Organization of bathroom space according to Feng Shui

Bathroom Feng Shui

What color is favorable for the bathroom? The front door is opposite the bathroom. How does this affect feng shui - good or bad? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the bathroom door? The location of the bathroom is in the south (in the southern part of the house). What is the danger? In which sector of the house is it best to place the bathroom and toilets? (North West South East)

Toilet in different sectors.

First of all, it must be said that a certain energy is formed inside any room. This happens depending on how the house stands. Each sector will have its own energy. This can be understood using Feng Shui calculations. To determine the sectors and their qualities, it is better to contact specialists. Based on an understanding of the energy in each sector, beneficial elements are determined and harmonization is done with color, material and shape. But some rooms (kitchen and bathroom) have their own main elements. In the toilet, the main element is Water. Therefore, the toilet is more appropriate in the sector where Water is calculated to be useful. If there is any bad sector in the house, then the toilet located here will allow bad energy to leave the house.

Let's consider the placement of a toilet in some sectors (without taking into account calculation methods).

Forms of furniture and plumbing

A symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity is an oval bathtub. This shape does not have sharp corners and resembles a coin. As an alternative, you can install a corner but rounded bathtub. If getting rid of a rectangular bathtub is impossible, replacing the vanity is much easier. You should choose a round or oval sink.

Choose the color of the plumbing fixtures white.

It is best to use metal as decorative elements for bathtubs and furniture, as well as for handrails and handles. Chrome or nickel plated faucets and pipes will also enhance the movement of positive energy.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to hide the pipes themselves. The easiest way to do this is with a plastic box.

It is advisable to have some kind of wall cabinet or organizer in the bathroom for storing care products and other things. A cluttered room prevents the smooth flow of positive energy flows. The fewer small things on open surfaces, the better.

Toilet in the North-West.

Most often, the main attention is paid to the toilet in the northwestern sector. This is the place of the Qian trigram. The Qian trigram speaks of responsibility, discipline, activity, and the ability to make decisions. If there is a toilet here, or rather a toilet bowl, then all these qualities are literally washed away. Since these qualities describe a man, most of all this indicates that the man in this house does not exhibit the qualities of the Qian trigram. That is, he is unable to take responsibility and make important and correct decisions in life. If a man does not live in the house, then all this must be done by a woman, since someone must carry out the responsibility. And someone has to make decisions in the family. In this case, the woman will not be able to confidently make decisions. But unlike a man, in such a house a woman can survive due to her softness - her different nature. Men rarely live in houses/apartments where the toilet is located in the north-west. And if they do live, they are not active, not decisive, not responsible. At the same time, the woman does not treat the man seriously, does not listen to his opinions and decisions, and does not value him at all.

What can you do if the toilet is located in the North-West.

The first and most important thing is to understand. A man needs to understand why he does not show responsibility, determination, and discipline. A woman needs to understand why she treats a man this way. It was to understand this that they found themselves in this house. The second is harmonization. Fundamentally, there is little that can be done here, since the cardinal directions are major influences. It is not always possible to move the toilet to another sector. But if there are several toilets in the house, then you don’t have to use the one located in the northwest.

The color scheme will smooth out the situation a little. To maintain the qualities of the Qian trigram, like the element of Metal, you can use Metal itself. Metal color is white, gold and any with a metallic sheen: chrome, copper, gold, silver and so on. Of course, metal is also suitable as a material: metal pipes, furniture, accessories.

Is it possible to use the colors of the element Soil for this? It should be remembered that the Soil is the most inert element and it creates stagnation. And the toilet is a place where you get rid of unnecessary things. To have stagnation in the cleansing process means to stimulate constipation. Therefore, all kinds of brown, beige, yellow tones should be used very little. And do not use Soil as a material: stones, flower pots with a lot of soil in them.

Water, the main element of this place, weakens Metal, so there is no additional need to use the element of Water here, both in material and color (blue, cyan, black).

The element of Fire (all shades of red) will add conflict.

The element of Wood (all shades of green) weakens Metal.

Unfavorable colors for a toilet in the northwest: brown, yellow, red Favorable colors for a toilet in the northwest: white, golden, silver


All of these principles of Feng Shui can be summarized into rules for the bathroom:

  • Steps and thresholds in the bathroom are undesirable.
  • The surface of the mirror should be flat, it itself should fit tightly against the wall and not have the effect of enlarging or distorting the image.
  • Mirrored tiles, decorative elements or cabinet doors are not permitted. Such an abundance of small mirrors will fragment a person’s image and negatively affect his personal qi energy.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use black and brown colors in the design of the bathroom, because... they will attract negative energy. The best solution for the interior: soft pastels or colors of the water element (blue, blue, green) of various shades and light wood.
  • The green color of textiles and decorative elements in the bathroom will balance the power of water, attracting prosperity into the house.
  • The fewer sharp corners, the better.
  • Hide all jars with household chemicals and cosmetics, throw away unused and empty ones.

It is important to keep the bathroom clean. After taking the procedures, be sure to rinse the plumbing fixtures. Do not forget to ventilate, the ventilation grilles must be in good working order. Then the flow of Qi in the bathroom will move correctly, energizing you and attracting wealth into your home.

Toilet in the southwest.

The southwest is the place of the Kun trigram. Kun is Mother, Earth. This is gentleness, obedience, self-giving, non-judgmental, equal love. A woman carries such qualities within herself. That is why pumping energy through the toilet will primarily affect the woman. Similar to the northwestern sector, one might think, why does the woman in this house not show the qualities of a woman in life? Why don’t the men in this house use intuition, feelings, spontaneity in life? Let's look from the point of view of the elements. Trigram Kun is Soil. Let us remind you that the toilet is Water. The soil itself overcomes and controls the Water, so it is not greatly damaged. To smooth out the conflict between Water and Soil, you can use the intermediate element Metal (white, light gray, metallic colors).

Basic principles

When decorating the interior, it is preferable to use smooth, shiny, but not mirror materials.


Thanks to this, negative energy is neutralized in the room. But mirror elements, on the contrary, confuse and slow down the flow of energy.

The abundance of wood and soft rugs also For spacious rooms their presence is acceptable, but for small ones they are strictly contraindicated.

Sharp corners are a source of negative energy. This is why you should never be or sit opposite an acute corner. And in a small room their influence is even stronger. Therefore, the more smooth and rounded corners there are, the better.

It is very important to keep your plumbing fixtures clean and in good working order. Dripping or flowing water symbolizes your money running away. The resulting smudges, dirt and plaque accumulate negativity.

As an interior solution, it is better to use everything related to the water element. Blue-blue color scheme, white color, images of underwater inhabitants and landscapes. Bright, red-yellow shades and anything related to the element of fire are unacceptable in the bathroom. The elements of water and fire conflict with each other, causing an imbalance of energy.

Toilet in the southeast.

Southeast – sector of the Xun trigram. The trigram corresponds to the Eldest Daughter. Qualities: care, nutrition, nurturing, also associated with learning and growth. If the eldest daughter does not live in the house, then this will not greatly affect other family members. The eldest daughter can be considered either the oldest of several, or one, but already mature enough. If, according to the methods of calculating space, this sector in the house is negative, then it is quite possible to place a toilet here.

The remaining sectors are not very sensitive to the location of the toilet in them. However, it is worth remembering the calculation of Flying Stars and taking it into account.

What can you put in front of a mirror according to Feng Shui?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. Feng Shui pays special attention to this item in the house. What to put in front of the mirror?

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings purely positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive flows of Qi and feed its main flow.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

You should not place talismans and various Feng Shui objects in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

Where to place the toilet in a private house.

From a functional point of view, it is not entirely appropriate to place a toilet near places where a person is filled with energy. We fill up when we eat, that is, in the dining room or kitchen, which includes this function. Also, filling with energy occurs during sleep, that is, in the bedroom.

– It is especially important that the toilet does not have an entrance from the bedroom or kitchen/dining room. – If the toilet is located across the corridor from them, then its door should not be opposite the doors to the bedroom or kitchen. – It’s not very critical, but it is undesirable for the toilet to be located behind the wall of the bedroom near which the bed is located.

In modern interior design there is an extremely strange solution - the location of the toilet directly in the bedroom. This does not allow a person to fully restore their strength during sleep. Sleep can be restless and in the morning a person gets up sleep-deprived and tired.

In terms of energy output , the location of the toilet in a private house depends on its design. If it works the same way as in an apartment, that is, there is a sewer system that goes outside the house, then it should be placed in the worst sector according to the calculations of the Flying Stars. The energy of bad star combinations will decrease due to the energy output. Conversely, there is no need to place the toilet in good sectors. Good energy will also leave the house, this will reduce the energy of the whole house. If this is a storage type toilet, then installation in a bad sector along the Flying Stars will only worsen the energy of this place, and, accordingly, the energy of the entire house. But you shouldn’t place them in good sectors either; they are better used for the bedroom, kitchen, and office. It is optimal to choose a sector with average quality Flying Stars.

Room location

The most preferred location for the bathroom is in the north.

It is highly undesirable near the bedroom or in the center of the house. This arrangement will frighten away good luck in all matters.

For this reason, a bathroom in the southeast, the zone of wealth, is extremely unfavorable. Money will “flow” down the drain.

And if the front door is opposite, the money will simply go through it. The location of the bathroom door is important. It is not good if it is visible from the front door and from the kitchen, because... The kitchen stove is responsible for the health of the household. You can adjust the flow of energy by placing a tree or potted plant in the hallway.

If the bathroom shares a wall with the bedroom, the head of the bed should not be adjacent to that wall. Otherwise, the penetration of negative energy will contribute to poor sleep and deterioration of health.

If rearranging is not possible, then in the bathroom you should hang a mirror on this wall so that it reflects the toilet and cistern (in the case of a combined bathroom).

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom and toilet rooms should be separated. If the apartment layout has a combined bathroom, then separate the plumbing inside with a partition or curtain.

One more thing about the toilet.

The correct direction of the toilet according to Feng Shui.

In Feng Shui, there are methods for installing a toilet in terms of the direction of energy flows. The flows depend on the orientation of the house, the direction of the front door to the house and the current time. These methods are based on accurate compass measurements. Contact specialists who know these methods.

Is it possible to place a mirror opposite the toilet?

This question is asked often. In Feng Shui, a mirror is a tool for regulating energy in the home. A mirror is appropriate in those rooms where it is needed. A mirror is inappropriate in the toilet. But, if there is nowhere else to place it in the whole house, then let it be in the toilet. Feng Shui should not give unnatural recommendations. Feng Shui should simplify a person's life, not create difficulties. You probably won’t hear a recommendation to hang a mirror opposite the toilet from a specialist. But, of course, no one will prohibit it.

What paintings should I hang in the toilet?

Placing paintings in the toilet
Paintings are viewed in Feng Shui from different points of understanding. One of the main things, of course, is the color scheme of the picture. In the toilet, shades of the elements of Wood, Water and Metal are favorable. Since Fire and Water create a conflict, red tones for the toilet are inappropriate. Soil (brown, gray) is not used often. Another approach is to understand the meaning of the picture. For some, the toilet is a place of solitude, reflection, and understanding of the meaning of life. If some subjects are pleasant and conducive, then they are quite appropriate.

How to throw away a mirror correctly according to Feng Shui

We have already figured out how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui, but what to do if the mirror is cracked or broken and needs to be thrown away?

First, it should be noted that a cracked mirror does not mean the arrival of terrible misfortune in the house. On the contrary, this means that it has already absorbed enough negative energy, and its service life has therefore expired.

In order to safely throw away a broken mirror, you must first collect all its pieces. Rinse them under cold running water to remove all your marks on it. It is very important after this procedure not to look at your reflection and try not to be reflected in the fragments at all, since you will again leave a piece of yourself inside.

Wrap the remaining mirror in a thick cloth and then safely throw it away.

The opinion of sorcerers

There are people who understand more than others what mirrors are, how they work, and how they affect a living organism. Their opinion should be taken into account. Magicians also do not recommend creating unnecessary mirror structures. They claim that through reflective surfaces a person’s soul is drawn into other worlds. This is done by low-energy entities. The victim herself finds herself enslaved by them. The consequence may be the same troubles and misfortunes. But often it all starts with alcoholism. The magicians move on. They even recommend looking in a regular single mirror with caution. Never try to admire your own reflection if you are depressed, hysterical, or simply upset. Such an act changes fate for the worse. An enemy will definitely appear, cause damage, curse or put the evil eye on you. Do you need it?

Unconventional look

There are many theories and ancient legends about the structure of the world. Almost all of them boil down to the fact that the Earth is unique. It has something that is not found anywhere else. Namely, extraordinary energy that allows one to realize creative potential (not only of humans). Based on this, we will find out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. By creating such a structure, a person receives a guaranteed portal. He may not feel it, may not suspect the existence of something unusual. But reality is objective. Through this portal - a gift for other beings - residents of parallel worlds will begin to steal energy. By the way, we have a lot of it. People simply don't understand their own incredible wealth. Maybe wisdom comes to those who lose it through misfortune and illness. And they always appear when the energy weakens. But there are enough hunters for our good around. They will use the portal to siphon power from an unwary lover of innovative design solutions.

How long have people known about the phenomenon of the mirror corridor?

Agree, the reasonable introduction of folk traditions into our lives is completely justified. This position is not only wise, but also completely rational. When figuring out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror, it is advisable to analyze what the ancestors thought about this matter. They, it should be said frankly, never acted like that. Of course, one can argue in terms of the fact that mirrors in ancient times were very expensive things. Not every family could afford to buy one, and there is nothing to talk about more. But that's not entirely the point. Folk traditions have an answer to the question of why mirrors cannot be placed opposite each other. He's into fortune telling. Remember how a curious girl was advised to look into fate? She should have created that same mirror corridor. Through him, supposedly, she will see the image of the darling. It follows that the ancestors were aware of the presence of portals. Therefore, it was not recommended to keep more than one mirror in a room.

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