The left or right foot itches: a sign by day of the week. Why is my left foot itching?

Our ancestors have long noticed the relationship between the signals that the body sends and subsequent events. These are the so-called “yawners”, “scratchers” and “sneezers”. Sometimes such signs predict favorable events, and sometimes not so much. But, as they say, “forewarned is forearmed.” And, if you know exactly where you will fall, you will have time to “lay out straws for yourself.” Let's consider why the left foot itches, signs of a girl, woman or man. Let's find out the meaning of this superstition depending on the day of the week and time of day.

Why does the foot itch according to folk superstitions?

All beliefs associated with this manifestation predict a person’s path in the near future. This could be travel or business trips.

The right leg belongs to the light, so itching in its area promises good changes. The left one has a connection with the devil, so it is better to suppress thoughts and desires that arise after itching - they belong to the tempter.


If your right foot itches, you should get ready for a trip. The road will be successful and pleasant, and may bring benefits. A person can count on promising offers, pleasant meetings and simply positive impressions.

But one should not count on the influence of Higher Powers. Those who are brave and decisive, take the initiative and take the reins into their own hands will be able to achieve success. The prediction may concern business and love relationships, but is interpreted exclusively in a positive way.


Itching on the left side is not a good sign.

Superstitions promise a long and difficult road with many difficulties and obstacles. The left leg is responsible for the dark world, fraught with difficulties and suffering. A person will face quarrels, disagreements with fellow travelers, unpleasant encounters, and serious dangers. Business trips will not be productive, they will take away strength and energy and will not bring benefits.

Both at the same time

A rare event. If you are asked why your feet itch at the same time, feel free to answer: always for a long journey. According to superstition, the sign promises to receive news that will force you to get ready to travel. The circumstances that necessitate travel can be positive or negative.

If your feet not only itch, but also burn, beware of fellow travelers.

What does medicine say about this?

Today, there are many reasons that cause itchy feet. These include: somatic diseases, allergies, severe stress, diabetes, immune problems, dry skin, fungus or bacteria, dermatitis, impetigo, folliculitis or insect bites.

Often this phenomenon worries women during pregnancy. This condition can be caused by various reasons. These include:

  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • restless legs syndrome.

In the latter case, the expectant mother experiences not only itching of the foot, but also a tingling and twitching sensation. These symptoms manifest themselves strongly in the evening and cause a lot of inconvenience.

A specialist will help you accurately determine the etiology of itching. Usually, to make a diagnosis, he prescribes general and chemical blood tests.

Depending on the location of the itching

If your heels itch, expect serious conflicts and disagreements with relatives. It’s not just a matter of sorting things out; there will be a scandal that will end in the severance of family ties. Itching is a warning: restrain your emotions, and nothing bad will happen.

You can find out more here: why the right heel itches and why the left heel itches.

When your right or left foot itches in the toes, it's time to prepare for an unplanned trip. According to superstitions, the trip will bring financial benefits and have a positive impact on work and business.

If the right foot itches in the middle, expect enrichment. When the left sole itches in the same place, get ready for unexpected expenses, monetary losses, and loss of profit.

Itchy left or right foot - briefly

  • Itching on the left leg can portend a long journey, full of surprises and, to some extent, troubles, so it is recommended to postpone the trip until better times;
  • If an unmarried girl’s left leg itches, then this is a clear harbinger of an imminent whirlwind romance, which can subsequently foreshadow a serious relationship that can lead to marriage;
  • If itching torments a man, then this is not a good sign, since he is capable of soon trying to cheat on his wife;
  • It is also necessary to look at the time at which your leg itched, since at different times of the day itching can mean completely different things.



Interpretation for girls and women

If your feet itch, the omen promises female representatives an unexpected meeting with a former lover or an acquaintance with a new boyfriend. It’s pointless to count on a couple’s reunion; there will only be friendly meetings and memories.

If a girl is very sad about a breakup, her body sends a signal that her time is being wasted. All attempts will be pointless, because the relationship has outlived its usefulness. The outcome of such experiences is loss of time, melancholy, and a difficult state of mind.

Itchy heels can be a harbinger of serious financial problems. Don't expect to make a profit any time soon. Risky undertakings and adventures can cause ruin. Any business started will be a loser.

If a woman has itchy fingers, wait for trips to help someone close to her. The road will be difficult and will cause serious worries. You may have to sacrifice something significant to you for the benefit of another person.

If the feet of a recently married girl itch, superstition promises an early pregnancy.

Basic interpretation

Get ready to go!
The most common belief is that if the left foot begins to itch, then the road awaits the person. The news that we will soon have to hit the road will come soon. This belief originates from those distant times when news was conveyed by messengers and they traveled on foot. It is this interpretation of the sign that most often turns out to be the most reliable and truthful.

Meaning for guys and men

This manifestation worries men due to emotional exhaustion. Itching is a sign of serious fatigue, which requires rest and rest to eliminate.

Why does your right foot itch just before an important event - it promises victory. Before important transactions, the sign confirms their necessity. The person doesn’t have to worry, he made the right decision.

For a family man, signs predict a breakup with his wife.

Taking into account the day of the week and time of day

  1. In the morning. An interesting meeting will take place, which will give many perspectives. Women should get ready for a romantic dinner in a restaurant with an attractive man.
  2. During the day. According to superstitions, serious personal problems will appear that can affect work and reduce income. You will have to abandon your plans and go on a trip to solve problems.
  3. Evening. You will have to pay the price for your past actions. Urgent matters will arise related to the elimination of previously made mistakes.
  4. Night. It's time to achieve what you want. Circumstances are favorable, so you can’t miss an advantageous moment. If the left foot itches, expect problems in the family or financial losses.

Day of the weekPrediction
MondayLong trips that will not bring benefit or benefit. If you are planning a vacation, it will not bring you satisfaction.
TuesdayParties, meetings with friends, noisy feasts. Men can expect lucrative offers, and women should prepare to meet a nice young man
WednesdayQuarrels with relatives and serious grievances that can develop into hatred. Learn to keep your mouth shut and do not position your opinion as the only correct one.
ThursdayYou will be visited by dear guests who need to be greeted properly. If gatherings don't go as planned, they will cause ridicule and heated discussions.
FridayDifficulties in personal life. Married men and women may be preparing for divorce, especially if the itching occurs in the evening or at night. For free people, the manifestation hints that a fateful meeting will not happen soon
SaturdayHeart-to-heart conversations in which not the best sides of the participants will be revealed. Relationship breakdowns are possible
SundayDifficulties at work that require considerable effort to overcome

Itchy left or right foot - How to get rid of the sensation

It is not recommended to start self-treatment of itching, otherwise you risk wasting time and money. The duration of therapy depends on several factors:

  • time to see a doctor;
  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • neglect of the disease.

Often the doctor prescribes medication and uses drugs from the following groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • anesthetics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • sedatives.

Ointments with antimicrobial and healing properties, folk remedies based on celandine, propolis, mumiyo, soda or lemon balm are effective.

To prevent the development of itching, it is important to follow preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to wear high-quality and comfortable shoes;
  • You cannot use other people’s personal hygiene products;
  • it is important to monitor your diet;
  • You need to wash your feet with soap every day;
  • when bitten by an insect, treat the skin with an antiseptic solution;
  • It is better to wear cotton rather than synthetic socks.

It never hurts to listen to the ancient wisdom of your ancestors and find out why your soles itch. This may help you avoid trouble. But the most important thing is to monitor your health and not trigger pathological processes.

How to enhance the effect of a sign

You can increase the chance of a positive incident occurring by scratching your foot correctly. Esotericists advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Scratch from heel to toes.
  2. Use only your right hand, even if it is uncomfortable.
  3. Do not try to relieve an itchy foot by scratching it on furniture or flooring - the omen will turn against you.

If your feet itch at night, do not take the prediction as positive. All signs carry negative energy.

How to Avoid Negative Predictions

  1. Immediately wash your feet with cool water and say a prayer.
  2. Wash away negative energy in a hot bath or sauna, and then get a massage.
  3. Step your itchy foot over the threshold of your house and say: “Itch, itch, but don’t call me on the road.”
  4. If the manifestation occurs in the evening, the next morning, get out of bed with a leg that did not itch. Use it to cross the thresholds and say the words: “Thresholds, thresholds, help my anxiety.”
  5. Ask your guardian angel for help, tell him that you need support.

Remember that all mystical events depend on the person himself, his beliefs and faith. If you try not to think about a negative omen, it will not materialize.

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