or in niches.

Many masters of this art believe that the head of the bed should in any case be located in the direction that is most favorable for you

According to Feng Shui, large lighting fixtures should not hang above the bed. For example, there is no place for paintings, shelves and massive lamps. It is not recommended to place them in the center of the room.

Advice! To keep the energy of the bed clean, boxes and various unnecessary things cannot be stored under it. A clean space here is the key to a good and sound sleep.

If you want to decorate your bedroom completely in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, place the bed so that it is in the far corner from the entrance to the bedroom. In any case, the entrance door to the room should be visible from the bed. The space above it must be absolutely free.

It is not recommended to keep electrical equipment in the bedroom. In order for this Feng Shui rule to be observed, you can put it in a closet, cover it with a screen or a cape. You cannot put a small bed in a large bedroom; it must completely correspond to the size of the bedroom.

How not to make a mistake in choosing

Radical renovation is an important part of many apartment and house owners. It requires not only concentration in choosing a design, but immaterial costs. It’s a shame if after the renovation it will be difficult to stay in the bedroom. And this is quite possible if expectations do not coincide with reality. How to make sure that the selected colors fulfill their function and give the owner of the bedroom peace and tranquility.

Depending on your mood, the style of the room can be changed at least every quarter Source

A few tips before starting a renovation:

  1. Decide on the color you want in your bedroom and head to the hardware store. It is advisable to have a sketch of the future premises with you.
  2. Having chosen the necessary shades, do not rush to make your purchase. The patterns on your wall may look completely different from what you imagine. Buy several samples.
  3. At home, apply strokes to the bedroom walls, or better yet, draw squares, combining the selected colors on all walls.
  4. Leave it for several days, looking at the flowers at different times of the day and in different moods. It is quite possible that your opinion will change.
  5. Having finally decided on the shades, proceed to complete painting or wallpapering.

Add accents with details Source

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