Major Arcana Tarot Chariot (7 Arcana): meaning and combination with other cards

7 Arcana Chariot symbolizes travel and movement forward. The card is associated with confidence, willpower and victory.


The motto of the card: use your strength and knowledge to control the future.


Keywords reflect the main essence of the map and are easy to remember.


The Chariot indicates profit, but unlike the Empress, this is a one-time profit, a single successful transaction. The profit of the Chariot is often not limited by morality, it can be obtained as a result of deception, cunning, dishonest or illegal means. One of the meanings of this card is related to victory. But this victory is inextricably linked with obtaining trophies and booty. The important point is that we are not talking about a moral victory, but about a victory that brings a clear and obvious improvement in one’s financial situation.


The Chariot is a fast and sharp card, it indicates movement. One of its symbols in modern life can be a car. Car, a common topic of fortune telling. Purchase, sale, technical condition, mysterious malfunctions. An important point: the card can indicate a car as the object of a transaction, and no longer play out in the layout. Those. the presence of the Chariot card indicates that we are talking about a car, and not about how profitable it will be to sell or buy it.


The map talks about the trip. It indicates movement, progress in a situation, its development, both literally and figuratively. She may also just be talking about the trip. Moreover, this is not a trip, but a business, commercial trip, focused on making a profit.

general description

The Chariot (Charioteer) belongs to the group of major arcana. Her number is seven. In the Rider-Waite deck, she is depicted as a goddess sitting on a throne. The image of a woman is endowed with many attributes:

  1. The blue tent is the personification of time.
  2. The four pillars are resilience.
  3. The eight-pointed star above your head is a connection with the sky.
  4. Shoulder straps (or masks) in the shape of crescents are an accessory of the deity.
  5. A bright square on the chest is an earthly beginning.
  6. Blue rod with a gold tip - power.
  7. Belt with astrological signs of the zodiac - control of all elements.
  8. The sun with blue wings on the throne is an identification of heroism.
  9. Black and white sphinxes are the driving force, emotions.
  10. The city in the background - a feeling of leaving, moving forward.
  11. The fair-haired lady herself, sitting on the pedestal, is the queen. She is the mother of the God of spring, the protector from horrors.

The main essence is a symbol of heroic deeds, determination and nobility. It means a sharp thrust forward, the unification of two contradictory parties to achieve a common goal, as well as the beginning of a new cycle.

The card embodies self-control and the triumph of reason. Sphinxes are emotions controlled by the rider.

The goddess of heaven in the layouts carries a certain meaning: composure, self-confidence, determination. She prompts you to take your will into your fist and start acting. At the same time, it can be interpreted as a signal of danger, overestimation of one’s abilities, or intention to get involved in risky undertakings.

Key Ideas

In straight position:

  • overcoming obstacles;
  • determination;
  • victory over temptations;
  • actions;
  • determination;
  • self-discipline;
  • concentration;
  • authority;
  • willpower.

In reverse position:

  • aggression;
  • impotence;
  • feeling of pressure;
  • making hasty decisions;
  • lack of concentration;
  • lack of self-control;
  • compulsion.

General meaning of the card

The Chariot is a card of willpower and dedication. A person has his own opinion and ideas, he knows which decisions will lead him to the best result, and is ready to act. The appearance of the Chariot openly states that it is better not to hope for a miracle, but to focus on action. The card gives strength and courage to overcome any obstacles.

The appearance of a card in a layout already means a successful outcome. The main responsibility of a person is to give himself completely to the task and focus on moving forward. Discipline, inner strength and determination are the qualities needed to achieve a goal. The Chariot recommends acting decisively and speaking loudly about your desires. Nothing can break a person who has strong belief systems and ideals.

In some cases, the Chariot predicts a long journey. Perhaps a person suddenly wants to change his place of residence. An upright lasso can mean something related to driving and moving from one city or country to another.

The Chariot appears when a person is determined to win or achieve success at any cost.

The chariot in the reverse position may mean problems in the work process. A person encounters an obstacle and does not understand what to do. This could be due to new priorities or loss of motivation. The card recommends taking a few steps back, reconsidering your wishes and creating a new plan. There may be a need to change the course of action.

Sometimes, Arcana number 7 in an inverted position is a sign of difficult tasks. A person lacks the will to cope with obstacles and reach the end. The best way to find strength for further action is motivation. There is a need to remember what inspired a person at the beginning of the journey, or to find a new incentive.

For those who prefer to be the creator of their own destiny, the Chariot in the reverse position means a loss of control over the situation. First of all, there is no need to worry. It is impossible to manage everything all the time. A person must accept this fact and direct all his strength to the development of what is most valuable. Sometimes, the desire for control can cloud your judgment.

In layouts

When read, this card means for those who want to achieve a goal that self-control and discipline are extremely important. And then any goal will be achieved, any peak will be conquered.

This card is very suitable for the Cancer sign, it works as a talisman. Cancer has a lot of doubts and fears about something new. They are vulnerable in this regard and want all the time, figuratively speaking, to go into their shell, in which they feel protected. This is wrong: sometimes you need to come out of your shell and explore the world, acquire new skills, new treasures.

When the Chariot card appears in a reading, it may mean that you are in a fighting mood and are full of desire to control your own destiny. The time has come to take risks in order to gain power and strength over circumstances...

The meaning of the Chariot in relationships and love

The Tarot Chariot in relationships usually talks about the importance of self-love. For those in a relationship, the card recommends focusing on personal feelings first. This is especially true for couples who have been together for a long time, and where one partner devotes himself completely to the other. Everyone must develop as an individual and have their own life and interests outside of the relationship.

Focusing on work or other interests does not mean forgetting about your loved one or family.

The best way to take your mind off a relationship is to switch to a hobby. This could be a hobby, a creative project, or a career plan. The Chariot also speaks of self-improvement. Spiritual development involves spending some time alone. In this way, a person will find inner peace and bring harmony to the couple.

On the other hand, the Chariot in a relationship can mean commitment and restrictions. The main thing is mutual responsibility and equal rules for both partners. This creates a special bond between lovers. Setting limits also relieves anxiety and gives confidence. However, a person should not be aggressive and insist on those restrictions that his partner does not agree with. Every issue must be discussed.

For those who are not yet in a relationship, the card recommends enjoying single life. Relationships are not the most important thing in life now, and a person will definitely find a soul mate later. Now is a great time to increase your self-esteem and engage in self-development.

A chariot in an inverted position speaks of responsibility. Sometimes one partner needs more commitment than the other is willing to give. Most likely, this is not the fault of anyone in particular. Lovers simply have different ideas about a healthy relationship.

A person who demands more responsibility from their partner should try to understand their loved one's position. Perhaps there is no need to take everything so seriously. It's better to focus on love and enjoy your relationship. Mutual understanding will help create strong, long-lasting bonds. In addition, putting too much pressure on your partner can lead to separation.

Tarot number 7 in a reversed position often means cooling of feelings. One or both partners do not feel that their relationship has a future. In some cases, this may mean taking a temporary break in order to regain your former passion. If a couple truly loves each other, they will find a way out of any situation.

For those who are single, the reversed Chariot signifies unpreparedness for a relationship. Perhaps a person wants warmth, but he is not ready to bear responsibility. The card does not mean eternal loneliness, but only says that now is not the time for love.

Arcana recommendations for the day

A favorable situation has developed for businessmen. Fruitful work will be rewarded. The instructions are:

  1. Get inspired, get interested.
  2. Conduct constructive negotiations.
  3. Be energetic and dynamic.
  4. Exercise increased self-control.

In an inverted meaning, you will have to abstain. Do not despise the danger, correctly assess the situation, draw conclusions. Today is not the case when it is allowed to leave things to chance. Restrain your impulses, do not let your emotions rise above your reason.


Don't stand still, grab the bull by the horns, rush towards your dreams. Be purposeful, fight for happiness.


Excessive impulses quickly awaken obsession. Putting pressure on others and elevating your own interests will not increase your chances of winning.

The meaning of the Tarot Chariot in finance and work readings

In career matters, the Chariot indicates that a person is overly concerned about the opinions of others. The main thing is to be confident in the correctness of the chosen path, despite criticism. Also, the Chariot recommends not spending a lot of effort on small tasks, but focusing on the big goal. If a person cannot decide on a career, the card advises considering vacancies related to transport or software.

Regarding money, the Chariot in a direct position indicates the need to pay off debts. It is also possible that in the near future a person will want to spend a large amount on purchasing expensive equipment or decide to buy a car.

Ambition and strength are the main elements of the Chariot.

The inverted position of the Arcana means the need to reconsider your attitude towards work. Perhaps the querent incorrectly assesses his powers and the tasks assigned to him. This in turn can lead to overwork or failure to fulfill direct responsibilities.

Hidden meaning and character traits

If the Chariot Tarot card is examined at a deeper level, not the direct, but the hidden sign of the mysterious image is deciphered. This can be a general meaning in life, or a call to fulfill your main purpose, for which you already have everything you need:

  • the help of good and the passivity of evil;
  • weapons and protection;
  • the ability to control a vehicle and the inability to stop it.

Only control and effort, courage, physical and spiritual strength can help to successfully overcome a particular period of life. But after it inevitably comes another, no less important, in which all the qualities of a driver and the skills of controlling the harnessed mythical creatures will again be required.

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The Chariot Tarot card can appear in a layout as a characteristic of the object of fortune-telling or the person for whom the layout is being made. In different compositions it can indicate:

agility, dexterity, determination, assertiveness, resourcefulness in achieving what you want; speed of response and speed of decision-making where it is necessary to instantly navigate and not succumb to possible temptations and provocations of others; refusal of one's own aspirations for fear of not being able to cope, insufficient awareness of the prepared goal, fear of life circumstances; constant vigilance and attention to surrounding circumstances.

If the Chariot appears, then the meaning of the Tarot card suggests an ambiguous interpretation, even in a relationship reading. At the same time, a fortune teller with little experience and insufficient knowledge will see the absence of possible connections, because the path of the Charioteer is the path of a lone warrior.

But a deeper and more balanced interpretation will allow us to see progress towards a new love affair or a joint path in existing ones. And if the Tower is nearby, it will be an inevitable collapse and collapse of hopes at the end of the path, which will be completed in the near future.

Meaning in upright and inverted position

The Chariot Tarot card, like any other lasso, changes its meaning in different positions and combinations with other cards, but it also has other nuances of interpretation - they depend on the nature of the layout. If we are talking about love relationships, then in the upright position this is a sign to a lonely person that it is undesirable to enter into any relationships.

He can also talk about the need to take care of spiritual self-improvement and full concentration. At the same time, the upright position may portend for an unmarried girl an imminent marriage with a change of home or even place of residence, moving with her beloved to a new place.

For a couple, this means joint and harmonious advancement in relationships, possibly the appearance of children or a wedding. In an inverted position, this means betrayal, a casual relationship, short-term adultery, or a return to old ties that were severed painfully and unsuccessfully.

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If the alignment is on business and financial issues, career, then in the upright position this means the need to perform new tasks, acquire new knowledge, control the situation and be fully vigilant. But in an inverted position, the Cart portends accidents and breakdowns on the road, lack of control over a rapidly progressing situation, possible making wrong decisions and slowness exactly where speed and efficiency are needed.

The answer of the card of the day also depends on the position: direct signals the need for decisiveness and correct actions, inverted - about caution, since contradictions and conflicts await, and the outcome of events is not predetermined.

With other arcana

The combination of the Chariot and the Tower is considered the most unfavorable. This situation foreshadows a fall, collapse of plans, sometimes defeat, collapse of hopes and illusions, an accident or accident. The Hanged Man simply symbolizes the need to make decisions. The combination with this lasso says that a person misses numerous opportunities given to him by fate because he does not react quickly enough, and his luck is intercepted by his rivals.

A good harbinger is the presence of a Magician. This is an undoubted triumph - such a couple speaks of favorable circumstances. Sometimes it indicates career growth, and if the Priestess is nearby in the scenario, this means that the subject has an invisible patron, whose help will come in handy at both good and bad times.

The Moon promises future troubles, deception, useless illusions, the Star speaks of the fulfillment of desires, and if the Sun falls nearby, this is a wonderful combination: an undoubted triumph is expected, which will be achieved without much difficulty.


When it comes to health

A person may not have serious health problems, but the Arcanum symbolizes fatigue or overwork, as a result of excessive work and lack of proper rest.

The Chariot is an Arcana that can also represent problems with the digestive system. Eating disorders are a leading cause of health problems. The appearance of the card indicates that a person can quickly gain and lose weight.

In health matters, the card in the reverse position warns of impending accidents, most likely associated with any vehicles or while working with machines.

You should be careful on the road!

The difference between Chariots from different decks

Each artist understood the Tarot suits in his own way. Thanks to an individual approach, the cards are filled with unique content and semantic load.

Tarot of Thoth (Aleister Crowley):

The author endowed Auriga with special mystery. Awareness can be achieved through analysis or meditation. A deity in knightly armor holds the Holy Grail in his hands.


The deck is endowed with an erotic component. However, the lady straddling a movie camera symbolizes dependence on the past, moving backwards. The questioner dreams of memories, ignoring the present.

78 doors:

A musician is depicted. He is at the peak of his popularity, clearly enjoying his status. The background was filled with a crowd of celebrating fans. The fortuneteller needs to understand: is the triumph sincere or is it just an ordinary game for the public?


The connection with promotion is clearly visible. For complete victory, you just need to gather your strength and awaken the “pioneer spirit” in yourself.


Cats are associated with independence, curiosity, courage and tenacity. Associations with joy, satisfaction with the state of affairs, and a high fighting spirit.


Made in the traditional style of ancient culture. The uniqueness lies in the interpretation of the reversed card: self-control, lack of emotions, composure.

Psychological characteristics of personality

The person represented by the Chariot card is strong, powerful and successful. He is usually stubborn and is not used to giving up. His success is possible thanks to self-discipline and strict control. The Chariot often indicates that the querent strives for success, has a desire to work hard to get what he wants.

In some cases, even resorting to violence when an obstacle blocks his way. At the same time, he is not averse to showing off his successes to others at any opportunity, showing his superiority.

The Chariot often hides behind a mask, keeping its emotions under control to hide its vulnerability.

Connection of the Chariot with the signs of the zodiac

The Chariot is the 9th sign of the upper zodiac. It corresponds to the constellation Ursa Major, consisting of 7 stars. Each of them reveals a separate talent in a person. The symbol helps to develop all abilities at once, which gives a person great strength and potential.

The map corresponds to such zodiac signs as Cancer and Leo, since the time of the Chariot is from July 16 to 29, and its most active period falls on July 22–25. Representatives of these signs are strong enough to make any of their dreams come true, but they often waste their energy on ineffective actions.

The meaning of the Chariot Tarot card in combination with the Major Arcana

In general, the Chariot is considered a positive card. Combination with other cards of the Major Arcana will help determine in which aspect of life the querent will succeed.

JesterUnpredictable situation, chaosForceSerious obstacle, conflict resolution
MageStart of a journey, change of activity, tripHangedRisk of injury, indecisiveness, loss of strength
High PriestessAny effort will be rewarded, wise decisionDeathMissed opportunities, desire for change, anxiety
EmpressTrouble, love adventure, high demandsModerationAcquiring valuable skills, fighting for beliefs, leaving
EmperorWinning, desire for leadership, determinationDevilYou should be careful on the road, loss of position, restrictions
High Priest (Hierophant)Authority, self-discipline, health problemsTowerHeavy burden, wounded pride, problems at work
LoversAnxiety and rumination, desire to sort out relationshipsStarFinding true purpose, successful cooperation
ChariotMoonA mistake, secrets, a desire for a change of scenery
Justice (Justice)Unforeseen obstacles, insensitivity, calculation in relationshipsSunPleasant acquaintances, a surge of inspiration, a long-awaited vacation
HermitDesire to be alone, changes are postponedCourtRebirth of feelings, career prospects
Wheel of FortuneMoving towards a goal, a trip in pleasant companyWorldFulfillment of hopes, truce, travel abroad

Image of the arcana in different decks

Basic map symbols

The Chariot has 4 supports, which symbolize 4 elements:

  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Water;
  • Earth.

The Tarot Chariot symbolizes the four elements.
Their mission is to support the firmament, symbolizing the mind and manifestations of spirituality. The canopy strewn with stars represents the High Priestess. The Charioteer is the son of the Goddess, a warrior who came to save humanity.

Sphinxes are a symbol of a riddle, a secret power, by harnessing which the Charioteer will be able to reach different worlds.

They personify light and shadow, which are inseparable and follow a person throughout his entire life’s journey.

Key ideas of the map

The key ideas of the 7th Arcana include:

  1. Constant movement, new events, change of activity, quantum leap.
  2. Victory, luck, triumph.
  3. Dexterity, strength, ability to cope with problems.
  4. Activity, energy, optimism.
  5. I thirst for change and new experiences.
  6. Overcoming all obstacles.

The Chariot in combination with other Minor Arcana Tarot cards

The appearance of the Chariot in Tarot layouts next to the cards of the Minor Arcana will have the following meanings.

With the Suit of Swords

This combination may indicate that the person has decided to move forward and leave all problems in the past.

AceA disaster, an accident that can be avoidedEightAccident, crisis, turning point
DeuceVictory at any cost, obsession with the ideaNineClues of fate that are worth listening to
TroikaA trip that will not bring resultsTenPremonition of danger near a loved one
FourDestroyed hopes, confusionPageAdvanced training, training
FivePostponed tripKnightReceiving Honors
SixMoving, you should be wary of conflictsQueenEmergency, delusion
SevenForced lonelinessKingWaiting for news from afar


The Chariot, together with cards from the Suit of Pentacles, foreshadows successful business deals, victory over competitors or career advancement.

Suit of Wands

So, if the Chariot fell from the “Ace of Wands” , this means that the person does not correctly assess his strength.

The “Two of Wands” indicates the presence of different sides to resolving the issue and the need to determine a way out.

The Three of Wands foresees lucrative contracts, the signing of which will be unexpected.

“Four of Wands” and “Chariot” warn about visiting loved ones outside your home.

The Five of Wands advises you to set your priorities correctly to achieve your goals.

The Six of Wands speaks of the need to choose the right course.

The Seven of Wands card warns against filing a claim.

The coincidence of the 7 Tarot and the Eight of Wands speaks of arriving at the finishing point.

“Nine of Wands” carries information about possible imminent injuries.

The Ten of Wands foretells the loss of valuables or destruction.

“Page of Wands” all problems will be overcome.

Combination with the “Knight of Wands” will indicate the thoughtless commission of wrong actions.

An alliance with the “Queen of Wands” tells of an imminent career advancement, while the “King of Wands” forces you to show yourself to the maximum.

Card of the day and advice

The Senior Arcana Chariot portends success and overcoming any obstacles. The main thing is not to miss the moment and act, fully concentrating on work. Only self-confident individuals win. A person must express his thoughts openly and believe in his ideas.

If there is a lack of internal energy, there may be a need for additional motivation. The best way is to visualize the expected success. The Chariot speaks of the advisability of working in a team. It is important to maintain balance and harmony within the team, listening to the needs and feelings of people, without abdicating the main responsibility.

Arkan asks you to be strong, but not pushy.

Ideals and life goals

And yet, no matter how important the family plays in the life of a Chariot man, his main passion, interest and meaning of existence lie in the development of his talent and self-realization

It is from the ranks of such people that the real geniuses of their craft emerge; it is only important that the person defines this business for himself. Moreover, the profitability or prestige of the occupation does not play a special role: a Chariot person costs nothing to quit his position as a manager in a bank and open his own cheese factory from scratch, despite the fears and risks, because he is interested in the process of cheese ripening

Or rent out an apartment in the capital for pennies and go to India, learn the secrets of the universe and your soul.

True, it is one thing when the steps taken become the result of leisurely and cold deliberation; here a person has every chance of achieving success. But let’s not forget that Chariot people are extremely impulsive, so before making fateful decisions, it’s not a bad idea for them to get into the habit of giving themselves a week or two to calm down and approach the task from the position of a cold mind, rather than an ardent heart.

Another danger lies in pride, which often develops in Chariot people out of proportion to their achievements and has a destructive impact on all areas of life, from personal to professional. Having embarked on the path of self-aggrandizement, the “charioteer” stops working on himself, stops developing and no longer lives up to the mission entrusted to him by the Upper Zodiac: to create, to search, to change the world for the better.

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