Should you place the bed with the head of the bed facing the window? Pros, cons and 80 comfortable implementations

A bed with the headboard facing the window is a non-standard solution that can radically transform the interior

Should you place the bed with the head of the window facing the window? The question is increasingly worrying many apartment owners, fascinated by the exquisite bedroom interiors from Western designers. On the one hand, a bed with the headboard facing the window looks very stylish, but on the other hand, constant drafts, noise from the street and bright sunlight are frightening, which are unlikely to have a favorable effect on sleep and will also disturb the intimate atmosphere in the bedroom. It’s different in the West: private houses, quiet streets, lack of frost - nothing prevents you from furnishing this room the way you want. But they do this here too, many will say, but what about hospitals, children’s camps, hotels? You can certainly find a similar arrangement of sleeping places in them; why not resort to such a fashionable design move in your own apartment?

Indeed, why not? Although interior design experts are divided on how a bed should be positioned, it's important to consider your personal needs first. Therefore, if you want to place the head of the bed next to the window, you should weigh the pros and cons, and then decide for yourself whether this option is convenient or not.

You can install a bed with the headboard facing the window in the attic

A fresh look at the bedroom: installing a bed with the headboard facing the window on the entire wall

Bed with headboard to high window of irregular shape

Sleep with your feet to the door

Most likely, each of us in childhood heard from our mother, grandmother or friends the phrase: “Never sleep with your feet to the door!” Now you're probably thinking, “I never sleep!” We became scared and instantly changed our body position in bed. Just in case.

This superstition is explained by the fact that they carry the dead person out of the house with their feet towards the exit. Therefore, they try to arrange the beds in the house so that during sleep their feet are under no circumstances facing the door.

Psychologists explain this sign in their own way: people with a fine nervous mental organization, thinking about every little thing, feel in danger when they sleep with their feet to the door. For this reason, experts recommend moving the bed to another location, especially if the bedroom door does not close at night.

After all, the dark corridor behind the door frightens a person, in the darkness he begins to imagine terrifying pictures, imagining monsters that are already standing on the threshold and are about to attack you. In this case, nightmares simply cannot be avoided, and one can only dream of a restful sleep. This is why sleeping with your feet facing the door is not recommended.

An open dark door, as a path to the terrible world of witchcraft and monsters, was also considered in Old Norse mythology. For the ancient Scandinavians, sleep meant a small death. If he fell asleep, it means he died for a short time.

Therefore, they never placed the bed with its feet towards the door, so that the soul could not leave the body at night into a dark corridor inhabited by evil spirits. These people believed that the departed soul would never again find its native refuge.

Icon in the bedroom

This question concerns believers. Some people think that icons should not be hung in the bedroom. However, it is not. Images of saints can be placed in the bedroom. The main thing is that it is located in the east, so that when offering prayers and appeals to higher powers, the person himself is turned to the east.

You can even make a red corner, as was customary in Rus'; it is still done in villages or houses of believers. The icon will always protect, help, guide and calm.

Sleep and dreams are a complex, mysterious and complex phenomenon from a scientific point of view. A person’s condition depends on sound, healthy and restful sleep. It is better to try to take into account the advice of our ancestors and the wisdom of the teachings of Feng Shui, to ensure the correct position of the bed. In any case, you also need to listen to yourself. Let your sleep be restful, bringing vigor, strength and good mood.

Bed options (frame shape)

The main components of a bed are the frame, base and mattress. The mattress can be ordered separately or you can use the one left over from the previous bed. The base is what the mattress rests on and with which it is lifted through an appropriate mechanism. Well, the frame is actually a large box for useful things, on which the base and mattress are located. So, what do you need to know about these elements when choosing a double bed with a lifting mechanism?


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the dimensions of the bed. This factor is especially important if the bed is taken under an existing mattress or there are spatial restrictions

There are standard sizes for both beds and mattresses. Double options can be 1600, 1400 and 1200 millimeters wide. The length in most cases is 2 meters, specimens 1900 mm are much less common. If a length of more than two meters is required, such a bed will have to be ordered individually, as well as the mattress. This also applies to non-standard solutions, for example, round, oval, heart-shaped or other objects.

The three most common types of frames are:

  1. The first type is characterized by the presence of two backs and two side panels (tsars). In a budget version, the entire frame is made of laminated chipboard (LDSP). Connections are made using furniture corners or eccentric couplers (minifix);
  2. The more expensive option differs in that it has a rough frame (similar to the one described above). Decorative backrests and drawer linings are attached to it, in turn. Externally, such beds look much more impressive, which largely depends on the material of the decorative elements. The support, as in the first case, is on the backrests;
  3. The most reliable frame is the option reinforced with an additional cross member made of laminated chipboard, which is located in the middle of the structure and serves as a support. In addition, the design of such frames has legs, which also bear part of the load.

One detail that any of the above types of bed frames have is its lowest part, in other words, the bottom. This element is sometimes subject to considerable stress, because some owners put a lot of different things inside the bed. Nevertheless, in most cases it is made of fiberboard, which is not at all highly durable, and is used due to its relatively low weight. A more expensive, but equally lightweight and more durable option is plywood.


As mentioned above, on this element rests the mattress and, of course, the owner himself. On cheap beds, the base can be made of chipboard. Despite the relatively high strength of this material, it bends over time. This is because a double bed with a lifting mechanism always has the base in one position as it is screwed to the lifting mechanism. That is, if it could be turned over, then the deflection would not take on such noticeable forms.

Good beds use a different type of base.

As a rule, it consists of a metal frame filled with slats. The frame is made of a square pipe or angle and includes several sections. Their number depends on the sleeping places, but there are deviations both up and down.

The space between the sections is filled with slats, which provides air access to the bottom of the mattress, preventing the appearance of dampness. The lamellas are arranged with a certain frequency, usually there are at least 30 of them. In addition, they are slightly curved and installed in such a way that the curve is directed towards the mattress. This provides a better orthopedic effect, preventing sagging of the most loaded parts of the base. The slats themselves are made in most cases from hardwood: beech, ash. But there are also plastic products.

Ottoman bed

Quite a convenient and at the same time compact furniture solution. Its main purpose is to save useful space in small rooms. Externally, the ottoman is a frame made of laminate or wood, equipped with a lifting mechanism. The main distinguishing feature from a regular bed is the presence of a side backrest on which you can lean your elbows. The corner design is also quite common.

Material, base, mattresses

Currently available beds:

  • Made from natural wood - beautiful, reliable, environmentally friendly. But the price is quite high.
  • Metal ones are made from various alloys and coated with anti-corrosion protection. They look interesting and will last for many years, but they are not suitable for any interior.
  • Chipboard or chipboard is an excellent modern option. They are made from wood shavings by pressing and gluing. Much cheaper than wood, but has a shorter service life. And don't be afraid that the glue is harmful; most manufacturers use safe material.
  • MDF. Another natural based product. It is performed by pressing paper dust. Very durable, beautiful and pleasant to the touch. It is cheaper than wood, but not as durable and more environmentally friendly than chipboard.

Bed bases come in several types, varying in elasticity:

  • hard - usually made from a solid laminated chipboard, without a springing effect;
  • orthopedic - covered with slats made of wood, which has the property of springing;
  • soft base - layering of softening material and fabrics on a rigid base. Allows the use of thinner mattresses.

Mattresses also need to be chosen wisely, taking into account weight, age and concomitant diseases:

  • Orthopedic ones are very hard and not everyone can sleep on them, only for medical reasons.
  • Anatomical (often called orthopedic, but this is not so) - they bend under weight, but fix the correct position of the spine, they can be springless - filled from the inside with elastic material that holds the shape, and spring - with springs independent and dependent on each other.
  • Water ones are so heavy that they are rarely used.

Try to lie down, feel all the mattresses before making a choice, take your time.

Everyone chooses a bed model according to their own taste, but so that it matches the rest of the furniture in the bedroom and, not forgetting about the size. The main thing is that you are satisfied.

Which way to place the head of the bed

When arranging furniture, you need to use common sense, and also know and remember about the energy and magnetic fields that envelop the Earth and affect us.
Surrounding objects redistribute or delay these flows. We feel it as a feeling of comfort or discomfort. To correctly position the bed in the space of the room, you need to think through several options.

Single and children's beds

Such beds are much easier to arrange. The easiest way is to move one side to the wall opposite the door, on the side of the window. The child will be much calmer if he sees the person entering.

Two children's beds or a child's and an adult's beds can be placed on both sides of the window, and between them there should be a table or bedside tables. Or put up a screen or partition and then each family member will have a private place, a quiet corner.

No matter what philosophy you adhere to, you may not believe in anything. But if for some reason you are having trouble sleeping, try changing something first, just lie with your head in the other direction. Or throw out the trash that has accumulated around, or maybe it’s time to buy a more comfortable bed. You may not need to take sedatives.

Sleep with your head towards the door

To answer this question, it is necessary to again turn our attention to myths, religion, folk traditions and scientific justifications.
In ancient times, no one slept with their head towards the exit. It was simply considered unsafe. Ancient people fell asleep with their heads against the wall: it was there, next to the bed, that weapons lay. In case of danger, you can quickly take it and get even with wild animals or enemies. The person needed to control the entrance to the home.

But as you know, habits, signs, superstitions are firmly rooted at the mental level, and already on a subconscious level we begin to act according to the traditions of our ancestors, wanting to be safe every second.

As for the practice of Feng Shui, it is ruled by Qi energy - a powerful flow that is invisibly present in the house and affects every object, including the human body during sleep. Qi enters the home through the door and leaves the house through the window.

Therefore, Feng Shui prohibits placing the bed so that the head of the sleeping person faces the door. The point is that Qi energy will pass through the human body too quickly and will not allow the body to properly sleep and rest.

According to Orthodox canons, a person should sleep so that his head is in the east: this strengthens the connection with God, Christians say. Sleeping with your head to the north means losing your spiritual thread, stopping communicating with the Almighty.

The vacationer's head should not lie with his head towards the door, but his legs should not be positioned that way either. Thus, let the door of your room be in the north, and the bed should be positioned with the head of the bed facing east, with your feet facing west.

Modern scientists have not agreed on how a person’s head should be positioned during sleep. It is impossible to know the truth. The main thing is that the room is cozy, quiet, fresh and clean.

To summarize all of the above, you don’t need to sleep with your head towards the door. Even if we do not take into account the superstitions about night monsters that take away the soul, the person himself subconsciously feels extremely uncomfortable, lying with his head towards the exit.

Draft and noise

Of course, our climate bears little resemblance to the south of France, and in winter everyone tries to close the windows tightly and wrap themselves in a warm blanket so as not to freeze and avoid catching a cold. The old windows were a constant source of piercing drafts, the blowing from them was such that one had to sleep under several blankets, and there was no question of placing the head of the bed towards the window.

A bed with the headboard facing the window may be the only possible option for a country house

But today, almost every apartment or private house has double-glazed windows that reliably protect against cold air, so you don’t have to worry about catching a cold when you sleep right next to the window.

If you don’t trust modern technologies, but still want to place the head of the bed towards the window, install narrow long windows along the entire headboard

Many glazing systems are equipped with microventilation, so even in winter it is not necessary to open the windows to ventilate the bedroom, and the bed, with its head facing the window, will remain warm.

By placing a bed with a low headboard towards the window, you can do your usual activities as soon as you wake up and enjoy the magnificent view from the windows

As for noise from the street, good double-glazed windows reliably prevent it from entering the bedroom.

Tip: additional heat and sound insulation can also be provided by thick curtains, for example, lined curtains. By the way, high-quality windows and thick curtains will also protect from dust.

Thick curtains will help get rid of bright sunlight, drafts and noise

What to consider when choosing

When choosing a bed, think about what width, length, height you want. Do you need a headboard, what material do you prefer, the rigidity of the base and mattress:

  1. Single beds have a width of 70 to 100 cm. Check if there is not enough space for you.
  2. One-and-a-half-length beds range from 100 to 130 cm. In such a bed, one will definitely be comfortable, and newlyweds sleeping in an embrace will also be comfortable.
  3. Double beds from 140 to 180 cm will appeal to couples of any size. But don't forget to consider the size of the bedroom.
  4. There are also family beds with a width of 180-200 cm, especially for those who like to lie down with the whole family on weekend mornings.

Before purchasing, check whether the length suits you by adding 30-40 cm to your height. Is it comfortable to get out of bed, isn’t it too low?

General criteria for healthy sleep

Ideally, you need to rest 6-8 hours a day. Sleep is considered healthy if a person quickly and quietly falls asleep and does not wake up for no reason in the middle of the night. To meet the stated criteria, you will need to follow the recommendations of experts:

Stop sitting with your eyes on the TV, phone or computer before going to bed. It is recommended to read a book or listen to relaxing sounds and melodies. By reducing visual stress, you will be able to speed up the process of falling asleep and the quality of your sleep.
Choose a medium density mattress and pillow. Rules for caring for bedding vary depending on the type of materials and fillings. With the right selection of pillows and mattresses, you will be able to get a good night's sleep and avoid back problems.
Take a walk half an hour before bed along the street. 15-20 minutes will be enough. Walking in the fresh air helps reduce nervous tension.
Take your last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Overeating at dinner is not recommended. It is better to choose vegetables, herbs, whole grains and lean meat for an evening meal. A properly designed menu will help improve melatonin production and avoid nightmares caused by overeating.
Air out the bedroom before going to bed. Aroma lamps and scented pillows can create a relaxing atmosphere. Fresh air combined with a pleasant smell will speed up the process of falling asleep.
Stop drinking coffee, energy drinks, soda, strong black teas and alcohol in the evening. It is better to replace stimulating drinks with green tea, natural juice, water, fermented milk products or herbal decoction with a sedative effect. Nervous tension will decrease and sleep quality will improve.
Maintain a work-rest schedule. Constantly falling asleep and waking up at different times, a person overloads the body. There is a feeling of drowsiness and weakness. Following a schedule will help normalize your daily biorhythm and improve your overall well-being.
Try not to overload physically and mentally at night. Mild fatigue helps you fall asleep faster, but heavy stress has a detrimental effect on your health. The body will fully recover during sleep. After waking up, instead of fatigue and lethargy, you will feel a charge of vigor and a good mood.

It is important to know! If the rules of healthy sleep are ignored for a long time, the quality of rest suffers and performance decreases. Memory gradually begins to deteriorate and concentration weakens. If you continue to do nothing, pathological changes in the body will develop.

According to popular beliefs, it is undesirable to sleep near a window, which is associated with the negative impact of otherworldly forces on a sleeping person. Scientists do not agree with the unusual interpretation and consider such a direction inappropriate due to irritating factors. You will have to choose the optimal point of view for yourself. Expert advice, signs and oriental wisdom will help you decide on a place for the bed.

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