We read 13 articles about the Inguz rune for you. Find out what's most important

A strong energy rune is one of the most favorable symbols. Her positive energy influences a person’s life and helps change fate for the better. Inguz is the rune of fertility, personality development, love and relationships. Included in the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark.

Answer for newbies! What is the Elder Futhark? This is the oldest alphabet, invented by the Scandinavian sages. Each of the sacred symbols has its own meaning and has a unique energy power.

Only the runes of the Elder Futhark are involved in fortune telling and magical rituals. But you shouldn’t joke with them and perceive them as squiggles from a fairy tale. In fortune-telling rituals, you need to treat the signs with all respect and read the union of runes as a message from our ancestors.

The meaning of the direct rune

The interpretation of the symbol depends on the person and his life situation. People who experience "stagnation" in life will go to a new stage. There may be difficulties on the way to new goals. But if a person works, he will be able to find something to do that brings him joy.

For people who are tired of an active life, Runa Inguz is a harbinger of peace and regularity. This symbol has the following interpretations:

  • Unexpected holidays that a person needs;
  • Travel to the Motherland, which will bring relief;
  • Treatment or rest in a sanatorium.

Regardless of the type of fortune telling, Inguz means a positive change in life. The rune advises a person to stop and think about the situation and make the right decision.

Inguz does not directly indicate in which areas of human life a beneficial change awaits. To find out this information, you must make another map. If it is Runa Bercana, then you should expect an addition to the family. If the second card is Fehu, he declares a bargain or a successful move. The Gebo symbol means new acquaintances that will turn into strong friendships or love affairs.

Inguz runes illustration


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In a literal sense, Inguz personifies vital energy. It is also a symbol of potency and the ability to reproduce one’s own kind. Inguz is everything that distinguishes living matter from nonliving matter.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

The Slavs had a symbol of ruin similar to Inguz is the femoral, which means love, passion, which is a sign of the God Yarila. Its interpretation was different for women and men. For masculine people they symbolized strength, courage and determination. Women wore amulets depicting OOD to look more attractive and be more passionate.

In addition, this Slavic rune can be interpreted as the unity of masculine and feminine principles, a symbol of new life. A talisman with its image can awaken strong feelings and creative abilities. The Slavs believed that UD is a symbol of spring, fertility and spring.

In Slavic culture, this symbol is associated with flowers.

The use of the Inguz rune in magic

This symbol has a magical meaning - rest in the near future, find harmony, relaxing. Esoterists believe in its healing properties, so they recommend wearing amulets with the image of Run, retracting them on clothing. Inguz is believed to help pregnant women eat easily and without complications.

This symbol is not used as a talisman because it does not have a clear protective effect. His powers are aimed at creation. In the Inguz magic rituals, it served to strengthen connections with extraterrestrial forces and the world of the gods.

Important! When using runes, you should know that it requires the use of high durability. Thus, the magician must correctly calculate the amount of his energy. But Inguz gives a fighter for gift and intuition.

Ingwaz develops intuition

Interpretation of the Inguz rune in fortune telling

Esoterists are encouraged to ask specific questions to obtain a complete interpretation. The Inguz rune symbolizes positive changes. But it doesn't give details, so it's hard to know how to make changes in which area of ​​your life. This is why you must phrase the question carefully before you start your currency.

For love and relationships

In this case, Inguz means improvement in your personal life. This relationship has entered a new step and single people are finding their soulmate. If lovers have been together for a long time, they will soon legalize their relationship. Couples will have a new life.

If the reading concerns a new relationship, Ingwaz may indicate the emergence of an intimate relationship in the near future. If a woman asks a question about his elderberry, the rune indicates the person's determination, confirming the seriousness of her intentions. When this map is drawn, a person must analyze his relationships for errors. Inguz symbolizes the right time to work on them.

The rune must be interpreted taking into account neighboring cards:

  • Berkana - the couple will soon have a child;
  • Rune Gebo foreshadows a new acquaintance that will develop into a love relationship or strong friendship;
  • The Fehu card means a romantic trip;
  • If you fought with Wunho, such a deal promises to quickly resolve conflict situations and improve relations.

Inguz is considered a rune that symbolizes honesty in love and relationships. The partner will not hide anything from his other half and will openly talk about all important matters.

Important! If the fortune teller finds new love, the ex-partner will not interfere with the relationship. They will be able to part as friends.

The exact interpretation of the reading depends on the adjacent cards.

For business and work

If it was about a career, this indicates positive changes in this area:

  • transfer to a high-paying job;
  • professional advancement;
  • establishing new business contacts.

Important! If a fortune teller wonders whether he should change his current job, Inguz means a positive answer.

The appearance of this rune in the script indicates the successful implementation of new projects. For aspiring entrepreneurs, this is a promise of success in business development and quick profits. The exact meaning of the Inguz card depends on the neighboring symbols:

  • Fehu means moving to a new place and successfully finding a job;
  • Odal warns against financial liability when organizing work;
  • Evaz warns the fortune teller that a job change will only happen with a move. Or the person is facing a long business trip;
  • Nautiz knows how to give negative meaning to reading. This could be a warning about a long-term contract without the opportunity to change jobs for a better one. However, this does not mean a bad contract or difficult working conditions. This combination will appeal to people who love stability.

On the career map, Inguz symbolizes the possibility of career growth and receiving lucrative offers. It also indicates a job change or a major career decision.

The Inguz symbol brings positive energy

To your health

In this fortune telling, Inguz foretells a speedy recovery. There are several interpretations of this symbol:

  • Reduction of painful symptoms, transition from acute to chronic disease;
  • complete recovery of the fortuneteller or his relatives;
  • successfully overcome depression and apathy.

However, for accurate interpretation it is necessary to take into account neighboring maps:

  • Thurisaz warns a person about the danger of injury, so be careful;
  • Gebo signals that the soothsayer is suffering from a hereditary disease that may appear in the near future.

In any case, the fortune teller should pay attention to the state of health. The overall meaning of the word "Inguz" in this scenario is positive, indicating a quick recovery.

Advice and caution

Inguz advises reviewing and analyzing the course of life in order to complete stages on time and not get hung up on the situation. Get rid of the baggage of the past, do not cling to outdated values, roles and relationships. Process and filter the acquired experience to improve the quality of development, but do not delve into yourself endlessly, chewing on old grievances.

The symbol warns against senseless hoarding and recommends regularly throwing away trash - material and psychological. After all, the well-being promised by the rune will only come to where a free place has been prepared for it.

How does the rune affect different areas of life?

Inguz in any case means a favorable change, since there is no inverted image. This card appears when a person is ready for changes in life and has done enough to move on to a new stage. The symbol is patronized by the planets Venus and Freya, the goddess of fertility and joy.

This rune promotes strong feelings and strengthens relationships. Inguz helps people decide on an important step that will bring positive changes. All obstacles will be overcome and the person will achieve his goal.

Amulet with the image of Ingvaz

Inverted position

Interpreters say that the inverted Inguz rune has the same meaning as the regular one. However, many runologists put an end to Inga in order to accurately determine her position during fortune telling.

If there is a negative symbol next to the inverted Inguz rune, the meaning of their union will increase many times over.

Reverse Ing is a symbol of the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new stage in a person’s life. In the reading, the sign recommends completing protracted tasks in order to cleanse the spirit for future achievements. Strong attachments need to be rethought; they are a source of unfreedom. Everything that interferes with moving forward must be discarded - pure thoughts, a free soul and hard work will very soon lead to your goal.

Why do you need an amulet with the Inguz rune?

A talisman with his image will bring happiness to its owner in all areas of life. The amulet helps strengthen willpower, instills confidence in one’s abilities, and gives a person a positive attitude.

The Inguz Rune amulet will be especially useful in the following cases:

  • Entrepreneur for business development;
  • If you need to find a new job;
  • If a person needs to make an important decision;
  • If a couple is planning to have a child.

An amulet with the image of runes can be hung in the house to protect its inhabitants from theft and fire. Keychains are made only from natural materials.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Inguz rune?

It is not recommended to place a drainage pattern on the body because it is difficult to predict how its energy will affect a given person. But if a person is sure that she wants a tattoo of the Rune Inguz amulet is the safest. This symbol does not have an inverted image, which means that its reflection will not be damaged by its reflection in the mirror.

When choosing this awakening tattoo, remember that its main purpose is to change. A person must be prepared for instability and change. But the positive aspect of this tattoo is that it opens up new possibilities. The meaning of the picture depends on its location:

  • On the leg - frequent movements, field changes;
  • on the shoulder - circle of friends, instability in relationships;
  • On the neck and spine - strengthening ambitions, developing creative abilities.

A tattoo with Ruena Inguz is best suited for a freedom-loving, creative thinker who is not afraid of change. But this is not suitable for those who want stability and create a strong family. Yellow is recommended for Runa Inguz because it is considered a shadow.

Inguz talisman

The emergence of a symbol

The energy rune Inguz is dedicated to the Scandinavian god of summer and fertility Freyr (Ingvi). His name means "lord", and as a wise ruler, Frey creates peace on Earth, controls the sun's rays and sends people abundant harvests.

The rune has several names: Inguz, Ingus, Ing, Ing, Inguz.

The conventional runic inscription depicts the container where the seed is stored - the great power of the Ingaz rune.

How did the ancient Scandinavian sages know what a DNA molecule looked like? It is the Inguz rune that reflects its structure. It is a repository of genetic information that is passed on from ancestors to future generations. Like fruit on a tree branch, and like every living soul, the Ing rune strives for development. It activates the hidden potential that lies inside a living natural cell.

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