Ace of Swords Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work and in combination with other cards for fortune telling

Tarot cards are a unique mantic tool with which you can clarify the current situation for yourself, and they will also help you make the right decision and shed light on future events. The topic of this article is what the Ace of Swords Tarot card means in different areas of life (in love, career, health, and so on). We will also analyze the combination of Ace with other arcana in the layout.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Description of the map and plot

In almost all modern tarot decks, the Ace of Swords card shows a hand emerging from the clouds. This hand also grips the raised sword. At the tip of the sword you can see a crown, which is decorated with palm and olive branches. In addition, you can see mountainous terrain in the background of the picture.

As a rule, in the scenario the presented lasso predicts an addition to the family, the emergence of a new idea that can change a person’s life. Also, this lasso speaks of the fortuneteller’s readiness for the unexpected.

Personality of the Ace of Swords person

Rational approach to solving issues, seriousness. Willpower, courage, initiative.

Often the lasso is a significator that a person has overcome some difficulties and reached a qualitatively new level in his development.

  • The person described by the Ace of Swords is calculating, cold-blooded, capable of clearly analyzing any situation and making informed decisions. She is not characterized by laziness or procrastination. She is always ready to act, has a colossal will to win and high ambitions.
  • The first Arcana of Swords indicates a person endowed with the ability to meta-consciously. That is, he knows how to look at the situation unbiasedly, as if from the outside, without falling into cognitive distortions.
  • Others often perceive such a person as heartless and even cruel. After all, he goes to his goal along the shortest route, often regardless of the interests of others. And he tells other people everything he thinks. This often turns out to be true. But a bitter truth that should not be voiced in such a form.
  • In the reversed position of the card, the negative personal characteristics of the Ace of Swords are enhanced. He is also logical, methodical and intelligent. Capable of making original decisions leading to victory. But he doesn’t feel others at all. Sometimes he simply does not notice that there are other people in the world, and not just ideas and ways to achieve them.
  • The reversed Ace of Swords is often arrogant. He is proud of his intellectual superiority and despises those who are not so smart and calculating. The goals of such a person are no longer as pure and noble as those of the person described by the lasso in the direct position. He can easily make a deal with his conscience for the sake of his selfish interests.

Meaning in the layout. Keywords and ideas

The main idea of ​​the Ace of Swords card in the Tarot is the triumph of all existing forms of manifestation of human fortitude, health, authoritarianism, and power. However, for a detailed disclosure of the card in a fortune-telling reading, you should first familiarize yourself with the key ideas and words of the presented minor arcana:

  • Thinking about actions;
  • Symbol of authoritarianism, willpower;
  • Logic in human actions and actions;
  • Showing decisiveness in actions;
  • The power of mind, words;
  • Liberation from prejudice;
  • Successful overcoming of difficulties on the path of life;
  • Order, discipline;
  • The ability to correctly set life goals.

Most often in layouts, the card is regarded as a symbol of triumph, victory of will, and conquest. In addition, the card indicates that the fortuneteller needs to make decisions in his life, including tough and non-standard ones. Also, the presented minor arcana suggests that the time has come to act without fears or doubts. This may not even be regarded as a call to act, but a direct order from the deck.

Reversed position

The Ace of Swords reversed means you are having trouble moving forward. It's time to set your priorities. Decide what is most important. Ignore all the little things and focus on your life goals.

Love and relationships

The Ace of Swords reversed signifies confusion and conflict. Especially in a love scenario. And even more so when it comes to relationships. If this communication gap continues, you are bound to develop feelings of hostility and resentment towards your partner. If you are single, you may have conflicting thoughts about your needs and desires. Perhaps you're looking for a committed relationship, but you decide to go on a date with someone who clearly only wants a fling. You have to stand firm for what's important to you—don't jump into a new relationship on the wrong foot.


I entered a period of lack of stimulation and motivation in my career. Although your job isn't at risk, you're just not giving it 100%. And this means problems. In the long run. If you are looking for a job, do not be shy during the interview. And don't be afraid to apply for new positions.


The Ace of Swords warns you to double-check and get a second and even a third opinion before making any new investments or entering into financial agreements. They may not be who (or what) they seem. Don't be afraid to ask questions to gain clarity on areas you don't fully understand. There's nothing worse than not knowing where your hard-earned money is going.


The reversed Ace of Swords indicates that you are currently under severe mental stress and lack clarity. This could be the reason why you've been lacking focus lately. Both in work and in personal life. Migraines, memory loss, extreme fatigue and depression... Prepare for one or more of these symptoms.

Layouts for the past, present and future

This may be a moment of clarity regarding your long-term goals. Or you realized that you've been lying to yourself for years. Especially regarding what you wanted from life, your relationships and your career. This defining moment has helped you determine the best path forward. In your current position, you are able to face all the conflicts in your life with a clear head. You finally feel strong enough not to break under pressure to behave or think a certain way. You know what you want and you no longer feel the need to settle for less. Your future situation is highly dependent on your present. Although you will experience success and liberation in the future, you must first resolve all the conflicts in your life in order to move forward. Let this be your motivation. Keep striving for what you want in this life.

Ace of Swords in combination with other cards

Tarot cards feed off each other and work together to form a more well-rounded, informative reading. There are several combinations that have special meaning.

Ace of Swords and Justice

When Justice appears in combination with the Ace of Swords, you can be sure that the difficulties in your life will end. And you will also get to the root of the problems. Remember to be careful what you wish for. The Justice card reminds us that truth is sometimes difficult to accept.

Ace of Swords and Magician

If the Ace of Swords comes up with the Magician card, it indicates that you have finally had clarity. This is exactly the feeling you experience in life these days. Please note that this is not just a passing thing or an illusion. It is more of a realization that you have truly taken control of your life. You will finally see the world as it is. With all the positive and negative. And this allows you to masterfully navigate the waters of life to your advantage.

Ace of Swords and Priestess

When paired with the High Priestess tarot card, the Ace of Swords suggests that you will soon experience a newfound philosophical perspective in life. This can cause you to withdraw from those around you. Now you are aware of global changes in your personalities. But you didn’t notice them before. You have already matured, but others have not.

Yes and no questions

The Ace of Swords card represents clarity, mental strength and achievement. Your ability to think clearly leaves room for new experiences, original ideas and great success. So your answer is yes.

The meaning of the card in upright and inverted position

If during the reading the Ace of Swords appears in an upright position, then this indicates that the person is able to make decisions independently. This minor arcana is considered a card of understanding, a clear clarification of the situation, an accurate understanding of what needs to be done next.

The Ace of Swords, as a rule, indicates a situation in which there could be a special need for urgent decision-making, the need to solve a problem. In addition, the presented card can predict the birth of a child in the family, the emergence of a new idea that in the future can change the life of the fortuneteller.

Note! If the Ace of Swords appears in the scenario, then the fortuneteller should be prepared for absolutely any surprises.

The Ace of Swords reversed may indicate that there may be serious difficulties in a person's plans. Most often, the card presented in an inverted position symbolizes the lack of hope for victory, a hopeless situation. This lasso predicts the appearance of small domestic quarrels, difficulties in school, as well as the inability to understand the current life situation.

It is also worth noting that sometimes this card appears as a harbinger that the fortuneteller will soon be able to achieve success. However, he will soon have to regret it.

Arcana Ace of Swords: Fortune telling in the current situation

Straight position

In the near future, you are destined to immerse yourself in a unique and interesting project. Consider it as a gift from the Universe. You have been rewarded for the time, nerves and energy you spent earlier. The Ace of Swords encourages and encourages you to rely on determination, efficiency and discipline in any situation. Develop these qualities in yourself.

Don’t be afraid to make small mistakes (not fatal ones), because they allow you to gain experience. Even through negativity you can get something good and pleasant. The Tarot card in the deck encourages you to focus on a priority goal, and then you will be able to achieve a stinging result.

Inverted position

The situation is not the most joyful, because one of the family members is openly using you. Perhaps you will misunderstand the task, which is why you will spend more time and effort on its implementation than necessary. Be extremely vigilant! The Ace of Swords will call for order in your life, but be prudent. There is no need to get rid of everything negative, because some things/people give you experience.

If in the past you have offended someone or seriously set them up, then karma will soon work out and you will have to answer for everything to fate.

Fortune telling “For the next week for every day”

We all want to control our own lives as much as possible, so as not to encounter unforeseen circumstances and unpleasant surprises. And you have a chance to regain control of your day for the next 7 days. Just take the hints from the Universe.

Fortune telling “For a month”

Within 30-31 days you can make a real breakthrough in any area. You will be able to achieve success at work or start a serious relationship. But it is important to understand what can happen during this time period. All answers will provide an accurate forecast.

Deeper meaning of the card

The Ace of Swords is the element of air, which personifies the ability of judgment, thought, clarity of mind, and ideology. This card suggests that the fortuneteller can form his own beliefs and is able to make decisions independently.

As you can see, the central figure in the picture is a sword decorated with precious stones that only a powerful person can possess. Therefore, the card speaks of power. However, in this case we are not talking about financial well-being or high social status, but about power in the struggle between reason and emotions, where reason wins.

Also, it is worth remembering that a sword is a warrior’s weapon. And a warrior goes to war for a reason - he tries to defend a certain idea, principle. In addition, he is guided solely by reason, and not by his feelings.

Note! In certain cases, the Ace of Swords card can mean enlightenment of a person’s mind, an unexpected solution to a problem.

Additionally, the Ace of Swords may have a slightly different meaning depending on the Tarot deck. Namely:

  • According to the Rider Waite deck, it represents a successful solution to a controversial situation, the emergence of a fundamentally new project, the end of a period of failure in the fortuneteller’s life;
  • According to Aleister Crowley’s deck - in this case, the card says that the truth will be revealed, everything will fall into place;
  • According to the Manara deck, the lasso symbolizes getting rid of something old and moving to a new level of life. Changing a person’s habitual lifestyle;
  • According to the deck, the Black Grimoire is a card of the beginning of actions, personality transformation. It may indicate that a person has a special gift of a seer; he has well-developed logical thinking.

Also, the value of a card can change depending on its numerical position in the deck:

  • Unit of Swords (Ace of Swords 1) – personifies determination, sharpness of mind, clarity of consciousness;
  • Three of Swords (Ace of Swords 3) – symbolizes triumph and fertility. There is a high probability that there will be an addition to the family;
  • Seven of Swords (Ace of Swords 7) – warns that life can test the fortuneteller’s ability to quickly resolve difficult situations. It indicates that the fortuneteller is distinguished by perseverance, which helps him achieve his goals;
  • Ten of Swords (Ace of Swords 10) – the presented lasso symbolizes destruction, the disappearance of something from a person’s life, a feeling of emptiness, suffering.


Clearance. Force. Insight. Initiative. Determination. Progress. Conquest. Competition. Controlled actions. A surge of mental strength. Conception. Medical examination. Legal issues. Pregnancy. Excess in everything. Arrogance. A rash decision. Depression. Tyranny. Fiasco. Hot temper. Self-destruction. Infertility. Let. Impotence. Disappointment. Conflict. Aggression. An accident. Operations. Backbiting. Injustice. Destruction. Dominance. Problems with the law and authorities. Incitement. Sarcasm. "Heavy Hand" Self-torture. Anger. Threat.

Relationships and love

Meaning for fortune telling for love

If in a love reading the presented card falls in an upright position, then the fortuneteller should expect the beginning of a new, healthy relationship. And an inverted card indicates that a person is holding back in his expressions and is afraid to show his feelings. This can lead to anger and resentment in the relationship.

Development of a relationship

If at the moment there are many problems in the love sphere with a partner, the direct Ace of Swords card in the layout advises having a serious dialogue with your lover. This must be done in order to find a common language with your soulmate. To solve a difficult situation, you will need to maintain clarity of mind and a sober outlook on things. The inverted lasso recommends throwing out all the accumulated emotions, otherwise there is a risk that the relationship between partners will deteriorate greatly.

Ace of Swords - interpretation of the direct version of the lasso

The card symbolizes the transition to a new project that requires intellectual investment. The situation will be difficult, since promising work may be accompanied by difficulties and various conflict situations. And to overcome all problems, you will need to gather strength, remember discipline and determination.

Any unpleasant changes in life that happen in the near future can become something positive in the future. The individual has a large reserve of strength, he is able to concentrate mentally and energetically on his goal.

It is enough to maintain logical thinking, maintain emotional balance and avoid disorder in affairs and thoughts.

Money, career, professional activity

Ways to increase income

In the field of work, business and career, the Ace of Swords is a card that encourages the fortuneteller to use new ways, while cutting off the unnecessary. It is recommended to sort out the rubble at work and get rid of everything that does not bring any benefit.

In this case, there is only one way to increase income - you must first get rid of the non-functional, and then redistribute the load by giving part of the work to an assistant or deputy.

General monetary situation and progress of changes

In this case, the card that appears in the layout may indicate the ambiguous financial condition of the fortuneteller. There may be enough finance for business development, however, there may be no money at all for personal needs. Not because a person’s wallet is empty, but because all the money is used in the financial cycle.

This situation may continue in the future. In this regard, to clarify the progress of changes, it is recommended to seek help from additional maps.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The presented card predicts an unexpected event. In addition, it may indicate that the fortuneteller will face strong competition in the workplace and an unstable position. However, there is no need to worry, since serious financial problems should not arise.

Choosing a promising profession

Holders of this card should try themselves in the following professions:

  • Analyst;
  • Logistician;
  • Diplomat;
  • Lawyer;
  • Plastic surgeon;
  • Surgeon.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys of the inverted position: disastrous destruction, fall and collapse, rapid defeat, cruelty, despotic attitude, persecution, exile, excessive power, failure, addiction, submission, conflict situations, quarrels and destruction, deception, selfishness.

The reversed Ace of Swords tells you that you have reached a certain level and received the results you need, but you should think about the cost of all this. Isn’t it time to stop, otherwise you risk ending up where it all started, losing what you have achieved and minimizing all the usefulness of the work done.

The Ace of Swords shows you that you influence others too harshly, take excessive advantage of your position and use other people for your own, sometimes unjustified, purposes. There is always indignation and opposition to such actions from dissatisfied individuals, which in turn hinders your development. Now is the time when you are still in control of what is happening and can think, analyze and change the situation for the better before it is too late. If you continue to act in the same way or do not make the necessary efforts, then the situation will not work in your favor and will set you back.

Also in this situation you are informed that you can donate or lose your resources. Start spending what was not planned for expenses, be it energy and internal resources of your body, or finances.

But don’t be upset, your affairs are in a positive situation, you just need to reconsider your attitude towards others. Learn to be flexible, show patience, treat people with understanding, learn to listen and hear what they tell you.

  • Confusion
  • Poor plans
  • Delays in plans
  • Hostility
  • Arguments
  • Lack of communication
  • Red light
  • Injustice
  • Insults
  • Migraine

Personality characteristics and psychological state

The Ace of Swords in the sphere of a person’s personal state is regarded as a lack of emotions. Such a person, as a rule, makes decisions guided by reason. It is worth noting that in this case we are not talking about an angry or negative state of the fortuneteller, but about an unemotional state.

However, there is also another psychological state that corresponds to the Ace of Swords. This is a state of amok, in which a person is in a state of passion, commits strange actions, without thinking about what consequences may follow from this.

The meaning of the Ace of Swords tarot card in fortune telling about career and business

Ace speaks of a person’s good analytical skills, the ability to implement a high-quality project, the ability to invest high-quality ideas into work and, due to this, move up the career ladder. All decisions made by an individual are balanced and useful for the work process, which is highly appreciated by management and colleagues.

Important! Near the Magician, the card will indicate a breakthrough in work, significant achievements, and near the Emperor - the emergence of various promising ideas that will be highly appreciated by the authorities.

The reverse image of the card is interpreted as failed plans in the professional field of activity, as well as the presence of unfavorable external circumstances. Perhaps a person will soon make a mistake at work, and therefore he will have to suffer the appropriate punishment.

An inverted Ace with Chariot will indicate an inability to deal with a problem at work due to a lack of professional qualities or desire, and with Death - an irrelevant job, completely devoid of prospects.

Ace of Swords Tarot combination with other cards

Meaning in combination with the major arcana

In combination with the major arcana, the ace has the following interpretation:

  • With the Fool - symbolizes a dangerous gossip; a fortuneteller should be wary of scammers;
  • With the Magician - says that the fortuneteller will soon receive useful knowledge and a new job;
  • With the High Priestess - indicates that a person will be able to outplay competitors, come to an agreement with them, and win in litigation;
  • With the Empress - symbolizes a wise woman, a wife;
  • With the Emperor - means that a person will be able to overcome all difficulties in his path and will take a leading place in the team;
  • With the Hierophant - predicts receiving a bonus, the fortuneteller will win the honor and respect of others;
  • With Lovers - indicates that a person’s plans are on the verge of destruction, however, the fortuneteller will decide to solve this problem only at the last moment;
  • With the Chariot - warns against the danger of an emergency. Can be regarded as a sign from higher powers that it is worth stopping;
  • With Strength - indicates that the fortuneteller is experiencing a certain pressure from above. At the same time, he can also use prohibited methods to achieve success;
  • With the Hermit - symbolizes a militant preacher, may indicate that the person is very religious;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - the fortuneteller will be able to beat his opponent, become a winner in a certain difficult situation, without putting in a lot of effort;
  • With Justice - the conflict will be resolved only with the use of brute force. It also means that the fraudster will be caught red-handed;
  • With the Hanged Man - symbolizes a strong personality hiding under the mask of a weak person;
  • With Death - indicates that the fortuneteller is in a dangerous social circle. In some cases it can predict death;
  • With Moderation - a person’s bad premonitions will be confirmed; some news can greatly ruin the mood;
  • With the Devil - bad news may come in the near future, unforeseen circumstances may appear;
  • With the Tower - personifies destructive, negative energy. In some situations, it may predict arrest or judicial detention;
  • With the Star - a new idea will appear that will help you reach impressive heights;
  • With the Moon - an unforeseen situation may happen in the life of a fortuneteller. This combination also symbolizes destructive influence. It's worth letting go of the past;
  • With the Sun - indicates that problems in a person’s life will soon go away, it is recommended to be strict;
  • With the Court - the fortuneteller risks losing his reputation and the trust of the people around him;
  • With Peace - a person dreams prophetic dreams.

Ace of Swords Tarot card meaning in combination with the suit of Wands

The Ace of Swords in combination with the suit of wands has the following designation:

  • Ace - a person will receive useful knowledge, it is recommended to show enterprise, this will help achieve success;
  • Two - it is recommended to try to analyze the current situation; matters should be approached with greater caution;
  • Three - in the near future the fortuneteller may begin a wonderful career or relationship;
  • Four - symbolizes strict traditions, a clear hierarchy;
  • Five - to win a certain business, you may need to use a non-standard approach;
  • Six – it is recommended to use strict measures to achieve what you want. In addition, it is worth showing toughness of character;
  • Seven - justice will prevail, the disputing parties will be able to achieve an unambiguous solution that will suit everyone;
  • Eight - a person will be able to prove that he is right, and will also receive moral pleasure;
  • Nine - you should not trust all the information received, there is a possibility of becoming a victim of blackmail;
  • Ten - indicates that the fortuneteller has set too high standards for himself, which can aggravate his moral state. Also, this combination suggests that a person literally “works hard” to achieve success;
  • Page - symbolizes erudition, sharp mind, insight, creativity and a large amount of energy;
  • Knight - says that a person will experience resounding success, victory in a certain matter;
  • Queen - considered the personification of enterprise, success and satisfaction;
  • King - indicates that the fortuneteller may come up with an innovative idea. Also, this combination indicates that the person is a leader by his calling. Represents a powerful man.

Ace of Swords combined with the suit of Cups

  • Ace - says that the fortuneteller will be able to win the favor of a person and will achieve his loved one. As a rule, the presented combination appears precisely when feelings do not contradict logic at all;
  • Two - in personal relationships it is recommended to use small tricks; also, this combination indicates that the fortuneteller will receive comprehensive knowledge about his beloved;
  • Three - indicates that the fortuneteller is the undisputed leader and has considerable authority in the team;
  • Four - warns that a person risks missing out on a great idea or proposal, may not live up to the expectations of loved ones, or may even commit a rash act to harm everyone;
  • Five - indicates that the individual will be able to overcome depression. However, in some cases it can also be interpreted as disappointment in the world order;
  • Six - regarded as a firm intention to give birth to a child, symbolizes firm principles and openness of views;
  • Seven - a person will be able to overcome his own complexes, overcome uncertainty;
  • Eight - the problem will be solved according to the standard scenario. It is worth noting that in some situations this may foreshadow a break in the relationship;
  • Nine - indicates that the person will be able to win in a controversial situation, but for this it is recommended to use charisma. Also, it can personify a charming leader who can bring many new ideas;
  • Ten is a symbol of the usual ideology, home, standard public opinion;
  • Page – regarded as the appearance of a tempting idea, a profitable agreement;
  • Knight - warns that the fortuneteller may commit a rash act, guided only by his own emotions;
  • Queen - it is recommended to take a decisive action; this combination also symbolizes the sanity that comes to a person with age;
  • King – is regarded as the emergence of a successful idea.

Ace of Swords meaning in combination with the suit of Swords

This minor arcana in combination with the suit of Swords means the following:

  • Two - indicates that between the partners in a relationship there is a complete mismatch of characters, completely different views, and there is unhealthy rivalry;
  • Three - indicates that a person is too selfish, he does not care about other people's feelings. In addition, a person can use power for his own benefit;
  • Four – it is recommended to analyze the situation as thoughtfully as possible, otherwise there is a risk of drawing the wrong conclusions;
  • Five - says that a person can deliberately present himself as a victim in a situation, symbolizes a subtle calculation of the situation;
  • Six - the plan is moving towards its completion, you should be guided by cold calculation;
  • Seven - it is recommended to learn from the experience of others, to show dexterity;
  • Eight - warns that the fortuneteller may fall into someone’s trap; it may require decisiveness in a difficult life situation;
  • Nine - a fortuneteller may receive terrible news, which can be like a blow of fate for him;
  • Ten - personifies the painful thoughts of the fortuneteller. In some cases, it may indicate that a person has bad karma;
  • Page – is a symbol of maximalism and limitation, in the scenario it can be regarded as the need to change the model of behavior;
  • Knight - symbolizes an active young man, there is a possibility that he is a politician or a charming boss;
  • Queen - symbolizes an intelligent woman, this can be either a prudent housewife or head of the family, or an intractable lady or even a single mother;
  • King - says that the fortuneteller is being followed. It is recommended to comply with the law.

Ace of Swords Tarot meaning in combination with the suit of Pentacles

The Ace of Swords in combination with the suit of Pentacles has the following characteristics:

  • Ace - indicates that a person has an entrepreneurial mindset;
  • Two - there is a possibility that the fortuneteller will receive conflicting information that may change his opinion about a certain situation;
  • Troika - the birth of a new project, the emergence of new financial prospects;
  • Four – it is recommended to think practically, use a conservative approach in business;
  • Five - indicates that a person has a stupid idea that can lead to collapse and huge financial losses;
  • Six - indicates that the fortuneteller can become a philanthropist, in some cases it can be regarded as help from the state;
  • Seven - it is not recommended to be afraid to bring ideas to life, it is worth showing your talents;
  • Eight - to achieve success, you should follow a proven method of action;
  • Nine - new business offers may soon appear, the status of the fortuneteller may increase;
  • Ten - the fortuneteller will receive family approval for work, things may improve in the family business, a new way of earning money will appear;
  • Page – it is recommended to carefully study the details when developing a new project;
  • Knight - the fortuneteller’s plan will be brought to life;
  • Queen - before starting your own business, it is recommended to study the feasibility of the undertaking;
  • King - it is recommended to invest profits in something, this will definitely become a useful investment.

Combination with other Tarot Arcana

  • With the lasso “Jester” - a manifestation of either enormous wisdom or immeasurable stupidity.
  • With the “Magician” lasso, you are holding the sword of victory in your hands.
  • With the lasso “High Priestess” - wisdom.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - fertilization.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - the emergence of excellent business plans.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - the discovery of real life values.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - clarity appears in relationships, the struggle for love.
  • With the "Chariot" lasso - a solution to a confusing situation.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - upholding the truth.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso, a person understands himself.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso, you need to be on your guard.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - guardianship of someone.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - the emergence of contradictions.
  • With the lasso “Death” - irrelevant ideas.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - ideas that need to be considered from different angles.
  • With the “Devil” lasso it’s a risky plan.
  • With the Tower lasso - destruction of misconceptions.
  • With the Star lasso - the emergence of a wonderful idea.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - loss in delusion.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - clarity.
  • With the lasso “Court” - helping others.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - an idea that will be approved.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - the emergence of brilliant and inspiring ideas.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” it’s a matter that you need to think about and evaluate its prospects.
  • With the lasso “Three of Wands” - the embodiment of a plan in life.
  • The combination “Ace of Swords - Ace of Pentacles” indicates a lack of support and loss of income.
  • With the lasso “Four of Wands” - birth.
  • The Five of Wands lasso is a controversial matter.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso, your plans will be successfully realized.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso - the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso - receiving an Internet message.
  • With the Nine of Wands lasso it’s a dubious idea.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso, this is an unrealistic project.
  • With the “Page of Wands” lasso, it’s time for successful learning.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” is an idea that will lead you into the unknown.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands” - creative implementation of the plan.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - mastery.

Finally, we recommend watching this educational video:

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

By drawing a card, the fortuneteller can find answers to the following questions:

  • Who am I fighting with?
  • What should you get rid of?
  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • What should be done to get out of this situation?

Important! Tarot is magic, therefore, to obtain the most accurate prediction, it is recommended to ask open questions, specifying the date of execution of the alignment.

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10 (Ten) Tarot Swords: meaning in relationships, love, work and in combination with other cards when…

Alignment for work and career and the first lasso of the Swords suit

  • A new project that takes all your energy and resources.
  • A good prospect for career success, but much more effort needs to be made to achieve it.
  • Work that requires decisive action, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to clearly set priorities. To cope with official responsibilities, you need to keep yourself in good intellectual shape.
  • As a significator of an employee, the Ace of Swords indicates someone who is passionate about business. If we are talking about a company, then it requires only this kind of behavior from its employees - to devote themselves entirely to serving the common cause.
  • Arcanum favors learning. Especially admission to higher educational institutions, as well as changes in the field of work, advanced training.
  • This map is used for scientific activities in any field of knowledge from medicine to programming.

In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords indicates that the project is most likely a failure. He has a lot of shortcomings that the fortuneteller fundamentally does not want to notice, since he is confident in his intellectual superiority and that he cannot make mistakes.

Personal Description

Seriousness, initiative, strength, courage, rude or harsh behavior, the beginning of energy, rapid mobilization of strength. This can be perceived as the presence of a new resource that a person discovers in himself, gaining composure, determination, clarity and balanced actions.

Positive features

Excellent intellect, the ability to make the right decisions, logical thinking, rational action, foresight, analysis. Inspiration, originality of thought, sensitive perception of the situation, professional developments, awareness, intelligence.

By acting constructively, a person can be less confused than he might otherwise be. Self-confidence, enormous willpower, authority and power help when difficulties arise. The Ace of Swords means staying “on the crest of a wave,” eliminating half-heartedness, and lacking self-pity. Others may perceive this as callousness and cruelty, but a person is only interested in justice and objectivity in all cases.

Being completely immersed in the situation, a person can look at what is happening from the outside and see the true reasons for the violations. He is not afraid of difficulty in making decisions. After all, the Ace of Swords is a card of rigor, strict principles, and internal honesty.

Negative traits

The sword stands guard over base interests. Violence is used to solve problems. Cold mind, destruction, destructive force destroys everything in its path. There is a tendency to complicate all situations, this leads to self-destruction and a rigid approach, excessive coldness and prudence. There is an unconscious or conscious desire to leave everyone behind.

On a deeper level

Military courage, the connection between triumph and suffering, war for principles and faith, victory or death. This is air in its purest form, which is the ability to think and reason, to conform to one’s beliefs, the ability to form one’s principles.

The Ace of Swords corresponds to the Higher Mind, cognition, which leads to clarity, the ability to make the right decisions, and consistency of judgment. The card opposes itself to the Two of Swords, which indicates doubts and the need to find inner harmony.

The Ace of Swords in esotericism is considered as the Seed of Power and the environment that received it. There is a clear boundary between the medium and the seed. The seed has not yet sprouted in the medium. They can actively influence each other, the environment can destroy the seed, and it can influence the environment.

Financial forecast card

Intensive work on a project that can provide good profits in the future, but for now the earnings are not too high. If the Ace of Swords falls in direct orientation, there is every chance to improve your financial situation. The main thing is to see them.

But if the lasso falls upside down, the project is a failure. And you need to be able to stop in time so as not to invest too many resources into it, from which there will be no return anyway.

Love and relationships according to Ace of Swords suit

  • Quite often, the lasso indicates the possibility of separation, when partners who have been in conflict for a long time finally find the strength to discuss the situation and understand that it is time to separate. Sometimes such a decision can only be made by one of the couple. But it will be accepted definitively - without the right to amnesty. If the lasso is reversed, the decision is even more painful.
  • For people who associate themselves with the Swords suit, that is, for those who live with their heads and not with their hearts, the appearance of an Ace may indicate sudden love, passion, or a whirlwind romance. This passion has a harsh masculine orientation, which is rarely pleasant for a woman. Even if we are talking about a lady, she acts like a man.
  • Arcanum indicates sex for the sake of a physiological process, without love and tenderness. Often for one-time meetings.
  • As a significator of a partner, it shows a person who is fanatically devoted to his ideas. And his chosen one must share these ideas. If not voluntarily, then forcibly.
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