Gua number - how to find your favorable directions

People with Gua number 6 are distinguished by leadership qualities, a powerful and strong character, the ability to organize their affairs and developed intuition. Such people's character is associated with analytical abilities, willpower and composure, which allows them to remain independent and strong in any situation.

  • Authority;
  • Self confidence;
  • Activity;
  • Hard work;
  • Practicality;
  • Coolness;
  • A strong character.

In relationships with others, they tend to dominate, take initiative, love to give advice, but do not always hear what exactly others are telling them. It is difficult for them to understand the imperfections of the world, so it is not easy for such people to forgive shortcomings, and from wise advisers they can turn into dictators who can turn out to be real tyrants and difficult people to communicate with.

Sixes also strive to dominate in personal relationships, but in some respects they turn out to be too ruthless both to themselves and to others. The main advantage of such people is considered to be strength of character, endurance and determination.

Favorable directions


The North-West is an important sector associated with personal development, the personal growth of people with Gua number 6. This direction coincides with the sector of assistants, so such people should have in this sector not only a personal account, but also a guest room.

In this zone you need to place a good luck talisman - a fountain or a double knot - it is this that will activate fortune and will help ensure that the knowledge and self-improvement of such people will bring them real income.


The West is a sector that is associated with wealth for such people. this is the most wonderful place not only for relaxation and private reading, but also for a personal office and a children's room. It is best to set up a personal account in this area - thanks to this, people with Gua number 6 will come up with interesting ideas in life and implement their most interesting and ambitious plans.

To activate and use the energy of wealth, it is better to place in this zone not only folders, documents, everything that such people need for work, but also to hang beautiful pictures of nature on the wall, which will help you find inspiration in creativity. A favorable place for a large table of wishes - they will definitely come true.


The southwest is an area that corresponds to the elements of love and the activation of personal life. This is a very favorable place for the location of the bedroom, especially if the beds are located in the southwest direction. In this zone you can place symbols that are related to the elements of Earth and Fire - for example, a small fireplace, which will symbolize comfort in the house and attract favorable flows of energy into the house.

The location of red feathers, red talismans, and a small area for grilling food is favorable - it is this that will contribute to the family hearth and happiness in the personal lives of such people.


The Northeast is the sector that is responsible for the health of people with a Gua number of 6. To maintain health, it is important for such people to use this zone to place talismans, dry medicinal herbs and health symbols that will bring great well-being. In this zone, you can use red and golden tones, which will please the eye and contribute to the excellent well-being of such people. You can light incense sticks and use incense, which promotes the well-being of such people.

Personality trigram

The personality trigram for those with a Six is ​​Tian, ​​which is formed by 3 continuous Yang lines.

People with such a trigram risk losing their gentleness and ability to sympathize, so they need to develop traits of tenderness and understanding, learn to adequately perceive criticism and listen to the advice of loved ones and strangers.

To become a good boss and achieve positive results in business, a person needs to preserve natural thrift, get rid of great demands and improve relationships with others.

In order to have good health, people with the Tien trigram should constantly be in a good mood, be able to relax and be distracted from routine activities. The weak points of those with the number 6 are the heart, limbs, nervous and respiratory systems.

Unfavorable directions


The southeast is a sector associated with failure. For people with Gua number 6, this area is associated with money problems, so you should not place elements and talismans of wealth in it, otherwise theft and loans, which will contribute to failure, will definitely not be avoided for such people, although some people can scatter them in this place a handful of small coins - it is believed that they will mitigate the negative impact of the sector. It is not advisable to place a safe and a kitchen in this area; this place is more suitable for a toilet.


The East is a ghostly sector that requires increased attention, as it is associated with love and family relationships, and family too. It is highly undesirable to place a guest bed or living room in this area - it is believed that this will bring trouble into the lives of the spouses and quarrel among family members. This will lead to constant gossip and scandals, which will interfere with the establishment of good relationships.

You can soften negative energy if you place a toilet or bathroom in this place, since everything bad will be washed away from the house along with the flow of water.


North is the direction of destruction. For people with a Gua number of 6, it is directly related to professional achievements and careers. You can’t place a personal account there - everything will collapse. To neutralize the energy, use your past awards and medals in this area.


The South is the sector responsible for the collapse of everything that happens in the lives of people with Gua number 6. This area activates collapse and negativity, so there is no way to completely bypass it. The toilet, which will help the negativity leave, will help neutralize the negative impact of this sector.

Under no circumstances should you install a gas stove, fireplace or stove here, as they will contribute to fires and the collapse of life for such people. It’s better not to hang even pictures depicting fire here.

Gua number - meaning and application: calculate online

Gua Number 6

The group is Western.

Element – ​​Metal.

Color – white, yellow.

Personality characteristics: self-sufficiency, desire for self-improvement, will, rationalism, desire for leadership. These people, as a rule, are organized and subject to rules established for themselves by themselves. However, demanding of themselves, they are also strict with others. Moreover, this severity often turns into categoricalness and excessive criticism. Such people are hardworking and thrifty, ready to take responsibility and solve complex problems. As a result, in most cases they manage to achieve significant material well-being, but at the same time they almost do not know what leisure and recreation are. Those born with a Gua number of 6 are most inclined towards technical and scientific fields. They are usually very traditional and stable in their worldview, are not inclined to change religious views, and are unfailingly respectful to older members of their kin groups.

Favorable directions

Direction of personal growth (fu wei)

– northwest. This area accounts for the assistant and travel sector. This coincidence suggests that people with Gua number 6 should under no circumstances neglect authorities, as well as the advice of experienced and senior people. And it is worth remembering that they will be especially successful in activities related to business trips and relocations. And in order for everything to develop and happen exactly as planned and desired, it is imperative to place a talisman in the north-west, symbolizing the sphere of success. This could be an image of someone who can help (guardian angel, influential patron, etc.), a computer, if the work is related to it, as well as crystals, metal “wind chimes” and other objects that correspond to the element of Metal and enhance it Earth. It is ideal if the front door of the house is located in the northwest.

Direction of Wealth (Sheng Qi)

– west. In the west is the children and creativity sector. This means that people with Gua Number 6 are very reluctant to allow routine and boredom to take over. Any business they undertake must be implemented creatively and unconventionally. Even where, it would seem, there is nothing interesting, and everything looks completely everyday, you need to try to find something attractive for yourself, even at the cost of self-hypnosis. In order to activate this direction and attract things that are interesting and promising in terms of money at the same time, it is advisable to place the corresponding symbols in it. These could be horseshoes, objects denoting desired types of creativity, crystals. By the way, there will also be a Hottei or an image of a lotus. And it is in the West that it makes sense to set up your creative workshop or hang a wish map on the wall.

Direction of love (nyan-yang)

- southwest. The direction of love for people with Gua number 6 successfully coincides with the marriage sector. This means that in it, like nowhere else, it is important to try to arrange your bedroom. If this is not possible, then you need to at least point the head of the bed towards the southwest. To activate the direction, any talismans corresponding to the elements of the Earth will be appropriate, and if this is not enough, then you can supplement them with fire symbols, since Fire strengthens the Earth.

Direction of health (tian-yi)

– northeast. It corresponds to the knowledge sector. This combination clearly demonstrates the need to carefully delve into changes in one’s own well-being and not to thoughtlessly trust even those who are considered specialists in the field of medicine or healing. In order to have as few health problems as possible, you can activate this sector with suitable talismans. A good option, for example, is a figurine (or image) of an owl, snake, or lotus. But you can simply think through the interior of premises in the northeast in the appropriate color scheme - ocher, beige, yellow, red. It’s also a great idea to light incense here. The most suitable aromas are vanilla, incense, myrrh, lotus. This sector is perfect for the dining room and living room.

Unfavorable directions

Direction of failure (ho-hai)

- southeast. The direction of failure in the southeast symbolizes a high probability of minor troubles with money, significant overhead or unexpected expenses. Of course, this cannot ruin or lead to bankruptcy, but it is still advisable to protect yourself from financial problems, isn’t it? In the southeast, one should not overuse symbols of wealth, because their effect may be the opposite of what is desired. It will be good if you can place a kitchen in this sector (you just need to be very careful about keeping it in order). You should not install a toilet or bathroom here; This is too drastic a measure, because the harm from minor failures is not so great, and actively washing away the energy of wealth from the house is dangerous.

Direction 5 ghosts (oo-gui)

- East. Since this direction coincides with the family sector, the main source of negativity in this case is associated with loved ones. People with Gua number 6 are more susceptible to gossip, envy, and slander than anyone else. And it is far from a fact that the trust of a loved one in them will be stronger than jealousy and slander. That is, it is quite likely that their spouse will rather believe outside rumors and become jealous, try to control, and make trouble. To neutralize the influence of wu-gui, it is necessary that a bathroom, kitchen or toilet be located in the east. Taboos in this sector include the living room, bedroom, and dining room.

Direction 6 assassins (liu-sha)

– north. Liu-sha can cause the greatest harm to a career because it occurs in the northern sector. Therefore, under no circumstances should a home office or workplace be located here. Moreover, you should not place even ordinary talismans that activate the professional sphere, or objects that demonstrate success in work, in the north. It is also very undesirable to sleep with your head facing north. Everything possible must be done to ensure that there is a toilet or bathroom in the northern sector of the house.

Direction of total collapse (jue-ming)

– south. The direction of jue-ming, which falls into the glory sector, requires special, increased attention, because neglect in this regard will have unpleasant consequences. For example, a person may acquire very unwanted fame, go missing, etc. In order to prevent such negative energy from influencing your life, you need to take care of the following: firstly, the front door should not be located in the south; secondly, you need to place your bed so that its head is not directed towards the south; thirdly, in this sector it is recommended to be very careful with fire, that is, a stove, microwave oven, toaster, and candles are not advisable to be here. In addition, you need to be extremely careful with the symbolism denoting the sphere of success, and it is better to completely remove it from the southern sector. It is best if there is a toilet in the direction of Jue Ming.

Gua number compatibility

6 and 1. People with these Gua numbers are very compatible with each other. As a rule, they form harmonious couples who know how to respect and trust their partner, conduct business together, and do not pester each other with jealousy.

6 and 4. Such people make surprisingly harmonious couples, capable of going through life hand in hand for decades, without getting bored with each other at all and finding new advantages in their partner.

6 and 2, 6 and 5, 6 and 7, 6 and 8. Quite promising pairs. Their relationship, although not ideal, is usually quite stable and promising.

6 and 3, 6 and 9. It’s hardly worth looking for many points of contact here. And if they are, then most likely they will not be particularly positive.


  • Successful compatibility:
    People with a Gua number of 6 are perfectly compatible with those with a Gua number of 6, 1 or 4. Such a couple understands each other perfectly and does not bother them with any scandals or troubles. There will certainly be no jealousy in this union, and such partners will be able to come to an agreement with each other in any situation;
  • Average compatibility:
    Relationships between people with Gua number 6 and people with numbers 2, 7, 5 and 8 are less favorable. It is easy for such people to understand each other, since they have many prospects in relationships, but the union will be happy only if both partners work on themselves;
  • Poor compatibility:
    The least favorable compatibility for people with Gua number 6 is associated with numbers 3 and 9 - their paths will diverge, even if at the very beginning their relationship was kind and favorable.

Personality Character with Gua Number 6

Distinctive features of the mentality, character and behavior of the individual under the auspices of the six are considered:

  • activity, hard work;
  • determination to win;
  • desire for financial well-being;
  • perseverance and lust for power;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • creative potential, desire and ability to change the world for the better;
  • developed intuition;
  • logical reasoning;
  • discipline, categoricalness;
  • complete control over what is happening around;
  • tendency to engage in analytical activities.

Gua number 6 often manifests itself in the ability to create a strong family, treat relatives with respect and honor the older generation.

Women born under the auspices of the number 6 are characterized by professions such as supervisor, department head, director, teacher or doctor. This type of employment is also typical for men.

However, according to Feng Shui, people with the psychotype in question have some difficulties in building relationships with strangers and some family members.

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Strictness towards oneself and other people often develops into peremptoryness, and therefore irritates others. In some cases, excessive efficiency turns into arrogance and scrupulousness. And the lust for power is expressed in cruelty and inability to understand the feelings of loved ones. Such individuals react impulsively to comments and dissatisfaction.

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