Minor Arcana Tarot Knight of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards

"Out of the frying pan into the fire".

All Court Cards have a dual interpretation. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Knight of Wands may indicate the identity of someone the questioner knows, or the development of the situation. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Knight of Wands is the most violent, reckless and frantic of all four Knights.

General interpretation of the Knight of Wands card

In most cases, the card promises the questioner a path of both a working and personal nature. Also, the Knight of Wands Tarot hints at a departure from everyday routine. Perhaps this is why the card is considered unfavorable in ancient interpreters. After all, life used to be more sedate, and the appearance of this card promised unwanted worries.

However, even today the Knight of Staffs promises a lot of things to do, frequent changes of projects, deadlines and turmoil. A period of high workload when a person throws himself into work. A wave of excitement and excitement about some project. Inspiration and drive to achieve your goals.

If the Knight of Wands appears in a reading, it is time to act, and act quickly. The method of applying effort and the final result can be predicted using neighboring cards.

The card may indicate a person who has a very strong and rapid influence on the life of the questioner. It is difficult not to notice his inherent passion, elation, euphoria, obsession and desire to do a great job that requires enormous effort. However, the Knight of Scepters is only good at short distances, it is important not to forget this.

His gift is to give new impetus to everything he deals with. Knight of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card always speaks of something very fast and imminent. It will seem to him that everything should take no more than ten minutes, when in life it will be impossible to do it faster than in two days. This is his peculiarity - to rush life and at the same time not keep up with it.

Influence on work and finances of an inverted lasso

Most likely, the fortuneteller has not bothered himself lately with current affairs. Because of this, they found themselves in desolation and disorder. An inverted lasso indicates that you will have to quickly set up and disassemble everything. There will be very little time. There will be bustle, running around, quarrels and discord. The inverted Knight indicates a number of unexpected surprises of the most unpleasant kind that you will have to face. There will probably be changes at work. Some kind of certification or exam for which no one has time to prepare. Or the most important boss will unexpectedly come with an inspection and see how things really are in production. A debriefing will follow with a scolding for all the guilty and innocent. Financial punishment is also very likely. The Five of Pentacles, located near our lasso, will indicate it. The loss of money is predicted by a scenario in which the Moon and the inverted Knight of Wands (Cups) are standing next to each other.

In Tarot, the meaning of figures is multifaceted, as already noted. If you see two inverted knights in a row, it means that the team in which you work is not friendly. Cups in this case represent empty dreams that have no relation to reality. That is, when thunder strikes, you will not understand what is happening. You should not rely on your colleagues; strictly fulfill your duties, no matter how others look at it. The Knight of Wands inverted is unfavorable in a financial scenario. It foretells losses. With the Seven of Pentacles and the Moon - theft. If the Tower is also nearby, it means you will be accused of theft committed by someone else.

Personal Description

A positive attitude towards yourself, towards the future, towards life in general. Courage and desire to move forward with your dreams. The card describes a person who is freedom-loving, unusual, easy-going, explosive, interesting with his worldview and creative approach to life.

Positive features

This is a man who cannot sit in one place, a lover of the unknown, a fearless brave man, a prankster. Every time he tries to throw off any demands and shackles imposed on him in the form of unnecessary responsibility.

A person’s great desire to discover new sensations, new facets of life, to test himself and, having achieved what he wants, to be proud of himself. Such a handsome young prankster, attractive with his courage, energy and interest in life. Looking at him, you are charged with the energy of activity and inspired.

The Knight of Wands indicates that a period has come in a person’s life when he has great internal energy and a willingness not to give up, but, on the contrary, to live boldly and believe in his capabilities.

Negative traits

However, it is important to remember that the Knight of Staffs is a sprinter and he will not be so alluring for very long. Such a person gets the greatest thrill from everything that instantly captures his spirit and gives him the most intense sensations: extreme sports, danger, animal sex, speed, etc. This feature of his also has a weakness: it is very difficult for him to cool down this ardor in himself and listen to the quiet whisper of intuition.

On a deeper level

The Knight of Wands is associated with fire, suffocating from excess oxygen. This describes the airy aspect of fire, the road from darkness to light. This is an unbridled passion for learning about the world and new sensations. A person, like a shark, cannot stop, otherwise he will die. It is for this reason that the card is interpreted as a prophecy of some changes, new experiences, new impressions.

  • Passion for discovery, desire, craving for the unknown, inability to sit in one place. The main goal of the Arcana seems to be to make a person realize the power of his creativity in addition to mind and logic. Walking his own path, the Knight of Wands, day after day, becomes truly ready to achieve his goals and become a leader for others, capable of not only inspiring them, but also giving them a sense of belonging to a common cause.
  • The Knight of Sceptres, with contempt and determination, rejects everything that seems to him no longer relevant and boring. The radar of his attention is always tuned to search for any chance to demonstrate his courage, courage, to do something important and necessary for this world.
  • In his ideas, he sees himself as the King of Wands, whose power is very great and absolutely controlled by intentions and desires. However, the Knight's excessive ardor, passion and desire to impress others prevent him from using his power exactly as intended.
  • And yet, if we talk about such wonderful qualities as courage, honesty, nobility and purity of intentions, this is all about none other than the Knight of Wands. Nothing can force him to abandon them: no reasonable arguments of the Swords, not a single pragmatic argument of the Pentacles, not even the most vivid sensations and experiences of the Cup, since they occupy an incredibly important position in his value system, being something like the highest duty.

Who, no matter how much the Knight of Wands is offended by his honor, will rush into battle, even feeling that he is not ready and with a high probability may lose. Honor plays a huge role for him. In life, such people are most often found among those born under the signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

Psychological State Card

A knight on a horse usually represents a person who is depressed and depressed. He constantly expects bad news and practically does not know how to rejoice. And he often has a tendency to be offended by trifles, proudly collecting grievances and experiencing them deep in his soul.

But often the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card changes, and talks about a person like a fanatic or maniac, ready to doom not only his immediate surroundings, but the entire vast world to suffering. And in his soul there is only room for tragedy, longing and sadness for the past.

The meaning of the Knight of Wands in various readings

Career aspect

If in the layout the Knight of Wands is surrounded by other cards promising changes, it may mean a change in the direction of career development, a transition from one position to another. The goal is to boldly declare yourself to the world, work for ten people and love your job. Ability to manage several projects simultaneously, setting ambitious deadlines for each of them. The desire to find like-minded people in your company, the same workaholics who live by work.

  • A source of enthusiasm and positive energy. The requirement to set larger and more ambitious goals and achieve them by any means, then set even higher goals and not stop.
  • Loud and full of inspiring success stories, morning planning meetings, heated negotiations, the whole palette of emotions bursting out. However, there is insufficient consideration of how detailed and correctly constructed the plan is for bringing everything planned to life. And, I must admit, few people want to really worry and think about this.
  • The Knight of Wands has no difficulty in creating the impression of himself as a successful person, capable of independently setting high goals for himself and motivating himself to achieve them. However, there is a big threat of becoming so obsessed with creating your image of a mega-successful person that in life you will end up empty-handed.
  • Focusing on unnecessary details, wasting energy on unnecessary actions, ineffective goals. Haste in decisions, carelessness in actions, lack of endurance - hence vanity, chaos, confusion and unwillingness to wait long for results. All this leads to the fact that often a person either does not achieve his goals at all, or achieves something completely different from what he wanted.
  • The Knight of Wands always chooses only those activities that can give him thrills and emotions and make his blood boil in his veins. He is attracted by high tempo, maximum realism, dynamism, and speed of reaction.
  • At the same time, he feels unhappy if he is forced to follow someone else's rules, decrees and ideas of how things should be. It is difficult for him to live according to a schedule and infringe on the freedom of his desires and actions.
  • Passions boiling inside, an uncontrollable heap of the most extraordinary thoughts, ideas and projects crumble in powerlessness before the need to do regular work day after day. Sabotage, protests, cunning plans - no question, we will carry them out!
  • Therefore, as they say, let his energy go in a peaceful direction. And such a peaceful course will be the decision for him to be a valuable employee of the company outside its walls, where meeting with each new client will require all his energy and will take him “weakly” each time. It is impossible to take away from the Knight of Wands his talent to be a bright figure at various corporate events. He is great at entertaining and entertaining the audience with his jokes and behavior.
  • Scope of this card: theater, competitive sports, traveling activities, organizing travel and entertainment events. Entrepreneurs, traveling salesmen, pop artists, DJs, entertainers, athletes, PR specialists, advertising and creating rush demand specialists, journalists eager for sensations.

Well, and last but not least, he can be appointed as an employee of the department developing projects for organizational changes in the company, or for overcoming severe crisis situations.

For finances and property

The change is likely the emergence of some new and more attractive opportunities. A card in an inverted state indicates debts, possibly problems with collectors.

For love and relationships

Knight of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships is a passion for adventure, initiative and resourcefulness in love. Very emotional, sensitive and hot. It starts easily, but just as easily cools down afterwards. If he loves, then he is very sensual and passionate in his manifestations.

Sometimes it seems that his inherent unbridledness and lack of restraint does not give his partner enough faith in long-term plans for the future. His behavior is sometimes similar to the behavior of a child who just a minute ago was captivated by someone, and now all his attention has been attracted by a new person... more beautiful, more interesting, etc. His love is very ardent and passionate, but as soon as he loses interest in the person, he says goodbye without regret and leaves to meet new adventures.

  • The Knight of Scepters sees for himself a special pleasure in new meetings and acquaintances, but his love for freedom is much greater and brings him more intense sensations and emotions than relationships, which can be very exciting for the blood, but he is not capable of being faithful and reliable for a long time. He quickly loses interest. It is absolutely not difficult for him to meet the person he likes, take the first step, seduce him and invite him on a date... however, then he will need to remember the details of the agreement for a long time.
  • He is a real conquistador, starting a siege of the tower he likes immediately and without any doubt. His inherent openness, pressure and perseverance can lead to confusion, and a person does not immediately find what to answer. The Knight of Wands, without hesitation for a long time, takes silence for consent. In love, he wants the fastest results possible.
  • Like a real knight, he is indeed very generous and tries to be honest, but with all his appearance he expresses how difficult it is for him to be tactful and restrained. He is created for love and passion, incredibly charming and attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Has a large and unbridled sexual appetite. Surely he will advocate for not using protection during sex, but in this case it is especially important to monitor this. For him, the thrill is primarily important, and not the consequences that can occur in case of an irresponsible attitude.
  • It is important to be prepared for the fact that until he has conquered you, he will resemble the most affectionate and gentle partner in the world, but as soon as you answer him, he will grow cold. The Knight of Wands is not averse to presenting you as a long-desired trophy in a conversation with friends. He is ambitious and sometimes very arrogant.

However, his love of life, inner freedom and bewitching audacity do not leave anyone indifferent. He is at the same time the most desirable and the most unsuitable person for someone who dreams of stability, long-term relationships, a large and strong family. However, it is this person who will love with all his heart.

For health status

Physically, this card indicates good health, designed for serious sports activities and results. May indicate ailments such as sports injuries, high fever, rash, tachycardia.

Tarot card Horseman of Wands - interpretation in questions about career and business

The Arcanum indicates a person’s readiness to take active action; he feels independent and full of strength and enthusiasm in the professional field.

He has the ability to generate creative and innovative ideas and understands how to implement them. This will allow him to achieve career growth and salary increases.

Important! The Emperor, who happens to be nearby, hints at inflamed enthusiasm. And the Chariot - for the upcoming business trip.

The reverse view of the Horseman speaks of instability and excessive risk when performing work tasks. There is an excessive tendency to take unjustified adventures, and may also find yourself in conditions of fierce competition in the workplace, which will lead to open conflicts or a silent war.

Important! The light Magician nearby symbolizes the problems associated with an ill-conceived idea. And the Hierophant is the inability to recognize someone else's experience and the influence of a person with rich experience.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Knight of Wands inverted is interpreted as a feeling of anxiety and restlessness, when internal experiences eat up from the inside, without finding application or exit. The person may be experiencing difficulties in his profession.

Bickering, disputes, breaking contracts, violations of their terms, negotiations that have reached a dead end or completely collapsed, betrayals. Clashes, quarrels, turmoil, scandals. Parting, breaking friendship, betrayal, betrayal. Envy, conflicts, intrigues, deceptions. Divorce of spouses. Jealousy. Someone who brings a lot of negative emotions and problems into life.

Reversed lasso for today

This is an unfavorable prognosis. If you get the Knight of Wands reversed, try to put off everything important for another time. Do not contact government agencies; no one there will be willing to help or understand your situation. Also, don't get involved in arguments. It is not advisable to respond to aggressive remarks or behavior. It is quite possible that an unexpected quarrel will end in a fight. On this day it is not recommended to attend mass events or drink alcohol. You should expect unpleasant surprises. Colleagues may become angry and quarrel. Don't get involved. Believe me, if you take the position of an observer, you will win. Then you won’t be ashamed of careless words or strange accusations uttered in the heat of a scandal. It is also advisable to spend money very carefully. The reversed Knight of Wands is an adventurer by nature. Its influence will lead to erroneous decisions, unnecessary gains, and losses. On this day it is better to stay at home and not go on the road. The trip will still be unsuccessful.

Combined with other cards

How is the Knight of Wands inverted in combination with other cards interpreted?

  • With the Jester - the road;
  • Reversed with the significator of the questioner - ruin;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - bankruptcy;
  • With the Six of Pentacles and the Nine of Pentacles - departure is imminent.

Major Arcana

  • Fool Tarot
  • Tarot Magician
  • Priestess Tarot
  • Empress Tarot
  • Emperor Tarot
  • Hierophant Tarot
  • Lovers Tarot
  • Chariot Tarot
  • The Power of Tarot
  • Hermit Tarot
  • Wheel of Fortune Tarot
  • Justice Tarot
  • Hanged Man Tarot
  • Death Tarot
  • Temperance Tarot
  • Devil Tarot
  • Tarot Tower
  • Tarot Star
  • Moon Tarot
  • Sun Tarot
  • Tarot Court
  • World of Tarot


  • King of Swords
  • Queen of Swords
  • Knight of Swords
  • Page of Swords
  • Ten of Swords
  • Nine of Swords
  • Eight of Swords
  • Seven of Swords
  • Six of Swords
  • Five of Swords
  • Four of Swords
  • Three of Swords
  • Two of Swords
  • Ace of Swords

Cups (Bowls)

  • King of Cups
  • Queen of Cups
  • Knight of Cups
  • Page of Cups
  • Ten of Cups
  • Nine of Cups
  • Eight of Cups
  • Seven of Cups
  • Six of Cups
  • Five of Cups
  • Four of Cups
  • Three of Cups
  • Two of Cups
  • Ace of Cups

Pentacles (coins)

  • King of Pentacles
  • Queen of Pentacles
  • Knight of Pentacles
  • Page of Pentacles
  • Ten of Pentacles
  • Nine of Pentacles
  • Eight of Pentacles
  • Seven of Pentacles
  • Six of Pentacles
  • Five of Pentacles
  • Four of Pentacles
  • Three of Pentacles
  • Two of Pentacles
  • Ace of Pentacles

Main keywords

Absolutely all Tarot cards have a list of specific keywords that make it much easier to decipher fortune telling and understand its basic meaning.

There is also this list for the lasso with a picture of the Knight of Wands:

  • farewell and mourning;
  • sociability and ardor;
  • sadness and departure;
  • change and progress;
  • jealousy and memory of the past.

The listed words will be quite easy to remember, since in many respects they have something in common with the picture on the map. And they largely determine its basic interpretation.

But besides words, the Knight of Wands also has key ideas, which include sudden changes, rapid advancement and a constant search for adventure and new events.

Love, relationships and Prince of Staves

Relationships based on people's sexual attraction to each other. In rare cases, partners look in the same direction and are able to stay with each other for quite a long time. But usually it’s a whirlwind romance that ends as quickly as it began.

The Knight of Wands is a typical one-night stand. Or someone with whom you can experience an unforgettable holiday romance. But he is not someone with whom you have the opportunity to live side by side all your life. He is an ardent lover, not the father of the family. And you shouldn’t hope that he can be tamed and re-educated.

In the old days, the Knight of the Posokhov suit pointed only to men. But in our time, these are also women who are looking only for short-term relationships for sexual satisfaction and fun, and do not intend to start a family.

The inverted position worsens the already not the best interpretation of the card in love affairs. You need to be careful with such a person, because he acts impudently, strives to get what he wants right here and now and does not care about the consequences, for example, he practices unprotected sex.

Combinations with the suit of Wands

When several cards with pictures of wands appear at once in fortune telling, the card layout must be deciphered especially carefully.

And interpret the chivalry card as follows:

  • Two of Wands - indicates a forced stop and a certain inexperience;
  • Three of Wands - talks about the rapid, but very superficial results of the work done;
  • Four of Wands - portends a high probability of catching your own luck by the tail;
  • Five of Wands - speaks of business partners who tend to talk more than act;
  • Six of Wands - personifies inspiring ideas that lead a person to his cherished goal;
  • Seven of Wands - recommends a decisive fight against ghosts that have come from the past;
  • Eight of Wands - foretells an imminent departure due to unforeseen circumstances or unexpected events;
  • Nine of Wands - advises to quickly cool down unnecessary ardor by descending to earth from heavenly heights;
  • Ten of Wands - talks about excessive efforts aimed at nowhere, a bottomless abyss;
  • Page of Wands - recommends moderating your ardor and trying to add a little calculation necessary in business matters;
  • King of Wands - symbolizes excessive emotionality in speeches and lack of information
  • Queen of Wands - talks about a certain creative impulse that should be filled to the very brim;
  • Ace of Wands - indicates the habit of giving in to momentary desires, getting excited and arguing.

Thanks to the listed card combinations, there will be no problems in deciphering the layout. They will help you understand fortune telling and better understand the information that the dropped cards carry.

The psyche of man, personified by the Prince of Staves

  • An individual who acts very quickly. And if the situation does not change quickly, he gets upset. He wants everything to happen here and now, or better yet, yesterday. It is difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that it takes time for a sprout to turn into a flower.
  • This is an optimist with courage and a desire to get involved in some kind of adventure. His actions are often impulsive, and serious decisions are made on the spur of the moment. Typically, such a person is not capable of either a thorough logical elaboration of the problem or its elegant intuitive solution. But he has a lot of energy and courage.
  • The Knight of Wands cannot stand frameworks, restrictive guidelines, strict rules and similar restrictions. His motto is “let’s get involved in battle, and then we’ll figure it out.”
  • Such people often love extreme sports. They take unnecessary risks in pursuit of adrenaline.
  • They have so much energy that they can hardly sleep, constantly work, have fun, and communicate. Less energetic people can feel very uncomfortable around the Knight.

The inverted position of the Prince of Staves enhances negative interpretations of the fortuneteller’s personality. Turned upside down, he is even more impatient and ambitious. If he comes up with something, he will go to his goal over the heads of other people. And he will do it so quickly that they won’t even have time to come to their senses.

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