Map of movement and change: 8 of Wands (Staves) and its meaning in Tarot layouts

The Eight of Wands is one of the minor arcana in the Tarot deck. The card typically depicts eight staves flying against a cloudless blue sky. The 8 Wands of the Tarot symbolize the meaning of the present - the current moment in time, actions taking place here and now.

This card tells us about rapid development, rapid advancement. If a person tries long and hard to achieve his goal, it promises him a sharp leap forward, significant progress in the situation. Fateful changes may not be noticeable at first glance, but they exist and have a decisive influence on the course of events.

General value

Other names for this minor arcana: Eight of Staves, Eight of Sceptres.

Meaning of the Eight of Tarot Staffs:

  • forward movement;
  • lightning-fast changes, sudden turns;
  • speed;
  • spontaneity;
  • activity, energy;
  • the transience of time;
  • solution of a problem;
  • freedom, no obstacles on the way;
  • inspiration, unexpected insight;
  • a favorable trend, a successful coincidence of circumstances;
  • favor of fate;
  • a person who can quickly navigate and make decisions;
  • quick results, goal achievement;
  • offer of a new position, career growth;
  • trips, business trips, air travel;
  • the emergence of feelings, love at first sight;
  • transformation of existing relationships, a new round in them;
  • a positive answer to the question asked, but with the caveat that the events will occur in 6-8 months;
  • what worries a person is not the main thing now, you need to focus on other things.

In the Egyptian Tarot, the 8 Staves represent an eight-pointed star, identifying the inevitable and constant movement of time, eternity.

In the Egyptian system, the card signifies:

  • law;
  • sustainability, fundamentality;
  • science and obtaining new knowledge;
  • literacy;
  • recognition, respect;
  • the need to make a quick decision.

In the Templar Tarot, the Eight of Wands forms rays arranged in a semicircle above the head of a sage sitting alone in the desert.

In the Templar Tarot, the card symbolizes:

  • active thought process, thinking about pressing problems;
  • internal conflicts;
  • unexpected events;
  • trips;
  • good luck in business;
  • movement, energy.

Eight of Staves
In the Marseille Tarot, the Eight of Scepters implies:

  • anxiety and doubts;
  • monitoring the situation, waiting;
  • inspiration.

The 8 staves warn that the time has come to take active action. Fate opens up an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Detailed interpretation of the minor Arcana 8 of Wands

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

Direct card: Adrenaline, euphoria of first dates. For a long relationship - an unexpected revival of feelings, travel or preparation for a wedding. Conflicts are possible, but they will alternate with passionate reconciliations. Such obsession has another side: in place of stormy love, as a rule, comes emptiness.

Reversed card: Delays in making decisions, doubts, incorrect interpretations of a partner’s actions. Questions from the category “Go on a date or stay at home?”, “Fleeting love or fate?”, “Divorce or save the family?”. Sometimes the card symbolizes a relationship in which people live together but hardly communicate.

Interpretation of cards in health layouts

Direct card: Excess energy, rapid processes in the body, good metabolism. Diseases develop quickly and pass just as quickly. But sometimes activity turns into increased excitability and threatens insomnia. The “stress hormone” adrenaline is increased in the blood, which can negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Reversed card: State of stagnation, physical and psychological fatigue, fixation on a problem (often imaginary). Resources are exhausted, rest is needed. Violations of the daily routine are possible: at night a person is awake, during the day he sleeps. The body is in danger, but so far it is coping with it.

The meaning of the card in finance, work and career

Direct card: Rapid development of current affairs, new projects. Ideas and the right solutions come to mind on their own. A good time for investing, looking for a job, starting a business. But such a surge of energy can lead to rush jobs and the need to solve many things at the same time. Often the lasso predicts unexpected profits or a big win.

Reversed card: Quiet career, indecision, uncertainty. Financial and material losses due to delays. “Frozen” investments that do not generate income. The moment has come that it is better to wait out without interfering with the natural course of things. Trying to speed up the process will only do harm.

In terms of relationships

For love, this card predicts the development of favorable romantic relationships.

The card carries a positive meaning and can mean:

  • the revival of fading feelings, the opening of a second wind of love;
  • rapid development of relationships leading to the creation of a family;
  • reconciliation, the cessation of all disagreements and quarrels;
  • outburst, passion, euphoric mood;
  • love at first sight, a surge of romantic emotions;
  • mutual understanding, warmth, tenderness;
  • a new mutually beneficial alliance based on calculation.

Basic words

There are quite a number of keywords associated with the Eight of Wands card.

Among them, it is very important to highlight the following:

  • rapidity;
  • speed;
  • calm;
  • Liberty;
  • expectation;
  • slowdown;
  • pause;
  • passivity;
  • flight.

Among all the known tarot cards, the lasso with the eight of wands has a special meaning, since there are no images of people on it. And therefore it is unique in its own way.

Interpretation in layouts for professional activities and careers

The 8 of Wands reports that plans and hopes placed on work will soon come true.
This will happen so quickly that it can take you by surprise. Possible promotion, career advancement, recognition in the team. The bosses will note your labor successes and approve the results achieved. An increase in income is coming, and you may receive a bonus. On the other hand, if the fortuneteller has any fears, then they will most likely be justified.

Psychological state and personality analysis

When describing issues related to emotional state, there may be several possible interpretations.

Straight position

In the correct position, the Eight of Wands speaks of a person’s emotionality and activity. He always strives to get things done quickly and is full of energy. It is difficult for such people to sit in one place.

At the psychological level, the alignment is evidence of a large number of ideas, new plans, unexpected discoveries. It helps to see and reveal what previously went unnoticed.

Inverted position

In this position, the card indicates the opposite. This is a sign that there is a lack of lightness and freedom. The fortuneteller does not tolerate fuss and haste, but prefers regularity and calm. It is difficult for him to start new things.

The Eight of Wands can also symbolize the following:

  • Braking phase.
    Energy gives way to severe lethargy. Interest in current events disappears. Nothing can bring you out of a state of apathy. State of apathy
  • Indifference. Lack of interest in good or bad news. Other people's successes or misfortunes do not cause any emotions. No matter what happens, the person remains indifferent and detached.
  • Forced calm. Sometimes the card hints that unrest is contraindicated. In this situation, it is necessary to avoid stress and anxiety, since you may not be able to withstand them.

Reversed card

Inverted, the Eight of Scepters predicts unexpected obstacles and delays on the way to achieving the goal, disruption of plans, and fierce rivalry with competitors.
Hasty decisions will only worsen the current situation. Haste in business will not lead to anything good.

The card also warns of missed chances, loss of control over circumstances, squabbles in the team, conflicts with management or partners.

Sudden dismissal, demotion, reprimand are possible. 8 Posokhov in this situation promises financial hardships, debts, disasters causing material losses. The inverted Eight of Wands in a relationship indicates meaningless quarrels, groundless jealousy, conflicts leading to assault, and hysterics.

A person misjudges his partner and his interaction with him. It is recommended to reconsider your views on living together. The consequences of family feud will be disastrous for both parties.

Basic interpretations of the Eight of Staves in an inverted position:

  • events are developing too quickly;
  • the answer to the question is positive, but the events will not happen earlier than in a year and a half;
  • rash actions;
  • obstacles in business;
  • confrontation, clash with enemies;
  • money problems;
  • unexpected expenses;
  • loss of power;
  • dismissal;
  • family feuds, divorce;
  • fights;
  • frustration of plans.

Alternative description

The figure depicts the figure of a man shooting from a bow with wands upward. The archer's stance indicates activity and enthusiasm, and the flying wands with tongues of flame symbolize the creative element of fire. The wands fly in different directions, which indicates a lot of opportunities. The wands themselves represent inspiration and the abundance of ideas. The castle in the distance symbolizes a goal that is still far away, but achieving it is quite possible. The overall tone of the picture is positive, it is imbued with activity, optimism and enthusiasm. The already familiar figure of a salamander symbolizes Fire.

Card of the day

Overall this day promises to be favorable.
You should expect good news, a long-awaited call or message. There may be sudden positive changes in current affairs, a shift in the situation from a dead point. Circumstances will take the most successful turn. Unexpected events may change the rest of your life. The main thing is to stay afloat and not lose your head from the quick turns of fate.

This day is considered suitable for new beginnings, both business and creative.

Straight position

In the upright position, the card predicts:

  • changes;
  • movement;
  • impermanence;
  • freedom.

The process of change has already begun, which means that life will soon enter a new and better period. Sometimes he predicts events that will radically affect fate, and these changes will be positive. Expect news and pleasant surprises, get ready to accept the gifts from life that you have dreamed of, learn the beauty of striving for the best.

8 of Staves (Haste) Tarot of Black Cats

Learn more about the Tarot of Black Cats.

Combinations with the suit of cups

When the suit of Cups falls in fortune telling, the lasso with the eight of staves is able to change its basic meaning as follows:

  • Two of Cups - acts as a herald of approaching matchmaking;
  • Four of Cups - portends a long and very sad road;
  • Six of Cups - advises you to delve into the past and set off on a road leading straight to your native land;
  • Eight of Cups - indicates a road to nowhere, parting and leaving;
  • Ten of Cups - portends a long period of positive emotions;
  • Page of Cups - speaks of the habit of living with empty and very unfounded hopes;
  • Knight of Cups - portends a favorable and happy future;
  • Queen of Cups - talks about an upcoming date with his beloved woman or mother;
  • Ace of Cups - advises to meet your own love halfway, indicates a quick date and love fervor.

The presented combinations of cards will help to understand the whole picture of fortune telling as a whole, which will allow the fortuneteller to better understand the events taking place in his life.

Lesson for self-development

After drawing the card of wands, you must wait patiently. You just need to stop and watch how the events unfold. You should never rush recklessly forward, not noticing anything and anyone around you. So you can miss something important in life.

Often a situation that arises offers several options for the development of an event. And it is necessary to consider each of them in order to think through all the possible consequences.

It is very important that the decisions made fully correspond to the contour situations. And they were not accepted separately from them. Only this approach will allow you to achieve significant success in life.

Combinations with the suit of swords

Swords in any layout can have a significant impact on other cards. They also change the main designation of the lasso with eight wands.

And their combinations should be deciphered as follows:

  • Two of Swords - advises to end all disputes and conclude the desired truce;
  • Four of Swords - portends calm, delay, slowdown and a high probability of being late somewhere;
  • Six of Swords - predicts a long trip for work or family matters;
  • Eight of Swords - indicates a difficult road and an unfavorable combination of life circumstances;
  • Nine of Swords - portends a long period of despair and severe depression;
  • Ten of Swords - symbolizes the inevitable movement towards a sad end and a high probability of getting into trouble;
  • Page of Swords - indicates an ongoing search for negativity in one’s own life;
  • King of Swords - talks about the gradual progress towards inevitable separation and divergence;
  • Ace of Swords – recommends seizing a timely idea.

The presented combinations of cards should not be considered final, since other arcana also appear in card layouts. And all together they help to decipher the fortune telling as completely and correctly as possible.

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