How to interpret the Wheel of Fortune in layouts: the meaning of combinations with other Tarot cards

The Wheel of Fortune is a very indicative and symbolic card. Its meaning is extremely clear and does not raise questions or ambiguity of interpretation. It means that a new, turning point is coming in a person’s life. You have to leave the old behind and start life from scratch.

Wheel of Fortune

The motto of the card: a fall is always followed by a rise - trust in fate.


Keywords reflect the main essence of the map.


The map indicates a journey, a movement in space. Unlike The Chariot, this is a calm and leisurely journey. It is possible to move to another city or even another country.

Six months

The period is six months. On the one hand, this is a literal indication of the duration of the process, on the other hand, it is a metaphor for slowly accumulating changes. The card speaks of changes that are as inevitable as the change of seasons. But they do not happen abruptly, slowly, smoothly, gradually, almost imperceptibly. But after just six months, you can see how the seasons have changed each other. The card itself is neutral; the situation is usually getting worse or better from neighboring cards.


“All things pass away,” was engraved on the outside of Solomon’s ring, and on the inside, “This too shall pass.” The idea of ​​cyclicality is very important in this card. Neither the worst nor the best situation will last forever. Sooner or later it will change, and it is up to a person to influence what changes will happen.

General meaning of the card

Usually, the Wheel of Happiness is interpreted as upcoming changes in life. It may seem to a fortuneteller that they arise by chance, but in reality this is not the case. Changes under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune are usually very positive. It could be unexpected luck, a win or a nice gift. Almost nothing depends on a person’s efforts, dedication and hard work.

Less often, changes in life turn out to be negative; they are usually called fatal.

The reverse position of the 10 Tarot may indicate some failures in life, the collapse of dreams, plans or ideas. The person's guilt in this case is minimal. People often say “not fate” about such events. Probably, the card advises the fortuneteller to try something different, to look for himself in other areas of life. Also, it is very important to analyze the layout as a whole, pay attention to the Major or Minor Arcana that are nearby.


No. in deck : X Planetary correspondences : Jupiter World of the divine : The active principle that animates beings Historical correspondences : Sphinx, Lord of the forces of life Astrological correspondences : Saturn in karma, Capricorn World of intellect : Governing power Kabbalistic correspondences : Yod Occult meaning : Luck Physical world : Luck or bad luck Other names : Wheel of Fate, Sphinx, Fate, Lord of Life Force, Circulation, Wheel of Fortune, Lord of Life Force, Law of Cycles

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in love and relationships

The Wheel of Fortune in relationships invites a person to rely on time and chance. If he has problems in his relationship and doesn’t know what to do, then he shouldn’t take decisive action. Let everything happen on its own. Circumstances will definitely occur in life that will help the fortuneteller put everything in its place.

The card advises a person to be true to himself, his principles and ideals.

The card says that people don't meet for nothing. From this meeting they must certainly learn some experience, give each other happiness, build a family or teach each other to love. Under the influence of Arkan, the most unpredictable events can happen, such as a stormy office romance, a very emotional and difficult breakup, a new round in a relationship with a partner. It is important for a person to work on himself and understand that everything in his life happens only because it is necessary, and not because evil fate hates him.

When it comes to finances and work

Tarot card number 10 is ready to congratulate and praise the person, because he managed to find a job that fully corresponds to his purpose.

The fortuneteller should expect interesting and very profitable offers, which in the future will bring him financial well-being, stability, and the opportunity to afford more than now.

The Wheel of Fortune corresponds to people who choose bright and interesting professions and the opportunity to travel. These are journalists, TV presenters, media or show business workers. The inverted Wheel indicates that a person does not know how to understand and accept the signs of fate, its gifts and happy occasions. He does not use all the changes that are offered to him and interprets them negatively.

A wheel in the reverse position can also warn a person to be more careful with his finances. There is a risk of completely absurdly and unexpectedly losing a significant amount of money. For example, falling for scammers.

Analogues from various decks

How did other occultists perceive Arkan? They put in their own understanding.

Tarot of Thoth (Aleister Crowley):

Externally similar to Waite's image. Image of the Universe. Connection with Jupiter. Unpredictability. Good or bad changes.


A girl in a black sweater and matching boots stands in front of the mirrors. The reflections are her own desires. Apart from them, the lady doesn’t want to see anything else. This is a person with the archetype of a winner. She is focused only on herself, on her aspirations. In fortune telling it is a symbol of triumph and success. The idea will definitely find its implementation.

78 doors:

The map shows a ritual of spiritualism. The only reference to the Wheel is a round wooden table. Complete unknown. Trying to bring luck to your side. The plot can be compared to the expression “freebie, come!”, which students shout the night before the exam.


Liberation from shackles. Dominance, influence. Harmonization of life. Balance. Luck. Reward, winning.

Wheel of the Year:

Seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn. The connection between the past, present and future. Beginning.

Tarot of the Magic of Pleasures:

Transformation. Fatalism. Believe in yourself. Changeability in relationships. Rebirth. Cyclicality, at the same time impermanence.

Tarot of Shadows:

Correspondence - “Reverse wheel travel”. Transports you to the past. Indicates old, unresolved troubles that require resolution. Nostalgic impulses. A person who tends to remember. Doesn't let go of what's gone. Self-destruction. Redemption. Karmic debts.


Comparison with God Jupiter. Possession of power. Large business management. Gifts, abundance, generosity.


Another name is Yaudim (connectedness of thoughts). Jump. Favorable events. Complete a project, submit a report, complete an assignment. Promotion, moving up the career ladder.

In the Lenormand deck, Lenormand is interpreted positively:

Image of the Goddess blindfolded. She doesn't discriminate between people. She doesn’t care who is in front of her: rich or poor, man or woman, old or young. Lady Fate is favorable to the questioner. But this does not mean that her loyalty will be eternal. The meaning of the Arcana is the same in any position.

When it comes to health

The direct position of the card indicates an outwardly normal state of a person, which cannot be said about the state of mind. The fortuneteller experiences surges of strength, resources, a desire to live, create and create something new. They are abruptly replaced by a complete loss of strength, apathy and lack of motivation.

If the fortuneteller does not pay attention to his mental health and condition in time, then negligence can lead to prolonged depression.

The Reverse Arcana assures that the fortuneteller has health problems that should be paid attention to and see a doctor. But the person denies this, thinks that everything will go away on its own, and lets the situation take its course. The card may indicate that a person has childhood psychological traumas that need to be worked through, because they prevent him from living a full life and enjoying it.

Together with the Priestess

You will be overtaken by a passionate desire to work and create. Vigorous activity will captivate you so much that sometimes you will forget about such banal physical needs as sleep and food.

Life changes chaotically, and you easily adapt to its rhythm, discovering new talents in yourself. There is a high probability of achieving heights in occult and mystical teachings .

The inverted card of the Priestess predicts a sharp change in orientation, disappointment in the object to be emulated.

Psychological characteristics of personality

The upright Wheel card describes a person who is cheerful, adventurous and bright. He is willing to take risks, loves adventure, and enjoys being the center of attention. A person is not afraid of change, the vicissitudes of fate do not frighten him. He is confident and ready to fight difficulties.

If we talk about the mood of the individual, the card describes a person who is very open, inquisitive, and ready for change. He readily and gratefully accepts what circumstances have in store for him.

The Reversed Wheel demonstrates a very changeable personality, with mood swings. Today he actively participates in work, school or social affairs, and tomorrow it is difficult for him to even leave the house to buy groceries. He does not want to accept changes and treats them very negatively. Often he feels like a weak-willed straw, tossed about by the winds of life’s changes, and he can’t do anything about it.

Wheel of Fortune in combination with other Major Arcana cards

The Major Arcana next to the Wheel of Fortune often helps the fortuneteller clarify what the card wanted to tell him.

JesterThere is a series of failures ahead, and then everything will return to normalHangedThe fortuneteller will have a desire to take risks
MageChanges are coming in life, active participation and determination are required from a personDeathEvents that occur by the will of fate, the fortuneteller is unable to change or prevent them
High PriestessEvents are developing very rapidly, a person is in their whirlpoolModerationThe smartest decision is to accept what is happening and come to terms with it
EmpressThere is something new, pleasant or exciting aheadDevilSomeone is planning something bad for the fortuneteller
EmperorA person should put order in his own life and thoughtsTowerA person’s plans will be destroyed, which will significantly cripple him
High Priest (Hierophant)Under the influence of circumstances, a person will change his own worldview, life principles and valuesStarOpportunity to fully demonstrate your abilities
LoversPersonal life is in full swing, serious changes are taking place in itMoonIncomprehensible, troubled times have come in a person’s life
ChariotChange will ultimately not improve life, but will only bring more chaos into it.SunFavorable changes that can turn a person’s life for the better
ForceIt is difficult for a fortuneteller to accept what is happening, but it will have to be doneCourtLuck will certainly smile on a person in his affairs
HermitTwists of fate lead to the fact that a person can be left completely aloneWorldChanges from which a person will only benefit in the future
JusticeThe need to understand the legal side of the issue

Combination with the Minor Arcana

If there are other Minor Arcana nearby the card, then this also helps to better interpret the meaning of the image in the layout.

Suit of Swords

The Arcana Wheel of Fortune in combination with cards of the Swords suit behaves as follows.

AceThere is a conflict ahead, you should not get involved in it and show negative aspects of your characterEightChanges in life, due to which you will have to endure some restrictions
DeuceThe person categorically does not want to accept changeNineForecasts for the future are not very favorable
TroikaThe fortuneteller will make a fatal mistake and will not be able to achieve the desired successTenAn opportunity to start life from scratch
FourThe desire to think about what is happening, but in fact simply delaying timePageChange is inevitable, you have to accept it
FiveA person has a period of difficulties in life, but it can be successfully overcomeKnightChange will not bring anything good to a person
SixChanges for the better are aheadQueenThe fortuneteller's desire to be independent
SevenThe fortuneteller will be able to take control of circumstances and make them work in his favorKingOpportunity to make several successful trades


The Suit of Pentacles with this Arcanum can also give out various interesting predictions.

AceReceiving an award or winningsEightA person will have to work hard to achieve what he wants
DeuceUnstable life situationNineThe fortuneteller will have material success
TroikaThe fortuneteller will sign an agreement or contract that will significantly affect his fateTenFate favors the fortuneteller
FourIt's better to leave everything as it is. Change will only bring failure, destruction PageSuccessful learning something new, self-development
FiveLiving in poverty, the likelihood of complete ruinKnightFavorable circumstances for new beginnings
SixA person will be presented with a very valuable and meaningful giftQueenLife prosperity, abundance, financial well-being
SevenThe fortuneteller is losing ground, he should mobilizeKingThe fortuneteller will unexpectedly, but very significantly, be promoted

What does inverted position mean?

Unsolved problems make themselves felt. Failure to fulfill plans due to force majeure or unforeseen circumstances. The need to take risks, to go “through the fog.”

Omen of danger. Calls for extreme caution.

Specific concepts:

  • non-acceptance of experience - “the same rake”;
  • to go with the flow;
  • obedience, inevitability;
  • lack of will, passivity;
  • miss an opportunity;
  • not knowing when to act.

A sign of future improvements, if the current situation is difficult. Unexpected but pleasant news and events.

Resist the inevitable. Don't take the chance. Reach out to the last.

Very rarely:

  • income stabilization;
  • increase in cash flow.

Key Ideas

On a deep level it means:

  • disorientation;
  • failure;
  • lesson not learned;
  • recklessness;
  • delay.


The Wheel of Fortune can bring a person unexpected and stunning success, but the fortuneteller himself will not have to make any special efforts for this. It is important not to take this for granted and not expect the same scenario to repeat, but to make efforts yourself in the future.

Thus, the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot is responsible for changes in the life of the fortuneteller. You should not resist them, since many events in life happen, undoubtedly, only for the better.

Author of the article, tarot reader

Tatyana Ushakova

general description

The wheel is called differently: Fate, Happiness, Fortune - Major Arcana number X. It is considered a sign of good luck, but can take on a negative meaning. When creating the plot, Rider Waite was guided by the texts of the French occultist Eliphas Levi.

Let's look at the attributes:

  1. Number 10 - commandments, order.
  2. 4 winged entities (animals of Ezekiel’s visions) - classical elements; Start; unity; creation.
  3. Open books - learning, research, knowledge.
  4. Sphinx - balance.
  5. Snake - Typhon, Seth.
  6. Anthropomorphic jackal - Hermanubis (one of the incarnations of Hermes), Anubis.
  7. 3 beings in general - past, present, future.
  8. Clouds in the corners, azure sky - Jupiter; lord of hurricanes and rains.
  9. The wheel is the movement of the Universe, circulation, time.
  10. The letters on it are “ROTA” as an acronym for the word “Tarot”; Divine influence, laws, name.
  11. Alchemical symbols in the center - from lowest to highest; secrets revealed to the human mind or Initiates.

Fatalism. A situation where no action will affect the problem. External factors are decisive. Humbly await developments. Often shows that everything will be resolved successfully, without much effort. An omen of positive change.

Motto: “Everything that is done is for the better.”

Interpretation varies greatly among experienced tarot readers. For some, this is a sign from above, good luck. For others, Fate (one of the variant names) is a bad symbol, meaning bad luck, stagnation, and misfortune.

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