How to place a bed in the bedroom: the most important rules (35 photos)

Proper organization of sleep is the key to good health. Every detail of the bedroom, or lack thereof, can affect the quality of sleep and overall health. The comfort of the bed, the arrangement of furniture, lighting, humidity in the room, its saturation with oxygen - there are a lot of parameters, and it is Feng Shui that helps to combine everything into a holistic system that harmonizes the surrounding space. We suggest using the tips of this teaching for the correct placement of the bed in the bedroom.

How to properly place a bed in the bedroom to get a good night's sleep?

How to properly place a bed in the bedroom? Typically, a double, also known as a queen, continental or king bed, should be placed in the center of the wall opposite the bedroom's entry door. This arrangement creates a pleasant appearance upon entering the room, reminiscent of elegant hotel rooms. If you choose a bed with a headboard (such as an upholstered bed), the headrest will be the most attractive element.

In a situation where the size of the bedroom does not allow placing the bed in front of the door, it is necessary to consider other options for the correct location of the bed. Where to put a bed in a small bedroom? First of all, consider which walls of the room are long enough to place a bed next to them. In most bedrooms, you will usually find one wall that has no windows or doors, and it is best to place it against this wall.

What should the correct alignment of the bed in relation to the window look like? If the principles of Feng Shui are important to you, the bed should not be placed under a window - it is recommended to place it against a wall without windows or doors. However, in practice it is important not to place the bed with its back facing the window if window access is necessary. First of all, you will make it difficult to move around the room and reduce its functionality.

Secondly, if you often use windows and open them to ventilate your bedroom, the window behind the bed in the bedroom may force you to lie in a draft, which is not a good solution. The decision to place a sleeping bed between two windows will, of course, be much better if you have the opportunity. Then the question of draft will not be so annoying.

What else should you consider when planning the correct placement of the bed in the bedroom? It is worth remembering that the bed in the bedroom should be placed in a place where it will not block the entrance to the room and will not interfere with free movement around the bedroom. The functionality of the bedroom is a very important aspect of a well-appointed space, including from the point of view of arranging furniture according to Feng Shui.

If you're thinking about how to decorate your bedroom, the placement of the bed matters a lot. Moreover, the bed should be positioned so that it is visible as soon as you enter the bedroom. It is best if it is located in a diagonal corner from the door. If you do not have this option, try to place it on the line connecting the door to the room with the window. The headboard should be pressed against the wall, and there should be a solid wall behind the headboard.

Another important point is that you must have access to the bed from three sides. Unfortunately, this is often not possible in small bedrooms. There should be no heavy furniture on the extension of the bed, such as chests of drawers or wardrobes. In turn, take care of as much free space as possible in front of the bed. The fewer items in the bedroom, the better.

Sustainability is important

A good, strong bed is the key to good health. The quality and stability of this piece of furniture is completely influenced by the material from which it is made and the design of the bed. The material must meet the necessary requirements. Don't waste your money on low-quality furniture. In its production, adhesives are used; they contain harmful substances. It is important to make sure that the bed is assembled with high quality, it is strong and durable, and good fittings are used. These points affect how long the bed can last.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the head of the bed towards the east, following the movement of the sun.

A good, strong bed is the key to good health.

How to place a bed in a small bedroom?

The bed in a small bedroom is arranged according to the same rules as in other rooms. If possible, place them in the center of the wall opposite the entrance to the room . How to place a bed in a small bedroom where such a solution is impossible for various reasons?

A bed under a window in a small bedroom or on a wall without windows or doors seems to be the most practical solution. If the bed is double, it is better to place it under the window . However, be sure to leave enough space on the sides to accommodate bedside tables. If it is a single bed, it is better to place it sideways against the wall.

Small spaces always seem to be more of a challenge. The same applies to the arrangement of the bedroom. If your bedroom is in the attic, numerous slopes will definitely not help in choosing a place to place the bed. Still, you need to remember that the bed should not be located too close to a window or radiator, because this can have a detrimental effect on health during the heating period.

If your bedroom is narrow, you don't have a lot of room to maneuver, and all sorts of rules, such as how to set up a bed to sleep well, should take a backseat - in such a situation, the main thing is to fit your dream bed into the available space.

Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use when decorating a small bedroom. In the case of a room with sloping walls, a good option would be to buy a low bed or abandon its frame and install the mattress itself directly on the floor. Thanks to this, you can get more space between the wall/ceiling and the bed, thus creating a slightly more functional interior.

The idea for making a narrow bedroom look bigger is to add a mirror (however, feng shui rules require you to cover it while sleeping). It is also worth abandoning the wardrobe with traditionally opening doors in favor of sliding ones.

The main thing is, even in small rooms, do not bring the head of the bed too close to the wall with a window or to the wall on which the radiator is installed. However, if you have no other choice, keep a sufficient distance (preferably 50 cm).


In the bedroom you can make the floor at different levels and place the bed on the podium. You will have a great place to sleep, where you will not only be comfortable, but also calm.

If there is a niche in the bedroom, this is the best option for placing a bed. If the niche has non-standard dimensions, then you can make a custom-made bed.

Read about combined wallpaper in the bedroom: design, photo selection of ideas for combining several types and colors of wallpaper, tips for choosing wallpaper companions.

You can find out about prices for corner wardrobes in the bedroom with photos here.

Which photo wallpaper to choose for the bedroom? Read about the best photo wallpaper scenes at:

If the house has two floors and the bedroom is located on the first, then it should not be located directly below the bathroom. Bathrooms have bad energy, and it can transfer to the bedroom. If you can’t change the layout, then place the bed as far away as possible.

The bed should not be placed above the cooking area.

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom?

A long but narrow room also does not contribute to freedom in interior design. A certain problem that arises in this case may be the question of how to place the bed in a narrow bedroom .

In this case, 3 rules apply:

  1. location of the bed under the window;
  2. a bed on the wall opposite the window;
  3. bed in the center of a narrow bedroom.

How to place a bed in a children's room?

First of all, make sure that your child has easy access to the bed. After all, such a piece of furniture is used not only for sleeping, but also for relaxation; children listen to music or watch movies on the bed. The best place for a children's bed is a corner. This arrangement near the walls will allow the child to feel safe and provide him with privacy. It is also worth considering that children often hang posters with their favorite fairy-tale characters or headbands above the bed, and by placing this piece of furniture in the middle of the room, we will disturb them.

How to place the bed relative to the door?

The most versatile bed placement is in the middle of the room with a headboard that fits flush against a full wall (not good if it has a window). However, there is enough space on both sides to accommodate bedside tables. It is important that you can easily approach the bed from anywhere in the room and that you can see the entire room while lying on the bed.

This arrangement is very functional, especially in a double bedroom where two people need to have easy access to the bed. In the case of a child’s bedroom, the matter is no longer so clear. In the children's room, slightly different rules apply.

The focus here is not on the bed, but on the play or study corner (depending on the age of the child). So how are you going to set up your nursery bed to ensure your little one gets a good night's sleep? It is enough to press its longer side as far as possible against the wall, observing the rule of maintaining the appropriate distance from the window and radiator.

Time needed

The time for complete mental and physical rest at night is about 7-9 hours on average. The figure varies for different categories of people. The duration indicator is largely dependent on age.

  1. The baby spends most of his time sleeping - up to 20 hours a day.
  2. A child of primary preschool age sleeps 10-13 hours.
  3. For a schoolchild - minimum 8, maximum - 11.
  4. During adolescence – 7-9, but more than 10 is not recommended.
  5. An adult needs 7-8.5 hours to restore the body.
  6. With old age, the need for night rest may decrease; a person needs 6-7 hours.

The duration of somnia reaches a maximum in infancy and decreases as a person grows older.

How to place a bed relative to the cardinal directions?

When arranging your bedroom, you should take into account the principles of Feng Shui. There is a lot of wisdom in this Eastern philosophy, and one of them says that during sleep, our body is a kind of antenna that receives waves emanating from nature. To work fully, she needs a certain position - her legs should be directed to the south, and her head to the north. This arrangement promotes the harmonious flow of vital energy, and according to the principles of Feng Shui, this is what we should strive for

The above mentioned energy is unfortunately very fickle, which is why it is so important to avoid certain placement situations.

  • First of all, do not place the bed in front of the door, because the Chinese call this device a coffin. However, if you have no other option, consider something to cover the bed with, such as placing a screen or chair in a suitable location.
  • Secondly, do not place the bed in the so-called. air tunnel, that is, on the line between the door and the window, as this will certainly have a negative impact on sleep comfort.
  • Thirdly, do not have any hanging items above the bed, as they can cause uneasiness.
  • Fourth, do not arrange your bedroom in a room located above a garage or pond.
  • Fifth, if there is something heavy in the room above your bedroom on the next floor, do not place the bed directly under it.
  • Sixth - in the room adjacent to the bedroom, or rather behind the wall to which the head of your bed adjoins, there should not be a toilet.

The above rules are designed to ensure the smooth flow of energy from all sides of the bed, which will significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

What does the Chinese philosophical doctrine of Feng Shui advise?

Experts in ancient Chinese philosophy claim that correct head position during sleep will definitely improve health and quality of life. A person is a small piece of the Universe, which must obey its laws in order to harmonize the space around and protect itself from troubles.

Each side of the world has its own energy, which affects the sleeper differently, although he does not realize it. Energy passes through a person and gives him health, success, well-being or brings illness and failure. If you've hit a rough patch in your life, try sleeping according to Feng Shui and directing the energy flow to restore your health and your own well-being. Adherents of Eastern teachings recommend that, before determining which way to sleep with your head, you should properly arrange the room for sleeping. To create a calm and peaceful environment in the bedroom, you need to create dim lighting, hang thick curtains and remove the computer and TV. Somnologists agree with these requirements.

In Chinese teaching, there are several general recommendations for where the head of the bed should be placed:

  • North; It is recommended to choose for sick people in order to recover faster. The energy of the north will bring harmony, stability and regularity to life.
  • Northeast; The direction is suitable for indecisive people who are slow to analyze the situation and make a decision.
  • East; A good opportunity to recharge yourself with the energy of the sun and gain a surge of new strength.
  • Southeast; People who are unsure of themselves should place the head of the bed in this direction in order to get rid of complexes and psychological problems.
  • South. Helps improve your financial situation, become a leader, and climb the career ladder. Sleeping with your head to the south is not recommended for impressionable people.
  • Southwest. A favorable direction for those who want to become more reasonable, wise, and practical.
  • West. Not enough romance, new ideas, adventures? Try sleeping with your head facing west to fill your life with interesting events. The Slavs have an opinion that it is impossible to sleep with your feet facing east, because this is how they bury the dead. This has nothing to do with sleep and burial rituals differ among the peoples of the world.
  • Northwest. Sleeping with your head in the northwest direction helps improve your financial condition and develop leadership qualities.

These are the general provisions of Eastern teaching. If you want to change your life, put your thoughts in order, and improve your well-being, Feng Shui experts advise choosing the direction of the cardinal direction based on your year of birth.

How to calculate the optimal place to sleep

To find out where to sleep with your head, you need to calculate your personal gua number. It will indicate a favorable direction. To determine your number, add the last two digits of your year of birth

But it is necessary to take into account an important circumstance. Those born in January or early February will have to use the Chinese calendar, which is based on the lunar months

The Eastern New Year begins from January 20 to February 20. The birthday may fall on the previous year. It must be taken into account when determining the number of gua. For example, you were born on January 21, 1990. According to the Chinese calendar, the year began on January 27, which means that when calculating, you take the last numbers of 1989. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, the numbers are added again: 8 + 9 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8. Women must add 5 to the resulting number, and men must subtract the resulting number from 10. If the calculation results in a two-digit number, the last two digits are added.

One more nuance. If during the calculations the number came out to be 5, then men change it to 2, and women to 8. Knowing the personal number, you can decide which way you should go to sleep with your head. The Western group includes people whose personal gua number is 2, 6, 7, 8. For this group, the favorable direction is: western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. People belonging to the eastern type, in order to activate the power of energy, will have to place their heads in the following directions: east, southeast, south, north.

A bedroom where you can sleep

The quality of sleep is affected not only by the location of the beds in the bedroom. Don't forget about other elements (not just interior elements) that will provide you with comfort. This includes, but is not limited to, interior colors and accessories.

Color in the bedroom

Even if your favorite color is blood red or navy blue, you may find that using them in your bedroom won't do you any good. The bedroom is a place where we try to calm down and relax, forgetting about everyday problems. For this reason, you should surround yourself with muted pastel colors. Beige, grey, blue and soft green are colors to choose - they will help you recover more easily while you sleep.

Indoor flowers

Plants also affect sleep comfort. In the bedroom, the best ones are those that saturate the room with oxygen, such as sansevieria, aloe or orchid (thanks to reverse photosynthesis, they are able to produce oxygen even after dark). Some even remove toxins from the air (like the winged flower).

Matching mattress

Mattress selection is often underestimated by the bed frame. But this is wrong, because the quality of your sleep depends on the quality of the mattress. A good mattress is a mattress that is selected taking into account the individual preferences of the user, as well as the structure of his figure (weight and height). There are many types of mattresses on the market, the most popular being foam, innerspring and latex mattresses.

Room temperature

Do you know what temperature to set in your bedroom? For a good night's sleep, the room temperature should be between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Air humidity is also important, it should be from 40% to 60%. You can fulfill these two conditions, for example, by using an air conditioner and a humidifier.

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