15 famous paintings that can scare you to death (18 photos)

Author: Eva Tushenkina

19 April 2021 15:22

Community: Facts

Tags: painting art unusual paintings  



Very often art and beauty go hand in hand. But not all mesmerizing masterpieces of painting may be pleasing to your eye: there are very powerful paintings that depict something strange, depressing, frightening and even creepy. We suggest taking a look at some of these pictures - but we warn you: you do this at your own peril and risk.



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Johann Heinrich Fussli (Henry Fuseli), Nightmare, 1781


The artist probably relied on Germanic tales of demons and witches who possessed people sleeping alone. Evil spirits appeared to such people - a blind mare and demons. The woman depicted in the picture is either asleep or lying unconscious, and the incubus presses on her chest, preventing her from coming to her senses and giving her nightmares. Through the cut in the curtains we see the head of a blind mare, which takes away the human soul during sleep (the English word “nightmare” literally means “night mare”).


Urbanism and Feng Shui

The growth of cities, their transformation into huge megacities with developed systems of motor transport and ecology, the relationship between all the main structures is very difficult to regulate. But some city departments still organize their work taking into account the Feng Shui system. The location of squares and parks, green urban areas, the choice of flowers, tree species and shrubs in our technological age is built on the basis of knowledge about natural landscapes developed over thousands of years by the peoples of the East.

The Feng Shui system is inextricably linked with them, capable of regulating the designs of cities and small settlements based on the observations of many generations of people. Images in paintings of high-rise buildings, plants and factories are not always appropriate for placement in an apartment, but for public places they can serve as decoration and original decor. If the living space is decorated in a loft style, then you can hang a large panel in the hall or living room.

Hieronymus Bosch, "The Garden of Earthly Delights", 1480-1505.


This is Hieronymus Bosch's most famous triptych and is dedicated to the sin of voluptuousness. On the left wing we see the acquaintance of Adam and Eve in Paradise. The central part is, in fact, a garden of pleasures, in which people indulge in the sin of voluptuousness. But we suggest taking a closer look at the right wing of the triptych called “Musical Hell”. There are monsters, torture mechanisms (a sinner is crucified on a harp, a lute is used as an instrument of torture), and scenes of torture.

Gustave Moreau, Diomedes Devoured by His Horses, 1865


The plot of the picture is borrowed from ancient Greek mythology (“12 labors of Hercules”). King Eurystheus instructed Hercules to go to Thrace and steal from King Diomedes his magnificent and fierce horses. Diomedes fed these animals human flesh. Hercules took possession of the cannibal horses by force and dealt with Diomedes, throwing him to be torn to pieces by them. It is this moment that is captured in the painting. And Hercules himself sits in the background and watches what is happening.

Ships and boats in paintings

The image of a ship sailing on the waves in Feng Shui is a powerful symbol that can significantly increase well-being. But only if the picture shows morning (the beginning of success) or day (the result has been achieved, you can rest). Clear weather, the sun at its zenith, as well as a calm blue sea mean that everything is in perfect order, no failures or stress are expected, all minor difficulties will be easily overcome. The sailboat should have billowing sails, and on its deck there should be a lot of gold bars and treasure chests. But you can immediately understand where to hang the painting “Sailboat”. It is better to place it in the hallway so that the ship seems to move into the room and bring happiness, success, joy and security.

In Feng Shui, the boat of abundance is not a means of transportation on water, but a real cup of wealth. It should be made of expensive metals, wide and slightly tapering at the top. Fill it with valuable artifacts, including:

  • a bunch of 9 Chinese coins;
  • a handful of earth and a small twig in a red bag, if you can beg them from a successful businessman;
  • money, the sum of the digits of which can be expressed as 998 (for example, 9 rubles and 88 kopecks or 99 rubles and 8 kopecks;
  • symbol of good luck;
  • figurine of the god Hotei;
  • a small vase, the height of which is no more than 3 cm;
  • Small protection talisman.

You can fill the remaining space with precious or semi-precious stones and add personal gold jewelry, and put two expensive chocolates on top as a symbol of the sweet life.

They place this bowl either in the wealth zone, or in the bedroom opposite the bed, or next to it, so that when falling asleep, you can think about this unique talisman. And then the result will not be long in coming.

Peter Paul Rubens, Saturn Devouring His Son, 1636


Another painting on a mythological theme. Yes, the dad from this Saturn is somehow not very good. To recap: Saturn (the Roman name for Kronos), king of the Titans, was jealous of the power of his father Uranus, so he overthrew him. The Golden Age came, and everything was peaceful and good - until Saturn learned from a prophecy that his sons, having matured, would overthrow him - just as he had overthrown his father. To prevent the prophecy from coming true, Saturn devoured each of his sons after his birth. Note that Saturn here is absolutely calm and confident in the correctness of what he is doing.

Was the famous Cleopatra so beautiful?

The Egyptian queen had other virtues that drove the powers that be crazy

Queen Cleopatra is considered by many to be the standard and symbol of beauty. Her external characteristics were judged by the recognized beauties of cinema who played her in historical films: among them Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci . Its name is shrouded in legends, and recipes for preserving its indescribable beauty are passed down from generation to generation. However, not so long ago, scientists and historians debunked the myth about the captivating appearance of the queen from the Macedonian Ptolemaic , who was born on November 2, 69 BC.

Two-faced queen

The ancient Greek historian Dio Cassius once became a nightingale when he described Cleopatra as a woman of unsurpassed beauty. But let's not forget that since then the standards that define attractive appearance have changed a lot. The same goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite , is unlikely to be called delightful and radiant today, if you look at her images. Plump, with thick cheeks and a long nose. Today she would be hounded on all social networks and advised to go on a diet and see a plastic surgeon. Like Cleopatra, who, presumably, on coins and bas-reliefs of that era appears as a masculine woman with a hooked nose.

Syrian coin. wikimedia

Cambridge Egyptologist Sally Ann Ashton worked for a year to reconstruct Cleopatra's appearance, creating a three-dimensional model and based on images of the queen on found artifacts. The result was a dark-skinned woman with a large nose, thin lips and a sharp chin, who can hardly claim the title of the most beautiful today.

Photo from the Berlin Museum. wikimedia

And historians at the British Museum added fuel to the fire by stating that Cleopatra was stocky, plump and about 1.52 m tall. She looked disproportionate and had a thick and short neck.

Manipulator with charisma

How, with such external data, did the queen, who ruled for 21 years, manage to bewitch the dictator Julius Caesar , and then his comrade-in-arms, commander Mark Antony , with whom she later committed suicide? The philosopher Plutarch wrote: “Her beauty... in itself is not so dazzling that it would be admired by everyone who saw the ruler.” He spoke more about Cleopatra’s irresistible charm, her oratorical abilities, and her ability to openly communicate with her interlocutor, who immediately fell under her spell.

Frank Bernard Dixie. "Cleopatra", 1876

She had a sexy voice and charisma. She was well educated, spoke several languages, and could hold a conversation about literature, philosophy, war and politics. Therefore, her inner beauty dazzled men more and shone brighter, covering up the shortcomings of the figure and face of the cunning queen, who may have manipulated those who gave her control of the state.

Pretty as hell

The Italian historian Guglielmo Ferrero came to the conclusion that Cleopatra was by nature incapable of sincere feeling. She was driven by cold calculation and the desire to have unlimited power. Some scholars believe that the myth about the beauty of the Egyptian queen was spread by Octavian Augustus , not wanting to recognize her political and intellectual abilities. It was more convenient to explain her influence on Caesar with banal female charms.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman. "Cleopatra on the Terraces of Philae", 1896

And a number of experts are confident that Cleopatra could have been prettier in life than her image, which was minted on coins. For propaganda purposes, the queen could be deliberately portrayed as masculine in order to legitimize her right to power. The only thing that cannot be doubted is that Cleopatra was talented in areas traditionally classified as “male”, and she attracted great men like a magnet, whom she ruled no worse than the state.

Artemisia Gentileschi, "Judith Beheading Holofernes", 1620-1621.


The plot of the film is based on the Book of Judith, a deuterocanonical book of the Old Testament, which tells the story of a beautiful and pious Israeli woman saving her homeland from Holofernes, the military leader of Nebuchadnezzar. To prevent Holofernes from destroying her hometown, Judith seduced him with her beauty and entered his tent. When Holofernes got drunk and fell asleep, Judith, with the help of her maid, beheaded him. Judging by the picture, the beheading process did not go entirely smoothly and was not quick.

The main sectors and areas of the room according to Feng Shui

Earthly energy creates harmonious and inharmonious structures, the location of which in space cannot be changed. But you can try to place the most important places and areas in the apartment in such a way that they do not end up in a negative flow and do not have a destructive effect on people’s lives. Furniture, household items, even the color of the wallpaper affect the condition of the residents. With the help of Feng Shui, you can attract positive energy into your home, giving vitality.

Using the Bagua grid and compass to determine the cardinal directions, experts determine the areas responsible for individual spheres. The areas of all these zones are the same, which suggests that if you treat all areas of your activity equally, you can achieve harmonious development.

First of all, they find the quarry zone, which is located in the north. The main element is water, the nourishing element is metal. They are decorated in blue and black colors of various tones. A suitable painting that should always be hung on the wall, small figurines and floor vases in this range are especially appropriate. The image of a turtle, symbolizing endurance and constant movement forward, will be a good support for those who dream of actively moving up the career ladder. Since the zone belongs to the water element, installing an aquarium in this place would be a good idea. If some part of the work is done at home, the computer and telephone are placed there. Any items with corporate symbols and photographs of the entire team will have an additional impact.

The northwest is a travel and travel zone. Here you can place a figurine of an angel or a picture of him. Now you don’t have to worry: a guardian angel will look after the tourist.

The family zone is in the east. It belongs to the element of wood; water is considered the nourishing element. The main color of the design is green. A living flower, wooden souvenirs, children's crafts, and family photos will enhance the energy. But dried flowers, things or photographs of deceased family members, stuffed animals or beloved pets cannot be placed in this area. You should refrain from placing sharp objects and thorny plants in the family sector, as this may contribute to the emergence of conflict situations. Metal products also need to be placed in a different location.

The south of the house is the glory zone. Responsible for social status and position. Activation of this sector with the help of well-deserved awards and personal diplomas will contribute to the clarity of future achievements and successes, progress towards them, and recognition of work as necessary and necessary for society. The main element is fire, the nourishing element is wood. Colors are red and green.

The West is responsible for creativity and relationships with children. The main element is metal, the feeding element is earth. Activation colors: golden, white, gray, yellow, silver. Relationships with children, problems of education, as well as the implementation of chosen plans, the materialization of desires, and the realization of personality in sports and art depend on this sector. If you have problems with conception, you should arrange this place especially carefully.

The central part of the room is responsible for health. The main element is earth, the nourishing element is fire. The sector affects not only a person’s well-being, but also his speed of recovery after exhausting work or illness. Due to its special location, it affects all areas and spheres of life. When properly activated, positive Chi energy will enhance all other aspects.

Hans Memling, triptych "Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation", c. 1485


Another example of a triptych similar to The Garden of Earthly Delights. The central panel depicts a nude woman looking into a mirror. The left wing is Death. Right - Devil. That is, narcissism, vanity and passion for earthly pleasures are a direct road to Hell. There is also a hint of Memento mori (“Remember death”).

Francis Bacon, Study for a Portrait of Innocent X, 1953


In truth, the English expressionist artist Francis Bacon had nothing against Pope Innocent X - he simply created in such an artistic style. His work is a unique interpretation of the painting “Portrait of Innocent X” by Diego Velazquez, created in 1650. Bacon never saw the original of this painting, but he saw countless reproductions of it in books. His vision of this picture is amazing.

Titian Vecellio, "The Punishment of Marsyas", 1570-1576.


The mythological plot that formed the basis of the painting by this famous Renaissance artist is as follows: a satyr named Marsyas challenged the god Apollo himself, offering to arrange a musical competition. He wanted to prove that Apollo's cithara cannot be compared with his flute, but he was severely punished for his pride. Apollo accepted his challenge, but with one condition: the winner chooses the punishment for the loser. In the picture we see that the satyr Marcia is being flayed alive.

Animals in feng shui

Drawings of many animals are favorable for humans. Among them are the stork, carp, turtle, eagle, also animals of the eastern horoscope and several mystical ones. The most famous and influential of them:

  • dragon - promises good luck in business. One of the most important symbols. Depicted with a magic pearl that attracts material wealth and accelerates spiritual development. Without it, the dragon becomes evil, and there is clearly no need to expect wealth;
  • three-legged toad - increases wealth, increases the chance of success in money matters. An image of a three-legged frog or its figurine is placed at the front door so that it seems that it is heading into the house;
  • elephant - its most important ability is considered to be the ability to attract good luck into the house. You can place a picture on the wall near the window or place a figurine of an elephant so that it stretches its trunk in the direction of the lucky star;
  • Leo - concentration of energy and valor. Protects your home and other places from unwanted guests. A painting with his image can be hung in the corridor or hallway;
  • horse is considered an indispensable attribute of strength and power, as well as personal courage. A painting of a horse is best placed in a business area of ​​the space, for example, in an office with an expensive classic interior;
  • leopard - immeasurable courage, fearlessness. A symbol of cruelty and aggressiveness. Because of the spots that resemble eyes, it is called the Vigilant Guardian. It should not be placed in the house, except perhaps in a studio where martial arts classes are held;
  • horse - increases strength and endurance. It promises favorable changes for adults, and rapid development for children. Children and teenagers like images with a horse and give them the immense love of their parents. If there are galloping horses in the picture, then the owners will have additional opportunities for great achievements and future glory. It is customary to place such objects of art in the glory zone, preferably in the interior of a large hall, opposite the sofa. Small pictures with horses and small foals can be placed in the nursery;
  • The wolf is a sign of fidelity, as well as devotion, and is one of the best amulets for a family. It is best to hang such a picture in the bedroom above the bed.

The painting depicting Cleopatra with a lion speaks of the greatness and intelligence of the Egyptian queen. If the animal is not depicted in rage, then it can be hung in the hall or living room.

One cannot ignore the symbol of wisdom in Feng Shui - the turtle. In Ancient China, the concept of the Universe was reduced to a huge water turtle swimming through eternity. This is one of the four celestial animals, besides it there is also a dragon, a phoenix and a tiger. It signifies longevity, health and wisdom.

The black turtle brings good luck and accelerates career advancement. Place a figurine or painting depicting an animal in the northern part of the house or office, in the quarry area. There should be only one drawing or talisman. Three turtles standing on top of each other bring prosperity to three generations of a family. Such a pyramid is inherited and should be located in the eastern part of the apartment.

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Dante and Virgil in the Inferno, 1850


This depiction of Hell is inspired by the first part of Dante Alighieri's poem The Divine Comedy, and more specifically, it shows the eighth circle of Hell, a place for forgers and counterfeiters. Having descended into hell, Dante and Virgil observe a battle between two damned souls: the heretic and alchemist Capocchio attacks and bites in the neck Gianni Schicchi, who pretended to be a deceased rich man in order to deceive him into taking possession of his inheritance. The winged demon watches this scene with obvious pleasure.

Salvator Rosa, "The Temptation of Saint Anthony", 1645


The legend of the temptation of St. Anthony inspired the work of many painters: Hieronymus Bosch, Paul Cezanne, Salvador Dali and many others have paintings with this name. Everyone brought something different and each picture is interesting in its own way. According to legend, Saint Anthony, a devout Christian, became a pilgrim and went to wander in the desert to live there in solitude. On his way, he was faced with all sorts of evil temptations and disgusting demons, trying to lead him astray from the true path. The demon performed by Salvator Rosa looks like some kind of alien creature. I can’t even believe that the painting was painted in the 17th century.

What does the painting of Cleopatra with a lion mean in Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, the lion is a protector from all kinds of threats from the external environment. The figurine allows you to bring prosperity and stability to your home, as well as maintain peace. Among other things, the lion figurine will help fight the anger and envy of ill-wishers, putting up an invisible barrier to negative energy that is directed against the inhabitants of the home.

This symbol is a figurine of a lion, which can be depicted in various poses. The lion figurine brings the main magical effect to the energy of the owner of the house. Leo activates the functions of a protector, allowing the owner to recharge himself with the energy of fearlessness and greatness.

In general, the feline grace and confidence that lives in this animal is expressed in any pose of this animal, therefore lions are depicted in both a lying and standing position, as well as in movement, without losing the sense of their own power and dignity.

The most popular among feng shui fans are lion figurines made of wood or various metals. Often figurines are decorated with precious or semi-precious stones, which gives them even greater luster and majesty. Of course, figurines made of yellow metals look more advantageous, since they fully reflect the message that the symbol itself carries. However, no matter what material your lion figurine is made from, it will always bring success and prosperity to your home.

A lion figurine is usually used near the entrances to the home or windows, as the main throughput sources of energy. The fiery color of the animal's mane associates it with the creation of the sun. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that these symbols need sunlight, which energizes them. Therefore, lion figurines are often placed on window sills. Also, the figurine will bring maximum benefit if it is located at the entrance to your home. It is not for nothing that for a long time the front gates were decorated with guards made of statues of these golden-maned animals. And now this phenomenon has not lost its relevance, only with the caveat that massive gates have given way, in most cases, to front doors in apartment buildings.

Francisco Goya, engraving from the series "Disasters of War", 1810-1820.


Francisco Goya created a series of 82 engravings, in which, as you already understand, he carefully depicted all the horrors of war. It was a protest against the brutal French suppression of the uprising in the Iberian Peninsula, which was followed by war. The presented engraving is numbered 39 and has the caption “Heroic struggle! With the dead! The engraving shows corpses hanging from a tree. All of them were castrated, one had his hands and head cut off.

Theodore Géricault, Severed Heads, 1818


Perhaps we can say that Theodore Gericault was fascinated by the dead. He often borrowed (through acquaintance) bodies and limbs from the morgue in order to draw them from life. Géricault collected heads and various body parts of corpses in his workshop and watched them gradually decompose, transferring his impressions onto artistic canvases.

Fish as a symbol

In Chinese, the word “fish” means abundance and happiness, which in itself says a lot. Two carp are a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man, and nine give prosperity. An aquarium with live fish - one black and 8 gold - improves your financial condition. Two orange aquarium pets are called “double fish”; they bring independence and emancipation, making you highly value your own opinion.

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