Feng Shui assistants and travel zone - learning to activate correctly!

Feng Shui talismans of the northwestern sector of the house

Portraits of people whom you consider to be your earthly or heavenly helpers or teachers are considered a very powerful talisman of the Helpers and Travels zone. For example, this could be a portrait of a person who is an authority for you, from whom you learn something. By the way, male portraits will work best in this sector, because this sector is enhanced by yang energy.

You can also post portraits of your real friends here - after all, they are also your helpers in this life. It is very good to place icons and images of saints you especially reverence here.

Figurines or images of angels would also be an excellent talisman for this zone. After all, angels are our best helpers, ready to come to our call at any time. I have 6 (remember – sector number 6) small silver angels pasted on my northwestern wall. I don’t remember where I got them from, but when I have any difficulties, I ask them for help, and the difficult situation is resolved very quickly.

Don't forget about colors and materials from the northwest sector! Use them in talismans, this will enhance their effect. For example, choose frames for portraits in silver or golden colors, take figurines made of metal or from materials from the Earth sector (remember, the Earth nourishes Metal) - ceramics, crystal, stone, etc.

By the way, stones and crystals also perfectly enhance this zone, so you can safely use them as talismans.

An excellent talisman for the Helpers and Travel zone are images or

dolphin figurines! Dolphins have always been considered helpers for people in difficult situations. Therefore, place dolphin figurines in the northwestern sector, hang images, and use the energy of these cute and friendly creatures!

There is another very funny, but extremely effective talisman for this zone. This is an image... of a hand! Yes, yes, a helping hand! You can simply draw a hand silhouette on paper and place this piece of paper in this area.

And there is also one very strong assistant, although he mostly “specializes” in business issues, so he will best help businessmen and business people. This is god Ganesha. His statuette also needs to be placed in the northwestern sector. Ganesha is a deity with the body of a man and the head of an elephant. He helps tremendously in matters related to work, business, and controversial business issues.

For Ganesha to help you, you need to treat him correctly. Firstly, always keep the figurine clean (in principle, this applies to all Feng Shui talismans). Secondly, it will be good if you lay out a special golden or silver rug for Ganesha. Third, always speak to Ganesha respectfully. For Ganesha to help you in your matter, tell him about your situation and ask for help.

For those who think that all this is nonsense, I will say the following: if you think that it does not work, do not resort to such means “just for fun” - nothing good will definitely come of it. And if you decide to use this tool, follow the rules. This will allow you to get results and avoid negative consequences.

If we do not see, hear or feel something, this does not mean at all that it does not exist. It’s just that our senses are not able to perceive it. This is what happens with the work of energy on subtle planes - we cannot perceive all of this, however, with proper work with energies, we can get very specific and tangible results in our physical world!

We perform certain actions or pronounce words and phrases, and this triggers work on other levels invisible to us. Therefore, it is not always necessary to be guided by specific earthly logic, which says that everything needs to be touched and explained how it works and only then used. There are things that you just need to use.

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